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應用SOA於企業資訊整合之研究-以S公司為例 / Research into application of SOA in Enterprise Information Integration - On Example of a mobile phone company S詹豫峰, Chan, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
多年來企業IT隨著營運需要, 百家齊放, 多方應用應運而生, ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…..多的無法數計的各樣大型中型小型企業營運及管解析決方案。企業要如何面對競爭激烈的市場?又能保持內部流程的彈性去因應變化?如何在最短的時間內取得營運資訊? 又如何將資料彙整成資訊進而轉變成為具體可行的決策?
基於以上述企業迫切的需求,如何運用資訊科技來達到企業的目標以及就更加重要了! 但是, 隨著資訊的發展, 企業往往因應當時需要導入許多的解決方案, 時日一久, 疊床架屋, 各類應用及系統間, 產生越來越複雜的關係, 整合的需求也隨之而來
而EAI 應用整合平台乃至利用Web Service 加上SOA的新架構,及時提供了企業對應用系統的整合,維持流程的彈性應用,更進一步協助企業降低各種應用整合的風險、節省資訊軟體的開發與維護成本、強化對外客戶及供應商的合作關係,從而產生對企業的效益。
本研究使用個案探討的方式,選定幾個個案主體內部因應企業發展所遭遇的問題及於資訊平台上的挑戰做分析及可行性方案做建議,針對手機流通業在內部系統上整合的議題作探討,並說明企業資訊整合及SOA導入所可能帶來的效益, 同時也探討SOA的迷思與陷阱。
對於手機流通產業而言,企業資源規劃ERP, 流程控制平台、客戶關係管理系統、結帳系統、獎金系統、後勤應用平台系統…等是企業營運的核心也就是整合的開端與標的,亦是整合重點之所在。經由類似於EAI平台導入或建立SOA架構,提供營運應用系統之間資訊的同步與高度整合,更提供決策人員快速反應的營運資訊。
本研究探討手機流通業者在系統建置過程中,如何運用企業整合平台之特性及新興的SOA架構, 利用有效的Framework以整合各異質性平台應用系統以達到資訊與資料的整合及有效率的資料交換,並藉由資訊的及時傳遞提供各不同應用系統使用者一致及同步的資訊,並因而提高資訊的可用度及對客戶的快速服務,並增加企業的競爭力。 / With numerous emerging information technologies and solutions (e.g. ERP, BPM, SCM, CRM…etc), decision makers strive to choose the ones which fit their organizations the most. In order to keep competitive in the market, enterprises need these technologies to stay responsive to operating information and flexible to changes. However, this is not an easy question to answer. Most of the IT officiers today are facing complex IT landscapes with many disconnected and legacy systems. Many Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) platforms suggest solutions to this problem but fail to fulfill their promises because of costly TCO and inadequate compatibility.
Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) offers a practical and affordable solution to the above question. This essay proposes an SOA implementation plan to a mobile phone distribution company with some case studies. Through this implementation plan, we try to analyze the possible ROI and foreseeable risk. In our case, the legacy and disconnected systems include ERP system, OA system, CRM system, account closing system, bonus calculation system and logistic support system. We also discuss how SOA framework can facilitate the implementation process.
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雲端運算環境下學習社群服務導向架構平台之研究 / A study of service oriented architecture based learning communities platform in cloud computing environment劉俊宏 Unknown Date (has links)
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新巴賽爾協定下銀行企業貸款本體論流程網路服務建置之研究洪文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
本體論的運用除了可以系統化的表達知識之外,亦可運用於流程管理上。首先,本研究在服務導向架構之基礎下,運用本體論訂定企業貸款類型,形成現有企業貸款業務與新巴賽爾資本協定資產類別之對應。其次,再依據新巴賽爾資產分類進行資本計提;本研究透過本體論流程(Ontology Workflow),呼叫並執行服務導向架構之企業金融放款網路服務模組,依不同之巴賽爾資產分類,以直通式的自動流程實踐巴賽爾風險控管規範的要求。
另外,研究中以Protégé軟體實作企業貸款之本體論及其風險控管之直通式本體論流程,並使用微軟.Net網路服務技術開發相關企業貸款風險控管網路服務,建置出ㄧ雛型系統以驗證本體論與服務導向架構形成直通式風控流程之可行性,最後提出相關建議與未來研究方向。 / The adoption of Financial Holding Company Act relaxes the restriction of financial institutes business and allows the establishment of financial holdings by completing acquisition of other companies by financial institutes. Meanwhile, due to Asia’s financial crisis and the occurrence of other financial irregularities, The Bank for International Settlement established New Basel Capital Accord in 2004 to demand every financial institute in the world follow the related management way in the accord to control risks. How to found the Straight Through Process (STP) that fits New Basel Capital Accord to accurately execute some related risk management regulations in capital accord for financial institutes based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) integrated heterogeneous system is the main problem in financial institutes.
The manipulation of Ontology not only can present knowledge systematically but can apply in Business Process Management. First, this research is based on service oriented architecture and further applied Ontology to make traditional asset class of corporate loan to form the present corporate loan corresponding with New Basel Capital Accord asset class of corporate loan. Second, Capital Charge is proceeded based on New Basel Capital Asset Class, and e-loan web services can be called and executed using Ontology Workflow. According to different New Basel Capital Asset Class, the requirement of Basel risk management principals can be practiced by STP.
Moreover, this research uses Protégé software to practice the Ontology of corporate loan and the Ontology of risk management STP then followed by using Microsoft .Net technology to build up e-loan web services and further set up a prototype to confirm the probability of STP risk control process and finally propose suggestions and further research.
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應用服務導向方法論於新巴塞爾協定之最低資本要求康世璋 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的專案開發過程中,商業需求的分析和解決方案的設計及實作是兩個明顯分開的步驟,一般來說,分析師收集並文件化商業需求,之後交給架構師及開發人員去設計並建構相對應的邏輯。服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)是一種新興的分散式系統架構,它還包含了一些設計準則、樣式(pattern),以及技巧。從先前的經驗得知,傳統的開發流程像物件導向分析與設計(Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, OOAD)已不敷使用,加上對實作服務導向架構日趨龐大的需求,因此我們需要一種專門的開發方法論。
不僅如此,服務導向架構更強調商業分析與邏輯實作之間的關係,藉由Erl[7]所提出的服務導向分析與設計(Service-Oriented Analysis and Design, SOAD)方法中,我們得知一系列的流程及步驟,以及他所建議的指導方針。本研究即參考現有初步的服務導向分析與設計方法,以某銀行之信用風險管理系統為例,透過實際參與訪談及規劃,驗證現有的方法論,並加以修正及提出自己的想法。希望經由本研究所分析的流程,對於發展服務導向架構所需遵循的步驟及產出的XML文件能更加清晰及完備,並了解到採用服務導向架構所帶來的彈性,讓系統中的任一元件都能隨時替換,而不影響原有之功能。
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服務導向設計樣式應用於財務金融指標評估之研究蔡承序, Tsai,Chen Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的物件導向設計已發展出許多成熟的設計樣式(Design Pattern)用來解決軟體設計上的問題,服務導向架構(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA) 在近年來不斷的被討論,服務導向架構的設計樣式逐漸在發展中。本論文以物件導向設計樣式為基礎,發展一服務導向設計樣式-財務金融指標評估(Financial Evaluation) Façade,應用於財務金融領域,進行財務金融指標的評估。可依不同的財務金融指標評估需求對財務金融指標評估Façade實作,以達到系統目的。 / There are many mature design patterns already developed with traditional Object-Oriented Design for resolving problems of software design. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is discussed constantly in the recent years, and Service-Oriented design patterns are developed gradually. In this paper, we develop a Service-Oriented design pattern - Financial Index Evaluation Façade which based on Object-Oriented design patterns. It is a domain-specific design pattern applied to financial index evaluation. For different situation, we can implement Financial Index Evaluation Façade for request to achieve system objective.
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服務導向企業入口網站 / Building Security Services Architecture for黃邦平, Huang, Pang Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的成果及效益包括:(1)分析探討企業入口網站在服務導向架構應用下所衍生的不同安全需求(2)提出一個以服務導向企業入口網站為主的安全服務架構。(3)此架構可完整支援服務導向企業入口網站安全功能,並具有因應日後企業安全需求增加的擴充彈性,能持續強化企業入口網站安全性。 / To develop Enterprise Portal System, most enterprises always meet the problem of satisfying numerous security standards and dealing with complicated programming languages. It still lacks an integrated security solution which could provide enterprises an easy way to complete this task. Therefore, this technical problem leads to an entrance barrier and significant corresponding cost to enterprises when deploying their portal. Service-Oriented Architecture is a promising framework to improve the situation. Service-Oriented Architecture framework is distributed, combinable, standardized which and develop the security mechanisms security mechanisms in Service-Oriented Architecture environment. Considering the advantage of Service-Oriented Architecture, this study explores the possibility of building Security Services for Service-Oriented Enterprise Portal. This study analyzes Service-Oriented Architecture security and security services. In addition, the authors propose a Service-Oriented security service prototype architecture for enterprise portal to meet its security requirements. This architecture can integrate service-oriented security services into enterprise portal applications and improve security level. Accordingly, it could develop a highly reliable enterprise portal and create a better competitiveness. The work done by this study includes (1) analyzes the security requirements in a service-oriented enterprise portal, (2) proposes a new framework for enterprise portal service-oriented security services, and (3) demonstrate this framework can support complete security functions for enterprise portal, be flexibility to increase security functions for demands in the future and continue to strengthen the enterprise portal security. By considering this new framework, the design a Enterprise Portal System could be more convenient and secure and it will benefit the development of enterprise in the future.
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基於雲端運算架構之期貨投資策略服務-以高頻交易系統為例 / A Future Investment Strategy Service based on Cloud Computing Architecture - Taking a High-frequency Trading System as an Example林承翰, Lin, Cheng Han Unknown Date (has links)
1. 系統後端採用雲端SOA架構,將整個龐大的交易系統切割佈署到雲端叢集之上,並提供單一的Façade介面供外部使用者呼叫;系統前端畫面的設計遵循Yahoo UI嚴格的MVC架構規範,並保證前端的View與Model與後端的資料達成同步。
2. 不斷接收來自外部的即時報價訊息,並產生海量的即時市場狀態資訊,包含多種技術分析指標、買賣規則…等,以供高頻交易的策略作為買賣的依據。
3. 利用Java Message Service將大量的即時市場狀態資訊快速、非同步的派送給分佈在雲端叢集各節點的系統模組,並採取Publisher-Subscriber的模式來維持分散後各系統模組之間的鬆散關係。
4. 多樣化的統計演算法模型可供使用者作為產生優良的個人化投資策略之依據。產生的新策略可馬上投入即時的模擬交易環境下監控與評估其策略績效。
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新巴賽爾協定下服務導向架構(SOA)之研究—以銀行企業金融信用風險控管流程為例劉名旂, Lue, Ming Chi Unknown Date (has links)
因此本研究發展一套服務導向架構的系統平台,將符合新巴塞爾規範下信用風險模型使用的過程與方法以網路服務的方式模組化,銀行可以藉由系統平台所提供的流程架構,搜尋符合新巴塞爾協定的信用風險模型並加以測試與使用。本研究並以一般銀行企業貸款的流程為基礎,提出一個資訊架構來建構銀行企業貸款控管流程,並建置一套企業線上貸款雛型系統,將授信人員所需資訊,透過系統化的方式呈現出來以作為決策的參考,並透過信用風險模組計算其違約機率,最後計算此貸款所需計提的資本,以符合新巴塞爾協定規範。 / Several related institutes and scholars have been researched and developed various credit risk models based on the internal ratings based approach of New Basel Capital Accord. However, for finance corporations, how to analyze the information required for every stage, select relevant methods flexibly through information technology, find manners that really match the evaluation model required for banks, then provide managers the estimative examine to stand on decision properly by establishing an effective information construction from scattered different information system during trust.
Furthermore, proposing the capital to fit New Basel Capital Accord is the most important issue for finance corporations.
Therefore, this research develops a systematic platform based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and modulates the processes and methods used for credit risk models that match New Basel Capital Accord by Web Services; thus, banks can test and use the credit risk model that matches New Basel Capital Accord by searching the process framework provided by systematic platform. This research is also based on the loan procedure of general corporate lending and proposes a systematic framework to build up the control process for corporate lending. Moreover, by establishing a system for online corporate lending, the information required for trustees can be presented as indications of decision through systematization, and calculates the proposed capital required for the loan by counting the default probability via credit risk model to fit New Basel Capital Accord.
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跨組織服務導向架構整合平台之研究黃明發 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據上述結論,對金融服務業者與企業提出相關建議,以及未來進一步研究之議題。 / Most enterprises adopt the concept of electronic business in the recent years. Since the system development is neither the competitiveness of core business nor the capacity for IT resources, seeking for a solution of on-demand IT application is a very important topic for most small-medium enterprises (SME).
The emergence of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) provides a solution of system integration for many enterprises. However, we should not view the system integration only as the aspect of Service-Oriented Architecture. We should think that how enterprises offer better services or products in order to satisfy customer demands. Then, based on these services or products, we go further to think about the system integration of the internal and external resources for the enterprise. In sum, the solution of SOA should be based on the enterprise strategy.
This research will apply SOA in the section of enterprise transaction and finance services. From the internal to external corporations, this research proposes an integrated platform of SOA “cross organization and business process management”. For small-medium enterprises, they could fully and easily utilize the IT services in the service warehouse from IT service providers. As a result, SME could concentrate on the competitiveness of core business. On the other hand, enterprise could obtain the advantage of electronic business. For IT service providers, they could make use of their capacity of system development to service many SME who have less ability of software development. Moreover, IT service providers could increase profit of the model for less production but more sales.
In the end, this research will recommend some solutions for financial service providers and enterprises based on above mentioned conclusion, and also address further research topics in the future.
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服務導向架構網路服務整合金融資產帳戶之研究張宏斌, Chang , Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的興起,改變了使用者的消費習慣,顧客可以透過網路使用金融服務,也使得越來越多的金融機構投入發展網路銀行,提供顧客一次購足服務(One-Stop-Service/Shopping)、多樣化金融服務通道(Service Channel)及24小時全年無休服務等金融交易方式。但是,使用者對於網路銀行仍有安全上的考慮,擔心網站業者盜用其帳號或駭客入侵等問題。另一方面,由於各家銀行的帳戶資料與其它家銀行不相同,資料標準不一致,以致難以動態整合帳戶,遲遲無法提供整合帳戶的報表。
歸納本研究成果在於:(1)透過XML和網路服務等相關技術,達成金融機構資訊交換。(2)採用服務導向架構,動態搜尋服務與動態配置帳戶欄位,達到金融跨行帳戶彙整。(3)提供整合性客戶端帳戶整合報表。 / The rising of the Internet has changed user-consuming behaviors, and the customers could use the financial services with the Internet. Therefore, more and more financial institutions develop their banking websites to provide their customers One-Stop-Service/Shopping, Service Channels, and service around the year. Still the customers take the website security into consideration, such as account misappropriation by the website broker, hacker invasion, and so on. Besides, account data of a bank are different from the others, so that it is hard to integrate their account to provide entire aggregate account reports.
This thesis applies the Services Oriented Architecture of Web Service and integrates customers’ asset account to resolve the above problems. The financial institutions publish their web services into Universal, Description, Discovery and Integration, and the customers can receive their account financial data to present aggregate account report through the combination of the account attributes name within the common platform. This design framework can ensure that the financial institutions will transfer account financial data to the end clients without other brokers.
The contributions of this thesis are (1) the accomplishment of the data exchange in financial institutions through XML, Web Services, etc., (2) the adoption of Services Orient Architecture to dynamically search services and allocate account attributes in order to integrate the cross banking accounts, and (3) the supply of the aggregate accounts for end clients.
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