Developing written literacy in business education : using a randomised controlled trial to measure the impact of a writing intervention

This thesis has developed out of a classroom practitioner’s desire to find out what works when trying to improve both the quality of the writing and the attainment of GCSE Business Studies students. It investigates the body of literature on writing approaches and in the context of the current educational framework in UK secondary schools considers how suggested writing interventions can be used. It describes the use of an exploratory randomised controlled trial conducted with 14-15 year-old students in English state schools who were studying business start-ups as part of a course in ‘Business Studies’. Students participating in the trial were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group within each class in each participating school. The intervention uses a ‘Story Grammar’ strategy to improve students’ reasoning by increasing the frequency and complexity of their use of ‘connectives’ such as ‘when’, ‘if’ and ‘because’. The analysis reports positive effects of the intervention on students’ understanding as judged by the use of a standard examination style mark scheme, and the number and complexity of connectives used by students in their extended writing. The design of the experiment and its practicability as a model for investigating effects of classroom interventions are discussed.
Date January 2015
CreatorsBentham, Joanne Marie
PublisherUniversity of Birmingham
Source SetsEthos UK
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeElectronic Thesis or Dissertation

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