夜裡的魔境魔鏡:青少年夜晚家外活動的自我形塑歷程探究 / Examine the course of self-development for adolescents involving in evening activities in the community

最後根據本研究之結果,研究者於文末針對家庭、學校、青少年相關政策、青少年外展工作提出了相關建議與省思。 / Using hermeneutic phenomenology, this study examined evening activities of three adolescents in the community. I conducted in-depth interviews, asking the participants to describe their evening activities, the meaning of these activities, and the role of self in these activities. I analyzed the transcripts using thematic analysis and presented their course of self-development involving in these varying evening activities in the community.
The evening stories of these three participants showed that three were no stereotypical images of youth. Every youths had their own personal traits and preferences. And, their individual life situations and people interaction shaped who they have become and how they see themselves. Therefore, the meaning of self exists in every human action with other individuals and in the environment. So, the types of evening activities youths participated in showed the characteristics of the environment they lived in and showed their individual unique characteristics. Even though there were some activities seemingly identical, there were hidden meanings behind them. These study showed that ever youth has their own unique story. Like me and the participants, we together had four evening stories to tell. So if there were one thousand and one youths, there would be one thousand and one stories to tell.
At the end, suggestions and implications were discussed about family, school, and youth-related policies and youth outreach work.

Creators李筱涵, Lee, Hsiao Han
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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