會展產業薪酬制度與商業模式之適配性探討–以展覽運輸業E為例 / Compensation and business model in exhibition logistics - E Company case study



然而,國內探討展覽運輸服務業的文獻相當稀少,就連相關的研究報告亦不多。基於此,本研究藉由台灣展覽運輸服務業中已經營二十幾年且獲利位居上位的個案公司E,探討該公司在過去二十幾年中,如何適配其商業模式及薪酬制度,以確保員工能夠協助公司有效執行其競爭策略,達成所設定的營運目標,俾利展覽運輸業及會展產業作為參考運用。 / Due to MICE industry’s being able to assist firms taking advantage of market opportunities, appealing to the target segments efficiently, and create enormous market value; it has been emphasized and promoted by countries all around the world, and hence become one of the most fast-growing industries.

Among the segments of MICE industry, Exhibition logistics is a very important and challenging sub sector with potential niches to develop. Besides, due to firms’ engaging in Exhibition logistics being facing lots of challenges, a great part of which come from the different customs regulation, they have to be equipped with in-depth knowledge and experience regarding exhibitions and custom clearance, which makes the subsector a potential object worthy digging into.

However, there is rare literature concerning exhibition logistics, let along related reports. Therefore, this thesis adopts case study method and researches into Company A, which has been engaged in exhibition logistics for more than twenty years and earned relatively strong profit, to understand how it matches its business model and compensation so as to make sure that its employees could execute its competitive strategy effectively.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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