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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Labour Utilisation in Queensland Hospitals

Allan, Cameron, n/a January 1996 (has links)
Within Australia and in Europe. there is evidence of growth in the incidence of non¬standard forms of employment such as part-time and casual work. Part of this growth can be attributed to changes in the structure of the economy and the increasing importance of service industries where non-standard forms of employment proliferate. There is also evidence, however, that employers at the firm level are progressively expanding their use of non-standard employment and reducing their reliance on full-time labour. One explanation for this organisational-level phenomena has been suggested by Atkinson (1987) in his account of the ‘flexible firm’. Atkinson claims that employers are increasingly attempting to divide the workforce into two major segments: a skilled, full-time core labour force and an unskilled, non-standard segment. This thesis examines Atkinson’s ‘flexible firm’ model through a study of labour-use practices of three acute hospitals in Queensland. A main finding of this thesis is the generalised and substantial growth of non-standard employment in all types of Queensland hospitals. The growth of non-standard hospital labour is not as, Atkinson would suggest, largely the result of demand-side strategies of employers but is also conditioned by supply-side factors. Gender, rather than skill, is found to be an important determinant of the proliferation of non-standard employment. Non-standard employment is not the major labour adjustment mechanism in all sectors of the hospital industry. Labour intensification is a critical and overlooked form of labour adjustment in the public sector. Overall, this thesis concludes that employers’ labour-use practices need to be conceptualised within the context of the opportunities and constraints imposed by the interaction of demand and supply-side factors.

The impact of the Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young merger on the Australian audit services market.

Bond, David January 2010 (has links)
The merger between Arthur Andersen (AA) and Ernst & Young (EY) in Australia was announced on the 16th May 2002. The merger was the culmination of seven months of speculation and drama surrounding the future of AA, following its involvement in the collapse of Enron in the United States of America (US). With the number of Big N firms having been reduced to four, concerns were raised over the impact of the merger on the competitiveness of the Australian audit services market (Boreham, 2002; Robertson, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2008). The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of the merger of AA and EY on the market for audit services in Australia. In this regard, consideration is given to two specific questions. First, whether the Australian audit services market became less competitive subsequent to the merger of AA and EY. Second, whether any benefits, either in relation to audit pricing or efficiency, accrued to the firms involved as a consequence of the merger. In order to address these objectives, the impact of the merger on Australian listed firms is examined. This was done for both the market as a whole, as well as for the clients of EY. The sample was drawn from the 1271 available firms on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in 2002. The results show that the audit services market in Australia is still competitive subsequent to the merger of AA and EY. This is so, even though the changes in concentration would suggest that anti-competitive effects could be occurring. One possible explanation for these findings is that the measures of market concentration as identified in the industrial organization literature are difficult to apply to audit firms. Additionally, the lack of benefit to EY from the merger, either through increased pricing or efficiency, may simply be due to 2002 being too early for benefits to be realised, possibly due to the stickiness of audit service fees (Ferguson et al., 2005) or merger implementation issues (Lawrence and Glover, 1998).

Online community supporting trading functions in an online auction website. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master Computing Systems, Unitec New Zealand /

Elian, Ryan. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.C.S.)--Unitec New Zealand, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-62).

The impact of the Arthur Andersen and Ernst & Young merger on the Australian audit services market.

Bond, David January 2010 (has links)
The merger between Arthur Andersen (AA) and Ernst & Young (EY) in Australia was announced on the 16th May 2002. The merger was the culmination of seven months of speculation and drama surrounding the future of AA, following its involvement in the collapse of Enron in the United States of America (US). With the number of Big N firms having been reduced to four, concerns were raised over the impact of the merger on the competitiveness of the Australian audit services market (Boreham, 2002; Robertson, 2002; Hamilton et al., 2008). The objective of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of the merger of AA and EY on the market for audit services in Australia. In this regard, consideration is given to two specific questions. First, whether the Australian audit services market became less competitive subsequent to the merger of AA and EY. Second, whether any benefits, either in relation to audit pricing or efficiency, accrued to the firms involved as a consequence of the merger. In order to address these objectives, the impact of the merger on Australian listed firms is examined. This was done for both the market as a whole, as well as for the clients of EY. The sample was drawn from the 1271 available firms on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) in 2002. The results show that the audit services market in Australia is still competitive subsequent to the merger of AA and EY. This is so, even though the changes in concentration would suggest that anti-competitive effects could be occurring. One possible explanation for these findings is that the measures of market concentration as identified in the industrial organization literature are difficult to apply to audit firms. Additionally, the lack of benefit to EY from the merger, either through increased pricing or efficiency, may simply be due to 2002 being too early for benefits to be realised, possibly due to the stickiness of audit service fees (Ferguson et al., 2005) or merger implementation issues (Lawrence and Glover, 1998).

Ur Investerarnas Synvinkel : En studie av Svenska Institutionella Investerares investeringsprocess i Venture Capitalfonder

Schmidt, Per, Westerberg, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Småföretagen har en betydande roll för ett lands ekonomi och Venture Capital fonderna spelar en viktig roll vid finansieringen av dessa företag då de har svårt att erhålla finansiering på vanligt vis. För att VC-fonderna i sin tur skall kunna bedriva sin verksamhet krävs det att de i sin tur erhåller finansiering från en investerare, som därför kommer att spela en viktig roll i denna process. Studien är baserad på en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn och vi valde att genom en kvalitativ metod utföra fem stycken intervjuer med investerare inom pensionsfonder och försäkringsbolag, som visat sig vara de största investerarna i VC-fonder. Vi ville få en förståelse och kartlägga processen i och med att en investerare väljer att investera i en VC-fond och även visa på de olika problemen som investeraren möter på vägen.</p><p>Detta har vi genomfört genom huvudsakligen en deduktiv ansats, då vi i vår teori tagit upp mycket av de problem som kan uppstå vid en investering, för att sedan genom intervjuer undersöka om dessa problem även uppstår för investerare till VC-fonder. Vi menar att vi även bidrar med ny forskning inom området och i och med detta anser vi att vi har inslag av ett induktivt angreppssätt.</p><p><em>Första steget</em> består i att investeraren bedriver en ”screening process” vilket innebär att investeraren gör en aktiv utvärdering av VC-fonderna och dess bakomliggande team. Denna process är den klart mest tidskrävande och generellt ser vi att den i flera fall kan uppgå till att man följer en VC-fond i flera år innan man bestämmer sig för att investera i den. <em>Andra steget</em> är kontraktsförhandling och beslut där man biträdda av externa jurister förhandlar man fram ett kontrakt. Detta kontrakt innehåller en rad stadgar och klausuler för att skydda investerarna från att VC-fonden agerar mot investerarnas intresse. Slutgiltigt beslut att investera i en VC-fond tas generellt av en investeringskommitté hos investeraren. <em>Tredje steget </em>består i uppföljning och kontroll av de pengar man investerat. Investerarna erhåller kvartalsrapporter som VC-fonden producerar och träffar teamet till VC-fonden några gånger per år för att gå igenom verksamheten. Vi ser också att investerarna försöker hålla en dialog med förvaltaren av VC-fonden och fungera som en rådgivare via så kallade ”advisory boards”. <em>Fjärde steget </em>innebär Exit, vilket handlar om när VC-fonden likvideras och investerarna får tillbaka sina investerade pengar och en eventuell vinstdelning sker mellan förvaltare och investerare.</p><p>Studien visar på att agentproblem genomsyrar större delen av investeringsprocessen mellan investerare och VC-fond. För att minska risken för adverse selection genomför man en grundlig utvärderingsprocess i inledningsskedet av investeringsprocessen för att sortera bort de dåliga investeringsalternativen. I och med att ansvaret för investerarnas pengar övergår till VC-fonden ökar detta risken för moral hazard. Vår studie visar på att investerarna förhandlar in en rad klausuler i kontrakten samt följer upp och kontrollerar investerade pengar, genom dels den löpande dialogen med VC-fonden men även personliga möten. Detta för att skydda sig mot denna typ av problem.</p>

Enterprises Internationalize with Firm-specific Advantages : Case Study of Swedish Firms

Wang, Lina, Wu, Qiong January 2009 (has links)
<p>Business has changed and developed fast and drastically through internationalization, which has drawn many scholars’ attentions. The dissertation will focus on the firm-specific advantages (FSAs) which allow firms to go to the international markets.</p><p>The theoretical framework of this dissertation contains four proxies of the firm’s specific advantages, including entrepreneur, market knowledge, network, and technology. In this dissertation, this framework will guide us to collect and analyze the empirical data.</p><p>The qualitative research strategy is employed in this dissertation. Utilizing the multiple case study, we choose two sample companies, both from Halmstad. The empirical data was gathered through semi-structured personal interviews. Data was also supplemented with secondary data, such as web pages and scientific articles.</p><p>The finding of this dissertation is that market knowledge and experience is a crucial, firm-specific advantage, which facilitates firm’s international expansion. In addition, the entrepreneur and network variables also have an impact on the internationalization process in direct or indirect ways. However, the study does not find obvious evidence that technology does help firms go to the foreign markets a lot.</p>

Enterprises Internationalize with Firm-specific Advantages : Case Study of Swedish Firms

Wang, Lina, Wu, Qiong January 2009 (has links)
<p>Business has changed and developed fast and drastically through internationalization, which has drawn many scholars’ attentions. The dissertation will focus on the firm-specific advantages (FSAs) which allow firms to go to the international markets.</p><p>The theoretical framework of this dissertation contains four proxies of the firm’s specific advantages, including entrepreneur, market knowledge, network, and technology. In this dissertation, this framework will guide us to collect and analyze the empirical data.</p><p>The qualitative research strategy is employed in this dissertation. Utilizing the multiple case study, we choose two sample companies, both from Halmstad. The empirical data was gathered through semi-structured personal interviews. Data was also supplemented with secondary data, such as web pages and scientific articles.</p><p>The finding of this dissertation is that market knowledge and experience is a crucial, firm-specific advantage, which facilitates firm’s international expansion. In addition, the entrepreneur and network variables also have an impact on the internationalization process in direct or indirect ways. However, the study does not find obvious evidence that technology does help firms go to the foreign markets a lot.</p>

Mikroföretagare : En studie av plastbranschens mikroföretagare

Hägglund, Thord, Malm-Lindberg, Elin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Småföretagen kan ses som en viktig del av samhällsekonomin i Sverige då de utgör 98 procent av Sveriges företag. Deras överlevnad kan därför vara betydelsefull, bl.a. som arbetsgivare. Men vilka är då dessa småföretagare: är det möjligt att se dem som jämförbara homogena grupper av individer i homogena branscher? Vi har därför i denna studie undersökt vilka dessa småföretagare är i en homogen bransch som plastindustribranschen och hur småföretagarna verkar i sitt företagande. Studien avgränsades till att endast omfatta företagare från de riktigt små aktiebolagen, mikroföretagen, med 2-9 anställda inom plastindustrin. Urvalet är gjort utifrån</p><p>företagens medlemskap i Svensk Plastindustriförening (SPIF). Företagarna studerades utifrån sina styrelseuppdrag i urvalets plastindustriföretag.</p><p>Ledningsskifte kan utgöra en stor och omvälvande förändring för ett litet företag, vanligen familjeföretag, då ofta både ledning och ägare byts. Vi har därför i studien gjort jämförelser mellan tre grupperingar av företag: de som genomfört ledningsskifte, de som troligen kommer att göra ledningsskifte inom en nära framtid och de som troligen inte kommer att göra ledningsskifte inom en nära framtid, för att se om det fanns några skillnader mellan dessa grupper. Dessa tre grupper studerades utifrån olika dimensioner som antal anställda, omsättning, könsfördelning, styrelsepositioner och kön, mikroföretagens ålder, ledningsstruktur, företagarnas ålder,</p><p>familjeföretagande eller kompanjoner samt multipelt företagande. Det visade sig att det inte förelåg några entydiga skillnader mellan de tre grupperingarna av företag varför vi inte kan se att ledningsskifte har avgörande betydelse för mikroföretag i plastbranschen.</p><p>Studiens resultat visade att det var svårt att se plastbranschens mikroföretagare som en homogen jämförbar grupp då de var mycket olika i sitt företagande trots vissa likheter. Överraskande många företagare kunde beskrivas som multipla företagare, vilket bidrar till svårigheten att se dem som homogen grupp då de är verksamma inom många olika branscher och verksamheter. Detta föranleder oss att se multipla mikroföretagare som ett område som borde studeras närmare.</p>

Culture, technology, market, and transnational circulation of cultural products : the glocalization of EA digital games in Taiwan /

Lin, Ying-Chia Hazel. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-159).

The éditrice in France since the MLF : Editions Des femmes and the opening of the publishing industry to women /

Duncan, Jennifer Sweatman. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 300-310). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

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