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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A geração de magmas ácidos na Província Magmática Paraná, região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP): uma contribuição da geoquímica isotópica e de elementos traço em rochas e minerais / Acid magma generation in the Paraná Magmatic Province, Piraju-Ourinhos region, state of São Paulo: a contribution of isotopic geochemistry end of trace elements in rocks end minerals

Freitas, Vivian Azor de 12 May 2009 (has links)
Os dacitos da região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP), que se estendem por cerca de 60 km acompanhando o curso do rio Paranapanema, são as exposições mais setentrionais do magmatismo ácido da Província Magmática Paraná. Estratigraficamente, jazem sobre os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu e são sobrepostos por derrames de basaltos de alto Ti tipo Pitanga. Diques e soleiras de basaltos presentes na região têm afinidades químicas variadas, podendo ser comparados aos tipos Paranapanema, Urubici e Pitanga. Os traquidacitos, classificação química dessas rochas, apresentam textura porfirítica com 5 a 15% de fenocristais de plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, minerais opacos e apatita. A matriz afanítica a fanerítica fina é composta por vidro, plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, quartzo e feldspato alcalino. Vidro pode constituir de 10 a 90% da matriz e em muitos casos está devitrificado, mostrando texturas reliquiares de quenching. Vesículas e amígdalas são abundantes em certas variedades de traquidacitos, podendo chegar a 40% da rocha. Foi obtida neste trabalho a idade U-Pb do magmatismo ácido por TIMS em concentrados de badeleíta e zircão. O valor, 134,4 ± 0,9 (2\'sigma\'), é mais exato e preciso que as idades obtidas previamente nos traquidacitos da região, 133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar, 1\'sigma\') e 128,7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'ANTPOT.39 Ar\', 1\'sigma\'), e encontra-se no curto intervalo de tempo atualmente admitido para o clímax do vulcanismo na Província. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' dos traquidacitos (0,7078 a 0,7080) são pouco mais radiogênicas que as dos basaltos (0,7056 a 0,7068), enquanto os valores de \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' são mais negativos (~ -5 versus -4). Tais diferenças sugerem que, embora os basaltos devam ter vínculo genético com o magmatismo ácido da região, deve existir alguma contribuição crustal na gênese das rochas vulcânicas ácidas. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtidas por LA-ICPMS mostram valores idênticos na matriz e em fenocristais de plagioclásio e apatita (~0,7077), consistentes com cristalização em equilíbrio. Com exceção de um cristal de plagioclásio que é fortemente mais radiogênico (~0,7083) e outro menos radiogênico (~0,7074), podendo corresponder a duas diferentes suítes de antecristais. A maioria dos fenocristais de clinopiroxênio tem razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' diferentes da matriz [em geral menores, entre 0,7045 e 0,7071; somente um cristal é mais radiogênico, 0,7084]. Junto com dois fenocristais de plagioclásio (com \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' inicial de 0.7083 e 0.7074), eles não se formaram em equilíbrio com a matriz, e são prováveis antecristais. Modelamentos geoquímicos utilizando elementos maiores e elementos traço compatíveis e incompatíveis mostram que é possível obter o magma ácido após a cristalização fracionada de 60 a 80% de basalto tipo Pitanga. O principal obstáculo para esse modelo seria o hiato composicional de sílica entre os magmas ácidos e básicos; no entanto, esse hiato pode resultar de limitações físicas impostas à separação cristal-líquido em composições intermediárias e à extração por filter pressing de líquidos residuais mais evoluídos. As pequenas diferenças nas razões isotópicas de Sr e Nd entre as rochas ácidas e básicas podem ser explicadas por um modelo de AFC com 60% de cristalização de um magma basáltico e assimilação de 10-30% de líquido granítico derivado do embasamento pré-Cambriano. Por outro lado, o modelo de refusão de underplates basálticos prevê a geração de magmas ácidos com teores de elementos compatíveis (Ni, Cr e V) mais elevados, e portanto demandariam fracionamento para alcançar as composições observadas nos traquidacitos. / Dacitic rocks from Piraju-Ourinhos, State of São Paulo, outcrop for ca. 60 km along the Paranapanema River valley, and constitute the northernmost expositions of the Parana Magmatic Province acid magmatism. They rest directly over the Botucatu Formation eolic sandstones and are recovered by Pitanga-type high Ti basalt flows. Basalt dykes and sills that occur in the region show different chemical relationship and can be compared to the Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga basalt types. Chemically classified as trachydacites, these rocks are porphyritic with 5 to 15% plagioclase, clinopyroxene, opaque minerals and apatite phenocrysts. Aphanitic to phaneritic groundmass is composed of glass, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, quartz and alkali feldspar. Glass can make up 10 to 90% of the original groundmass and is usually devitrified, being recognized by relict quenching textures. Vesicles and amygdalas are abundants in such trachydacites varieties and can achieve to 40% of rock. In this work, the age of the acid magmatism was obtained by U-Pb TIMS in baddeleyite and zircon concentrates. The value [134.4 0,9 (2\'sigma\')], is more accurate and precise compared with ages previously obtained in the trachydacites from region [133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar); 128.7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'39 ANTPOT.Ar\')], and within the short age interval currently admitted for the Paraná volcanism climax. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\' ANTPOT.86 Sr\' ratios of the trachydacites (0.7078 to 0.7080) are slightly more radiogenic than those of associated basalts (0.7056 to 0.7068), whereas \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' are more negative (~ -5 versus -4). These differences suggest that, although the basalts must have a genetic link with the acid magmatism of region, some crustal contribution may exist in the acid magmas. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtained by LA-ICPMS show identical values for the groundmass and plagioclase and apatite phenocrysts (~0.7077), consistent with equilibrium crystallization. Most of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts have initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' different from the groundmass (usually smaller; 0.7045-0.7071; only one crystal is more radiogenic, 0.7084). Together with two the plagioclase phenocrysts (with initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\'= 0.7083 and 0.7074), they did not crystallize in equilibrium to the groundmass, and are likely antecrysts. Geochemical modelling using major elements and both compatible and incompatible trace-elements show that it is possible to obtain the acid magmas after 60 to 80% fractional crystalization of a Pitanga-type basalt. The main obstacle for such model would be the wide compositional silic gap between acid and basic magmas.; however, this gap could result from physical limitations to crystal-liquid separation at intermediate compositions and to the extraction by filter pressing of more evolved residual liquids. The small differences in Sr-Nd isotopic signature between acid and basic rocks can be explained by an AFC model, with 60% of basaltic magma crystalization plus ~10-30% assimilation of a granitic liquid derived from the pre- Cambrian basament. On the other hand, a model of remelting of basalt underplates generates acid magmas with higher contents of compatible elements contents (Ni, Cr, V) and therefore would demand some fractionation to achieve the observed trachydacite compositions.

A geração de magmas ácidos na Província Magmática Paraná, região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP): uma contribuição da geoquímica isotópica e de elementos traço em rochas e minerais / Acid magma generation in the Paraná Magmatic Province, Piraju-Ourinhos region, state of São Paulo: a contribution of isotopic geochemistry end of trace elements in rocks end minerals

Vivian Azor de Freitas 12 May 2009 (has links)
Os dacitos da região de Piraju-Ourinhos (SP), que se estendem por cerca de 60 km acompanhando o curso do rio Paranapanema, são as exposições mais setentrionais do magmatismo ácido da Província Magmática Paraná. Estratigraficamente, jazem sobre os arenitos eólicos da Formação Botucatu e são sobrepostos por derrames de basaltos de alto Ti tipo Pitanga. Diques e soleiras de basaltos presentes na região têm afinidades químicas variadas, podendo ser comparados aos tipos Paranapanema, Urubici e Pitanga. Os traquidacitos, classificação química dessas rochas, apresentam textura porfirítica com 5 a 15% de fenocristais de plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, minerais opacos e apatita. A matriz afanítica a fanerítica fina é composta por vidro, plagioclásio, clinopiroxênio, quartzo e feldspato alcalino. Vidro pode constituir de 10 a 90% da matriz e em muitos casos está devitrificado, mostrando texturas reliquiares de quenching. Vesículas e amígdalas são abundantes em certas variedades de traquidacitos, podendo chegar a 40% da rocha. Foi obtida neste trabalho a idade U-Pb do magmatismo ácido por TIMS em concentrados de badeleíta e zircão. O valor, 134,4 ± 0,9 (2\'sigma\'), é mais exato e preciso que as idades obtidas previamente nos traquidacitos da região, 133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar, 1\'sigma\') e 128,7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'ANTPOT.39 Ar\', 1\'sigma\'), e encontra-se no curto intervalo de tempo atualmente admitido para o clímax do vulcanismo na Província. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' dos traquidacitos (0,7078 a 0,7080) são pouco mais radiogênicas que as dos basaltos (0,7056 a 0,7068), enquanto os valores de \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' são mais negativos (~ -5 versus -4). Tais diferenças sugerem que, embora os basaltos devam ter vínculo genético com o magmatismo ácido da região, deve existir alguma contribuição crustal na gênese das rochas vulcânicas ácidas. As razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtidas por LA-ICPMS mostram valores idênticos na matriz e em fenocristais de plagioclásio e apatita (~0,7077), consistentes com cristalização em equilíbrio. Com exceção de um cristal de plagioclásio que é fortemente mais radiogênico (~0,7083) e outro menos radiogênico (~0,7074), podendo corresponder a duas diferentes suítes de antecristais. A maioria dos fenocristais de clinopiroxênio tem razões iniciais \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' diferentes da matriz [em geral menores, entre 0,7045 e 0,7071; somente um cristal é mais radiogênico, 0,7084]. Junto com dois fenocristais de plagioclásio (com \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' inicial de 0.7083 e 0.7074), eles não se formaram em equilíbrio com a matriz, e são prováveis antecristais. Modelamentos geoquímicos utilizando elementos maiores e elementos traço compatíveis e incompatíveis mostram que é possível obter o magma ácido após a cristalização fracionada de 60 a 80% de basalto tipo Pitanga. O principal obstáculo para esse modelo seria o hiato composicional de sílica entre os magmas ácidos e básicos; no entanto, esse hiato pode resultar de limitações físicas impostas à separação cristal-líquido em composições intermediárias e à extração por filter pressing de líquidos residuais mais evoluídos. As pequenas diferenças nas razões isotópicas de Sr e Nd entre as rochas ácidas e básicas podem ser explicadas por um modelo de AFC com 60% de cristalização de um magma basáltico e assimilação de 10-30% de líquido granítico derivado do embasamento pré-Cambriano. Por outro lado, o modelo de refusão de underplates basálticos prevê a geração de magmas ácidos com teores de elementos compatíveis (Ni, Cr e V) mais elevados, e portanto demandariam fracionamento para alcançar as composições observadas nos traquidacitos. / Dacitic rocks from Piraju-Ourinhos, State of São Paulo, outcrop for ca. 60 km along the Paranapanema River valley, and constitute the northernmost expositions of the Parana Magmatic Province acid magmatism. They rest directly over the Botucatu Formation eolic sandstones and are recovered by Pitanga-type high Ti basalt flows. Basalt dykes and sills that occur in the region show different chemical relationship and can be compared to the Paranapanema, Urubici and Pitanga basalt types. Chemically classified as trachydacites, these rocks are porphyritic with 5 to 15% plagioclase, clinopyroxene, opaque minerals and apatite phenocrysts. Aphanitic to phaneritic groundmass is composed of glass, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, quartz and alkali feldspar. Glass can make up 10 to 90% of the original groundmass and is usually devitrified, being recognized by relict quenching textures. Vesicles and amygdalas are abundants in such trachydacites varieties and can achieve to 40% of rock. In this work, the age of the acid magmatism was obtained by U-Pb TIMS in baddeleyite and zircon concentrates. The value [134.4 0,9 (2\'sigma\')], is more accurate and precise compared with ages previously obtained in the trachydacites from region [133 -134 ± 6 Ma (K-Ar); 128.7 ± 1 Ma (\'ANTPOT.40 Ar\'/\'39 ANTPOT.Ar\')], and within the short age interval currently admitted for the Paraná volcanism climax. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\' ANTPOT.86 Sr\' ratios of the trachydacites (0.7078 to 0.7080) are slightly more radiogenic than those of associated basalts (0.7056 to 0.7068), whereas \'épsilon\'\'Nd IND.134\' are more negative (~ -5 versus -4). These differences suggest that, although the basalts must have a genetic link with the acid magmatism of region, some crustal contribution may exist in the acid magmas. Initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' obtained by LA-ICPMS show identical values for the groundmass and plagioclase and apatite phenocrysts (~0.7077), consistent with equilibrium crystallization. Most of the clinopyroxene phenocrysts have initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' different from the groundmass (usually smaller; 0.7045-0.7071; only one crystal is more radiogenic, 0.7084). Together with two the plagioclase phenocrysts (with initial \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\'= 0.7083 and 0.7074), they did not crystallize in equilibrium to the groundmass, and are likely antecrysts. Geochemical modelling using major elements and both compatible and incompatible trace-elements show that it is possible to obtain the acid magmas after 60 to 80% fractional crystalization of a Pitanga-type basalt. The main obstacle for such model would be the wide compositional silic gap between acid and basic magmas.; however, this gap could result from physical limitations to crystal-liquid separation at intermediate compositions and to the extraction by filter pressing of more evolved residual liquids. The small differences in Sr-Nd isotopic signature between acid and basic rocks can be explained by an AFC model, with 60% of basaltic magma crystalization plus ~10-30% assimilation of a granitic liquid derived from the pre- Cambrian basament. On the other hand, a model of remelting of basalt underplates generates acid magmas with higher contents of compatible elements contents (Ni, Cr, V) and therefore would demand some fractionation to achieve the observed trachydacite compositions.

Développement et application de la méthode Uranium-Plomb à la datation des carbonates diagénétiques dans les réservoirs pétroliers, et apport à la reconstruction temporelle de l'évolution des propriétés réservoir / Development and application of uranium-lead methodology to diagenetic carbonate dating in petroleum reservoirs and contribution to temporal reconstruction of petrophysical properties evolution.

Godeau, Nicolas 14 May 2018 (has links)
L'apport de contraintes chronologiques absolues sur les différents évènements et processus qui ont modelé la Terre constitue un des défis majeurs dans de nombreux domaines des sciences de la terre et de l'environnement. C'est en particulier le cas pour les bassins sédimentaires qui jouent un rôle économique majeur en étant sources d'importantes ressources naturelles, en particulier en hydrocarbures. L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer la datation absolue des minéraux secondaires carbonatés par la méthode U-Pb. Ces minéraux, quasi ubiquistes dans les réservoirs, témoignent des processus diagénétiques, tectoniques et des circulations fluides qui ont affecté ces systèmes. Au cours de cette thèse, plusieurs développements méthodologiques ont été mis en œuvre avec pour objectifs de repousser les limites de la méthode U-Pb. Des techniques d’analyses innovantes, comme le couplage ablation laser/SF-ICP-MS ou la sonde ionique, ont été testées et ont permis d’accroître de plusieurs ordres de grandeur la résolution spatiale des analyses U-Pb. Ces méthodes, couplées à la méthode plus classique de dilution isotopique ont été appliquées avec succès dans différents contextes d’exploration pétrolière permettant notamment d’apporter des contraintes temporelles sur des éléments clés du système pétrolier, comme le timing de la création/préservation du réservoir ou encore de la migration des hydrocarbures. Les différents résultats obtenus ont permis de dresser une synthèse des contextes les plus favorables à l’application de la méthode U-Pb, et de donner ainsi une vision d’ensemble du potentiel de la datation U-Pb sur carbonates secondaires appliquée aux réservoirs pétroliers. / Absolute chronological constraints on the different events and processes that have shaped the Earth constitute a major challenge in numerous realms in Earth and Environmental sciences. In particular this is the case for sedimentary basins that play a major economic role as being source of important hydrocarbon resources. The objective of this thesis is to develop absolute uranium-lead dating methodology on secondary carbonate minerals. This ubiquitous mineral phase in petroleum reservoirs testifies their complex geodynamic and diagenetic histories. In this study, several developments were implemented in order to circumvent the limits of U-Pb methodology. Innovative analysis techniques such as laser ablation coupled with SF-ICP-MS or ion probe were tested to increase the spatial resolution of the U-Pb analysis by several orders of magnitude. These methodologies coupled to the more traditional isotope dilution was successfully applied in different oil exploration context allowing to bring absolute constraints on key diagenetic events such as creation/preservation of reservoir properties or hydrocarbon migration. The results obtained during this study allowed to draw a synthetic model of the most favorable contexts for U-Pb method and gives an overview of the U-Pb dating potential to secondary carbonates applied to petroleum reservoirs.

Agitators in the Land of Zion: The Anti-Vietnam War Movements at Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University

Smith, Tracey 01 May 1995 (has links)
Through the vantage point of institutions of higher learning, Utah's distinction as a politically conservative state dominated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is examined during the Vietnam War era. The three universities in the study-Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Utah State University- are the three oldest and most populous universities in the state. This thesis concentrates on these three institutions and less on the politics of the state at the time. Studies showed that the universities, to varying degrees, exhibited antiwar sentiment Still, the campuses were less active in opposing the war, drawing only a very small percentage of students to demonstrations. Brigham Young University's President, Ernest L. Wilkinson (1951-1971), vigorously guarded against signs of antiwar activity. He was involved in the 1966 spy ring, which organized students for surveillance of supposedly liberal faculty. Students who appeared to be antiwar were also scrutinized. Despite the negative sanctions on such students, a minority of pupils did oppose the war and Wilkinson's tactics. The University of Utah produced the highest number of protesters, largely because of its more diverse and urban population. Many of the demonstrators at the U of U continued as activists in the Salt Lake Valley into the 1990s. Utah State University echoed the U of U, but to a lesser extent. Still, underground newspapers and an organized antiwar political party showed that USU also had a movement against the war. The administrations of the two schools figure into the text less powerfully than BYU's Wilkinson because they failed to become as involved in the debate. Oral interviews dominate this thesis. Subjects were chosen according to their involvement in particular events or movements. Student newspapers and underground newspapers were also utilized. This thesis attempted to recreate a tumultuous and turbulent time in American history. Utah's unique cultural slant showed that the Beehive State could not isolate itself from international events but also responded in its own way.

Assembly line balancing using hybrid genetic algorithms

Mapfaira, Herbert January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Learning to be you : transitional identity of British soldiers leaving the armed services

Flint, Kevin James January 2013 (has links)
In the field of social science, it is commonly acknowledged that we are what we do. 'Learning to be you' is a qualitative, longitudinal study, which examines career transitions from the British Army to civilian life. This study is not about the success or failure of any particular feature of the administrative process. It is concerned with people's identity, and by focussing on identity, certain successes and failures of the journey become visible. This study is multifaceted, just as identity is complicated and heterogeneous. Consequently, I have sought to develop a collaborative academic framework, combining the psychoanalytical theories of Freud, the discourse paradigms of Foucault, the structuralist perspectives of Bourdieu and the performed identities of Goffman. I envisage gliding surfaces of identity and I use the four theorists to account for these interrelating planes. Two main questions are addressed. How do transitions from the British Army to civilian life impact on identity? How does an institutionalised identity, positioned by rank and structure have to adapt to civilian career transitions? The findings illustrate a learning to cope via adaptation that is simultaneously frightening yet also emancipating. Even in successful transitions, there is disturbance and largely these prominent upheavals at the point of service departure have become normalised' within the military community. The key conclusions made by my study are: • Ex- service personnel have to adjust and modify their identity to fit to the new civilian environment. The adjustment can be painful, emancipating and it can be sudden to the individual. • Stress and risk at the point of service departure has been normalised. • Greater visibility of the civilian world is essential in order to make the best career choices. • Some military jobs have greater transferability than others do. • A predictability matrix may provide practitioners and service leavers with a helpful assessment of the resettlement spectrum. • Indications point toward an increasing need to consider wider post-discharge resettlement provision. • Further longitudinal resettlement research is required with the findings made available to key practitioners. 1 I use the term normalised to refer to the perceived natural concept of service departure. At some point, an individual must leave the military; however, those in transition report that it is far from natural.

Half a million tons and a goat : a study of British participation in the Berlin airlift, 25 June 1948 - 12 May 1949

Keen, Richard David January 2013 (has links)
The Soviet blockade of western Berlin between the 23 June 1948 and 12 May 1949 - and the airlift that was organized to defeat it - was the first major confrontation between the Soviet Bloc on the one side and the United States and its allies on the other. It was at the point where the shared cooperation arising from common interests during the Second World War finally dissolved and became the Cold War with the potential to develop into a hot war. Yet for all its acknowledged importance in the history of the Cold War, no historian has hitherto investigated the British component of the Berlin Airlift to discover how it worked in practice and if British involvement was actually necessary to the success of the Allied operation as a whole, or whether the Airlift could have been undertaken more effectively by different approach. Given its acknowledged importance, the Airlift has been poorly served by its historiography. It forms a very minor part in the post-war histories of Germany; and even in the more specialist scholarly literature on the early stages of the Cold War, it receives scant attention. Insofar as it has received any detailed scrutiny, the Airlift of 1948-9 is presented regularly as a sub-plot in the wider drama of the Berlin Blockade, and it is the US dimension of the Airlift which has produced the best historiography. The American aspect, Operation VITTLES, predominates in the current literature and there is no equivalent on the RAF side to the USAF professional historians' output. Beyond this US dimension, there is a general dearth of academic papers in journals and of scholarly monographs. Popular books exist in quantity providing narrative overviews for the general public but this literature can be based on assumptions about the British dimension to the Airlift that do not stand up when tested against the surviving evidence. This study seeks to address its principal questions - examining the scale and extent of the British participation, and gauging its utility and significance in iii relation to the broader multi-national endeavour to defeat the Blockade - by a close study of the rich and plentiful primary archival sources held in Britain, the United States and elsewhere using the combined methodologies of the historian and the logistician. The thesis evaluates British participation in the Berlin Airlift and reveals that her aircraft were demonstrably indispensable logistically. However, performance - and that of the Royal Air Force especially - was substantially lower than that of the American task force. At the time, the official explanation given to the public was that the USA operated more and larger aircraft. The thesis reveals that there were additional causes. It examines how the Americans might have replaced the British, as was feared within the Foreign Office and the RAF and as they had the French. Redistribution of the whole American task force to bases nearer to Berlin in the British Zone of Germany would have increased the tonnage delivered but the thesis finds it would not have been sufficient. Deploying more US resources is the other possibility investigated and the limitations of American capability to do so are revealed and the potential impact on the plans to continue the Airlift into 1951 identified.

Worthy of better memory : the Royal Navy and the defence of the Eastern Empire 1935-1942

Boyd, Andrew Jonathan Corrie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis proposes major revisions to the history of the naval defence of Britain’s Eastern Empire during the critical period 1935 – 42 as the Royal Navy (RN) sought to manage the increasing risks posed by three potential Axis enemies across divergent theatres. It challenges the prevailing historical interpretation which explains the successive defeats suffered by the RN at the start of the war with Japan as the inevitable consequence of resource weakness and imperial overstretch already evident in a deeply flawed pre-war strategy “Main Fleet to Singapore”. The dominant narrative argues that: Britain never had the naval resources to protect a two hemisphere Empire let alone cope with a triple threat from Germany, Italy and Japan; it certainly could not pose any effective counterweight to Japan once it was fighting for its life in Europe; and it compounded resource weakness by consistently underestimating the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) and failing to recognise the potential of modern airpower at sea. Britain’s strategy for defending its Eastern Empire through naval power therefore rested on convenient self-deception regarding Japanese intent and the balance of relative capability whereas in reality the RN was decisively outmatched. Furthermore, most historians suggest that, while Britain’s initial war with Japan ended in ignominy, this had little impact on the overall global struggle against the Axis because Britain’s role in the East was essentially irrelevant to the Allied cause whatever the losses to its own imperial standing. This thesis contends that the dominant narrative is neither satisfactory nor sufficient and reflects important gaps in the historical record. But it also argues that the historiography of the last 50 years has defined the RN role in protecting the Eastern Empire in very narrow terms, focusing almost exclusively on the defence of the Far East territories and the prospects of deploying a fleet to Singapore. In reality, the Eastern Empire encompassed a much wider area and it faced existential threats on its western boundary as well as in the east. Ensuring the security of this wider area had profound implications not just for Britain’s own war-making potential but for the overall Allied cause too. The thesis therefore offers an interpretation which, for the first time, investigates thoroughly the inter-dependencies between different theatres of war hitherto viewed principally in their own terms. By taking this wider perspective, it demonstrates that not only was there more coherence and continuity to RN policy and strategy towards the Eastern Empire in this period than historians have traditionally accepted but that it also reflected greater realism about what truly mattered and where naval resources should best be concentrated at any given time. In doing so, it shows how and why prevailing accounts are defective. The thesis proposes five main arguments across the period 1935 – 1942. First, it shows that the RN of 1939 was stronger, more capable, more innovative, and more ambitious in its strategic goals than the mainstream accounts of its inter-war history have generally ii accepted. It is simply not the case that meeting the demands of a multi-theatre war over the next three years as the output of the rearmament programme became available was out of reach as many have argued. It then demonstrates that British strategy to ensure adequate security through naval power for the core territories of the Eastern Empire in the face of the Triple Threat was more flexible and realistic, and better directed at what would prove to be the critical points in the first half of the war, than the prevailing historical narrative recognises. Thirdly, by looking at all relevant theatres simultaneously, it argues that Britain’s investment in the Middle East, and the RN commitment to the Eastern Mediterranean, from 1940 – 42, were essential both to protect the Eastern Empire and its resources and to enable it to generate maximum war potential. This commitment also vitally influenced the security of the Atlantic lifeline. It was not a diversion but an essential complement to meeting the threat from Japan. The thesis then re-examines the disasters suffered by the RN in the first phase of the war with Japan. It argues that promises of US naval support in the Atlantic and exaggerated expectations of the deterrent power the US could exercise against Japan allowed Britain’s war leadership to believe it could maintain a forward defence strategy in the Middle and Far East theatres simultaneously. This goal was never realistic with the resources Britain was able and willing to deploy overseas; yet it was the Admiralty, rather than the Prime Minister, who showed a reckless disregard for the resulting risks in the immediate run-up to war. In reality, the exercise of naval power to secure what mattered in the Eastern Empire did not ultimately depend on holding Singapore. The final line of argument is that it is simply not possible to reach a secure judgement on the eastern theatre without a proper understanding of how it interacted with the other war theatres and how this then influenced the decision-makers of the day. The thesis shows how the entry of Japan into the war confirmed that the Indian Ocean was an inescapable defence commitment, critical not just for Britain but also the wider Allied cause, ranking indeed second only to the Atlantic lifeline in importance. Despite the defeats suffered in the first months of the Far East war, the thesis demonstrates how the RN could still generate sufficient power by mid-1942 to defend this theatre against any naval force Japan was likely to deploy. The 1935 start date for the thesis marks the point when the threats posed by a resurgent Germany, an increasingly hostile Japan, and unpredictable Italy, moved from theoretical to real. The end of 1942 is an appropriate finishing point because, as the thesis explains, it marks the end of any credible threat from the Axis to the core Eastern Empire through either the Indian Ocean or the Middle East.

Some new tests for normality

Wang, Yishi. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--State University of New York at Binghamton, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references.

Uniqueness of the norm preserving extension of a linear functional and the differentiability of the norm

Liao, Ching-Jou 21 June 2006 (has links)
Let X be a Banach space and Y be a closed subspace of X. Given a bounded linear functional f on Y , the Hahn-Banach theorem guarantees that there exists a linear extension ˜ f 2 X of f which preserves the norm of f. But it does not state that such ˜ f is unique or not. If every f in Y does have a unique norm preserving extension ˜ f in X , we say that Y has the unique extension property, or, following P. R. Phelps, the property U in X. A. E. Taylor [17] and S. R. Foguel [7] had shown that every subspace Y of X has the unique norm-preserving extension property in X if and only if the dual space X is strictly convex. As known in [11], X is smooth if X is strictly convex. The converse does not hold in general unless X is reflexive. In this thesis, we show that if a subspace Y of a Banach space X has the unique extension property then the norm of Y is outward smooth in X. The converse holds when Y is reflexive. Note that our conditions are local, i.e., they depend on Y only, but not on X. Several related results are also derived. Our work extends and unifies recent results in literature.

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