Affektiewe faktore wat met uitvoerende kuns op sekondêre skoolvlak verband hou

Text in Afrikaans / In the performing arts (music, dance and drama) affective factors do not only play a role during the performance of a work, but are present from the moment when a work is selected up to the completion of the performance. In order to analyse the continuous presence of affective factors in the performing arts, a literature study was undertaken in which the affective requirements of music, dance and drama works in different style periods were identified. The affective implications of adolescent development in a performing arts context were also researched.

The most important affective factors which can influence the arts learner seem to be motivation, stress, anxiety and self-concept.
A questionnaire was developed to measure these factors in a music, dance and drama context.

An empirical investigation was carried out involving 297 learners. With the data obtained from the empirical investigation the reliability and validity of the questionnaire could be determined. Norms were also developed for the questionnaire.

Hypotheses on the role of affective factors in the performing arts were tested statistically. The hypotheses dealt with the underlying relationship between the different affective factors, the role of affective factors in the different performing arts, the development of affective factors during the secondary school years, the relationship between affective factors and achievement in an art field as well as the role of other variables such as gender, social relations and home circumstances.

Recommendations were made to teachers, parents and learners. The recommendations are aimed at the enhancement of motivation and self-concept as well as the reduction of anxiety and stress. / Teacher Education / D.Ed.
Date30 August 2003
CreatorsBester, Catharina Adriana
ContributorsPienaar, Gregory Edward
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
Format1 online resource (288 leaves)

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