Spelling suggestions: "subject:" latin america"" "subject:" latin dimerica""
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Sowing the Seeds of Altruism in Social Interaction: Appealing to ?Empathic Proclivity? to Address Social Violence in Latin AmericaDavis, Katherine Carroll 01 January 2008 (has links)
Social violence is a serious problem in Latin America, an assertion that is thoroughly supported by statistics that identify Latin America as one of the most violent regions in the world (?Searching for Solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean? 20). These violent statistics explored in the very first chapter set the stage for this proposal by establishing its dire purpose. Formative historical legacies are central to social development, and they can provide the root causes and resentments that spur such social violence. There are a few that are common to the area of Latin America as a whole, such as the colonial experience and the slave trade, and these are examined alongside legacies of key leaders and educators that have shaped the face of the region and produced both pillars of hope and some of the greatest obstacles to social change. Understanding the root causes of violence and the formidable obstacles against effecting social change are key elements in designing and instituting a solution to this problem. Within this solution, education is a universally valid channel that, if given the necessary resources and personnel, could affect the lives of the majority of citizens. Combining the ideas of Martin L. Hoffman on the effect of inductive discipline encounters on children through character education, education becomes a powerful tool for creating not only more intelligent and autonomous citizens, but more empathic ones more attuned to an ?ethic of care.? While such a proposal certainly offers no guarantees and its successful institution would need to co-exist with other much needed social, political and economic reforms, it is presented as an innovative and experimental solution to a pressing problem taking a toll on the social and economic capital of societies in the region; a toll that is not easily ignored, particularly those for whom violence is an every day reality.
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The Uneven Development of the Microfinance Sector.Vanroose, Annabel 25 February 2011 (has links)
Microfinance relates to the provision, by specialized microfinance institutions (MFIs), of small-scale financial services - such as credit, savings, and insurance - to the poorer sections of the population. These sections have traditionally been excluded by the financial system. Microfinance is viewed as a system put into place in order to overcome market failures that are created by banks and that are omnipresent in the developing world. In development policy, microfinance has received considerable attention during the last twenty years, and the industry has grown substantially. Interestingly, the sector has been more successful in reaching out to people in some countries than in others. The sector has also developed in an unequal way within countries. The reasons why this happened are not directly apparent. This doctoral dissertation addresses the uneven development of the microfinance sector and aims at identifying factors that explain it.
The dissertation consists of three main parts. The first part, which consists of two papers, combines different datasets on the outreach of MFIs to assess in which countries MFIs have developed most. The papers indicate that the microfinance sector is more present in the richer countries of the developing world. It also reaches more clients in countries that receive more international aid. Population density also plays a stimulating role, which partially explains why the sector is still underdeveloped in rural areas.
The second part of the dissertation, which exists of one paper, explores in more depth the relationship between traditional financial sector development and microfinance institutions. The paper, co-authored with Bert D’Espallier, shows that MFIs reach more clients and are more profitable in countries where access to the traditional financial system is low. This is in line with the market-failure hypothesis. Along the same line, we find that MFIs serve poorer people in countries with well-developed financial systems. This observation is an important element to take into account in the debate on mission drift of the sector, where it is feared that MFIs drift away from serving the poor. The paper shows that MFIs in countries with well-developed banking sectors have less space to move up market and consequently to drift from the sector’s general mission.
The third and final part of the dissertation is a quantitative study on the spread and expansion process of MFIs in one Latin American country, Peru. The roles that district characteristics play in the decision to open an MFI branch are scrutinized. The paper finds that MFIs mainly increase financial access in districts with higher levels of development. Districts where banks are already present also have a higher probability that MFIs will open a branch there. This demonstrates that the two kinds of institutions co-exist in several districts, but most probably serve another clientele. Overall, although strategies differ between different types of Peruvian MFIs, the paper finds that they do not seem to be driven by a pure developmental logic that would push them towards the poorest or totally unbanked regions of the country.
On the whole, the main conclusions of the dissertation can be summarized as follows. First, the dissertation demonstrates that the outreach of the microfinance sector is influenced by a number of macro factors. Consequently, country-specific and macro-economic factors should be taken into account when evaluating MFI performance. Second, the dissertation shows that MFIs substitute the traditional banking sector. MFIs thus fulfill an important part of their mission, i.e. they have helped to increase financial access in the developing world. However, the study also suggests that MFIs still fail to serve a significant number of poor people. This leads to a third important observation, namely that MFIs may in fact not strive to serve the poor as such. Rather, it seems that they are currently focusing on the un-served market in general. The observation indicates that there is a need for a more thorough investigation on the issue of whom the unbanked in the developing countries are and whom MFIs actually strive to serve. Finally, since the outreach and performance of MFIs is dependent on the presence of a stimulating macro-environment, it remains a challenge to serve the financially excluded in the more remote areas of the developing countries and the people in the poorest ones.
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Die vernachlässigte Reform : zum Primat der Politik über das Militär im südlichenLateinamerika / Neglected : civilian control over the military in Latin AmericaRadseck, Michael January 2005 (has links)
Despite many economic and state reforms in South America, no comparable changes have taken place with regard to civil-military relations: Neither do the armed forces have a clearly defined mission of their own nor are they adequately democratically controlled. The article looks at the present civil-military relations from various angles and explicitly deals with examples from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Peru. It presents the reasons for the lack of civilian control over the military and discusses the resulting consequences for domestic and foreign politics.
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Das mexikanische Militär : von der Revolutionsarmee zur Polizeikraft / Mexico : a revolutionary army becomes police forceZimmering, Raina January 2005 (has links)
The military in Mexico started out as a revolutionary army that secured the regime of the governmental party PRI. The article discusses the change of this army into a national and hemispheric police force under the influence of the USA. Today, the functions of the Mexican army are a mix of fighting against drugs, organized delinquency, terrorism and counterinsurgency and cooperating with US as well as other Latin American forces.
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Drogen, Krieg und Drogenkrieg : die USA und Kolumbien im aussichtslosen Kampf? / Drugs, war and war on Drugs : the U.S. and ColombiaFriesendorf, Cornelius January 2005 (has links)
The United States, despite impressive efforts, have not reduced Colombian drug supplies over the recent years. Policy ineffectiveness results from problems in Colombia, including poverty, strong non-state actors, as well as a weak state and society. On the US side, ineffectiveness results from a geographically selective approach, a reliance on coercion, and bilateralism. The US has exacerbated human rights violations, environmental destruction, the displacement of the drug industry within Colombia, and the spread of Colombian problems to neighbouring countries.
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Brasilien in der neuen Struktur der internationalen Beziehungen / Brazil in the new structure of international relationsJaguaribe, Helio January 2004 (has links)
The international community criticises the unilateral actions of the US in Iraq. As a reaction, the United States tries to extend their sphere of influence in other regions. The Brazilian author warns that Brazil in particular could be exposed to this increasing pressure. Therefore Brazil has to take the following five measures: strengthening of Mercosur, a Free Trade Area between the Andean Community and Mercosur, a cooperation agreement with the EU, cooperation with other NICs, and lobbying inside the US.
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Politik und Internet : politische (Re-)Präsentation, Integration und Transformation durch elektronische Medien / Politics and internet : political (re-)presentation, integration and transformation by means of electronic mediaScheske, Michael January 2005 (has links)
Rezensierte Literatur:
Bieber, Christoph (2003): Das Internet als Präsentations- oder Repräsentationsraum. Kommunikation in politischen Online-Versammlungen, in: Gellner/Strohmeier (Hrsg), S. 139-153.
Gellner, Winand/Strohmeier, Gerd (Hrsg.) (2003): Repräsentation und Präsentation in der Mediengesellschaft, PIN-Jahrbuch 2003, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
Herzog, Roland/Hoffmann, Bert/Schulz, Markus (2002): Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika. Einleitung und Vergleichende Betrachtung, Band 1 der Reihe Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika: Regulierung und Nutzung der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Kontext der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformation, Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag
Hoffmann, Bert (2002): Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika. Costa Rica, Band 2 der Reihe Internet und Politik in Lateinamerika: Regulierung und Nutzung der neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Kontext der politischen und wirtschaftlichen Transformation, Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert Verlag.
Mai, Manfred (2003): Das Parlament in der Mediengesellschaft. Parlamentarische Debatte oder Talk-Show, in: Gellner/Strohmeier (Hrsg.), S. 13-27.
Schaper-Rinkel, Petra (2003): Die europäische Informationsgesellschaft. Technologische und politische Integration in der europäischen Politik, Münster: Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot.
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Paraguay : Ausgangspunkt für die Beherrschung des Südkegels / Paraguay : from where to control the cono surCeceña, Ana Esther, Motto, Carlos Ernesto January 2005 (has links)
Paraguays vast natural resources, especially water, are a source of geopolitical wealth – and trouble. This articleshows how the interests of the USA in this region put Paraguay in a difficult position and turn the country into a playground for international powers. The need to regain national power and real-life influence by the Paraguayan people is especially emphasized. Even though the article concentrates on Paraguay, it also makes clear that this country is part of an US-masterplan for a new order on the American continent.
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Transnationale Bedrohungen in Lateinamerika : Instrumente und Kooperationsebenen der Kriminalitäts- und Terrorismusbekämpfung / Transnational threats : drugs and terrorism in Latin AmericaFlemes, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Organized drug trafficking and transnationally networked terrorism are transnational threats in Latin America. Security experts see the first as the paramount problem, but regard the second as a mere potential security risk. Latin America’s specific conditions allow limited options for containing non-military threats. Should actors and instruments for containing crime and terrorism be organized on a subregional level, in the Latin American or in the Inter-American context? The author documents promising subregional approaches, especially in the extended Mercosur.
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Der Putsch nach dem Putsch / Chile : the coup after the coupOrtiz de Zárate, Verónica Valdivia January 2005 (has links)
The ideological change within the Chilean military before and after the coup in 1973 is the central issue of this article. Before the developments in the early 1970s, the cardinal mindset of the military leaders was one of a state-run evolution of society. After the coup, this thinking changed rapidly into a neoliberal kind. How could this happen? Which explanations have been and which should be discussed? These questions are answered and it is shown that the military itself played a bigger role than previously thought.
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