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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řízení a monitorování klimatu ve skupinách terárií / Control and monitoring of climate in groups of terrariums

Pavlišin, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to propose a system for monitoring and regulating the climate in groups of terrariums using the Raspberry Pi platform and subsequent transparent display through the web server. Each group of terrariums has its own control device that wirelessly communicates with the Raspberry Pi control computer. The measured values are stored in the MySQL database on the control computer. The measured values are graphically displayed on the web page.

Systém pro bezkontaktní měření otoku končetiny / System for contactless ultrasonic measuring of edema

Zahradníčková, Ludmila January 2017 (has links)
Determination of the extent and state of a limb edema is based on information about its current volume. There are a number of methods for volume measurements. The theoretical part of this semestral thesis discusses the etiology, classification and principles of volume measurements and basic information about ultrasound and stepper motors. The practical part consists of a design of own device for a contactless limb volume measurement with ultrasonic module. It consists of a code for a microcontroller which controles the whole system including the computational operations and a real model of the system.

Management topné energie v domácnosti / Management of Heating Energy at Home

Dohnal, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
The aim is to adapt the old heating system so that the new system will meet the needs of users and facilitate control of system. The new heating system can independently control heating automatically. Its important part is remote access to system control. The user always has up-to-date information and can adjust the heating to suit his needs.

Solární koncentrátorový systém s automatickým natáčením / Solar Concentrator System with Automatic Tracking System

Žák, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on current possibilities of solar energy utilization – especially on concentrating solar power systems – and their optimization using solar tracking systems to maximize energy gain. The thesis also deals with solar position algorithm and offers an Arduino based automatic dual axis solar tracker design which provides various solar devices the ability to pivot using stepper motors, DC motors or servos. The motion might be driven by calculated solar position or by actual illuminance.

Simulering av 1-Wire sensorer

Najar, salwan January 2012 (has links)
The 1-wire bus is a communication bus system which is designed to provide data, signals and power over a single signal with low data rates, a high resolution and a long range. It is typically used to communicate with small inexpensive devices, as temperature sensors, which is worked as a slave with the master computer (PC). The 1-wire bus system provides the sufficient control and operation signal, a unique ID serial number of each sensor and it supports multiple temperature sensors by a driving power (Parasite Power) on single line. On the 1-Wire bus system, temperature sensors are supplied by two types of power supplies, external Power supply and Parasitic Power. The aim of this project is to program the microprocessor (Arduino) by using Arduino programming language to work as a temperature sensor type DS18B20 and also as a slave on the 1-Wire bus system. This report explains the 1-Wire bus system techniques and how the communication is achieved between the master and the slave (sensors) to measure the temperature values. The measured temperature values are collected from the output of each active sensor on the 1-Wire bus. These data are displayed by the personal computer (PC) which is worked as a master on the 1-Wire bus, and the data are represent the measured temperature values from twelve active sensors on the bus system. In this thesis, the temperature values from the 12 active sensors can be read and displayed on the master (PC) by using the following programs: Open Logger One Wire (OLOW) program, One Wire Viewer, DigiTemp and OWFS and I validated all the temperature values from these active sensors which are read and monitored by the drive bus programs. The comparison is done among the measured temperature values to see if the active sensors are given accurate temperature values with different drive bus programs. The project shows that the sensors can be connected in a network with the master, by using 1-Wire bus techniques. This thesis will be used by Karolinska University Hospital, and it can also be developed for different requirements in the future.

Fallprediktion på träd

Danielsson Torneport, Erik, Dahlskog, August January 2022 (has links)
It is nothing new that trees will at times fall and cause harm to infrastructure, people, or property. When this occurs, it is often the prelude to insurance cases in an attempt to obtain redemption to injury or capital to rebuild damaged property or infrastructure. The main objective of this thesis, as intended by the patron of the project, was to research the possibility to predict if there is a risk of a tree failure beforehand, preventing unnecessary harm. This is feasible, making use of multiple sensors and gather values on multiple parameters over time. Using the gathered data to register anomalies in a trees behaviour to predict heightened risk of tree failure, and thus give the user a chance to take preventive action. The conclusion made from the measurements is that it is possible to analyse data from the prototype. The accelerometer gave us good data on how great the angle of the tree was, and it gave us a difference in the angle during more windy sessions. The angle of the tree can then be of use during a longer time of studying trees to get a more accurate reading on how the angle can change during the trees life and what it means. The earth humidity sensor, the air humidity sensor and the air temperature sensor all functioned as planned and gave a good summary of the condition of which the tree was under. These data points are a good way to study the overall health impacts of the surroundings of the tree over time. To make the prototype more complete we would need to add a sap-flow sensor and a weather station. The sap-flow sensor is a crucial instrument in our opinion to get a more complete reading of the health state of the tree. The sap-flow sensor is although a very expensive product to buy and did not make it into the project for just this reason. The weather station is a good addition to the overall data collection. The data that has been collected so far is just a start to a bigger project, due to the complexity of a tree’s anatomy and health. The data that would be needed to determine a fall prediction of a tree, is data that is collected during a long period of time and on several different trees and tree-sorts. The goal to predict a tree fall has not been achieved due to the complexity of the prediction. To predict a tree fall we would need to study trees during a much longer time frame and with multiple sensors to even come close to predicting a tree fall. Although the project itself failed to produce a prototype to answer the question of fall prediction, this is a first real step to achieving that goal. / Att ett träd faller och orsakar skador på infrastruktur, personer eller egendom är ingen nyhet, och när detta händer blir det ofta ett försäkringsmål för att få ut kompensation för skador. Uppdragsgivaren till detta arbete hade som önskan att kunna på förhand få en förvarning om det fanns risk för att ett träd skulle falla, och på så sätt förhindra skador. Detta kan rent teoretiskt uppnås genom att använda ett flertal lämpliga sensorer, och sedan med hjälp av dessa sensorer läsa datan som sensorerna samlar in över tid. För att på så sätt bilda en helhetsbild över hur trädet kommer agera i framtiden utifrån mönster och anomalier i beteende. Projektet har utgått från en viss struktur i utvecklingen av en prototyp för datainsammling. Strukturen bestod av sex delar: Trädkunskapsundersökning (som har kallats instudering), marknadsundersökning,  funktionsundersökning, test av enstaka komponenter och kod, gemensamt test av komponenter och kod samt prototypkonstruktion. Information har tagits från böcker, akademiska artiklar, en djupintervju med en landskapsingenjör från SLU samt allmänna källor från internet. Resultatet från de olika mätningar som utfördes visade på att data går att få ut, och går att analysera för att ge en föraning om risk för fall av träd. Accelerometern gav en bra indikation på förändringar i vinkeln mellan trädetsstam och marken i blåst, och denna mätpunkt kan användas över tid för att se hur trädets amplitud i svängningarna förändras över tid, och om det kan bli skillnader i hur trädet beter sig jämfört med trädets egna historiska värden eller värden från liknande träd av samma sort under samma mätperiod. Jordfuktighetssensorn, luftfuktighetssensorn och temperatursensorn fungerade enligt förväntan med att ge ett bra komplement till accelerometern genom att måla upp en helhetsbild av vad trädet utsetts för från sin omgivning. Optimalt skulle varit att jämföra dessa senorers värden mot data från en savflödessensor, men en sådan sensor överskred projektets budget. Målet med projektet var att kunna undersöka och förutsäga när ett träd kommer falla. Detta har inte uppnåtts av detta projekt då vi anser att för att kunna förstå om ett träd kommer falla eller inte på förhand ligger först efter ett flertal år av insamlad data och av en mängd olika sensorer. Men detta projekt är en bra grund till att bygga vidare på från den modellen som projektet redan har skapat.

Joystick Radar Control : Implementing joystick control of a radar rig using single board micro-controllers by emulating generic mouse and keyboard commands / Joystickstyrning av radar : Implementering av joystickstyrning på en radarrigg med hjälp av enkortsdatorer

Gustafsson, Christopher January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish Defence Materiel Administration provides tests and evaluations of military Aircrafts and their systems as well as provide services in connection with military exercises. Testing aircraft against a radar antenna and training crews with this radar is part of that offering. The radar is deployed in a container rig and controlled by a computer running Windows 2000. The current option to control this computer is a mouse and keyboard. In this thesis, a system will be designed that is able to improve the ease of use of this rig while minimizing any need to modify the radar rig’s already established hardware and software. The resulting system designed used a commercially available joystick and off the shelf single board micro-controllers in combination with a graphical user interface to supply the radar rig with a converted input from the joystick in the form of mouse and keyboard commands, simplifying the end-user experience. / Försvarets materielverk tillhandahåller test och evaluering av militära flygsystem. De tillhandahåller även tjänster rörande militära övningar såsom belysning av flygplan med en radar för att öva piloter. Denna radar är monterad i en container och kontrolleras av en styrdator som kör operativsystemet Windows 2000. Denna dator styrs med hjälp av en mus och tangentbord. I denna rapport kommer ett system designas som kan förbättra användarupplevelsen av denna dator samtidigt som förändringar av hårdvara eller mjukvara i styrdatorn undviks. Resultatet av rapporten var ett system bestående av en kommersiellt tillgänglig joystick och två microkontrollers i kombination med ett grafiskt användargränssnitt som omvandlar knapptryck och styrutslag från joysticken till mus och tangentbords kommandon i styrdatorn.

Driver’s Safety Analyzer: Sobriety, Drowsiness, Tiredness, and Focus

Fernandes Dias, Claudio 27 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring of microclimate underneath agrivoltaic systems using IoT sensor station

Stridsman, Erik January 2023 (has links)
Agrivoltaic systems work on the principle of combining farmland with Photovoltaic energy conversion giving the land it sits on dual purpose. Moreover, by combining solar electricity conversion and crop production additional benefits such as water saving and, in some cases even higher crop yields compared to open field conditions. For this technology to be wildly implemented a deeper understanding on the effects the agrivoltaic system has on the underlying farmland is required. In this work, an IoT sensor station used for monitoring albedo, temperature, and humidity inside an agrivoltaic system is developed. The work is carried out through researching and testing electrical components that is to be used inside of the monitoring station as well as development of the code used by the microcontroller to communicate between the different sensors. The prototype station was then tested a total of three times at Kärrbo Prästgård and the gathered data compared with pre-installed sensors located at the testing site. After each test run the IoT stations performance was analyzed for potential improvements to be implemented before subsequent tests. The final design of monitoring station showed a high accuracy in the albedo data during daytime with some deviations during early mornings and late afternoon due to the inherit limitations in the sensitivities of the electrical components used to measure solar radiation.

Portabel mätplattform med låg effektförbrukning för datainsamling i fält / Portable Low-Power Data Logger for Debugging Applications in the Field

Nygård, Linus, Wallén, Marika January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport presenterar en design och implementation av en portabel mätplattform ämnad för felsökning genom datainsamling av olika industriella signaler i fält. Konstruktionen kan mäta ±10 V och strömslinga, för att sedan logga dessa till ett SD-kort. Implementationen utfördes med hjälp av färdiga enkortslösningar i form av en Arduino Uno och diverse expansionskort, även kallade shields. Fokus i projektet har legat på att minimera strömförbrukningen av den mikrokontrollbaserade mätplattformen med olika hårdvaru- och mjukvarumetoder. Det resulterade i att den slutgiltiga produkten använde sig av mjukvarumetoder för att minimera strömförbrukningen. Detta var för att omkonstruktioner av hårdvara skulle vara både krångligt och mer tidskrävande än att använda sig av strömeffektiva funktioner i mjukvaran. Arduino Uno visade sig även vara den mikrokontrollen som passade bäst för att minimera strömförbrukningen men ett sämre alternativ om man ville behålla en hög samplingshastighet då klockhastigheten och minnet inte räckte till. Sammanfattningsvis kan man säga att projektet blev lyckat då majoriteteten av önskemålen från kravspecifikationen blev uppfyllda. Det finns även en del förbättringsförslag man kan jobba vidare med. Till exempel en förbättrad prestanda och egendesignade kretskort. / This report presents the design and implementation of a portable data logger for debugging by logging different industrial signals in the field. The finished product can measure ±10 V and current loop signals. These are then logged to an SD card. The product was implemented using ready-made electronics boards such as the Arduino Uno microcontroller board and compatible expansion cards, also known as shields. The projects main focus is on minimizing the power consumption of the microcontroller based data logger through the use of different hardware- and software methods. The finished product mainly uses software solutions to achieve this. The main reason is that redesigns in hardware would be more difficult and time consuming. The Arduino turned out to be a very good microcontroller for low-power applications, although not optimal if higher sampling speeds are desired because of its limited clock speed and internal memory. In conclusion, the project was a success and most of the goals set out in the beginning where accomplished but there are some improvements that can be made to the product. Some suggested improvements are higher performing internals and circuit boards specifically designed for the application.

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