The Wisdom in Folly: An Examination of William Shakespeare's Fools in Twelfth Night and King Lear

This thesis explores the complexities to be found in the characters of Lear's Fool from King Lear and Feste from Twelfth Night. It begins with an investigation of the history behind the taxonomy of fools that William Shakespeare created in his works. The rest of the thesis is devoted to examining the many facets of the two aforementioned fools, with the goal of discovering just how important and influential they are to their respective plots and to the world of literature. Finally, there is a brief coda that explores the other striking similarities that the two plays have in common.
Date01 January 2015
CreatorsBrudevold, Siri M
PublisherScholarship @ Claremont
Source SetsClaremont Colleges
Detected LanguageEnglish
SourceScripps Senior Theses
Rights© 2015 Siri M. Brudevold, default

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