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Efeitos do m?todo Buteyko nos dist?rbios do sono de crian?as asm?ticas respiradoras orais: estudo controlado randomizado

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Previous issue date: 2016-11-04 / Introdu??o: A asma ? uma das doen?as cr?nicas mais comuns em crian?as, com importante morbidade e mortalidade nos indiv?duos acometidos. A respira??o oral ? um dist?rbio respirat?rio tamb?m com elevada preval?ncia na popula??o infantil. Terap?utica n?o farmacol?gica tem sido amplamente utilizada na busca de terapias alternativas no tratamento dessa patologia, dentre elas, encontra-se o m?todo Buteyko. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos do m?todo Buteyko como terapia adjunta no tratamento de crian?as asm?ticas respiradoras orais. Materiais e m?todos: Trata-se de um estudo controlado, randomizado e simples-cego onde 35 crian?as com asma do tipo leve ou moderada, na faixa et?ria entre 7 e 12 anos e diagn?stico fonoaudiol?gico de respirador oral foram divididas em 2 grupos (Buteyko e controle). Todas as crian?as realizaram avalia??o respirat?ria em dois momentos: inicial e final. Foram realizadas avalia??es antropom?tricas, dos dist?rbios de sono por meio da Escala de Dist?rbios de Sono em Crian?as, da fun??o pulmonar (ventilometria e espirometria) e do relato de sintomas (hospitaliza??o e faltas na escola). As crian?as do grupo Buteyko (20 crian?as) realizaram treinamento presencial em grupo do m?todo Buteyko duas vezes por semana durante 3 semanas e monitoramento semanal do controle de sintomas foi realizado nos dias presenciais. Foi fornecido um v?deo com orienta??es para a realiza??o do m?todo Buteyko diariamente no domic?lio por 3 semanas. As crian?as do grupo controle (15 crian?as) receberam aula educativa e foram contatadas semanalmente para relato do controle dos sintomas. Os dados foram analisados por meio do software SPSS 20.0, com n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. A normalidade dos dados foi verificada pelo teste de Shapiro-Wilk, o de Levene para homogeneidade das vari?ncias e ANOVA two way para verificar diferen?as intra e intergrupos. O test t de student n?o pareado foi realizado para comparar a vari?vel altura e o de Mann-whitney para compara??o das vari?veis peso, idade, percentil e faltas na escola entre os grupos. O teste Exato de Fisher foi realizado para comparar a distribui??o de g?neros e a classifica??o da asma e o qui-quadrado para comparar o percentual de dist?rbios do sono apresentado pelas crian?as inicialmente. Resultados: Ap?s o treinamento, o grupo Buteyko melhorou de forma significativa os escores das dimens?es dist?rbios respirat?rios do sono, dist?rbios do despertar, dist?rbios de transi??o sono vig?lia (DTSV), escore total dos dist?rbios do sono, capacidade vital for?ada (CVF), pico de fluxo expirat?rio e fluxo expirat?rio for?ado entre 25% e 75% da CVF (FEF25-75%). Comparativamente ao grupo controle, na avalia??o final, o grupo Buteyko melhorou tamb?m os DTSV, escore total do sono, FEF25-75%, a rela??o entre o volume expirat?rio for?ado no primeiro segundo com a CVF e o n?mero de faltas na escola. Conclus?o: O treinamento com m?todo Buteyko proporcionou melhora dos dist?rbios do sono, da fun??o pulmonar e redu??o do n?mero de faltas na escola de crian?as asm?ticas respiradoras orais. / Introduction: Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases in children, with important morbidity and mortality in affected individuals. Oral breathing is also a respiratory disorder with a high prevalence in the child population. Non-pharmacological therapy has been widely used in the search for alternative therapies in the treatment of this pathology, among them, the Buteyko method is found. Objective: To evaluate the effects of the Buteyko method as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of asthmatic mouth breathing children. Materials and methods: This is a randomized, single-blind, controlled study in which 35 children with mild or moderate asthma between 7 and 12 years of age and speech-language pathologist diagnosis were divided into two groups (Buteyko and control). All the children underwent respiratory evaluation in two moments: initial and final. Anthropometric assessments, sleep disturbances through the Sleep Disorders Scale in Children, pulmonary function (ventilometry and spirometry) and symptom reporting (hospitalization and absences at school) were performed. The children of the Buteyko group (20 children) conducted face-to-face group training of the Buteyko method twice a week for 3 weeks and weekly monitoring of symptom control was performed. A video was provided with guidelines for performing the Buteyko method daily at home for 3 weeks. The children in the control group (15 children) received an educational class and were contacted weekly to report their symptoms. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20.0 software, with a significance level of 5%. The normality of the data was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test, the Levene test for homogeneity of variances and two-way ANOVA to verify intra and intergroup differences. The unpaired Student's t-test was performed to compare the height and Mann-Whitney variables for comparison of variables weight, age, percentile and school absences between groups. Fisher's exact test was performed to compare the distribution of genders and the classification of asthma and chi-square to compare the percentage of sleep disorders presented by children initially. Results: After training, the Buteyko group significantly improved scores on sleep disturbances, disorders of arousal, sleep-wake transition disorders (SWTD), total sleep disturbance scores, forced vital capacity (FVC), peak of expiratory flow and forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of FVC (FEF25-75%). Compared to the control group, in the final evaluation, the Buteyko group also improved SWTD, total sleep score, FEF25-75%, the relation between forced expiratory volume in the first second with FVC and number of school absences. Conclusion: The training with Buteyko method provided improvement of sleep disorders, lung function and reduction in the number of absences in the school of asthmatic mouth breathing children.
Date04 November 2016
CreatorsLins, Thalita Medeiros Fernandes de Macedo
Contributors72298863415,, Silva, Baldomero Antonio Kato da, 63747235115,, Ferreira, Gardenia Maria Holanda, 21268843334,, Yamauchi, Liria Yuri, 17035091882,, Nogueira, Patricia Angelica de Miranda Silva, 02545172421,, Mendon?a, Karla Morganna Pereira Pinto de
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da UFRN, instname:Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, instacron:UFRN

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