應用SOA於企業資訊整合之研究-以S公司為例 / Research into application of SOA in Enterprise Information Integration - On Example of a mobile phone company S

多年來企業IT隨著營運需要, 百家齊放, 多方應用應運而生, ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…..多的無法數計的各樣大型中型小型企業營運及管解析決方案。企業要如何面對競爭激烈的市場?又能保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?如何在最短的時間內取得營運資訊? 又如何將資料彙整成資訊進而轉變成為具體可行的決策?

基於以上述企業迫切的需求,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標以及就更加重要了! 但是, 隨著資訊的發展, 企業往往因應當時需要導入許多的解決方案, 時日一久, 疊床架屋, 各類應用及系統間, 產生越來越複雜的關係, 整合的需求也隨之而來

而EAI 應用整合平台乃至利用Web Service 加上SOA的新架構,及時提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進一步協助企業降低各種應用整合的風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化對外客戶及供應商的合作關係,從而產生對企業的效益。

本研究使用個案探討的方式,選定幾個個案主體內部因應企業發展所遭遇的問題及於資訊平台上的挑戰做分析及可行性方案做建議,針對手機流通業在內部系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業資訊整合及SOA導入所可能帶來的效益, 同時也探討SOA的迷思與陷阱。

對於手機流通產業而言,企業資源規劃ERP, 流程控制平台、客戶關係管理系統、結帳系統、獎金系統、後勤應用平台系統…等是企業營運的核心也就是整合的開端與標的,亦是整合重點之所在。經由類似於EAI平台導入或建立SOA架構,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步與高度整合,更提供決策人員快速反應的營運資訊。

本研究探討手機流通業者在系統建置過程中,如何運用企業整合平台之特性及新興的SOA架構, 利用有效的Framework以整合各異質性平台應用系統以達到資訊與資料的整合及有效率的資料交換,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致及同步的資訊,並因而提高資訊的可用度及對客戶的快速服務,並增加企業的競爭力。 / With numerous emerging information technologies and solutions (e.g. ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…etc), decision makers strive to choose the ones which fit their organizations the most. In order to keep competitive in the market, enterprises need these technologies to stay responsive to operating information and flexible to changes. However, this is not an easy question to answer. Most of the IT officiers today are facing complex IT landscapes with many disconnected and legacy systems. Many Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platforms suggest solutions to this problem but fail to fulfill their promises because of costly TCO and inadequate compatibility.
Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a practical and affordable solution to the above question. This essay proposes an SOA implementation plan to a mobile phone distribution company with some case studies. Through this implementation plan, we try to analyze the possible ROI and foreseeable risk. In our case, the legacy and disconnected systems include ERP system, OA system, CRM system, account closing system, bonus calculation system and logistic support system. We also discuss how SOA framework can facilitate the implementation process.

Creators詹豫峰, Chan, Yu Feng
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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