Hinder och möjligheter i socialtjänstens arbete med kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer / Obstacles and Opportunities in the Work Against Intimate Partner Violence

This study aims to examine the Swedish Social Services work with women exposed to domestic violence by their male partner. The study investigates the opportunities versus the obstacles that social workers may encounter in their purpose to help and support these women. Methods used were qualitative, semi-structured interviews with four social workers.  The study found that problems that can occur in social services work with women exposed to domestic violence are insufficient routines in the organization, inadequate opportunities to help with housing and difficulties with the cooperation within Social Services between different sections. In terms of cooperation with external professionals, the social workers found the biggest struggle with the police. There are also difficulties when it comes to motivating women to receive help and a problem seems to be that there are limited possibilities to work with the abuser. The conclusion of this study is that changes need to be done on an organizational level. Currently it seems to be a lot of responsibility laid on the individual social worker regarding cases related to intimate partner violence. There needs to be more distinct routines, better conditions for cooperation and compulsory education for social workers about intimate partner violence.

Date January 2022
CreatorsNylund, Emma, Runfelt, Carolina
PublisherMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS)
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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