韓國流行音樂進入大中華市場之行銷策略: 以Super Junior在臺灣為例 / The Marketing Strategy of Korean Pop Music Entering Greater China Market: A Case of Super Junior in Taiwan

韓國流行音樂(K-Pop)逐漸在世界各地展露頭角,在台灣更使得哈日風潮逐漸被取代,成為最暢銷的外語專輯。本研究欲探討韓國流行音樂如何進軍以台灣為首的大中華市場,希望藉由Super Junior的例子,找出K-Pop成功行銷的秘訣。
經研究發現,不論是S.M.或是avex taiwan的規劃,種種努力皆是以「華語歌手、藝人」的角度來生產「在地偶像」,希望減少觀眾對Super Junior所代表「韓國」的印象,進而在華語流行音樂市場中創立新偶像。 / Korean Pop Music (K-Pop) gradually gained popularity around the world and became the most popular foreign pop music genre in Taiwan in 2009, replacing the long dominating Japanese Pop Music. The purpose of this study is to investigate how K-Pop entered the Greater China market by looking at the marketing strategy of Super Junior in Taiwan.
The major finding of this dissertation is that all of S.M. and avex taiwan’s efforts were directed to making Super Junior a “local idol” in Taiwan. In other words, they wanted Super Junior to be a Chinese pop music star. These two companies tried to reduce the Korean impressions on Super Junior, and tried to create a new idol group in the Chinese pop music market.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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