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Características do trabalho em equipe em organizações inovadoras: um estudo no Brasil / Characteristics of team work in innovative organizations: a study in BrazilPaula, Vérica Marconi Freitas de 28 September 2012 (has links)
O intuito desta pesquisa é identificar as características do trabalho em equipe em organizações inovadoras. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre equipes, configuração organizacional para a inovação e equipes em ambientes inovadores, visando identificar as principais características do trabalho em equipe segundo a teoria vigente. Esse levantamento teórico fundamentou a realização da pesquisa empírica, que foi conduzida em três fases, conciliando as perspectivas qualitativa e quantitativa. O estudo foi realizado na Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, uma organização brasileira notadamente inovadora, sendo que na fase quantitativa foi aplicado um survey nas 47 unidades da organização. Estes dados foram analisados através de técnicas estatísticas descritivas, de correlação e análise fatorial, fornecendo elementos para a realização dos estudos de casos múltiplos, em quatro unidades. Através das análises dos resultados quantitativos e qualitativos, foi possível confirmar a presença de coesão; ajustamento mútuo; clareza e aceitação dos objetivos das equipes por todos os membros; comunicação; e multidisciplinaridade da equipe. Por outro lado, não foi possível confirmar aspectos relacionados a práticas de remuneração e reconhecimento; bem como tamanho das equipes e número de componentes, conforme previstos pela fundamentação teórica. / The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of team work in innovative organizations. In order to accomplish this purpose, a literature review about teams, organizational design for innovation and teams in innovative environments was developed, aiming at identifying the main characteristics of team work according to current theory. The empirical research was based on this literature review and was developed in three phases, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was developed at Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), a notably innovative Brazilian organization. During the quantitative phase a survey was conducted with Embrapas forty-seven units and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and factor analysis, providing elements for the multiple case studies in four units. Through the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative results, it was possible to confirm the presence of cohesion; mutual adjustment; clarity and acceptance of teams objectives by all members; communication; and multidisciplinary teams. On the other hand, it was not possible to confirm aspects related to the practices of remuneration and reward; and team size and number of members, as predicted in the literature review.
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El diseño organizacional y su influencia en el desempeño del personal de una empresa internacional del sector eléctrico en el año 2017Avalos Maldonado, Geraldine Lizbette January 2018 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la influencia existente entre el diseño
organizacional y el desempeño de los colaboradores de la organización. El presente trabajo de
investigación se realizó en la empresa Edison Energy Peru S.a.c. En la investigación presentada
se ha utilizado el método hipotético - deductivo; se observó como la carencia de un diseño podía
influir en el desempeño del personal.
The objective of this research is to determine the influence between the design
organization and the performance of the employees of the organization. The present work of
The research was carried out in the company Edison Energy Peru S.a.c. In the research presented
the hypothetical-deductive method has been used; it was observed as the lack of a design could
influence the performance of the staff.
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Contribuição aos critérios de projeto organizacional para inovação em empresas consolidadas de setores maduros - o caso da indústria petroquímica brasileira. / Contribution to the criteria for innovation oriented organizational design in consolidated companies of mature sectors - the case of Brazilian petrochemical industry.Mello, Adriana Marotti de 28 June 2010 (has links)
A indústria petroquímica brasileira, assim como outros setores consolidados e maduros, está acostumada a inovar incrementalmente em produtos e processos, mas para manter sua competitividade tem a necessidade de inovar mais e mais radicalmente. Tanto na literatura pesquisada quanto nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, há o conceito de que os Projetos Organizacionais para o desenvolvimento de inovações radicais e incrementais deveriam ser diferentes entre si. Mas a literatura não avança nesta questão, não apresentando recomendações ou prescrições assertivas. Por outro lado, sente-se a mesma dificuldade nas empresas, que entendem a necessidade de lidar com as inovações radicais de uma forma distinta das incrementais, mas acabam trabalhando em ambas da mesma forma, com estruturas distintas, porém com semelhante organização, com as mesmas ferramentas e práticas gerenciais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir com esta discussão, através da proposição de critérios para o Projeto Organizacional adequado ao desenvolvimento de inovações incrementais e radicais de forma sistemática em empresas consolidadas de setores maduros, aprofundando o que já foi proposto pela literatura, partindo do princípio de que não haveria um único modelo a ser prescrito. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada através do estudo de múltiplos casos em três empresas inovadoras do setor petroquímico brasileiro, onde foram avaliados onze projetos de inovação. O modelo aqui proposto oferece um conjunto de diretrizes e critérios para que cada empresa adapte suas estruturas e processos a cada diferente desafio encontrado pelos projetos de inovação em cada etapa de seu desenvolvimento. / The Brazilian Petrochemical Industry, as well as other established and mature sectors, is used to incrementally innovate in products and processes. In order to maintain its competitiveness, it is being challenged to innovate more and more radically. Both in literature and in results of the cases here studied, there is the idea that the Organizational Design for the development of radical and incremental innovations should be different. But literature does not advance in this subject, there is no assertive recommendations or prescriptions. Companies feel the same difficulty, they understand the need to deal with radical innovations in a distinct form of incremental ones, but they end up working in both situations in the same way, with different structures, but with similar organization, management tools and practices. This thesis attempts to contribute to this discussion by proposing criteria for Organizational Design suitable for the development of incremental and radical innovations in a systematic manner in consolidated companies from mature industries, deepening what has been proposed in the literature, assuming that there would be no single model to be prescribed. Field research was conducted through multiple cases study in three innovative companies in the Brazilian petrochemical sector, where eleven innovation projects were studied. The model here proposed offers a set of guidelines and criteria for each company to adapt its structures and processes for each different challenge faced by innovation projects at each stage of their development.
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Is more Really Merrier? : Challenges of using External Service Providers for Servitized Manufacturing CompaniesAurich, Karin, Öhman, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tjänstefiering i tillverkningsföretag är ett aktuellt ämne där företag övergår från att endast sälja varor till att erbjuda kombinationer av varor och tjänster. Denna förändring är inte helt enkel eftersom företaget måste förbättra attityden mot tjänster i företagskulturen samt upprätta lämplig infrastruktur för produktionen av tjänster. Genom att använda sig av extern tjänsteleverans där man samarbetar med en annan part är det möjligt att bli mer flexibel och dela riskerna. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera och kategorisera utmaningar med tjänsteproduktion för en serviceorganisation i ett tillverknings-företag. Vidare analyserar vi även hur användningen av externa tjänste-leverantörer påverkar dessa utmaningar. Genomförande: Genom att göra en fallstudie på ett tjänstefierat tillverkningsföretag i Sverige, och intervjua fyra chefer inom serviceorganisationen har vi haft möjlighet att utöka och fördjupa den nuvarande litteraturen som handlar om utmaningar med extern tjänsteleverans. Teori: Ett teoretiskt ramverk med utmaningar i de tre delarna av tjänste-produktion har skapats; tjänsteutveckling, intern organisatorisk design och leverans av tjänster. Slutsats: Att använda sig av externa partners vid leverans av tjänster medför flertalet utmaningar för en serviceorganisation i ett tillverkningsföretag. Vår studie visar även att extern leverans av tjänster påverkar vissa utmaningar med tjänsteutveckling såväl som med intern design av en organisation.
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Características do trabalho em equipe em organizações inovadoras: um estudo no Brasil / Characteristics of team work in innovative organizations: a study in BrazilVérica Marconi Freitas de Paula 28 September 2012 (has links)
O intuito desta pesquisa é identificar as características do trabalho em equipe em organizações inovadoras. Para a consecução desse objetivo, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre equipes, configuração organizacional para a inovação e equipes em ambientes inovadores, visando identificar as principais características do trabalho em equipe segundo a teoria vigente. Esse levantamento teórico fundamentou a realização da pesquisa empírica, que foi conduzida em três fases, conciliando as perspectivas qualitativa e quantitativa. O estudo foi realizado na Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, uma organização brasileira notadamente inovadora, sendo que na fase quantitativa foi aplicado um survey nas 47 unidades da organização. Estes dados foram analisados através de técnicas estatísticas descritivas, de correlação e análise fatorial, fornecendo elementos para a realização dos estudos de casos múltiplos, em quatro unidades. Através das análises dos resultados quantitativos e qualitativos, foi possível confirmar a presença de coesão; ajustamento mútuo; clareza e aceitação dos objetivos das equipes por todos os membros; comunicação; e multidisciplinaridade da equipe. Por outro lado, não foi possível confirmar aspectos relacionados a práticas de remuneração e reconhecimento; bem como tamanho das equipes e número de componentes, conforme previstos pela fundamentação teórica. / The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of team work in innovative organizations. In order to accomplish this purpose, a literature review about teams, organizational design for innovation and teams in innovative environments was developed, aiming at identifying the main characteristics of team work according to current theory. The empirical research was based on this literature review and was developed in three phases, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study was developed at Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), a notably innovative Brazilian organization. During the quantitative phase a survey was conducted with Embrapas forty-seven units and the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation and factor analysis, providing elements for the multiple case studies in four units. Through the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative results, it was possible to confirm the presence of cohesion; mutual adjustment; clarity and acceptance of teams objectives by all members; communication; and multidisciplinary teams. On the other hand, it was not possible to confirm aspects related to the practices of remuneration and reward; and team size and number of members, as predicted in the literature review.
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Contribuição aos critérios de projeto organizacional para inovação em empresas consolidadas de setores maduros - o caso da indústria petroquímica brasileira. / Contribution to the criteria for innovation oriented organizational design in consolidated companies of mature sectors - the case of Brazilian petrochemical industry.Adriana Marotti de Mello 28 June 2010 (has links)
A indústria petroquímica brasileira, assim como outros setores consolidados e maduros, está acostumada a inovar incrementalmente em produtos e processos, mas para manter sua competitividade tem a necessidade de inovar mais e mais radicalmente. Tanto na literatura pesquisada quanto nos resultados dos estudos de caso realizados, há o conceito de que os Projetos Organizacionais para o desenvolvimento de inovações radicais e incrementais deveriam ser diferentes entre si. Mas a literatura não avança nesta questão, não apresentando recomendações ou prescrições assertivas. Por outro lado, sente-se a mesma dificuldade nas empresas, que entendem a necessidade de lidar com as inovações radicais de uma forma distinta das incrementais, mas acabam trabalhando em ambas da mesma forma, com estruturas distintas, porém com semelhante organização, com as mesmas ferramentas e práticas gerenciais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo contribuir com esta discussão, através da proposição de critérios para o Projeto Organizacional adequado ao desenvolvimento de inovações incrementais e radicais de forma sistemática em empresas consolidadas de setores maduros, aprofundando o que já foi proposto pela literatura, partindo do princípio de que não haveria um único modelo a ser prescrito. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada através do estudo de múltiplos casos em três empresas inovadoras do setor petroquímico brasileiro, onde foram avaliados onze projetos de inovação. O modelo aqui proposto oferece um conjunto de diretrizes e critérios para que cada empresa adapte suas estruturas e processos a cada diferente desafio encontrado pelos projetos de inovação em cada etapa de seu desenvolvimento. / The Brazilian Petrochemical Industry, as well as other established and mature sectors, is used to incrementally innovate in products and processes. In order to maintain its competitiveness, it is being challenged to innovate more and more radically. Both in literature and in results of the cases here studied, there is the idea that the Organizational Design for the development of radical and incremental innovations should be different. But literature does not advance in this subject, there is no assertive recommendations or prescriptions. Companies feel the same difficulty, they understand the need to deal with radical innovations in a distinct form of incremental ones, but they end up working in both situations in the same way, with different structures, but with similar organization, management tools and practices. This thesis attempts to contribute to this discussion by proposing criteria for Organizational Design suitable for the development of incremental and radical innovations in a systematic manner in consolidated companies from mature industries, deepening what has been proposed in the literature, assuming that there would be no single model to be prescribed. Field research was conducted through multiple cases study in three innovative companies in the Brazilian petrochemical sector, where eleven innovation projects were studied. The model here proposed offers a set of guidelines and criteria for each company to adapt its structures and processes for each different challenge faced by innovation projects at each stage of their development.
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Context-Relativity in Organizational Culture: The Case of the American University of MadabaKhajarian, Araz January 2020 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Rebecca Schendel / Organizational culture was originally addressed in the management literature in the late 1970s (e.g. Pettigrew, 1979; Deal & Kennedy, 1982). Scholars have later on extended the discussion to include higher education institutions (e.g. Tierney, 2008). However, the majority of the literature on organizational culture in higher education is based on institutions that follow and are placed within the Western model. Despite the lack of direct evidence, it is fair to suspect that there is a relationship between the culture of an organization and its national/regional context. This study investigates the nature of that relationship and provide real world examples through an in-depth case study on the American University of Madaba (AUM). In evaluating AUM’s organizational culture, this study explores the institution’s organizational identity and its organizational design (the sum of the two, in this study, constitutes the culture of the organization). The data suggests that AUM’s organizational identity holographically (Albert & Whetten, 2004) brings together four different identity pieces: American, Catholic, Jordanian, and not-for-profit. The study concludes that the institution’s focus on its American identity and partial neglect in incorporating its other identity pieces into its organizational design with equal weight lead to a misalignment between its espoused, attributed, shared and aspirational organizational values (Broune & Jenkins, 2013), which ultimately leads to a misalignment between its organizational identity and its organizational design, resulting in what would be generally considered an unhealthy organizational culture (Gulua, 2018). In AUM’s case, this misalignment causes an amended combination of what the literature presents as an expectation gap and a dislocation gap in organizational values (Broune & Jenkins, 2013). However, context-relativity (a crucial concept in this study), with its historical, economic, political, socio-cultural and colonial components, is highly impactful in studying the relationship between AUM’s organizational culture and its national/regional context and impacts our understanding of the initial findings. This study reveals that there is a strong conception in the Middle East that American higher education = good quality (but good quality does not necessarily equal American). Therefore, in the light of context-relativity, AUM’s organizational gaps and the misalignment between its identity and design is not a matter of unauthenticity, but rather lack of options. Being an American institution in the Middle East comes with a market advantage; therefore, such an approach is a way for AUM to survive in a world where global power dynamics carry strong preconceptions about the quality of American higher education. By being American “enough” to maintain its market advantage and being Jordanian “enough” to keep the peace with their students and staff and the surrounding community, AUM, as a young higher education institution, is finding a way to survive and advance its quality in the process. / Thesis (MA) — Boston College, 2020. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
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Back-Office improvement : When outsourcing is not an optionArismendez Murillo, Danel January 2011 (has links)
Many organizations within service industries such as government agencies, banking, healthcare, and healthcare decide to structure their business with the back office – front office design; in this setting the back office handles tasks not involving the customer, while front office involves those activities that deal with the customer through some form of contact or receive input from them. When the time comes than an organization wishes to improve the back office area and achieve enhanced efficiency, and speed; it is commonly suggested that outsourcing will help introduce the intended gains. However, outsourcing is not always the right option for an organization, depending on the activities the back office performs and the organization’s size might not make it a supreme candidate for this. It is at this point that the organizations are left standing in the cold as no alternatives are suggested; therefore creating a push towards outsourcing that might end unsuccessfully. This thesis work focused on reviewing organizational design theories and proven keys of back office improvement to establish a basic set of guidelines which will help introduce improvement in a back office area as an attempt to provide an alternative outsourcing. The methodology consisted of a case study performed at a Swedish Mobile VoIP provide, as a complement both literature review and interviews were performed to help gather information. Literature review was mainly focused on getting the background and current state of the problem identified; the validity of using the guidelines were confirmed through a first set of interviews held at the organization. The resulting guidelines take back office configuration and design together with improvement opportunities, all points lead to finding that they can be mapped together. This combination is both effective for improvement and revisiting organizational design. The produced guidelines are as follows: 1. Reduce – definition of back office and back office activities (remove unnecessary activities or lessen their demand); 2. Redesign – decoupling decisions (activities kept in the back office should be broken into separate tasks only if results are not compromised, eliminating unnecessary interdependencies); and 3. Restructure – organizational arrangements (changes in physical placement can improve knowledge sharing and support an open communication). The results of implementing such guidelines were evaluated through a second set of interviews which were also held at the selected organization. The final evaluation of changes within the organization concluded in positive effects as was intended. Further work in the area is needed to help define a more complete and detailed set of guidelines, the ones resulting from this thesis work surely serve as a foundation.
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Efficiency-Driven Enterprise DesignHerrera-Restrepo, Oscar A. 01 June 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the use of the efficiency performance measurement paradigm (EM), in terms of its concepts and applications, as an ex-ante mechanism to evaluate enterprise performance and inform enterprise design. The design of an enterprise is driven by decisions that include, but not limit to, which strategies to implement, how to allocate resources, how to shift operating patterns, and how to boost coordination among enterprises, among others. Up to date, EM has been mainly used as a descriptive mechanism, but the fundamental reason for measuring performance in an ex-post fashion, i.e., how well an enterprise does, is also valid in the context of design decisions, i.e., ex-ante evaluation. The contrast between the ex-post and ex-ante use of EM relates to the measurement purpose, i.e., why to measure. Ex-post measurement focuses on evaluating 'what happened' (non-disruptive) while ex-ante measurement emphasizes in informing design decisions exploring changes in current settings (more disruptive). Within this context and to achieve the purpose above, this dissertation is supported by theoretical insights and complemented with three empirical studies. The theoretical insights relate to facts that support, connect to, and challenge (i.e., facilitate or impede) the ex-ante use of EM for enterprise evaluation and informing enterprise design. Those insights are based on the efficiency performance measurement, organizational design and enterprise systems engineering literature. Meanwhile, the three empirical studies situate the application of EM as an ex-ante mechanism to inform evacuation management, bank branch management, and power plants. The theoretical and empirical results indicate that EM is well suited for both evaluating enterprise performance and informing design decisions. The main contribution of this dissertation to enterprise stakeholders is that EM can be not only used to answer how well the enterprise did, but also how well it could do if certain design decisions are taken. / Ph. D.
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Dviejų įmonių sujungimo organizacinis projektavimas AB „Kaišiadorių paukštynas“ ir AB „Vilniaus paukštynas“ sujungimo pavyzdžiu / The organizational design of merger of two companies by example of Joint stock Companies: “Kaišiadorių paukštynas” and “Vilniaus Paukštynas”Laurinaitis, Tadas 19 June 2010 (has links)
Teorinėje darbo dalyje aprašomi įvairus kompanijų susijungimų tipai ir būdai., daugiausia orientuojamasi į gamybinėms įmonėms tinkamas, kurios turi ne vieną departamentą ir jose dirba santykinai nemaţai ţmonių Lietuvos rinkos mastu. Analizės dalyje paţymima kad bendrovėse kyla nemaţai problemų dėl komunikacijos, bendro planavimo nebuvimo. Dviejų bendrovių veiklos efektyvumo nebuvimas dėl skirtingų strategijų, bei uţdavinių, atskiro ţaliavų valdymo, logistikos dubliavimo ir t.t.. Projektinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami veiksmai kuriant organizacinį projektą atsiţvelgiant dviejų nagrinėjamų kompanijų atvejui. kuriame aprašomi palaipsniui etapai, bei pagrindiniai rinkos veiksniai tai bendra kainodaros politika bei situacija rinkoje sujungus dvejas įmones, taip pat pateikiamos prielaidos tikėtinų rezultatų sujungus bendroves pagal vieną organizacinį projektą, pritaikant linijinę funkcinę struktūrą. / In the theoretical part is describes the various types of companies mergers, types and methods, mainly oriented to the appropriate manufacturing companies, which have more than one department and have big employment relatively to Lithuanian market level. In the analytical part is noted that the companies have many problems with communication, lack of overall planning. The two companies lack the operational efficiency of different strategies and objectives of the individual commodity management and duplication of logistics and etc. In the project part of the final summary are the steps of creating an organizational design by given of the two companies' case, which describes the progressive stages, and the basic market factors is a common pricing policy and market situation of two merging companies, it is also the assumption of expected results combined company under one organizational design, using a linear functional structure.
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