Spelling suggestions: "subject:" covernment policy"" "subject:" bgovernment policy""
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Agriculture, income distribution and policy in Kenya : a SAM based general equilibrium analysisAkinboade, Oludele January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Constructing the internet panoptic-fortification: a legal study on China's internet regulatory mechanismDu, Juan 31 August 2018 (has links)
With the development of the information network technologies and the popularisation of the Internet, Chinese society is experiencing a Triple Revolution. Regulating the Internet has become a priority in China. In this context, this study seeks a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China's Internet regulatory mechanism. Through the systematical analysis on Internet law in China, supplemented by the case study on how the issue of the Occupy Movement in Hong Kong was regulated, this study argues that China has developed a hybrid Internet regulatory model, which values both external defense and internal control in pursuit of the goal of cybersecurity, and which combines hierarchical regulation with horizontal monitoring to address challenges brought by contemporary network society. The Internet panoptic-fortification model is developed to illuminate China's Internet regulatory mechanism. The Internet panoptic-fortification model is featured by the centralised control from the authorities and ISPs, the establishment of Chinese sovereign cyberspace with jurisdictional and technical supports, the implementation of the network real-name system and the Internet-surfing record backup system to regulate individual Internet users, and the tight ideological control. This conceptual model reflects important aspects of Michel Foucault's account of governmentality, incorporating both centralised power and diffuse micro-power. This study suggests that China's Internet law to some extent has become an instrument for the state to promote the social discipline in the sovereign cyberspace, and the Internet regulatory mechanism serves for the national security and social stability in a broader context.
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An investigation into the negative external impact of water pollution, public policy options and coping strategies --with specific references to the Lotus River Catchment areaMoses, Mariana January 2005 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / The main purpose of this study was to assess the negative external impact of water pollution upon water resources and the users thereof within urban areas. / South Africa
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South Africa's 2015 immigration regulations and the controversy concerning the right of the child travellerMuvhevhi, Roseline Rumbidzai January 2016 (has links)
Over the years, human trafficking has become one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. According to a report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Women and Children account for 75 percent of trafficked victims. Between 2007 and 2010, children accounted for 20 percent of the trafficked victims which is approximately 1343 children per year. Sadly, these statistics continue to rise annually. It is from this premise that no one can doubt the rationale behind the 2015 Immigration Regulations that affect children travelling in and out of South Africa. However, in terms of section 28 (2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, it is a prerequisite that in any matter affecting a child, the best interest of the child be of paramount importance. This mini dissertation seeks to establish whether these Immigration Regulations which initially came into effect in May 2014, are in the best interest of child travellers. This has been done by looking at the old system which regulated the movement of children; its loopholes and shortcomings, thereby establishing whether Regulation 6 (12) is a panacea or in fact the hallmark of a series of problems that have a detrimental effect on the well-being as well as the rights of the child. The research methodology is mainly based on a study of existing literature. This largely includes internet sources, national legislation, regional and international instruments as well as case law. The South African Immigration Act 2002 is the primary reference with regards to regulatory information. However, lessons are drawn from legislation from other jurisdictions, notably Zimbabwean Immigration laws as well as those of Namibia. This is because South Africa shares a border with Zimbabwe and it also has a historical connection with Namibia and has good relations with both States. The mini dissertation analyses the impact of the 2015 Immigration Regulations not only on children but on other sectors as well. Lastly, the latter makes recommendations on how to improve these Regulations without affecting the best interest of child travellers.
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Affirmative action policy and labour market structure : evidence from Saudi ArabiaAlothman, Abdullah January 2017 (has links)
Few public and social policy subjects have attracted as much attention as Affirmative Action Policy (AAP) in social sciences. AAP’s main aim is to eliminate or prevent past discrimination against disadvantaged groups and to enhance their position in society. Its role has become controversial around the world. In Saudi Arabia, despite changes and improvements in laws and strategies, over past decades, to tackle the age-old issue of native unemployment, the problem is still deeply ingrained in society. This research has investigated the role, effectiveness and consequences of AAP on Saudi labour market structure. The research has employed a pragmatic methodology over three phases of analysis. The first phase has been based on an interpretive paradigm, and been conducted through semi-structured interviews with labour market experts, to identify and understand the policy. The interviews have been analysed using a thematic analysis technique. The findings of this phase contributed significantly to the understanding of AAP’s legislative nature and role. Two different historical versions of AAP (pre- and post-2011) have been identified. The earlier version (pre-2011) was found to be a non-strategic and vague policy that made no real impact on natives’ employment, while the new version (post-2011) has been positive in increasing native employment (relatively), but it has been associated with serious unintended consequences due to its stricter enforcement. The second phase has been based on a positivist paradigm, and been conducted through time-series analysis (2004-2014), to examine policy effects on labour market structure. The results have indicated that, in addition to the continuing issue of the high inward flow of expatriates, AAP has failed to either improve the distribution of job opportunities across the country, or enhance structural issues with some occupations in the private sector. The third phase has also been based on a positivist paradigm, and was carried out using a survey (sent to over 1,000 participants) examining the policy’s socio-psychological effects on employees. The findings have suggested that employees tend to perceive AAP negatively. Mainly, the results reveal a strong correlation between AAP and all types of discrimination, both individual and institutional, and such a negative perception of discrimination has direct and indirect effects on employees’ intention to leave. The main contribution of this research is to provide much desired information on the AAP’s practice and approaches, in an interesting context. The research provides vital information about old and new AAP legislations in Saudi Arabia. Two frameworks have been developed, (with one being tested), to understand the policy effects from different perspectives. Importantly, the research shows how a strict form of AAP can have side effects on the beneficiary group and destabilise the labour market.
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Jumping obstacles : the Israeli settlement courseKayali, H. January 2016 (has links)
Since 2005, when the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued its opinion deeming the Israeli Separation Wall and settlements illegal, there have been significant developments in the nonviolent methods adopted for countering Israeli occupation. While Palestinian nonviolent resistance has existed throughout history, from this time onwards, there have been a number of factors that give this period its unique traits. The most central method that has been adopted by all nonviolent actors is to influence economic interaction with Israel in a way that is in line with international law, and is supportive of the official positions adopted by the countries that nonviolent activists aim to influence. While Israeli settlements are illegal according to international law, they include industrial areas that export products to many countries. Through this contradiction, nonviolent activists have found an opportunity to pressurise countries to end their economic ties with those settlements, and consequently put pressure Israel to change its settlement policies. Some of these call for ending economic ties with Israel itself, because it is upholding the settlements, and some call for ending ties only with Israeli settlements; in other words, some target the criminal and others just the crime. In 2010, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) adopted its first unilateral program that was not in agreement with Israel, and which introduced a strategy for the cessation of economic ties with Israeli settlements. This was done through a mixture of national public awareness campaigns to influence consumer behaviour, and the introduction of legislation by which it became illegal for Palestinian enterprises to have any economic ties with Israeli settlements. After starting by focussing on its own markets, the PNA called upon other countries to follow suit by lobbying government officials, parliamentarians, and financial institutions. However, this action came five years after a call for a full boycott, including divestment and sanctions against Israel, made by Palestinian civil society organizations and political parties. This call, known as the BDS call had gained tremendous support and amalgamated a large pool of members internationally by the time that the PNA started with its campaign for a limited boycott. This disparity has had a significant influence on the dynamics of the boycott movement, both locally in Palestine and globally. This research explores those dynamics. It takes an in-‐‑depth look at the effort to end economic ties with settlements, including who the actors are, what they aim for, how they interact, and how effective they have been. The PNA’s program to end economic ties with settlements was chosen as a case study for this doctoral thesis, because of its central position in relation to the topic and the unique access to its documentation through the author’s previous role as its director.
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O projeto de criação e a implantação da ANCINE - Agência Nacional de Cinema : caminhos da política para o fomento e a proteção dos audiovisuais no Brasil (2000-2006) /Barbosa, William Geraldo Cavalari. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Célia Reis Camargo / Banca: Carlos Eduardo Jordão Machado / Banca: Pedro Plaza Pinto / Resumo: A Agência Nacional de Cinema (ANCINE) é uma autarquia vinculada ao Ministério da Cultura que foi criada pela Medida Provisória 2.228-1/01, no contexto da reforma administrativa do governo do Presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso. O surgimento da Agência se constituiu em um marco regulatório da indústria cinematográfica nacional no período posterior ao processo de retomada na década de 1990, como resultado das discussões realizadas por representantes dos segmentos que se ligam à atividade no âmbito do 3º. Congresso Brasileiro de Cinema - CBC, no ano 2000, impelindo o governo a criar o Grupo Executivo para o Desenvolvimento da Indústria do Cinema - GEDIC. Nesse grupo estavam presentes representantes de pastas ministeriais e de setores interessados na produção cinematográfica e sua comercialização. Sua implantação se deu no ano de 2002, mas até 2005 sofreu com as dificuldades de implementação das suas atividades finalísticas. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os mecanismos de incentivo originados nesse processo e em anos anteriores - Lei Rouanet e do Audiovisual - que possibilitaram a institucionalização do setor cinematográfico nacional e colocá-los em uma perspectiva histórica, identificando as modificações introduzidas e as permanências verificadas. Além disso, pretendemos analisar a documentação que aborda os primeiros anos de funcionamento da Agência e o possível impacto no setor. Por fim, a partir da trajetória de Gustavo Dahl, primeiro Diretor-Presidente do órgão, entender as visões que permearam a elaboração do projeto, sejam elas marcadas por continuidades ou rupturas, e problematizar a própria criação da instituição. Nesse sentido, buscar explicações para o tipo de institucionalização pelo qual se optou e para o modelo de política pública voltada para o setor audiovisual, do qual a... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The National Agency of Cinema - ANCINE is a federal autarchy under the Ministry of Culture which was established by Provisional 2.228-1/01 in the context of administrative reform of the government of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. The emergence of the Agency constituted a regulatory framework of the national film industry in the period after the resumption process in the 1990s as a result of discussions held by representatives of the segments that bind to the activity under 3º Brazilian Congress of Cinema - CBC, in 2000, prompting the government to create the Executive Group for the Development of Film Industry - GEDIC. In this group were present representatives of ministerial portfolios and sectors interested in film production and marketing. It was implemented in 2002, but ate 2005 suffered from the difficulties of implementing its final activities. The objective of this study is to analyze the incentives arising in this process and in previous years - Rouanet and Audiovisual Laws - which enabled the institutionalization of the national film industry and put them in a historical perspective, identifying the changes made and stays checked. In addition, we intend to analyze the documentation that covers the first years of operation of the Agency and the possible impact on the sector. Finally, from the path of Gustavo Dahl, first Chief Executive of the body, understand the views that permeated the development of the project, whether marked by continuities or ruptures, and to discuss the creation of the institution itself. In this sense, seeking explanations for the kind of institutionalization by which they chose and for the model of public policy directed to the audiovisual sector, which ANCINE is the convergence space and to identify the problems, especially economic, still present in activity and overcome... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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The role of government in empowering female entrepreneurs in the Western Cape, South AfricaNxopo, Zinzi January 2014 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Technology: Business Administration (Entrepreneurship)
in the Faculty of Business
at the
CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY / The South African government, to accelerate economic growth and development, has identified the Small Medium Micro Enterprises (SMME) sector, and female entrepreneurs, as vehicles capable of bringing about this change. Unfortunately, this growth has been stifled due to the high failure rate of entrepreneurial businesses in the SMME sector. A possible solution for female entrepreneurs is the introduction of start-up support services to empower them to be successful.
Empowering entrepreneurs is the function of nurturing and supporting entrepreneurs by providing them with professional skills development and moral support, to impact positively on the business’s sustainability.
There is a clear need to widen access to business start-up training and advice to encourage larger numbers of women to embrace self-employment. This implies offering a wide range of start-up support services which encourage women to go into business. Women enter business from a variety of backgrounds and with a wide range of experience. The provision of business start-up training and advice needs to accommodate these very different experiences. Women attending entrepreneurship programmes have often criticised these programmes as being male-orientated and prescriptive. Women are expected to conform to male models and standards of behaviour.
While this study relates specifically to female entrepreneurs in the Western Cape, it is set in the context of female entrepreneurship in South Africa. The target population for the research was 150 female entrepreneurs in the Tourism industry in the Western Cape. The study is quantitative in nature, using the survey method for better understanding of the research problem. The study aimed to understand the needs of female entrepreneurs, and to underscore the significance of skills and knowledge transfer from the government to female entrepreneurs.
The research explored the role of government in empowering female entrepreneurs in the Tourism industry in Western Cape, and identified support services that can be used to promote the growth and development of female entrepreneurs. Possible solutions to failure rates of female entrepreneurship are also addressed, with specific models for improved business support services for all female entrepreneurs in the Tourism industry in the Western Cape. This will help them to run sustainable businesses as well as provide more jobs.
This research recommends that management capability and financial management acumen be regarded as key to success for funding by the entrepreneurs themselves, and the parties involved in supporting and promoting them.
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A Constituição do Estado brasileiro e a imposição do portugues como lingua nacional : uma historia em Mato Grosso / La constituition d'Etat brasilien et l'imposition du Portugues comme langue nationale : une histoire em Mato GrossoDi Renzo, Ana Maria 20 December 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Eni Puccinelli Orlandi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T10:25:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DiRenzo_AnaMaria_D.pdf: 727427 bytes, checksum: 039eeaa7234f4a9c8c19c3427542268f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Esta tese integra o projeto de Cooperação Internacional sob o título ¿História das Idéias Lingüísticas¿ e que no Brasil se ocupa Ética e Política das Línguas, cujo objetivo é (re)construir a história da constituição do saber metalingüístico sobre a língua portuguesa, a partir de uma posição histórica sobre a produção do conhecimento, logo dos seus processos de produção. Dessa forma, pode-se não somente ter acesso à forma como o saber sobre a língua no Brasil se constituiu, mas também como esse mesmo saber constituiu o homem ¿sujeito nacional¿, o cidadão brasileiro. Portanto, a história de que falamos, isto é, fazer história das idéias lingüísticas é tratar a própria produção do conhecimento sob a perspectiva de uma política do conhecimento sobre linguagem, o que nos convoca tratar, também, da ética, que, segundo Orlandi (1999), toca ¿o modo como funcionam os princípios que fundamentam a vida social¿. Assim sendo, estudamos a formação do Estado brasileiro, conjugada com a instituição da Língua Nacional e o surgimento da Escola. Isto nos permitiu, portanto, através da (re)leitura discursiva de arquivos, dar visibilidade ao saber produzido sobre a língua e a constituição do sujeito nacional, a partir das condições próprias da nossa história. E, tocados por essa questão, escolhemos o Colégio Liceu Cuiabano de Mato Grosso num período que compreende o final do século XIX e início do século XX, precisamente, na primeira República. Período em que passando de Colônia a Estado independente era preciso gramatizar e/para ensinar a língua nacional. Resulta dessa reflexão nosso interesse pela criação dos grandes Colégios do país e pela formação do cidadão brasileiro que vamos ter como produto da relação Estado/Língua/Sujeito. A construção de instrumentos lingüísticos, pela sua divulgação e pela produção que vai elaborando, institui uma política de língua que, por conseguinte, vai dando forma e identidade a um cidadão. Nosso interesse está no que ele representou na construção do saber sobre a língua no Brasil e na constituição do cidadão Mato-grossense Brasileiro. Em outras palavras, a construção tanto da língua quanto do saber sobre ela está intimamente relacionada com a formação do Estado, processos que nos mostram os modos de sua constituição, logo, da sua história. Ao propormos tal estudo, objetivamos explicitar essa história, aliando a construção do saber sobre a língua, o nascimento da Escola e a constituição do sujeito nacional / Resumé: Ce travail prend part au Projet de Coopération Internationale Histoire des Idées Linguistiques, qui au Brésil s¿occupe de l¿Éthique et de la Politique des Langues, avec le but de (re)construire l¿histoire de la constituition du savoir métalinguistique sur la langue portugaise, à partir d¿une position historique sur la production de la connaissance, et, donc, des ses processus de production. Ainsi, on ne peut pas seulement avoir accès à la forme comme le savoir sur la langue au Brésil a été constitué, mais aussi, comme ce même savoir a constitué l¿homme ¿sujet nacional¿, le citoyen brésilien. De cette manière, l¿histoire sur laquelle nous parlons, c¿est-à-dire, faire l¿histoire des idées linguistiques, c¿est traiter la production de la connaissance sur la perspective d¿une politique de la connaissance sur langage, ce que nous appelle à traiter aussi de l¿éthique, qui, selon Orlandi (1999), touche ¿le mode comme fonctionent les principes qui fondent la vie social¿. Par conséquent, nous étudions la formation de l¿État brésilien, conjuguée avec l¿instituition de la Langue Nationale et l¿émergence de l¿École. Ça nous a permis, à travers la (re)lecture discursive des archives, donner de la visibilité au savoir produit sur la langue et à la constituition du sujet national, à partir des condictions de notre histoire elle même. Touchés par cette question, nous avons choisi le collège Liceu Cuiabano de Mato Grosso, de la fin du XIXème siècle jusqu¿au début du XXème siècle, à la 1ère République. À cette période le Brésil a passé de colonie à État indépendant et il faudrait grammatiser et/pour enseigner la langue nationale. À partir cette reflexion nous avons l¿intérêt par la création des grands collèges du pays et par la formation du citoyen brésilien qui nous allons avoir comme produit de la relation État/Langue/Sujet. La construction des instruments linguistiques, par sa propagation et par la production qu¿elle élabore, instituit une politique de langue, que donne forme et identité au citoyen. Notre intérêt réside dans la répresentation de ce citoyen à la construction du savoir sur la langue au Brésil et à la constituition du citoyen du Mato Grosso brésilien, car, la construction de la langue et du savoir sur elle même, est intimement rélationée avec la formation de l¿État. À travers ces processus nous pouvons percevoir les modes de la constituition de l¿État et, par conséquent, de son histoire. Cet étude a comme objectif expliciter cette histoire, en ajoutant la construction du savoir sur la langue, la naissance de l¿École et la constituition du sujet national / Doutorado / Doutor em Linguística
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Migrações, remessas e reincorporação politica na Colombia / Migrations, remittances and political reincorporation in ColombiaBueno Rojas, Javier Mauricio 03 June 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Valeriano Mendes Ferreira Costa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T08:11:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
BuenoRojas_JavierMauricio_M.pdf: 1103937 bytes, checksum: 00b079fc9d0b0ffed010eff55dd34488 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A interconexão permanente dos migrantes com seus países de origem é a característica diferencial dos deslocamentos internacionais contemporâneos. Este trabalho focaliza duas manifestações dessa particularidade que emergem de maneira simultânea na América Latina: o crescimento das transferências de dinheiro que os migrantes enviam a seus países de origem (remessas) e a mudança de atitude destes estados emissores de população, ao outorgarem direitos e elaborarem programas para reintegrar seus deslocados aos respectivos projetos nacionais. Através de uma recopilação de dados demográficos e cifras sobre o comportamento das remessas, os dois primeiros capítulos dão conta da evolução volumétrica dos fluxos populacionais e monetários na região da América Latina e o Caribe desde 1990. Uma síntese bibliográfica de alguns estudos de caso elaborados em torno da influência desse dinheiro nas economias receptoras é apresentada no segundo capítulo. Os três capítulos subseqüentes examinam o contexto particular colombiano em termos de saídas de pessoas e entradas de dinheiro no País na última década do século XX. O quarto capítulo é um levantamento documental das medidas que as instituições colombianas têm intensificado para se aproximar de seus emigrados nos últimos quinze anos, outorgando-lhes direitos e incluindo-os em suas agendas políticas e sociais. Por último, discute-se quais são as implicações políticas e repercussões institucionais na prática do circuito migração ¿remessas ¿ re-incorporação / Abstract: The permanent interconnection of the migrants with its native countries is the distinguishing characteristic of the international dispIacements in the contemporary age. This work focuses on two manifestations of this particularitity that emerge simultaneously in Latin America: the growth of the money transferences that the migrants send its native countries (remittances) and the change of attitude of these emitting states, granting rights and elaborating programs to reintegrate disIocated peopIe to its respective national projects. Through a recopilation of demographic data and ciphers on the behavior of the remittances, the two first chapters give an account of the volumetric evolution of the population and monetary flows in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1990. A bibliographical synthesis of some studies of case around the influence of this money in the receiving economies is presented in the chapter three. The three subsequent chapters examine the Colombian particular context in terms of exits of peopIe and money entrances in the country in the Iast decade of century XX. The next chapter is a documentary survey of the measures that the Colombian institutions have impIemented to attract its emigrated in the Iast fifteen years, granting them rights and including them in its social agendas. Finally, we discuss the political implications of the circuit: migration - remittances - re-incorporation / Mestrado / Ciencia Politica / Mestre em Ciência Política
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