以專利衡量研發創新投入之資源錯置問題 -以中國東部沿海地區製造業廠商為例 / Misallocation of R&D Inputs by Using Patent Value Index - A Case of the Manufacturing Companies Located in Eastern China

專利和創新是近年產業發展極重要的趨勢,但是在過去對於中國產業的資源錯置相關研究中,卻沒有發現以專利來做為衡量產出的標準。因此本研究蒐集了中國2005到2007年的水準以上製造業廠商資料,並將Mtrends專利檢索平台資料庫中之專利資料加以整合,建構出中國水準以上製造業廠商之美國專利資料的資料庫。並依據文獻所提出之資源錯置模型,以資料庫中之專利資料作為創新研發產出之代表,計算出廠商之效率值與資源錯置的程度。根據廠商之專利數量及專利價值指標兩種衡量方式來討論中國東部沿海三大經濟區,環渤海經濟區、長三角經濟區及珠三角經濟區之效率值及資源錯置問題。研究結果發現珠三角經濟區因開放年代較早,在人力及知識累積下,研發效率值相對較高,資源錯置問題亦相對較不嚴重的,而長三角與環渤海經濟區由於產業多集中於高科技產業,部分廠商之技術尚未成熟,因此在研發效率值的表現上較為落後且資源錯置問題亦相對較為嚴重。 / Innovation and patent applications have become the central issue for the industrial development nowadays. In the past, there’s little research to measure the innovation outputs by patents. Thus, in this paper, I collected the data for the manufacturing firms in China from 2005 to 2007 and combine with the patent data in Mtrends database. Based on my misallocation computation, I use patent as the R&D output and measure the innovation efficiency and the misallocation level. Based on my result, the efficiency is higher in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone due to its earlier development and low in Bohai Bay Economic Zone & Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone because of industrial concentration. Thus, the misallocation is much more severe in Bohai Bay Economic Zone & Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and is much lighter in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.

Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
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