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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beräkning av en gruppbostads energianvändning i Skellefteå kommun

Kafaliev, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
This report describes the theory for calculating the heating effect and energy in a group home in Skellefteå. The house's theoretical energy consumption is studied in which the calculations of the U-value and it’s total ventilation, transmission and infiltration losses are included. The theoretical energy consumption is compared with the actual consumption. It also describes various steps to improve the building's energy balance. A thermal camera was also used to examine potential loss of energy sources.

The Seiland Igneous Province, Northern Norway : age, provenance, and tectonic significance

Roberts, Richard James 27 June 2008 (has links)
The Seiland Igneous Province, of which 5400 km2 is exposed, is hosted within a discrete terrane within the northernmost part of the Caledonian orogenic belt. The Province consists of numerous mafic and ultramafic plutons emplaced into a sedimentary succession indicative of a continental setting. Accompanying this mafic magmatism is a significant volume of intermediate monzonitic and dioritic rock (10% of the total exposed igneous rock), as well as numerous nepheline syenite and carbonatitic intrusions. This study reports ID-TIMS U-Pb analyses on magmatic zircons from a range of intrusions, which indicate that the bulk of the Seiland magmatism took place between 560 Ma and 570 Ma, whereas previous studies had produced a range of ages between 420 Ma and 830 Ma. The data indicate that only one magmatic episode is represented in the rocks of the Seiland Igneous Province, invalidating previous models involving multiple rifting events over a period of 300 m.y. Detailed geochemical investigation of several plutons from an evolved high alkali suite of gabbroic intrusions in the Seiland Igneous Province has shown that these plutons are generally enriched in trace elements compared to layered intrusions from other areas across the globe, but that geochemically the gabbros are relatively homogenous. The rocks yield εHf and εNd values for the gabbroic rocks ranging from +8 to -6 and from +4 to -4, respectively, indicative of the contamination of mantlederived material with crustal material. The most primitive isotopic values are similar to those obtained from the carbonatites and nepheline syenites, indicating the same mantle source gave rise to the magmas that were subsequently emplaced as the Seiland Igneous Province. The homogeneous trace element content of the different mafic rocks most likely indicates a relatively homogeneous mantle source for the original magmas of the province, which has subsequently been affected by processes of assimilation and crustal contamination. The monzonitic and dioritic bodies in the Seiland Igneous Province are not derived from melted silicic crustal material and may have been formed by the melting of pre-existing mafic material. The new geochronology invalidates the metamorphic framework previously proposed for the Seiland Igneous Province, which postulated several orogenic events between the emplacement of the magmas and the Caledonian Orogeny. There is no evidence for metamorphic activity in the period between 570 Ma and 420 Ma, and there are monazites in gneissic rocks hosted within mafic rocks of Seiland age that preserve an age of 640 Ma. This leads to the conclusion that only one metamorphic event, the 420 Ma Caledonian Orogeny caused by the collision of Baltica and Laurentia, affected the Seiland terrane after the emplacement of the Seiland magmas. The new data obtained lead to a model for the evolution of the Seiland Province in which a number of heavily modified and contaminated mantle-derived mafic magmas derived from the mantle were emplaced into the continental crust of the Seiland nappe between 560 and 570 Ma. This magmatism was accompanied by the injection of alkaline magmas into the same area of the crust, and the melting of mafic rock emplaced earlier. This magmatic event is considered to have occurred in an extensional stress regime, possibly during intracontinental rifting or back-arc spreading. This event took place well before the 420 Ma Caledonian Orogeny, and thus the Seiland Igneous Province can be considered a remnant of an older geological terrane that was emplaced onto the margin of Baltica during the Caledonian Orogeny.

Geochemické studium procesů, relevantních pro hodnocení bezpečnosti hlubinného úložistě radioaktivních odpadů: Formy uranu a scénáře jeho retence v prostředí sedimentárních hornin na lokalitě přírodního analogu Ruprechtov / Geochemical study of processes, relevant to safety assessment of deep geological repository: Uranium forms and enrichment scenario in a sedimentary system at the Ruprechtov natural analogue site

Havlová, Václava January 2011 (has links)
U migration was studied in order to better understand to processes of safety relevant elements, particularly U. The rock sequence on the site can be analogous to a potential rock overburden of deep geology repositories. A multidisciplinary approach was undertaken in order to identify and characterise U mobilisation/immobilisation processes within sedimentary clayey rocks with organic matter enriched interlayers. Both conventional methods and modern sophisticated spectroscopic methods were combined. Sequential extraction, wet chemical method and even spectroscopic methods proved that U prevailed in the U(IV) form in low-oxidised samples. It moved towards more easily releasable fractions with sample ageing (oxidation). The combination of SE, µ-XRF and µ-XAFS results proved U to be unexpectedly associated with As and P, leading to the presumption that U(VI) from groundwater was reduced to U(IV) on As pyrite. The evaluation of the hydrogeochemical conditions and isotope analyses then brought the results into broader context: Sedimentary organic matter within the sedimentary layers was microbially oxidised, releasing dissolved organic matter and providing H+ in order to dissolve sedimentary inorganic carbonates. SO4 2- could be reduced under reducing groundwater conditions, thus causing FeS2 formation....

Geocronologia U-Pb e geoquímica isotópica Sr-Nd dos granitóides sintectônicos às zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes Quitéria Serra doo Erval e dorsal de Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Knijnik, Daniel Barbosa January 2018 (has links)
No sul do Brasil, zonas de cisalhamento tem um papel importante na geração e posicionamento de magmas graníticos e básicos. As zonas de cisalhamento transcorrentes Quitéria-Serra do Erval (ZCQSE) e Dorsal de Canguçu (ZCTDC) fazem parte do Cinturão de Cisalhamento Sul brasileiro (CCSb), uma descontinuidade formada no Neoproterozoico, que compreende zonas de cisalhamento kilométricas, anastomosadas, de escala crustal, com cinemática predominantemente transcorrente, e estão relacionadas com a construção de um extenso batólito de quase 1000 Km (650-575Ma). Seu desenvolvimento iniciou após a colisão principal (ca. 650 Ma) entre os cratons Rio de La Plata e Kalahari. A ZCQSE controlou o posicionamento do Granodiorito Cruzeiro do Sul (635Ma) e dos Diques Tardios granodioríticos a monzograníticos (605Ma), dos granitoides de afinidade tholetítica, Arroio Divisa (625Ma), e seu pulso mais evoluído, os Granitoide Sanga do Areal (620Ma). A presença de enclaves máficos contemporâneas com esses granitoides, indicam que fontes mantélicas foram ativas durante seus posicionamentos. Valores de ƐNd entre -3.32 a -10.93 e razões de 87Sr/86Sr(i) entre 0.7048 to 0.7223 obtidas para os granitoides da QSESZ sugerem fontes mantélicas com alguma componente crustal. Xenólitos das rochas encaixantes, como as do Complexo Arroio dos Ratos (2.14Ga), são interpretadas como parte da contaminação crustal. Os padrões geoquímicos dos granitoides da ZCQSE indicam fontes e processos de diferenciação similares para todas as unidades. Dados geocronológicos dos magmatismos shoshoniticos com idades entre 635 e 605 Ma definem o período mínimo de atividade tectônica e magmática da ZCQSE, assim como expandem o intervalo do magmatismo shoshonítico no sul do Brasil, indicando uma ativação precoce de fontes mantélicas no Batólito Pelotas. Estes magmatismos de natureza shoshonítica e tholeítica registram os estágios iniciais do CCSb (640 630Ma), em um ambiente pós-colisional, logo após a colisão principal (650Ma) no ciclo Brasiliano / Pan-Africano. Neste trabalho, complexos processos de fusão parcial de fontes mantélicas e crustais envolvendo influxo de água, fluxo de calor adicional através de injeções félsicas e máficas, mixing, mingling, e descompressão relacionada a atividade de zonas de cisalhamento durante mais de 30 Ma, são sugeridos. O magmatismo ao longo da ZCTDC teve seu início com o Granito Quitéria e foi seguido pelo Granito Arroio Francisquinho, o primeiro de derivação mantélica e o segundo de fusão crustal. Novos dados U-Pb SHRIMP do Granito Quitéria apontam uma idade de 634 Ma, interpretada como idade de cristalização. Para o Granito Arroio Francisquinho, a idade de cristalização obtida em monazita e nas bordas de zircões, foi cerca de 610 Ma. Estas idades definem o período principal da atividade tectônica e magmática da ZCTDC. Uma compilação extensiva de dados isotópicos do magmatismo dentro e fora dos três batólitos que compõe o CCSb e do seu embasamento, permitiu estimar o intervalo do magamtismo pós-colisional no sul do Brasil entre 640 e 560Ma, e o intervalo dos picos termais causados por esse magmatismo no embasamento, entre 650 e 560 Ma. As idades de cristalização, heranças e os dados de Sr-Nd compilados, levaram a conclusão que estes três segmentos devem ser tratados como um único batólito. / Crustal-scale shear zones play an important role in the generation and emplacement of granitic and basic magmatism within the Neoproterozoic post-collisional setting of southern Brazil. The strike-slip Quitéria-Serra do Erval Shear Zone (QSESZ) and the Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone (DCTSZ) are part of the Southern Brazilian Shear Belt (SBSB), a major crustal discontinuity formed in the Neoproterozoic, which comprises several km-wide, anastomosing shear zones of dominantly transcurrent kinematics and is related with the building of an extensive, nearly 1000 km long batholith (650-575Ma). Its development is thought to have initiated after the main collision (ca. 650 Ma) between the Río de la Plata and Kalahari cratons. The QSESZ has controlled the emplacement of the shoshonitic Cruzeiro do Sul Granodiorite (635Ma) and late granodiorite to monzogranite dikes (Late Dikes, 605Ma), the tholeiitic Arroio Divisa granitoids (625Ma) and its more evolved pulse, the Sanga do Areal (620Ma). The presence of mafic rocks coeval with each of these granite magmas, found as mingled mafic enclaves, indicates that mantle sources were active during their emplacement. ƐNd values of -3.32 to -10.93 and 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios from 0.7048 to 0.7223 obtained for the QSESZ granitoids suggest mantle sources with some evolved sources such as old continental crust. Host-rock xenoliths of the Paleoproterozoic Arroio dos Ratos Complex (2.14 Ga) are interpreted as crustal contaminants. Geochemical trends indicate similar sources and processes of differentiation for the QSESZ granitoids. Geochronological data of the QSESZ shoshonitic magmatisms indicates ages between 635 and 605 Ma and defines the minimum period of magmatic and tectonic activity of the Quitéria-Serra do Erval Shear Zone, as well as expand the time span for the shoshonitic magmatism in southern Brazil indicating an early activation of mantle sources in the Pelotas Batholith. These magmatisms of shoshonitic and tholeiitic nature records the initial stages of the SBSB (640 - 630Ma) in a post-collisional period, just after the Brasiliano / Pan-African main collisional event (650Ma). A complex process of partial melting of mantle and crustal sources involving water influx, additional heat flux from felsic and mafic injections, mixing, mingling and decompression related to the shear zone activity over 30 Ma duration is suggested. Magmatism emplaced along the DCTSZ has started with the mantle-derived Quitéria Granite and was followed by crustal melts such as the Arroio Francisquinho Granite (AFG). New U-Pb SHRIMP zircon data from the Quitéria Granite yielded a value of 634 Ma, interpreted as its crystallization age. The AFG crystallization age obtained in monazite, and zircon outer rims is ca. 610 Ma. The ages of these granites define the main period of coeval tectonic and magmatic activity of the DCTSZ. An extensive isotope data compilation of the magmatism within and outside the SBSB three batholith segments and its basement allows to estimate the time span of postcollisional magmatism in southern Brazil from 640 to 560 Ma, and the interval of the main thermal effects on the basement between 650 and 560 Ma. The crystallization/inherited ages and the Sr-Nd isotope data, lead to conclude that three segments should be addressed as a single batholith.

The origins of the organisational culture of the Royal Air Force

Monahan, Fin January 2018 (has links)
The first independent air force, the Royal Air Force, was formed on 1 April 1918 during the First World War. It was a merger of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. Its leaders and personnel brought cultural predispositions with them from their former services. Unsurprisingly, many aspects of the new independent Service that they created were similar to those in the Royal Navy and British Army. Despite that, a distinctive RAF culture emerged within a short time frame. Many elements of that culture have subsequently been emulated by other nations as they formed their own independent air forces. Those who serve or have served in the RAF intuitively know the power of its culture. RAF life is an immersive experience that evokes a range of assumptions, beliefs and emotions that can deeply affect combat performance. Despite this, little academic study of RAF culture has been conducted. This thesis will examine the history of the RAF from a new social angle. It will establish why its culture is so important and why RAF culture became so distinctive given its very traditional foundations.

British 8th Infantry Division on the Western Front, 1914-18

Thomas, Alun Miles January 2010 (has links)
This is a study of the British 8th Infantry Division on the Western Front between 1914 and 1918. It is set in the context of the dominant historiography of the last thirty years – that the BEF’s experiences on the Western Front between 1914 and 1918 were subject to a ‘learning curve’, that it learnt in a progressive fashion how to fight a skilled enemy. This process meant that the organisation was more effective by its end. The questions asked about operational effectiveness are informed by this debate. It also seeks to illuminate and carry the debate forward by an examination of the Division at various phases of its wartime experiences. The study utilises official documentation, including war diaries and after –action reports, the private papers of individuals who served with the Division and correspondence with the Official Historian. The study suggests that 8th Division underwent a learning process, progressively improving. However, this process was not constant being affected by casualties, terrain, changes in personnel and command style and the tasks faced. The study argues that by the end of the war, 8th Division, using devolved initiative, was able to employ the sophisticated use of all arms to overcome the enemy.

The strategic leadership and direction of the Royal Air Force Strategic air offensive against Germany from inception to 1945

Gray, Peter William January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the strategic leadership, and the high level direction, of the Royal Air Force’s contribution to the strategic air offensive against Germany. It takes the conceptual thinking, the organisational aspects and the leadership required to bring it into being, from its inception in the First World War through to 1945. The thesis uses modern understanding of strategic (or senior) leadership as an analytical tool. The realm of strategic leadership is complex, and ambiguous, and the senior leaders required high levels of intellectual capacity to cope with the survival of the force and its subsequent rapid to meet the rising threat from Germany. The senior leaders, political and military, acknowledged that their methods of warfare must be just, and the thesis examines the legality and morality of the planning and conduct of the offensive. A key facet of strategic leadership is the setting of the vision and purpose of the enterprise and the thesis examines the challenges that arose from the competing views on how the offensive should be waged. Genuine strategic leadership requires dexterity in working at the interfaces with other organisations, or Allies, and the thesis examines the complexities of the Combined Bomber Offensive and Overlord.

Ghostly warriors : gender, haunting, and military techniques

Clark, Lindsay Caitlin January 2017 (has links)
Contemporary debates about military technologies have tended to overlook important interjections from feminist security scholars. These interjections have drawn attention to the myriad ways in which gender functions in the development and deployment of technologies in warfare, so that the technology is perceived as either having 'feminizing' or 'masculinizing' effects. However, the accounts offered in support of these arguments include data which does not ‘fit’ with the narrative of either/or masculinization/feminization. This thesis is that 'Haunting' provides an important lens through which the interaction between, and co-constitution of, gender and military technologies can be more adequately explored. Supplementing the 'ghost hunt' with 'queer logic' to draw the concerns of Haunting (the complexity of personhood, in/(hyper)visibility, disturbed temporality and power) in conversation with feminist scholarship, the thesis reveal military technologies as simultaneously destabilizing and (re)inscribing dominant discourses of military masculinity. At its core this thesis argues that Haunting as a theoretical framework and methodology gives us access to, and a means of understanding, data that centres nuance, details and specificity which is fundamental to social research.

Experiences of military culture and identity

Robinson, Lee January 2017 (has links)
Periods of operational deployment contain unique experiences for military servicemen and servicewomen. Previous research has focused on the experiences of regular personnel and their families. Given the increased presence of reservists in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the proposals to include military servicewomen in frontline combat roles, further exploration of the needs of these populations is required. This thesis increases understanding of military identity and culture at a time when the number of servicewomen and reservists requiring care from the National Health Service is likely to increase significantly. Chapter one is a critical review of the qualitative research exploring military servicewomen’s experiences of deployment. Database and manual searches resulted in 13 studies being included in the review. Military servicewomen described experiencing widespread gender-based discrimination implicitly supported by a patriarchal military culture that eroded their military and feminine identities. The findings revealed that this has significant implications for their long-term wellbeing. The review highlights the need for radical culture change in the military that continues to view women as counter to the revered masculinity viewed as a requirement for combat. Suggestions for future research are discussed. Chapter two is a qualitative research study that explored reservists’ lived experiences of deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. Using interpretative phenomenological analysis, the study provides an in-depth account of the shifting identities of the reservists as they transition from civilian to soldier and back to civilian following deployment. The study reveals how their military identities are formed and crystallised by the deployment experience, leaving them detached from their former civilian selves. Implications for clinical practice and suggestions for future research are discussed. Chapter three is a reflective account exploring the integration of contextual identities within diverse roles. It explores the parallels between the research subject and the multiple roles of the clinical psychologist.

Supply and command : a study of the late Roman commissariat

McCunn, Stuart January 2018 (has links)
The Roman ability to project their power and defend their empire was based on the empire having the capability to maintain a standing army. This thesis is an examination of the commissariat that supplied this army since without logistical support such an army could not survive. The basic question under consideration is how well the commissariat functioned in late antiquity, the period when it was in its most developed and best documented state. When considering the commissariat of late antiquity it is important to understand what came before and how this system came into being. Of particular importance is the office of praetorian prefect, which went from being an imperial deputy with both military and judicial functions during the Principate to the chief administrative office in the late Roman state. Once this question has been addressed it is possible to look at the late Roman commissariat. The process of supply had several different stages, from raising supplies to their storage, transport, and distribution. All of these elements must be addressed separately. The system of supply in late antiquity was not static and there were several modifications to the system over the three centuries covered, most notably the creation of new positions at the top of the supply system. Determining the quality of the commissariat from this requires contrasting the twin considerations of effectiveness and efficiency – the ability to reliably provide supplies for the army and the expenditure of the minimum amount of resources necessary towards that goal. The detailed analysis provided in this thesis supports the conclusion that the late Roman army was, in general, effectively supplied. The issue of efficiency is more difficult to assess, but it is clear that there were many areas of great inefficiency within the Roman system. This in turn implies that the emperors prioritized effectiveness over efficiency – a conclusion consistent with the importance of the army to the emperors’ position.

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