台灣期貨市場的資訊交易機率 / A Study of the Probability of Informed Trading in Taiwan Futures Market

本篇文章援引Easley and O’Hara (2002) 所完整建構出來的理論模型,探討台灣期貨市場的資訊交易機率。我們選取台灣十年期政府公債期貨為樣本,以兩個月為期間,在流動性考量下,納入日內資料的每筆交易,實証結果顯示,台灣十年期公債期貨市場資訊交易機率僅為0.23。我們將台灣公債期貨市場資訊交易機率低的原因歸因其缺乏流動性,並進一步就流動性低的原因提出解釋。 / This paper follows Easley and O’Hara (2002) and estimates the probability of information-based trading in Taiwan Futures Market. We use the intraday data of 10-year Government Bond Futures in Taiwan Futures Exchange, including all transactions as trades in a trading day for liquidity. Our empirical result shows that the risk of information-based trading is quite low since the estimated probability of the information-based trading of 10-year Government Bond Futures is only 0.23. We attribute this result to the illiquidity of 10-year Government Bond Futures, and we provide several explanations for the illiquidity.
Creators簡秀如, Chien,Hsiu Ju
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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