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A Case Study of Re-employment after Factory closing in the Semiconductor Company M.Su, Kung-Pei 24 August 2000 (has links)
Due to the dramatically sociotechnical change plus the Asia finance crisis influence, the non-employment rate and the number of jobless labor are getting higher in Taiwan currently. This case study is an employment research of the semiconductor company M after one year of factory closing to realize the re-employment status of employees who left company M one year ago. It investigated the job finding problems of employees who left company M after factory closing. While the average age of company M's employees are 43 years old, the re-employment problems of workers would be very much similar to the placement problems of middle senior workers (defined by government as those workers with age between 45 and 65).
By using questionnaire collection, this study checked the re-employment status of those who left company M one year ago. And tested the job satisfaction to those who are having jobs as well as investigated the job finding problems to those who are jobless. Also tested the awareness of public resources of job placement assistance provided by government on questionnaires. This study also discussed about the employee competence training for job change need. And examined the effectiveness of the outplacement assistance done by Human Resources department of company M one year ago in order to make a better outplacement assistance program example for any company who needs. This research also interviewed the Human Resources department heads to exchange the empirical practice viewpoint of captured subject from the industrial companies.
This case study found that the non-employment rate of a senior company (employees with average age over 40) might be high above 40% after one year of factory closing. The age discrimination of recruitment is the key factor for senior worker to find a new job after factory closing. Current Labor Law and Labor Insurance regulations may have some unfavorable items, which are out of dates, to impact the job finding of senior workers. People didn't fully utilize the public resources which government put on for senior workers' job placement assistance. This study also found that the individual competence training for job change of indirect labor workers is different from direct labor workers. Indirect labor workers prefer the Business Management application training while the direct labor workers prefer the soft service business items such as Cooking or Salon Beauty skill. The tested population expect to receive the individual competence training (for job change) sponsored by both firms and government while the Human Resources department heads of firms recognize it as government's responsibility.
In order to make a better mass labor transfer practice for the need of factory closing, this study made suggestions to firms, workers and government respectively:
¡E How to proceed a better outplacement assistance program for a factory which is going to discharge mass employees due to business close.
¡E How to deal with the job termination for those who work for a company going to close the business.
¡E How to support the job placement assistance for senior workers,
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Predator Influences on Behavioral Ecology of Dusky DolphinsSrinivasan, Mridula 16 January 2010 (has links)
I developed a spatially explicit individual-based model (IBM) to capture the dynamic
behavioral interaction between a fierce predator (killer whale, Orcinus orca) and a clever
prey (dusky dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obscurus), and to answer the ultimate question of
costs vs. benefits for dusky dolphins when making anti-predator decisions. Specifically, I
was interested in calculating time/distance budgets for dusky dolphins in the
presence/absence of killer whales and the presence/absence of movement and behavioral
rules, which presumably evolved in response to spatial and temporal variations in
predation risk. Results reveal that dusky dolphins rest less, travel more and have
reduced foraging time when killer whales are present. These effects are more
pronounced with increased presence of killer whales. The model suggests that a strong
reason favoring the adoption of short and long-term anti-predator mechanisms is
increased survival resulting from decreased encounters with killer whales. Further, a
mother with calf rests less and travels more when killer whales are present relative to a
dolphin without calf. However, a mother with calf on average, flee shorter distances and
have fewer encounters with killer whales than a dolphin without calf. Thus, despite ecological costs, it makes evolutionary sense for dusky dolphins to adopt anti-predator
rules. Bioenergetic consequences for dusky dolphins with and without calf were
estimated as total energetic costs and foraging calories lost due to low/high presence of
killer whales. I calculated total energy costs as: Foraging costs (FC) Locomotor costs
(LC) (Travel) or LC (Travel) LC (Flee) based on the absence, as well as low/high
presence of killer whales. Foraging costs contributed significantly to total energetic costs
estimated. Travel costs are minimal owing to proximity to deep waters. The total energy
costs were not significantly higher from low or high presence of killer whales for mother
with calf, but increases by about 90 kcal/day for a dusky without calf. However, I
estimate foraging calories lost due to increased killer whale presence is almost 5 times
more for mother with calf. Therefore, it might be important to consider indirect
predation risk effects by social type in future studies on animal bioenergetics.
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WH-INDEFINITES IN CHINESE AND THEIR STATUSSu, Chun-feng 27 August 2009 (has links)
Wh-indefinites in Chinese have received great attention and discussion in the literature. This thesis investigates the status of Chinese wh-indefinites and their behaviors in the so-called donkey sentence. A typical example of wh-indefinite will be like the following:
(4) Ta bu xiang zai shuo shenme le
he not want again say what LE
¡¥He does not want to say anything again.¡¦
In this thesis, accounts of wh-indefinites as variables, polarity items and quantifiers from Huang (1982), Li (1992), Cheng (1991, 1994) and Lin (1996, 1998) are provided and this thesis discusses the problems each account presents. Countering Li¡¦s (1992) work, this work argue that wh-indefinite like zenmeyang ¡¦how¡¦ and weishenme ¡¥why¡¦ cannot be directly treated as variables since they feature variables only if they appear after an auxiliary (under which situation they will express purpose or method) in a donkey sentence according to Tsai (1999, 2000), see the following examples:
(5) a. Akiu hui wei (le) shenme cizhi wo jiu hui wei (le) shenme cizhi¡@
Akiu will for LE what resign I then will for LE what resign
¡¥If Akiu will resign for the purpose x, I will then also resign for the purpose x.¡¦
b. *Akiu wei (le) shenme hui cizhi wo jiu wei (le) shenme hui cizhi
Akiu for LE what will resign I then will LE what will resign
Intended ¡¥If Akiu will resign because of the reason x, I will then also resign because of the reason x.
(Tsai¡¦s 2000, 15 glossed and translated by the author)
Avoiding treating wh-indefinites as variables, we may treat them as quantifiers according to Huang¡¦s observation. But Huang¡¦s (1982) quantifier account of wh-indefinites is also rejected because I observe that wh-indefinites do not exhibit island sensitivity. Then we are led to another treatment: treating wh-indefinites as polarity items because they are sensitive to polarity environment. Aside from the sensitivity to polarity environment, Lin¡¦s (1996) work argues that wh-indefinites are licensed as polarity items if the sentence is subject to NEEC- non-entailment of existence condition. NEEC tells us that if (part of) a sentence does not have the existential import of object; wh-words can be licensed as wh-indefinites. This faces challenge because there are cases presupposing existential import yet the wh-indefinite is licensed.
In chapter 3, two types of donkey sentences are identified in Cheng and Huang¡¦s (1996) work and are accounted with different approaches-Unselective Binding and E-type analysis. Though accepting their viewpoint generally, Lin (1996) makes a distinction between one-case and multi-case reading and opens the possibility of universal interpretation in ruguo-conditionals. Later I introduce Indirect binding approach to account both types of donkey sentences. Indirect Binding argues that some quantified expression plays the role as associating the indefinite with the anaphoric element in donkey sentences:
(6) [Everyone who ti keeps a dogj]i like itj.
The example here captures the very basic idea of Indirect Binding: the chunk of expression, which has the indefinite a dog in its scope, c-commands the pronoun it and hence relates it to the indefinite. I extend it to the analysis of Chinese donkey sentences and discover that although Indirect Binding does not target at a particular status, the condition that the indirect binder must c-command the indefinite seems to suggest that c-commanding is the way of licensing a wh-indefinite, which echoes Li¡¦s and Cheng¡¦s analyses.
In Chapter 4, I introduce wh-indefinites in Japanese and Korean respectively and conclude that quantificational force comes from the environment but not from wh-indefinites themselves, countering Huang (1982). Finally, I suggest that licensing a wh-word as a wh-indefinite is through being c-commanded by the relevant operators. It is so because of Li¡¦s and Cheng¡¦s observation of wh-indefinites licensing and also of a condition in Indirect Binding that indirect binders must c-command the indefinite in order to have it as in its scope, as I have mentioned. This thesis then provides a viewpoint that perhaps, wh-indefinites can be treated uniformly as polarity items considering that Indirect Binding approach explains their behavior in donkey sentences. This thesis also opens the door for analyzing wh-indefinites in donkey sentences under Indirect Binding in other languages.
Keywords¡G Wh-indefinite, polarity item, variable, quantifier, donkey phenomenon, Indirect Binding
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Activity Based Costing : Is it applicable in an event organising firm?Saitovic, Maja, Saliji, Valdete, Enow, Carine January 2007 (has links)
<p>Companies need different information about their operations, so that they can make better decisions and be more effective in the business world. One way to obtain that information is through looking at how costs are assigned to different cost objects, such as products or services. Of special interest is the allocation of indirect costs, because if these costs make up an important part of an organisation, then grasping them will help the firm be more competitive and respond better to customers and their needs.</p><p>One method of allocating indirect costs is called activity based costing, or ABC, and it looks upon what activities that are being performed by a company, how much they cost based on resource usage, what drives the costs, and most importantly, it assigns these ex-penses to products/services.</p><p>The aim of this thesis has been to investigate whether the ABC method can be applied in an event organising company. In order to reach the purpose we have used the example of Elmia AB, an event and trade show organiser situated in Jönköping, Sweden. The focus of our investigation was exhibition stands used in trade shows.</p><p>We have come to the conclusion that activity based costing is applicable when it comes to event organisers in the sense that it is possible to identify major activities and depict re-sources. However, problems emerge when trying to estimate costs of resources because it is hard to know in advance what customers want, and therefore one cannot clearly distin-guish or set fixed and variable costs, nor can one easily cope with problems of unused ca-pacity, that is resources that are supplied but not used. This is especially the case with cus-tomised exhibition stands. The process is somewhat easier when it comes to standardised offerings, because they are less complicated since they are already set and cannot be much altered by the customers. Furthermore, cost drivers can be applied in this setting, at least theoretically because they provide help in determining what processes the customers might find important. On the other hand, they might be rather difficult to measure. Finally, the actual assigning of costs to cost objects is hard, because for the complex solutions, one cannot easily find common activities across different stands, but this can be easier to do when exhibition stand pack-ages are standardised and demand is better traceable.</p><p>We have based our results on one company as a generalisation of event organisers as a whole, and we can argue that the example that we have chosen can be a good representa-tive of this particular branch of the service industry, because it shows how important indi-rect costs are to this dynamic business and also it reveals the importance of customers and their role when applying activity based costing to the environment. However, in order to have a complete conclusion with respect to our aim, more research is needed in other event and trade show organising firms because there are company specific situations in terms of size, structure, culture, etc, of a company that makes ABC a special case that changes ac-cording to different objectives of different users.</p>
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Die numerische Auswertung von KleinwinkelstreukurvenKüchler, R. 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Aus dem Streubild der Kleinwinkelstreuung kann im Allgemeinen, die die Streuvertei-lung erzeugende Struktur nicht eindeutig rekonstruiert werden. Die Ursache dafür wird erörtert und die damit verbundenen Einschränkungen bei der rechnerischen Auswertung der Streukurven an Beispielen veranschaulicht. Dies geschieht an Streukurven, die mit bekannten Größenverteilungen berechnet wurden. Weiterhin wird untersucht, welche Fit- Ansätze sich zur Auswertung der Kleinwinkelstreuexperimente am besten eignen. Als Fit- Ansätze wurden Reihenentwicklungen nach Trigonometrischen- und Polynomfunkti-onen und eine theoretisch motivierte Funktion verwendet. Neben dem entscheidenden Vergleich mit der Streukurve der Ausgangsfunktion werden die Ergebnisse auch den Rechnungen gegenübergestellt, die mit der weit verbreiteten Glatter- Methode erzielt werden.
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Erlebte Rede in der russischen Literatur : vom Sentimentalismus zum Sozialistischen Realismus /Hodel, Robert, January 2001 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Diss. / Bibliogr. p. 271-277. Notes bibliogr.
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Aerosol indirect effects in POLDER satellite data and the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique–Zoom (LMDZ) general circulation modelQuaas, Johannes, Boucher, Olivier, Bréon, François-Marie 21 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The POLDER-1 instrument was able to measure aerosol and cloud properties for eight months in 1996–1997. We use these observational data for aerosol concentration (the aerosol index), cloud optical thickness, and cloud droplet effective radius to establish statistical relationships among these parameters in order to analyze the first and second aerosol indirect effects. We also evaluate the representation of these effects as parameterized in the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique–Zoom (LMDZ) general circulation model. We find a decrease in cloud top droplet radius with increasing aerosol
index in both the model and the observations. Our results are only slightly changed if the analysis is done at fixed cloud liquid water path (LWP) instead of considering all LWP conditions. We also find a positive correlation between aerosol index and cloud liquid water path, which is particularly pronounced over the Northern Hemisphere
midlatitudes. This may be interpreted as observational evidence for the second aerosol indirect effect on a large scale. The model-simulated relationship agrees well with that derived from POLDER data. Model simulations show a rather small change in the two
relationships if preindustrial rather than present-day aerosol distributions are used. However, when entirely switching off the second aerosol indirect effect in our model, we find a much steeper slope than we do when including it.
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Evaluating parameterisations of subgrid-scale variabilityQuaas, Johannes, Grützun, Verena, Schemann, Vera, Weber, Torsten 26 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Parameterisations of fractional cloudiness in large-scale atmospheric models rely on information about the subgrid-scale variablity of the total water specific humidity, qt , provided in form of a probability density function (PDF). In this contribution, four different approaches to evaluate such total-water PDFs are discussed: (i) Satellite spectroradiometers with high spatial resolution allow to construct at the scale of model grid boxes a histogram, and subsequently to derive the moments of the PDF, of the vertical integral of qt . This can be compared to the same quantity diagnosed from the model parameterisation. Although the vertical integral mostly focuses on the boundary layer, and involves issues in grid-boxes with orographic variability, it allowed nevertheless in the example
presented to pinpoint deficiencies of a model parameterisation. (ii) Assuming a simple PDF shape and saturation within clouds, the simple “critical relative humidity” metric can be derived from infrared sounders and/or cloud lidar in combination with reanalysis data with a vertical resolution. It allows to evaluate the underlying PDF of any cloud scheme, but is sensitive to the assumptions. (iii) Supersites with a combination of ground-based lidar, radar and microwave data provide high-resolution high-quality reference data. In a “virtual reality” framework, we showed, however, that it is difficult to evaluate higher moments of a spatial PDF with this temporally-varying data. (iv) From a hierarchy of models from general circulation models to direct numerical simulations, we find
that the variance of the qt follows a power-law scaling with an exponent of about -2. This information is very useful to improve the parameterisations.
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Statistical Methods for Aggregation of Indirect InformationHan, Simeng 04 June 2015 (has links)
How to properly aggregate indirect information is more and more important. In this dissertation, we will present two aspects of the issue: indirect comparison of treatment effects and aggregation of ordered-based rank data. / Statistics
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Design, fabrication and testing of graphite bipolar plates for direct methanol fuel cells by indirect laser sinteringAlayavalli, Kaushik Comandoor 07 November 2011 (has links)
Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFCs) are electrochemical energy conversion devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy. The bipolar plate component of the DMFC is required to be fluid impermeable to prevent fuel leakage and electrically conductive to collect the electrons produced within the cell. Graphite possesses the properties of high electrical conductivity, low weight and resistance to corrosion that make it an attractive material for bipolar plates. However, the poor mechanical properties of graphite lead to prohibitive machining costs and increased production times. The objective of this research is to develop an indirect laser sintering (LS) process, involving the laser sintering of graphite powders mixed with a phenolic resin binder which offers the advantage of complex part production and testing of prototype bipolar plates in short times. Due to the nature of the indirect LS process, the as-produced (green part) plates are porous and possess low electrical conductivities (< 0.1 S.cm-1).
This research describes a viable method to rapidly fabricate and test multiple graphite bipolar plate designs using indirect LS. This process involved identifying and selecting suitable graphite powder and binder systems based on their thermal and electrical properties and developing a post process heat treatment method for achieving electrical conductivity of 250 S/cm for LS graphite parts which exceeds the DOE target of 100 S/cm for bipolar plate materials. The post processing also covered a method of infiltration using cyanoacrylate which was capable of rendering porous brown parts fluid impermeable and suitable for use in DMFCs. The cyanoacrylate infiltrated LS graphite parts were characterized for flexural strength and electrical and thermal conductivities and bipolar plates were made and evaluated in a DMFC test stand.
Various flow field designs including plates with varying channel and rib widths and triangular, elliptical and rectangular flow field cross sections were fabricated using indirect LS and their respective polarization curves were compared to commercially machined graphite plates. The fuel cell tests show the improvement in mass transport performance could be due to improved methanol distribution and water removal characteristics of triangular and elliptical cross sectional channels over rectangular channels of equivalent dimensions. / text
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