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Konsentrerte Laster på Betongkonstruksjoner / Punching of Concrete StructuresByberg, Bjørnar Foldøy January 2012 (has links)
I mars 2011 ble Eurokode 2 innført som eneste gjeldene regelverk for dimensjonering av betongkonstruksjoner og det har oppstått en del diskusjon rundt behandlingen av gjennomlokking. Regelverket er tungvint i bruk da beregningsmetodikken avhenger av hvilken søyletype som betraktes. Beregningsmetodene som brukes blir for kant- og hjørnesøyler avanserte, noe som har ført til store forenklinger i regelverket. Ved betraktning av hjørnesøyler tas det for eksempel kun hensyn til geometri i beregningen av tillatt aksiallast.På grunn av de store manglene i regelverket er det utarbeidet en ny Model Code ved navn Model Code 2010 som danner grunnlaget for en ny utgave av Eurokode 2 på område gjennomlokking. Model Code 2010 er basert på en ny mekanisk modell, i motsetning til Eurokode 2 som er empirisk. Denne oppgaven ser nærmere på bruken av Model Code 2010 og det sammenlignes mot Eurokode 2. Først utføres et litteraturstudie for å finne det teoretiske grunnlaget til Model Code 2010. Den mekaniske modellen beskrives i sin helhet og alle forenklinger som er gjort for å komme frem til endelige prosjekteringsregler presenteres. Eksempelberegninger er inkludert for å illustrere bruken av Model Code 2010. Til slutt sammenlignes de to regelverkene i en parameterstudie og kapasitetene som beregnes vurderes opp mot kombinasjoner av aksiallaster og momenter funnet fra en lineær-elastisk analyse av en dekkekonstruksjon.Model Code 2010 viser seg å beregne forholdsvis like kapasiteter som Eurokode 2 for indre søyler. For kant- og hjørnesøyler beregnes kapasiteten etter Model Code 2010 mer eller mindre på samme måte som for indre søyler og resultatene er fornuftige. Forenklingene som er gjort for kant- og hjørnesøyler i Eurokode 2 kommer klart frem og resultatene avviker mer fra Model Code 2010. Det er ikke utført sammenligninger mot utførte forsøk, men i og med at Model Code 2010 tar hensyn til flere parametere og viser mer kontinuitet i beregningsmetodikken er det nye regelverket en klar forbedring. Model Code 2010 gjør også beregningene for konstruksjoner med skjærarmering enklere ettersom rektangulært armeringsgrid tillates.
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A Generalization of Sylow’s TheoremThomas, Teri M. 30 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Tau and alpha-synuclein fibrillization in vitro: lessons from surfactant inducers and small molecule inhibitorsNecula, Mihaela 29 September 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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What Parents Expect of Urban Catholic Schools and How These Schools Address Parents’ Expectations to Make Needed ChangeEl Ghazal, Antoine Joseph 18 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Stopover Habitat Utilization by Migratory Landbirds Within Urbanizing Landscapes of Central OhioMatthews, Stephen N. 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Contemporary Women& / #8217 / s Activism In Engendering The Political Agenda: A Case Of Legal Reform In TurkeyGonullu, Ayse 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The main aim of this study is to investigate the tools of the women& / #8217 / s activism which are used in transforming the gender equality agenda in Turkey in terms of legislative reform. To illustrate and study of the tools of women& / #8217 / s activism descriptively, a case study on the women& / #8217 / s activism for legislative reform in Turkey is conducted. The findings of the research verified the research thesis that women& / #8217 / s activism that occurred after 1980s and institutionalized during 1990s was incredibly influential in transforming the Turkey& / #8217 / s political agenda. The inner organization manner of women& / #8217 / s movement, its use of the media, lobbying activities such as finding allies in the commission and parliament, engagement with international women& / #8217 / s rights mechanisms, conducting effective communication through list-serve, arranging street demonstrations and actions can be enumerated as important tools.
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Representations Of Children In Kemalettin Tugcu& / #8217 / s NovelsArican, Ebru 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is an attempt to analyze the narrative structure of Kemalettin Tugcu& / #8217 / s novels for children that became popular in the 1960s and the 1970s. It examines the representations of childhood, adulthood, orphanhood, richness and poverty in
Tugcu& / #8217 / s books through the relations between the child and the adult and the rich and the poor. The poor orphan child that is portrayed especially as savior and virtuous
is the main character of Tugcu& / #8217 / s novels. Socio-cultural hierarchies are represented primarily through the encounter and the relationship of the poor orphan child with
the adults and the rich. This study argues that Kemalettin Tugcu& / #8217 / s novels represent orphanhood and poverty primarily as moral-spiritual states and not simply a materialeconomic
situation. The thesis also pays attention to the conservative themes in Tugcu& / #8217 / s books.
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Turkish Pavilion In The Brussels Expo' / 58: A Study On Architectural Modernization In Turkey During The 1950sBanci, Selda 01 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the Turkish Pavilion in the Brussels Expo & / #8217 / 58 in order to comprehend architectural modernization in Turkey during the 1950s. The Pavilion as well as Turkey& / #8217 / s participation in the Expo& / #8217 / 58 can be considered as special cases that provide the significant information about contemporary context of the country. In parallel with the
changes occurred in the world in the aftermath of the Second World War, the postwar period in Turkey transformed towards modernist attitudes not only in architectural realm but also in
socioeconomic discourses and practices. The case of the Turkish Pavilion has important and remarkable characteristics in many respects of architectural modernization in the country.
Having analyzed the Expo & / #8217 / 58 as an international event, the main part of the study aims to discuss Turkey and the Turkish Pavilion in the Expo with the related and detailed
information. This chapter is composed of four main parts. Having discussed the role of the state in the new international structure, the locus of the Turkish Pavilion within
contemporary architectural scene is, firstly, examined. The second part intends to reveal the specific characteristics of the Pavilion. The next part is an examination to explain the
conscious effort to construct the idea of the synthesis of arts in the architecture of the Pavilion. Finally, the last part explores, firstly, the exhibition and the display objects within
the Pavilion in terms of their contents, secondly, the wide-ranging activities and events of the Turkish participation beyond the Pavilion.
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Social Stratification And Consumption Profiles Of Ankara: A Case Study In Ankara Residential AreasAkpinar, Figen 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation attempts to develop a social stratification model considering its spatial
dimension for the households in the city of Ankara. The spatiality of social class has rarely
been in the agenda of scholars and has not been explored empirically. For this reason, the
study aims to test the hypothesis that social segregation in Turkish cities is empirically
measurable and manifests itself in the common patterns of behaviours and similar
conditioning of existence in the urban space. The focus of attention of the thesis is based on
the relationship between the material inequalities of different social strata within its
territorial context. If a class becomes a social reality, this must be shown in the formation of
common patterns of behaviour and attitude, and manifests itself in urban space. In short the
scope of the study is a twofold: Thesis questions are: (1) how and upon what basis social
groups and strata can be located in the economic and socio-cultural structure of the society.
This part of the study deals with the objective & / #8216 / & / #8217 / set& / #8217 / & / #8217 / of criteria / thesis question (2) whether
the same coherency can be coincided in the space. This part deals with the analysis of the
spatial dimension of social & / #8216 / & / #8217 / class& / #8217 / & / #8217 / which means segregation. Thesis findings provide
sufficient evidence that the differences stemmed from the material possessions and
consumption patterns of the urban households cannot be understood by employing the
conventional instruments as such rural/urban, traditional/modern as the division of axes.
New conceptualisation urgently is needed and consumption studies offer prospective and
highly potential issue.
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Woman& / #8217 / s Labor And Poverty: The Case Of Eskisehir Province In TurkeyGunes, Fatime 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines critically how women in poverty use their labor in the production and reproduction processes against poverty and the effects of these processes on women becoming poor referring to women& / #8217 / s knowledge. The material foundation of women& / #8217 / s poverty is conceptualized as a two-way devaluation of women& / #8217 / s labor used in social reproduction. Patriarchal, cultural and ideological structures and relationships are studied as other determinants of women& / #8217 / s poverty. In this framework, women& / #8217 / s poverty studied based on a field research conducted on 120 women in EskiSehir province, consisting of regular and irregular workers, housewives, married and single mothers. Household is the basic unit of analysis of women& / #8217 / s poverty. The scope that women& / #8217 / s poverty experiences are questioned are the following: women& / #8217 / s labor in production process, women& / #8217 / s domestic labor, women participating in social life, violence against women, their perception of poverty and their place in power relations.
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