A Structure for Impact : Using benchmarking to revise the organization structure of an INGO

This thesis investigates what the possible benefits and challenges are with different organization structures from the perspective of an international non-governmental organization (INGO). Based on learnings from other organizations it is examined what a revised structure could look like for Organization X in order to maximize their use of internal resources. The aim of the study is to achieve a structure more aligned with the strategic priorities of Organization X. As well as contribute to the field of organization theory from an INGO perspective. To achieve this benchmarking against other organizations is used to collect learnings in relation to organizational design. The learnings are analyzed in relation to organization theory and common challenges for INGOs. The result and analysis show that benchmarking can be used to gather valuable learnings regarding organizational design for INGOs in general and Organization X in particular. Two options for structural revisions for Organization X are presented. It is suggested that the second option should be implemented, at least as a first step, due to the current strategic priorities of the organization and the larger risks associated with option one. If implemented, the revisions proposed in this thesis should enable increased flexibility and the freeing up of resources, resulting in increased capability for fundraising and increased impact.

Date January 2019
CreatorsJohansson, Julia
PublisherUppsala universitet, Industriell teknik
Source SetsDiVA Archive at Upsalla University
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeStudent thesis, info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis, text
RelationTVE-LKF ; 19 043

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