An Economic Evaluation of the Development of the Trinity River Basin as Compared with the Tennessee Valley Authority

"The Tennessee Valley Authority is a world example of the full development of a river basin in soil conservation, flood control, navigation, electric power, afforestation, and recreation... Many river basin areas in the United States have created planning commissions to further develop the advancement of their own watershed problems. The Trinity Improvement Association is the planning commission for the Trinity River watershed area... In Chapter II a factual resume of the Tennessee Valley Authority will be given, and this chapter will be used as a basis of comparison for the development of the Trinity River Basin. Chapter III covers the problem of soil conservation and flood control within the watershed area; Chapter IV deals with the industrial and municipal use of water and the resources of the tributary area; Chapter V contains a brief history of the canal movement on the Trinity, the feasibility of such a canal, and miscellaneous developments; and Chapter VI contains the conclusions that it seems appropriate to draw. " -- leaf 1.
Date06 1900
CreatorsMoore, Fred DeArmond
ContributorsMelton, R. B. (Rosser B.), Hyder, Tom Bullock, 1907-
PublisherNorth Texas State College
Source SetsUniversity of North Texas
Detected LanguageEnglish
TypeThesis or Dissertation
Formatv, 78 leaves: map, Text
CoverageUnited States - Texas, United States - Oklahoma
RightsPublic, Moore, Fred DeArmond, Copyright, Copyright is held by the author, unless otherwise noted. All rights

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