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Cartilagem articular de avestruz : um estudo estrutural e bioquimico

Orientador: Edson Rosa Pimentel / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T00:13:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: A cartilagem articular é um tecido conjuntivo hialino que apresenta células e abundante matriz extracelular, sendo essa composta de colágenos, glicoproteínas não colagênicas e proteoglicanos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever a composição e organização da matriz extracelular de cartilagem articular de avestruz. Esta ave de grande porte e de interesse comercial, quando mantida em cativeiro, tem sido acometida por artrose nas articulações do tarsometatarso com sério comprometimento para a saúde do animal e consequências econômicas. Para tanto consideramos as cartilagens articulares das superfícies proximal e distal do tarsometatarso. A cartilagem proximal foi dividida em porção lateral e intermediária-medial, enquanto que da cartilagem da superfície distal foi analisada só a porção central. As análises estruturais das regiões da cartilagem, coradas com azul de toluidina, mostraram porções meta cromáticas e fibrilares. As fibrilas, intensamente birrefringentes ao exame pela microscopia de polarização, mostraram-se dispostas em várias direções, especialmente na região dista / Abstract: The articular cartilage is a hyaline connective tissue that contains cells and a great amount of extracellular matrix, which is composed of collagen, non-collagenous glycoproteins, and proteoglycans. This work aimed to describe the composition and organization of the extracellular matrix from articular cartilage of ostrich, which is a big bird with commercial importance and that commonly suffers of arthritis at the tarsometatarsical articulations when living in captivity conditions, teading to serious commitments to the animal's health, beyond the economical consequences. For this purpose. we have considered the articular cartilages of the proximal and distal surfaces of the tarsometatarsus. The proximal cartilage was divided into lateral, and intermediary-medial portions. From the distal surface only the central portion was analyzed. Structural analyses after toluidine blue staining showed presence of metachromatic and fibrilar components. The fibrils, intensely birefringent at polarization microscopy. were arranged in many directions, especially in distal cartilage. To extract the extracellular matrix components 4 M guanidinium chloride was utilized. The components were fractionated in DEAE-Sephacel and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Quantitation of proteins and glycosaminoglycans was done utilizing colorimetric methods. The quantitative analysis revealed that the distal region, which is subjected to higher compressive forces, contaíns more proteins and glycosaminoglycans than the proximal region. The SDS-PAGE analysis of the fractions eluted from the DEAE-Sepachel showed the presence of proteíns with Mr from 17 to 121 kDa. In ali regions, polydisperse components wíth Mr around 67, 80-100, and 250-300 kDa, were found. These components probably correspond to the small proteoglycans fíbromodulin, decorín and biglycan. Glycosaminoglycans analysis in agarose-propylene diamine gel showed only the presence of chondroitin-suftate. The possible decorin found is a proteoglycan of chondroitin-sufate, and not dermatan-sulfate, as observed in other cartilages. Structurally the distal region exhibited ffbí11s arranged in several directions, probably because of a highest compressive strenght / Mestrado / Biologia Celular / Mestre em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
Date18 August 2004
CreatorsTomiosso, Tatiana Carla
ContributorsUNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS, Pimentel, Edson Rosa, 1949-, Vidal, Benedicto de Campos, Rosa, Stela Marcia Mattiello Gonçalves, Gomes, Laurecir
Publisher[s.n.], Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Biologia
Source SetsIBICT Brazilian ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish
Typeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion, info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
Format60fl. : il., application/pdf
Sourcereponame:Repositório Institucional da Unicamp, instname:Universidade Estadual de Campinas, instacron:UNICAMP

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