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Perfil da viol??ncia cometida contra a pessoa idosa registrada no disque direitos humanos no per??odo de 2011- 2015 no Brasil

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Previous issue date: 2016-12-06 / Introduction: Gerontology needs to accompany the process of human aging in the biological
and social spheres as a strategy to improve the services offered in the two segments and in this
way, there is a need to understand and make visible the description of the profile of the reports
of violence committed against The old person registered in the Dial 100, in the period
between 2011 to 2015. This dissertation was elaborated in the Scandinavian model so, we
have the literature review and objectives in the beginning and next we present the scientific
article with the methodology, result and conclusion. Objective: To analyze the violence
profile against the elderly in Brazil based on the denunciations registered in ???Disque 100???, in
order to describe victim??s socio-demographic aspects, to identify the violence incidence by
Brazilian geographic region and the kind of link between the suspected aggressor and the
sufferer, as well to demonstrate the type of violence prevalent among denunciations
Methodology: This is a descriptive, retrospective, exploratory, cross-sectional and
quantitative approach. The research was developed based on data contained in a computerized
database of Human Rights Secretariat of the Brazilian Republic Presidency. Results:
Regarding the socio-demographic profile of the sample evaluated, the highest percentage of
the victims were females (mean = 64.32 ?? 2.19%, median = 64.1), aged 76-80 years ( Mean =
18.22 ?? 0.62%, median = 18.5%) and most of the reports has been refered to white victims
(35.96 ?? 15.01%, median = 34%). The research identified that the incidence of violence by
Brazilian geographic regions was higher in the Southeast (42.2%), followed by Northeast
(28.4%), South (14%), Central West (8.4%) and North (6.7%). It has been observed that the
grown-up children are the main suspects of committing aggression, corresponding to the
highest percentage of complaints observed in all evaluated years (mean = 51.76 ?? 1.19%,
median = 51.55%). After them, the grandchildren rank second position asf suspects.
Regarding the violent act location, the analyzed data indicate that the highest percentage of
violence occurs at the victim's house (mean = 72.47 ?? 6.02, median 73.84%); regarding the
violence nature it has been observed that negligence presented the highest number with an
average percentage of 35.31 ?? 3.64%, with the median being 37.10. In relation to
psychological violence it is possible to verify that its pattern of occurrence remained the same
in the evaluated period (mean = 27.69 ?? 0.96%). Final Considerations: The study shows the
growth in the record of violence and confirms the existence of various forms of family
violence against the elderly. The most frequent type of complaint of ill-treatment in the
Brazilian family was negligence, which suggests the lack of information and adequate training
of the family for the elderly care and the importance of strengthening family ties between
elderly and their family members. The aggression choice is not a correct way of building
relation, instead it builds distance. / Introdu????o: Gerontologia necessita acompanhar o processo do envelhecimento humano na
esfera biol??gica e social como estrat??gia de aprimorar os servi??os ofertados nos dois
segmentos e desta forma, existe a necessidade necessidade de se compreender e de tornar
vis??vel a descri????o do perfil das den??ncias de viol??ncia cometida contra a pessoa idosa
registradas no Disque 100, no per??odo compreendido entre 2011 a 2015. Esta disserta????o foi
elaborado no modelo escandinaco assim, temos a revis??o de literatura e objetivos no inicio e
em seguida apresentamos o artigo cient??fico com a metodologia, resultado e conclus??o.
Objetivo: Analisar o perfil da viol??ncia contra os idosos no Brasil a partir das den??ncias
registradas no Disque 100, descrevendo o aspectos s??cio demogr??fico da v??tima, identificando
a incid??ncia da viol??ncia por regi??o geogr??fica brasileira e o tipo de v??nculo do agressor
suspeito com o padecente, demonstrando qual o tipo de viol??ncia prevalente dentre nas
den??ncias Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo de natureza descritiva, retrospectiva,
explorat??ria com recorte transversal e abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida
com base nos dados constantes em banco informatizado da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da
Presid??ncia da Rep??blica. Resultados: Quanto ao perfil s??cio demogr??fico da amostra
avaliada destaca-se que a maior percentagem das v??timas s??o do sexo feminino ( m??dia =
64,32 ?? 2,19 %; mediana = 64,1), com idades entre 76 e 80 anos (m??dia = 18,22 ??0,62 %;
mediana = 18,5%) e que a maioria das den??ncias referem-se a v??timas de cor branca (35,96
??15,01 %; mediana = 34%). A pesquisa identificou que a incid??ncia da viol??ncia por regi??es
geogr??ficas brasileiras foi maior no Sudeste (42,2%), seguido de Nordeste (28,4%), Sul
(14%), Centro-Oeste (8,4%) e Norte (6,7%). Observa-se que os filhos s??o os principais
suspeitos de cometer agress??o, correspondendo ao maior percentual de den??ncias observado
em todos os anos avaliados (m??dia = 51,76??1,19 %; mediana = 51,55%). Ap??s os filhos, os
netos elencam a segunda posi????o no ranking de suspeitos. Em rela????o ao local da ocorr??ncia
do ato violento contra idosos, os dados analisados indicam que o maior percentual de
viol??ncia ocorre na casa da v??tima (m??dia = 72,47 ?? 6,02; mediana 73,84%), em rela????o a
natureza das viol??ncias a neglig??ncia apresentou um percentual m??dio 35,31 ?? 3,64 %,
sendo a mediana igual a 37,10. Em rela????o ?? viol??ncia psicol??gica ?? poss??vel verificar que o
seu padr??o de ocorr??ncia se manteve no per??odo avaliado ( m??dia = 27,69 ?? 0,96 %).
Considera????es Finais: O estudo mostra o crescimento do registro da viol??ncia e confirma a
exist??ncia de v??ria formas de viol??ncia familiar contra a pessoa idosa. O tipo de den??ncia
mais frequente de maus-tratos na fam??lia brasileira foi a neglig??ncia isso sugere a falta de
informa????o e de capacita????o adequada da fam??lia para o cuidado do idoso e a import??ncia do
fortalecimento de v??nculos para os idosos e para a fam??lia. A op????o pelas agress??es n??o
representa uma maneira correta de se relacionar e sim de afastamento.
Date06 December 2016
CreatorsTaveira, L??cia de Medeiros
ContributorsOliveira, Maria Liz Cunha de
PublisherUniversidade Cat??lica de Bras??lia, Programa Strictu Sensu em Gerontologia, UCB, Brasil, Escola de Sa??de e Medicina
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Sourcereponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UCB, instname:Universidade Católica de Brasília, instacron:UCB

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