電視新聞工作者取用第三方影音素材之研究 / Evaluating third party video(TPV): How TV reporters work with crowd-sourced AV materials?

自2008年Youtube熱潮席捲全球之後,以影音分享為主的媒介消費行為逐漸成為常態,在這股集體協作並開放分享的浪潮下,新聞組織亦不免於其外,開始盛行以取材於眾(crowdsourcing)的新聞產製模式增加新聞素材來源的多樣性。電視新聞工作者取用網友拍攝後上傳的第三方影音內容(third party video,TPV)作為新聞素材的一部分,使得眾多使用者生產內容(User-generated content/ produsage)漸成為電視新聞畫面的一大主軸。


本研究因此針對TPV的查證提供若干建議:(1)從第三方的角度客觀觀察,避免淪為有心人士操弄的工具;(2)設法從發文者的字面敘述中或直接從影像中找到可辨識的地點、物件與人物,據此找到當事者;(3)盡力找到消息來源,若無法與消息來源取得聯繫,則應轉而尋找當事者、公正第三方如警察、或是向媒體同業詢問;(4)到事發現場勘查;(5)題材為各種網路傳言時,可請專家以實驗的方式證實。本研究並整理出幾項適用於各種情境的查證原則:質疑優先、詰問必備、資料比對、邏輯至上與經驗輔助。 / Crowdsourcing is an important trend and affects major parts of our lives. More notably, bulk of our news consumption consists of crowdsourced content; these content are what we call third party video or TPV for short. In recent years, we see an increased use of TPV in the Taiwanese media landscape, especially in news reporting and creation.

Using crowdsourced content in news presents two major problems: 1. Over half of the TV news today uses crowdsourced TPV. These content often contain controversial materials. These controversial materials are often selected in bid to manipulate its audience. . 2. Due to the nature of crowdsourced TPV, news reporters have difficulties identifying the source of these content. Since more than half of the news reporting today uses TPV, this makes news highly suspicious. Although this research finds that reporters do attempt to verify its sources, these attempts are far from vigorous: new reporters often adopt one of the following ways in order to verify their news sources: cross validating their data using the Internet, remake opinions based on netizens/cyber-citizens or changing the agenda of the news content. In the worst case, news reporters avoid or skip validation of their news sources altogether.

This research provides the following suggestions in solving the above mentioned problems: (1) prevention of content manipulation by malicious parties so that consumer of news content are not manipulated or swayed. This ensures that the news presented is unbiased, objective and fair. (2) Verifying TPV can include attempts to find any recognizable location, object, or figure from TPV as tips to trace origin. (3) News reporters can try their best to get in touch with the news sources. If this cannot be done, try to get in touch with unbiased third parties, such as the police force or people same as your profession.(4) News reporters can also attempt to perform on-site investigation may be contributed to find the truth. (5) If the issue is about rumors on the internet, news reporters may consult experts on the subject matter for clarification. Finally, this study summarized essential factors for verification applied in a various situations: Doubting, Cross-examination, Cross validation, logic, and experience.

Creators蕭伊貽, Hsiao, Yi I
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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