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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Angiotensin Ii Mediated Regulation Of Signal Transduction In Metabolic Syndrome And Cancer

Kolhe, Ravindra Bharatrao 09 December 2006 (has links)
Patients suffering from hypertension often develop non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), a condition caused by Insulin resistance. Though these patients have normal Insulin receptor (IR) and high levels of Insulin in blood, they fail to have IR-mediated signaling essential for glucose uptake and availability. NIDDM usually begins as insulin resistance, a condition in which Insulin Receptor (IR)-mediated signaling that leads to glucose uptake and glucose availability to cells is inhibited even in the presence of high levels of Insulin in blood. Mechanisms for the development of this Insulin resistance in patients suffering from hypertension are unclear. Angiotensin II (Ang II) hormone has been implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and inhibitors of Ang II receptor AT1 are shown to improve insulin sensitivity. Here we show that in the skeletal muscle tissue of SHR rats, Insulin Receptor (IR) beta- subunit forms a complex with the AT1 receptor and co-immunoprecipitates with IR-beta. Such strong AT1-IR association was not observed in normo-tensive rat tissue. To our knowledge this is the first report that shows AT1 can associate with IR-beta in mammalian tissue and that such association might play a role in the regulation of signaling by IR-beta. We further demonstrate that a 2-hour pre-incubation with Ang II (at concentrations 50pM to 1?ÝM) significantly inhibits 125I-insulin binding to IR in human cell line MCF-7. This effect was not seen when Ang II exposure was performed for shorter periods. The two-hour exposure to Ang II also led to the formation of a protein complex containing AT1 and IR-beta, similar to that seen in skeletal muscle tissue of SHR rats. Both AT1-IR association and differential tyrosine phosphorylation of IR-beta and associated proteins were inhibited when the cells were pre-treated with the AT1 antagonist losartan. These observations suggest that continuous presence of Ang II would result in sequestering IR in the AT1-IR complex and prevent IR from binding insulin. It also coincided with differential tyrosine-phosphorylation of IR beta-subunit and associated proteins, than that generated when IR was activated by insulin. Therefore, we infer that conformational alterations in IR caused by AT1-IR-beta association underlie the development of Ang II-induced insulin resistance. Based on these data we propose a model for AT1-mediated insulin resistance that involves receptor level interaction between the AT1 and the IR. Therefore, Insulin-independent, Ang II-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IR prevents IR from binding Insulin and contributes to Insulin resistance. The observation that drugs that inhibit Angiotensin II converting enzyme (ACE), or activation of AT1 receptor, not only reduce hypertension, but also induce insulin sensitivity further supports the role for Ang II and AT1 in the development of NIDDM.

Seeded, Gain-switched Chromium Doped Zinc Selenide Amplifier

McDaniel, Sean A. 21 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Mid-IR Ultrafast Laser Inscribed Waveguides and Devices

McDaniel, Sean A. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Šiuolaikinės ir archeologinės keramikos tyrimas ir apibūdinimas / Investigation and description of modern and archaelogical ceramics

Krapukaitytė, Aušra 07 July 2009 (has links)
Šioje daktaro disertacijoje pirmoje dalyje nustatyta šiuolaikinės, o antroje dalyje – archeologinės keramikos gaminių elementinė ir fazinė sudėtis, bei ištirta morfologija. Šiuolaikinės ir archeologinės keramikos pavyzdžių elementinė sudėtis nustatyta Rentgeno spindulių dispersinės analizės (EDX), liepsnos atominės absorbcinės spektrometrijos (LAAS), titrimetrinės ir spektrofotometrinės analizės metodais. Parodyta, kad visų keraminių pavyzdžių kokybinė bei kiekybinė sudėtis yra skirtinga Nustatyta, kad visuose keramikos mėginiuose pagrindiniai elementai yra silicis ir aliuminis. SiO2 sudaro 46 – 60% keramikos sudėties, Al2O3 – apie 17 – 33%. Fe, Na, Mg, K, Ca ir Ti mėginiuose rasta kelis kartus mažiau. EDX analizė gali būti sėkmingai naudojama nustatant pagrindinius elementus, kurių kiekiai viršija 0,5 % bendros elementinės sudėties. Norint nustatyti tikslią keramikos sudėtį ir pėdsakinius elementus reikia naudoti LAAS analizės metodą. Aliuminio kiekį keramikoje patikimai galima nustatyti titrimetriniu, o silicio ir titano kiekį – spektrofotometriniais metodais. Ištyrus šiuolaikę ir archeologinę keramiką Rentgeno spindulių difrakcine analize (XRD), nustatyta, kad visų keramikų pagrindinė fazė yra vienoda – silicio dioksidas SiO2, tačiau jų bendra fazinė sudėtis skiriasi. Skirtinguose kermikos pavyzdžiuose buvo aptikos šios fazės: kvarcas, dolomitas, kaolinas, albitas, mikroklinas, muskovitas, mulitas, hematitas, rutilas, diopsidas, korundas, titanitas, natrio anortitas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The elemental composition of the samples of modern and archaeological ceramics was determined using the energy dispersive X-ray analysis, flame atomic absorption spectrometry, titrimetric and spectrophotometric analysis methods. It has been shown that the qualitative and quantitative composition of all the samples is different. It has been established that silicon and aluminium are the main elements in all the samples. SiO2 accounts for 46–60 % of the composition of the ceramics, Al2O3 – for some 17–33%. The amounts of Fe, Na, Mg, K, Ca and Ti discovered in the samples are several times lesser. EDX analysis can successfully be used in determining the main elements whose amounts exceed 0.5% of the overall elemental composition. In order to determine the exact composition of ceramics one has to employ the FAAS analysis method. To determine in a credible manner the amount of aluminium in ceramics, one can use the titrimetric method, and the amount of silicon and titanium – spectrophotometric methods. Upon examination of the modern and archaeological ceramics by diffraction analysis it has been established that the main phase of all the samples is the same – quartz SiO2, however their phase composition varies. In different samples the following phases have been discovered: calcite, dolomite, kaolinite, albite, microcline, muscovite, mullite, hematite, rutile, diopside, corundum, titanite, and sodium anorthite. Being aware of the phase composition, it has been established that the... [to full text]

Prekyba žmonėmis: baudžiamieji teisiniai ir kriminologiniai aspektai / Trafficking in human beings: legal and criminological aspects

Salnikaitė, Roberta 25 November 2010 (has links)
Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį prekybos žmonėmis fenomenas tapo nuolatiniu rūpesčiu daugeliui pasaulio valstybių, neaplenkdamas ir Lietuvos. Atsižvelgiant į šio nusikaltimo latentiškumą, paplitimą ir įvairias pasireiškimo formas, darbe analizuojami tarptautiniai, regioniniai ir nacionaliniai dokumentai, apibrėžiantys prekybos žmonėmis reiškinį ir su juo susijusius aspektus. Lyginant skirtingas Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso redakcijas, aiškinantis nusikalstamos veikos sudėtį bei santykį su kitais nusikaltimais, kartu darbe analizuojami nacionaliniai šio nusikaltimo įtvirtinimo ypatumai. Prekybos žmonėmis aukos ir kaltininko charakteristika darbe aptariama siekiant nustatyti šių subjektų specifiškumą ir interakciją. Vertinama, kurie nukentėjusiojo asmenybės bruožai sąlygoja individo tapimą prekybos žmonėmis auka. Ypatingas dėmesys darbe atkreipiamas į prekybos žmonėmis prevenciją. Atsižvelgiant į kovos su prekyba žmonėmis būdą – visuomenės informavimą, atliktas dokumentų analizės metodas. Išanalizavus žurnaluose publikuojamų straipsnių turinį, vertinamas tokio pobūdžio prevencijos pasireiškimas ir reikalingumas. Vadovaujantis tyrimo rezultatais, sudaromos diagramos, leidžiančios geriau įvertinti esamą visuomenės informavimo neoficialiuose leidiniuose padėtį. / During the last decade, human trafficking has become a phenomenon of constant concern to many countries around the world, also – to Lithuania. Considering the latent, prevalence and various forms of expression of this crime, international, regional and national acts which define the phenomenon and related aspects of human trafficking, are analysed in this paper. At the same time, the national peculiarities of this crime are analysed in the paper, depending in the different versions of the Criminal Code, giving interpretation of the composition of the offence and the relationship to other crimes. The characteristic of the human trafficing victims and perpetrators is questioned in this paper in order to determine the specificity of these entities and their interaction. The traits of victim’s personality are described to see how it can affect the individuals to become a victim of human trafficking. Particular attention in the paper is drawn to the human trafficking prevention. Considering one of the ways to fight human trafficking – the information of the public, the analysis of the documents was used. Having analysed the articles in journals, the nature and necessity of this kind of prevention was assessed. According to the results of the investigation, the charts were drawn, allowing to see a better assessment of the situations of the current public information in informal publications.

Korupcijos prevencijos ir kontrolės teisinio reglamentavimo analizė / Analysis of legal regulation of the prevention and control of corruption

Miškinytė, Eliza 01 July 2014 (has links)
Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti korupcijos prevenciją ir kontrolę reglamentuojančius teisės aktus Lietuvoje ir nustatyti tobulintinas kovos su korupcija sritis siekiant užkirsti kelią korupcijai bei sumažinti jos mastus. Iškeltam tikslui pasiekti darbe pirmiausia nagrinėjama korupcijos samprata pagal Lietuvos ir užsienio teisės aktus, teisės doktriną, identifikuojamos esminės korupcijos atsiradimo priežastys ir sąlygos siekiant įvertinti, ar egzistuojanti korupcijos prevencijos ir kontrolės sistema Lietuvoje yra pajėgi šias priežastis ir sąlygas eliminuoti bei sumažinti jų įtaką korupcijos paplitimui. Korupcijos prevencijos ir kontrolės teisinio reglamentavimo analizė darbe apima svarbiausius nacionalinius ir tarptautinius teisės aktus. Daug dėmesio skiriama Lietuvoje egzistuojančių korupcijos prevencijos priemonių teisinio reglamentavimo analizei, išskiriamos pagrindinės korupcijos prevenciją ir kontrolę reglamentuojančių teisės aktų tobulintinos sritys. Antikorupcinės politikos Lietuvoje vertinimui darbe remiamasi daugeliu korupcijos reiškinį nagrinėjančių tarptautinių organizacijų ir kitų institucijų tyrimo rezultatais: Transparency International, Freedom house, Pasaulio banko, Global Integrity, Lietuvos laisvosios rinkos instituto ir kt. atliktais sociologiniais tyrimais. Palyginimui yra apžvelgiama ir kitų užsienio šalių antikorupcinė politika, išskiriami svarbiausi šių šalių kovos su korupcija sėkmės bruožai. Darbe pateiktos išvados ir pasiūlymai yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main purpose of this essay is the analysis of legislation on corruption prevention and control in Lithuania, find the areas, where the anticorruption actions need to be improved in order to prevent corruption and reduce its scale. Firstly to achieve the aim the concept of corruption must be analyzed according to Lithuanian and foreign laws, legal doctrine, identify the key causes and conditions of corruption in order to assess whether the present corruption prevention and control system in Lithuania is able to eliminate these causes and reduce the spread of corruption. The analysis of the corruption prevention and control of the legal regulation includes the review of the key national and international law acts. Much attention is paid to explore the existing law in Lithuania on corruption control and the main corruption prevention legislation areas to amend are also distinguished here. The assessment of anticorruption Policy in Lithuania is based on many international organizations and other institutions such as Transparency International, Freedom house, World Bank, Global Integrity, the Lithuanian Free Market Institute study results and carried out sociological researches on the corruption phenomenon. For a comparison foreign anticorruption legal systems are overviewed and the most important success features to combat corruption in these countries identified. The findings and suggestions of this essay are seen to be important for the future anticorruption policy... [to full text]

Asmens garbės ir orumo gynimas: duomenų ir nuomonės atskyrimas bei už jų paskleidimą atsakingo subjekto nustatymas / Personal honor and dignity: distinguishing between facts and opinions and identification of the person responsible

Papečkys, Vytis 27 June 2014 (has links)
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Propriedades Vibracionais de Cristais de Pilocarpina.HCl, Pilosina e Epiisopilosina por Espectroscopias FT-Raman, FT-IR e CÃlculos Ab Initio. / Propriedades Vibracionais de Cristais de Pilocarpina.HCl, Pilosina e Epiisopilosina por Espectroscopias FT-Raman, FT-IR e CÃlculos Ab Initio

Ricardo Rodrigues de FranÃa Bento 28 May 2007 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / Neste trabalho foram estudados cristais de trÃs alcalÃides extraÃdos do Pilocarpus Microphyllus (Rutaceae): pilocarpina (utilizada no controle do glaucoma), pilosina e epiisopilosina. Medidas de espectroscopias FT-Raman e FT-IR foram utilizadas para se observar os modos normais de vibraÃÃo dos materiais. A substÃncia de pilocarpina investigada foi o clorohidrato de pilocarpina, que cristaliza-se numa estrutura monoclÃnica com duas unidades de HCl e duas molÃculas de pilocarpina por cÃlula unitÃria. A pilosina e a epiisopilosina foram cristalizadas em suas formas puras. CÃlculos de primeiros princÃpios foram realizados para se identificar todas as bandas que aparecem nos espectros vibracionais dos trÃs materiais. Em relaÃÃo ao cristal de pilocarpina clorohidrato tambÃm foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Raman a baixas temperaturas obtendo-se indÃcio que a estrutura sofra uma transiÃÃo de fase entre 130 e 180 K. Medidas tÃrmicas Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) foram efetuadas para o mesmo material e uma transiÃÃo de fase de primeira ordem ocorrendo à temperatura de 463 K foi definida. / Neste trabalho foram estudados cristais de trÃs alcalÃides extraÃdos do Pilocarpus Microphyllus (Rutaceae): pilocarpina (utilizada no controle do glaucoma), pilosina e epiisopilosina. Medidas de espectroscopias FT-Raman e FT-IR foram utilizadas para se observar os modos normais de vibraÃÃo dos materiais. A substÃncia de pilocarpina investigada foi o clorohidrato de pilocarpina, que cristaliza-se numa estrutura monoclÃnica com duas unidades de HCl e duas molÃculas de pilocarpina por cÃlula unitÃria. A pilosina e a epiisopilosina foram cristalizadas em suas formas puras. CÃlculos de primeiros princÃpios foram realizados para se identificar todas as bandas que aparecem nos espectros vibracionais dos trÃs materiais. Em relaÃÃo ao cristal de pilocarpina clorohidrato tambÃm foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Raman a baixas temperaturas obtendo-se indÃcio que a estrutura sofra uma transiÃÃo de fase entre 130 e 180 K. Medidas tÃrmicas Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) foram efetuadas para o mesmo material e uma transiÃÃo de fase de primeira ordem ocorrendo à temperatura de 463 K foi definida.

Caracteriza??o anat?mica e f?sicoqu?mica do tegumento da semente de Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze / Anatomical and physico-chemical characterization of the Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze

Sampaio, Danielle Affonso 19 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-01-26T14:34:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Danielle Affonso Sampaio.pdf: 3006939 bytes, checksum: 839c5d77a13fd99ad3c749c33dc2530a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-26T14:34:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Danielle Affonso Sampaio.pdf: 3006939 bytes, checksum: 839c5d77a13fd99ad3c749c33dc2530a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Seed integument plays an important role in the plant life cycle, monitoring the embryo development and germination. Informations about cell structure and physico-chemical characteristics of the Araucaria angustifolia seed coat are important to its correct functional interpretation. Thus, the aim of this study was the anatomical and physico-chemical characterization of the Araucaria angustifolia seed integument. Anatomical features were observed using different microscopy techniques (brightfield microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and histochemical tests (Lugol, Wiesner, Sudan IV and potassium dichromate ? K2Cr2O7). Chemical analysis included the extractive, holocelulose and Klason lignin contents (untreated and treated with sodium hydroxide ? NaOH). Functional groups of the integument layers and lignin were observed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy using a VARIAN 640-IR FT-IR spectrometer. Colour analyses were performed in CIE 1976 L*a*b* space colour according to ISO 11664-4:2008 standard using CM 2600d spectrometer. Wettability of the layers was evaluated by contact angle analysis with the drop shape analyser DSA 100. The Araucaria angustifolia seed integument is composed by three distinct layers: exotesta, mesotesta and endotesta. The layers have different chemical and anatomical characteristics. Lignin structure of the integument layers was classified as guayacil (G) type. The endotesta was the layer with higher chromaticity due to higher extractive content and phenolic substances. The wettability varied between layers according to ther strusture. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the functioning of the Araucaria angustifolia seed integument and corroborate to future studies on seed physiology / O tegumento de semente desempenha um papel importante no ciclo de vida do vegetal, controlando o desenvolvimento do embri?o e a germina??o. O conhecimento da estrutura celular e das caracter?sticas f?sico-qu?micas do tegumento da semente de Araucaria angustifolia ? importante para a correta interpreta??o funcional do mesmo. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo consistiu na caracteriza??o anat?mica e f?sico-qu?mica do tegumento da semente de Araucaria angustifolia. As caracter?sticas anat?micas foram observadas atrav?s de diferentes t?cnicas de microscopia (microscopia de campo claro, microscopia de fluoresc?ncia e microscopia eletr?nica de varredura) e testes histoqu?micos (Lugol, Wiesner, Sudan IV e dicromato de pot?ssio ? K2Cr2O7). Nas an?lises qu?micas, determinou-se os teores de extrativos, holocelulose e lignina de Klason tratada e n?o-tratada com hidr?xido de s?dio ?NaOH. Os grupos funcionais das camadas do tegumento e da lignina foram observados por espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier atrav?s do espectr?metro VARIAN 640-IR FT-IR. As an?lises colorim?tricas foram realizadas no espa?o de cor L*a*b* CIE 1976 segundo a norma ISO 11664-4: 2008 utilizando o espectrofot?metro CM 2600d. A molhabilidade das camadas foi avaliada atrav?s de an?lises de ?ngulo de contato com o sistema de formato da gota DSA 100. O tegumento da semente de Araucaria angustifolia ? composto por tr?s camadas distintas: exotesta, mesotesta e endotesta. As camadas apresentam caracter?sticas qu?micas e anat?micas distintas. A estrutura da lignina das camadas do tegumento foi classificada como guaiac?lica (G). A endotesta foi a camada com maior cromaticidade devido ao maior teor de extrativos e subst?ncias fen?licas. A molhabilidade variou entre as camadas em fun??o da sua estrutura. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para uma melhor compreens?o do funcionamento do tegumento da semente de Araucaria angustifolia, podendo corroborar com estudos futuros sobre a fisiologia da semente

Worldizing kontra IR-reverb

Israelsson, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
Detta examensarbete går ut på att jämföra två verktyg som ljuddesigners kan använda sig av för att placera ljud i önskade akustiska miljöer. Verktygen i fråga är båda två metoder för att applicera reverb på ljudfiler. Angreppsvinkel för jämförandet är främst frekvensanalys, men utöver rent tekniska detaljer finns även en rad andra inspelningsproblematiska detaljer att ta i beaktning. / The purpose of this degree work is to compare two sound design tools, which both are used to virtually place a sound in an acoustic environment. The tools in question are both methods to add reverb on sound files. The angle of the comparison is mainly frequency analysis. Above technicality, practical details are taken into consideration.

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