Multi-Data Approach for Subsurface Imaging: Combining Borehole and GPR- Data for Improved Analysis

The investigation to understand the subsurface and its features has long been asubject of interest for various fields, including fields such as archaeology and infras-tructure projects. However, traditional excavation methods are often costly and time-consuming. In their place, alternative techniques such as borehole drilling, which isitself expensive, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), which produces a good butdistorted image, have gained popularity. Nonetheless, the limitations of each methodimpede them from meeting the requirements of subsurface exploration. This Mas-ter’s thesis introduces an approach combining these two methods to overcome theirlimitations and enhance their accuracy to understand the subsurface.This thesis aims to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of integratingborehole drilling and GPR for subsurface exploration. Specifically, the integrationof borehole with GPR-profiles will be examined to enhance their practicality andaccuracy, meaning that this thesis will investigate the utilization of borehole datato update and adjust GPR-profiles, thereby providing more precise and informativedata for further analysis.The findings of this work indicate that combining borehole drilling and GPR-profiling to improve and update the accuracy of the GPR-profiles is entirely feasibleand results in a substantially improved subsurface exploration capability. Further,the outcomes of this thesis suggest that the integrated approach can generate amore precise representation of the underground structure. Ultimately, the proposedintegration of borehole drilling and GPR-profiling presents a promising approach toenhance the accuracy and efficiency of subsurface exploration and has the potentialto be valuable in a wide range of fields.i
Date January 2023
CreatorsYngvesson, Pontus
PublisherUmeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text

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