中學校長服務領導與教師專業承諾 / The Study of the Relationship between the Principals’ Servant-Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Commitment in Secondary Schools

最後,本研究根據研究發現,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、中學校長以及後續研究參考。 / The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. This study included literature analysis and questionnaire survey to be the survey methods. The purpose of literature analysis was aimed to explore the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools. Based on arranging related theory, researcher made the questionnaires of this study. The data of this study was analyzed 517 sampling subjects by description statistics, t-test, ANOVA and LISREL model. According to the statistics analysis of the questionnaire, we can get the following results.
A. In the aspect of principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools
1. The principals’ servant-leadership includes four parts, which are (1) humane concern, (2) vision sharing, (3) professional innovation and (4) reasonable persuasion. For all, the best dimension is “vision sharing”.
2. Sexual, age, years of service, incumbent duty, school scale, school type, and principals’ sexual have significant influences on principals’ servant-leadership.
B. In the aspect of teachers’ professional commitment
1. The teachers’ professional commitment includes three parts, which are (1) professional identity and job involvement, (2) professional relationship and position-retaining intention, (3) professional ethics and advanced study. For all, the best dimension is “professional identity and job involvement”.
2. Age, highest education, incumbent duty, school scale, school site, and school type have significant influences on teachers’ professional commitment.
C. In the aspect of the relationship between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools
1. There was positive correlation existed between principals’ servant-leadership and teachers’ professional commitment in secondary schools.
2. Principals’ servant-leadership in secondary schools did promote teachers’ professional commitment.
In the last part, according to the findings and results, the researcher proposed some suggestion for the educational officers and the principals of secondary schools, hoping to benefit the improvement and development of education of secondary schools in the future.

Creators陳惠茹, Hui Ju Chen
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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