
關於建商表價與議價策略的討論,國內尚缺乏專文,本文將表價與議價策略決策分為兩階段論述,並以二項式logistic模型討論建商表價與議價策略。建商較少採用價格區隔策略,與近代行銷理念趨向消費者區隔取向不同,在房地產實行市場區隔訂價策略是否能降低風險或提升報酬,則有待進一步研究。主流產品,競爭對象多,會以高表價作出區隔,高議價空間來減低交易失敗率;流動性高市場傾向榨取訂價以獲得更多利潤,非因預計需求的情況決策,較受總體因素影響。 / Firms often use asking prices and discount rates as their strategies of promoting products. So do real estate developers. Previous literatures mainly focus on the relationship of asking prices and discount rates of existing houses sold by homeowners or brokers, but ignore the interrelationship and strategy of them of new houses sold by developers. First, using 3SLS model, this paper finds that there is a positive effects between asking price and discount rate. For instance, the increase of 10,000 NTD per ping of asking prices raises 0.27% of discount rate, in the other side, the increase of 1% of discount rate brings up 55,000 NTD per ping.
Next, we use binomial logistic model to analyze developers’ asking prices and discount rates strategies by regarding them as two-steps decision makings. The finding is developers still prefer going rate pricing as their marketing approach. The effectiveness of segmented pricing to reduce risk or raise return needs to be tested in the future. Third, due to high competitiveness of main stream products, developers intend to take high asking prices and discount rates to increase the probability of transaction. Last but not least, developers affected by macro-factors in a high liquidity period like to take skimming pricing strategy to grab more profits.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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