Tillfällig klädförvaring / A temporary clothing storage

This degree project has been carried out by Niclas Andersson and Sebastian Zwahlen, students of the Innovation and Design Engineering Program at the Faculty of Technology and Science at Karlstad University. The project was carried out during the spring 2010 and includes 22, 5 ETCS credits. Initially the group had contact with the company Mavis möbler AB. Mavis gave the group the task of developing a new bedroom product. To assess the needs and problems of bedroom behaviors, an extensive questionnaire and several interviews were made. This became the starting point for further work. According to the results uncovered during the market research a vast problem was found with temporary clothing storage. As much as 68% of respondents store their clothes either on a chair, a couch, the bed or on the floor. The students saw this as a perfect opportunity to further investigate the options of temporary clothing storage (the students saw this as a bad alternative to storage). Detailed preliminary investigation of current solutions was made, where the students found that the valet stand was the best current alternative. To find a number of different solutions to this problem, several idea generating methods was used. Many of these ideas developed into concepts, which later in the process were evaluated using different technique. The final solution was developed through sketches, CAD models, drawings and prototypes. The prototypes were designed like a large hanger mounted on the wall. The final solution fulfilled all of the requirements set for temporary clothing storage. The final results were presented at the annual degree exhibition on May 26th 2010 at Karlstad University.

Date January 2010
CreatorsZwahlen, Sebastian, Andersson, Niclas
PublisherKarlstads universitet, Fakulteten för teknik- och naturvetenskap, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för teknik- och naturvetenskap
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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