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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Data tampering in Vehicle CAN Bus networks

Arapantonis, Elpidoforos January 2019 (has links)
The paradigm of the automotive industry has changed, over the course of the last10-15 years. Electronics and software, have introduced in many dierents parts ofa vehicle and the drive-by-wire it is taking over the vehicle functions. Connectivityfunctionalities are increasing in the context of the automotive industry as well. Allthe aforementioned parts have more than one common link. This thesis project willfocus on one of these links, which is the security. The focus will be the CAN busprotocol and specically, on investigating the implications of an adversary havingphysical access in a vehicle. An experiment will be contucted as part of this thesiswork, by using open source hardware (Arduino and Raspberry Pi) and a Man-inthe-middle (MITM) attack scenario, will be implemented. The application, whichwill perform the MITM attack (small scale CAN bus fuzzer) will be developedduring this project and it will be distributed as an open source software afterwards.

Měření koncentrací skleníkových plynů / Measurement of greenhouse gas concentrations

Dohnal, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the greenhouse effect, various gases and methods of measurement. On the greenhouse effect is viewed from its historical dating, despite changes in atmospheric composition. It contains a theoretical analysis of the individual gases. It focuses on the most harmful greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons and halons. Analysis methods for detection of gaseous substances. Part of this work is focus on the detection of nitrogen dioxide, chloro-fluorocarbon and methane. The data is processed using a ATmega’s microcontroller and then sent to an Internet server thingspeak.com. If the device proves successful, will be used as a laboratory exercise in the course Ecology in electronics.

Aktivní aerodynamické prvky osobních vozidel / Active aerodynamic components of road vehicles

Stiborová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
In this diploma thesis active aerodynamic components are designed, specifically brake cooling duct and active automotive wing. Cooling duct prototype and also active regulation controlling electronics including the software were created. Road test was performed to measure the duct parameters. Construction design and the active regulation function of the automotive wing were created. The influence of the wing on aerodynamic characteristics of the car was determined.

Řídicí panel pro automatizaci budov / Control panel for smart house automation

Širůček, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with smart house automation, the application of products in this field, and their use. It also describes a specific solution developed in this work for smart house automation and its hardware and software properties. The developed smart house automation panel is a compact device designed primarily for non-commercial use. It is a multipurpose device whose specific function is set by the user by selecting control instructions. This work contains a description of these instructions, the software for building them, and examples of practical applications.

Řízení a monitorování klimatu ve skupinách terárií / Control and monitoring of climate in groups of terrariums

Pavlišin, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to propose a system for monitoring and regulation the climate in groups of terrariums using Raspberry Pi platform and with subsequent well-arranged representation through the web server. Each group of terrariums has its own measure and regulation device Arduino NANO that wirelessly communicates with central computer Raspberry Pi. The measured values are stored in the MySQL database in central computer. These values are then graphically displayed on the web page. Limit values for regulation and regulation times can also be set through web page.

Systém pro monitorování spotřeby vozidel / A System for Monitoring Vehicle Fuel Consumption

Lazárek, Zbyněk January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a system that can detect fuel theft from vehicles. The systemconsists of a hardware device located in the monitored vehicles and information systemthat makes it possible to determine when and where the theft occurred. The thesis describesthe components of the hardware device and individual functionalities of the informationsystem.

Neuronové sítě v inerciálních navigačních systémech / Neural Networks in Inertial Navigation Systems

Tejmlová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
Disertační práce je zaměřena na oblast inerciálních navigačních systémů a systémů, které pro odhad polohy používají pouze výpočty. Důležitým faktem v dané problematice je vysoká nepřesnost určení polohy při střednědobém a dlouhodobém využívání takového systému díky kumulativní chybě za předpokladu, že inerciální systém není podpořen žádným dalším přídavným systémem. V disertační práci jsou uvedeny možné přístupy k této problematice a návrh na zvýšení přesnosti určování polohy pouze na základě inerciálních senzorů. Základem inerciální měřicí jednotky je systém s 9 stupni volnosti, který umožňuje snímat celkové zrychlení, rychlost rotace a sílu magnetického pole, jednotlivě ve třech osách. Klíčovou myšlenkou je zařazení umělých neuronových sítí do navigačního systému tak, že jsou schopny rozpoznat charakteristické rysy pohybů, a tím zvýšit přesnost určení polohy. Popis navrhovaných metod zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Neuronové sítě jsou navrhovány v prostředí MATLABTM a jsou používány k určení stavu inerciální jednotky. Díky implementaci neuronových sítí lze určit pozici jednotky s řádově vyšší přesností. Aby byl inerciální polohovací systém s možností využití neuronových sítí demonstrativní, byla vyvinuta aplikace v prostředí Qt. Navržený systém a neuronové sítě byly použity při vyhodnocování reálných dat měřených senzory.

Zařízení pro monitorování degradačních procesů u materiálů živočišného původu / Monitoring equipment of degradation processes for material of animal origin

Chmelař, Vít January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces the reader to the problems of chemical sensors and the basics of degradation processes in materials of animal origin. It describes some types of sensors and their principles. Atmel ATmega328 microprocessor, its parameters and programming are described. In the next part of the thesis there is a proposal and production of equipment for monitoring of degradation processes in materials of animal origin. Sample sof chicken and milk were mesuared. From these measurements, the gas concentration values were determined, where samples can be considered suitable for consumation.

Jednoduchý průmyslový Ethernet / Industrial low complexity Ethernet system

Šustek, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the building embedded demonstration application of the proprietary Low Complexity Ethernet module for industrial usage further called the LEN/LES 2. At the first, main used technologies such as MCU, or the lightweight IP stack is discussed, Consequently, there is detailed view on system hardware architecture proposed by hardware and software requirements. Then though part describes blocks of embedded system are in term of specific parts and hardware requirements to create universal board. Following chapters expresses first startup and known hardware bugs, LWIP implementation and MODBUS system implementation. The core of the system is the new released microcontroller an ADuCM4050 and the Low Complexity Ethernet MAC-PHY prototype block and much more dependent convenient peripherals of the MCU based application.

Řídicí obvody kolejového výtahu / Control circuits of railway lift

Kopecký, Jan January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the mechanical and electrical design of the drive of the inclined construction lift. Individual components are selected in the design. Furthermore, a theoretical research is carried out regarding wireless modules and logic controllers. The selection of sensors is made and the method of retrieving signals from sensors and converting them into iputs the control circuits is also outlined. A program is written in Arduino IDE that wirelessly controls the motion of a motor via variable frequency drive.

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