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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vznik pracovního poměru / The Creation of employment

Vonka, Mojmír January 2020 (has links)
The Creation of employment Abstract (in English) The topic of this dissertation is the creation of employment. Employment is undoubtedly by far the most important, and in practice, the most widely used employment relationship. Therefore, the topic of employment creation is still current, socially important and piques the interest not only of the professional but also of the general public. Employment is the basic and also the most common employment relationship (labour relationship). It is the means through which the employer hires manpower for the execution of particular tasks, and for the employee, it is then a source of income to provide for his needs. Thus, an employment relationship represents a contractual and binding relationship in which one participant (employee) undertakes to perform paid work for the other participant (employer). The main goal of this dissertation is a detailed analysis of the Characteristics of issues related to employment in an effort to determine whether the legislation on employment meets the current needs of this legal issue. In addition it analyzes shortcomings and formulates amendments or proposals de lege ferenda. The structure of this dissertation also corresponds to the above stated goal. This dissertation characterizes the position of labor law in the legal system and...

Základní pracovněprávní vztahy a jejich vývojové tendence / Basic employment relations and their development tendencies

Štang, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Basic employment relations and their development tendencies Abstract The dissertation focuses on basic employment relations and tendencies in their development. First, attention is drawn to the conception of labour law and its position within the system of law. Second, basic employment relations are analysed, namely work performed under an employment contract, and work done under agreements other than an employment contract. Only such relations allow for what is called "dependent" work which is (a) subject to superiority of an employer and subordination of the employee, (b) done on behalf of an employer, (c) in compliance with an employer's instructions, and (d) the employee must do the work in person. Dependent work is the subject of individual employment relations. Legal regulation of employment relations is analyzed in the dissertation. A significant change was introduced by the Labour Code 2006. The main principle of the Code is that "everyone may do whatever is not prohibited by the Code, and no one may be forced to do what is not imposed by the Code" (or in other words "what is not prohibited is allowed"). Section 4 of the Labour Code expressly declares the principle of subsidiarity of the Civil Code in relation to the Labour Code, namely that employment relations are governed by the Labour Code;...

Using fixed-term contracts of employment subsequent to the introduction of section 198 in the labour relations act 66 of 1995: A study of the technical and vocational education and training sector in South Africa.

Mathe, Muziwakhe January 2020 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / This study is encouraged by the fact that the field of labour law has drastically changed after enactment of amendments in various labour legislation such as Employment Equity Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act and Labour Relations Act during 2013 and 2014. These changes have compelled employers to review their policies in line with the amendments of these Acts. This study will however focus on the impact of the newly introduced section 198 to the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995. The study will specifically focus on the continued use of fixed-term contracts of employment within the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector of South Africa.

Proč se ženy stávají více podnikatelské než muži? Případová studie České republiky / Why are women becoming more entrepreneurial than man? Case Study: Czech Republic

Halenka, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Self-employment has been considered an important part of recovering and growing economy as well as an area of interest of current governing bodies on national and supranational level. Therefore, this study aims to provide deeper understanding, what influences self-employment and how does such influence differ between men and women. Purpose of the study is threefold. First, to synthesize a model of influential factors based on current academic debate. Second, to analyze the case of the Czech Republic (exceptional in higher self-employment growth rates for women than men) to understand whether gender difference phenomenon is universal or only limited to time/space/industry. And third, to analyze what are factors driving self-employment. To answer the question ​How does influence of factors on self-employment differ between genders? ​correlation research design is introduced to examine relationships between micro- and macro-environment factors (explanatory variable) and gender specific self-employment rate (response variable). To analyze these relationships, secondary data collected from online open source platforms of national and supranational public institutions are utilized. Firstly, comparability analysis is conducted between male and female (self-)employment development in Czechia. Secondly,...

Agentury práce a agenturní zaměstnávání / Employment agencies and agency employment

Dočekal, Jan January 2019 (has links)
Employment agencies and agency employment Abstract The topic of this thesis are employment agencies and agency employment. Employment agencies play an important role in the labor market. Their activities involve finding a job for individuals, finding employees for employers, providing advisory services and information services and, of course, the institute referred to as agency employment. Agency employment was incorporated into the Czech law in 2004. The text of this thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is focused on the definition of basic terms related to agency employment and also on the definition of individual entities involved in the agency employment process. The second chapter is devoted to the topic of the development of legal regulation of agency employment. The attention is focused on the development of international law. The third chapter is focused on the employment agencies themselves. The penultimate chapter describes the mutual legal relations that arise between the various entities involved in the agency employment process. These entities are the user, the employment agency and the temporary agency worker. The final chapter deals with selected topics related to the agency employment - specifically the issue of comparable work and salary conditions between a temporary...

Agenturní zaměstnávání / Agency employment

Dohnal, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Agency Employment Abstract My diploma thesis is focused on the agency employment. The institute of agency employment was integrated to our system of the legal regulations in 2004 and nowadays it is a very popular alternative of traditional employment. Employers perceived it as an institute that enables them to react quickly and effectively to the changes which take place on the labour market and therefore gain the needed employees in the right time. I decided to write about this topic mainly because agency employment is very interesting issue with great business opportunities, but unfortunately the Czech regulation isn't as complex and clear as it could be. Therefore, I find this topic quite intriguing. The thesis is divided into introduction, conclusion and six more chapters. First chapter introduces the term and origin of the institute of agency employment within the Czech system of legal regulations. Next chapter focuses on the legal regulation of agency employment. Firstly, I mention very briefly history of the agency employment legislation, then I focus on the international legislation of the agency employment and last but not least I also give a short excursion into European legislation. In the third and fourth chapter I analyse in depth private law aspects of the agency employment and then also...

Agenturní zaměstnávání / Agency employment

Eliášová, Věra January 2019 (has links)
Temporary agency work Abstract The theme of this thesis is temporary agency work. Temporary agency work has been a part of the global conversation on flexible employment for most of the 20th century. Now, thanks to the labor market changes and the changes in the attitude toward "atypical work", it's becoming more relevant than ever. The main objective of the legislative efforts related to temporary agency work on global, European and national level is to find the right balance between the necessary flexibility and protection for temporary agency workers. Temporary agency work is a relatively new institute to the Czech legal system and as a result of that, the national legislation is still developing. This thesis is divided into four chapters that are, except for chapter two, focusing on the current legislation of temporary agency work in the Czech Republic. The first chapter provides a definition of temporary agency work and classifies it as "atypical work". It also points out its place in the Czech legal framework as a form of employment intermediation. The second chapter describes the evolution of the legislation on temporary agency work on an international and European level. Special attention is paid to conventions adopted by International Labour Organization and in particular to the Convention C181 -...

Factors Associated with the Out - of - School employment of Junior High - School Pupils

Lindsey, Wesley Byron 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the effect of employment on the school life, progress, citizenship, and character of middle school children. Data for the study came from an examination of students attending middle school in Odessa, Texas.

After establishment closure : Individual characteristics that determine re-employment probabilities of displaced workers in Sweden

Ros, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
This paper studies the relationship between individual characteristics of displaced workers and the probability of re-employment. A competing risks hazard model is used, distinguishing between exits from joblessness to self-employment and to paid-employment. All individuals between 25 and 55 years of age, at the time of displacement, that suffered from at least one year of joblessness after being displaced between 1990 and 1998 due to establishment closures that occurred between 1990 and 2001 are included. This allows for the closure procedure to be between one and three years long. Each individual is followed, from the year of displacement until the year of re-employment or at the latest, ten years after displacement. Semi-parametric estimation techniques for discrete time data are used, and in consistency with previous research the results show that subgroups of the jobless individuals experience different re-employment probabilities. The results suggest that a non-immigrant, high income-earner in the mid-thirties, with short tenure at the closing establishment, and who was not displaced early in the closure process and who has lived in the same city for a long time, faces the greatest probability of becoming re-employed. Furthermore, men and individuals with self-employment experience face lower probabilities of re-employment in paid-employments compared to their counterparts. This relationship is however reversed when studying the probability of leaving joblessness for self-employment. Men, immigrants, high income-earners, displaced from smaller establishments, previously self-employed and those with shorter tenure in previous employment are found to be more likely to enter self-employment than their counterparts. A positive duration dependency is prevalent in re-employment probability, suggesting that search activity is increased over time. The probability of self-employment entry is however decreasing the first years of joblessness following displacement, displaying an initial negative duration dependency.

Institucionální systém boje s nelegální zaměstnaností v ČR / The institutional system struggling with underclared work in the Czech Republic

Knoblochová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The thesis "The institutional system struggling with underclared work in the Czech Republic " discusses institutional precautionary measures taken by the Czech republic in the matter of illegal employment. The key institution that has the responsibility to take measures against illegal work is the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. The fight against illegal employment requires the introduction of a wide range of mechanisms and measures ranging from prevention to repression to discourage employees and employers from benefiting from this phenomenon. Illegal employment jeopardizes economy, weakens the labour market and reduces the number of jobs for citizens who apply for them at the unemployment offices. To combat illegal employment, there have to be precautions against illegal employees on the demand side as well as against employers on the supply side. One of the objectives of the fight against illegal employment is that the measures contribute to the fulfilment of legal obligations, which relates to statutory contributions to social insurance, health insurance and income tax. In order for the combat against illegal employment to be successful, it is imperative to have the support of the whole governing representation including organizational, financial and technical...

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