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Kniha Jonáš, kapitola 2. Exegeze, teologie a interpretace starozákonní perikopy / The Book of Jonah, Chapter 2. Exegesis, Theology and Interpretation of an Old Testament Pericope

In the presented work we have dealt mainly with the second chapter of the Old Testament book of Jonah, whose dominant part is Jonah's psalm of thanks. We tried to find arguments for their own hypotheses and then soberly formulate conclusions. We have tried in this way to bridge the gap between analytical exegesis of the Hebrew text and a synthetic actual applications. Powered by TCPDF (
Date January 2006
CreatorsHrouda, Vojtěch
ContributorsPrudký, Martin, Čapek, Filip
Source SetsCzech ETDs
Detected LanguageEnglish

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