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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tenure security in relation to farmland

Dhliwayo, Priviledge 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Section 25(6) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 guarantees legally secure tenure to persons whose tenure of land is insecure as a result of past racially discriminatory laws and practices. The Extension of Security of Tenure Act 62 of 1997 (ESTA) and the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act 3 of 1996 (LTA) were enacted to give effect to section 25(6), read with section 25(9) of the Constitution, with the aim to improve and strengthen tenure security in rural areas, including farmland. However, the general opinion amongst scholars is that these efforts to strengthen tenure security have generally failed to ensure legally secure tenure on farmland. To this effect, the Draft tenure security policy and Draft Land Tenure Security Bill (2010) were formulated to introduce new measures to improve tenure security on farmland. This gives a clear indication that eighteen years after the government embarked on an all-encompassing land reform programme, its intended goals have not yet been achieved, resulting in the continued challenges faced by farm dwellers. The thesis discusses the inherent challenges associated with tenure security on white-owned commercial farmland, with specific reference to government‟s obligation to improve tenure security; the nature of farm dwellers‟ rights; and the shortcomings of the existing policy and legislative measures. A historical overview explains the effects of the apartheid land holding system that underpins the need for tenure reform, while an analysis of constitutional and international law sets out the guiding principles on tenure security. An analysis of the applicable policy and legislative measures establishes the causes of continued tenure insecurity on farmland, which include shortcomings in the main legislative measures; failure by the legislature to translate policy into legislation; misinterpretation and misapplication of legislation by the courts; and lack of effective implementation. The thesis considers the impact of the Draft tenure security policy and the Bill in light of the challenges facing farm dwellers and concludes that tenure security in relation to farmland remains insecure and government still falls short of the appropriate solutions to address the tenure security challenges on farmland. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 25(6) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika 1996 waarborg sekerheid van verblyfregte vir persone wie se verblyfregte regsonseker is as gevolg van ras-diskriminerende wette en praktyke van die verlede. Die Wet op die Uitbreiding van Sekerheid van Verblyfreg 62 van 1997 (ESTA) en die Wet op Grondhervorming (Huurarbeiders) 3 van 1996 (LTA) is gepromulgeer om gevolg te gee aan artikel 25(6), saamgelees met artikel 25(9), van die Grondwet, wat daarop gemik is om die sekerheid van verblyfregte in landelike gebiede te verbeter en te versterk. Die algemene siening onder geleerdes is egter dat hierdie pogings om sekerheid van bestaande verblyfregte te versterk oor die algemeen ten opsigte van verblyfregte op landbougrond gefaal het. In verband hiermee is die Konsep beleid op sekerheid van verblyfregte (Draft tenure security policy) en die Konsep Wetsontwerp op die Sekerheid van Verblyfregte in Grond (Draft Land Tenure Security Bill) (2010) geformuleer om nuwe maatreëls voor te stel om sekerheid van verblyfregte ten opsigte van landbougrond te bewerkstellig. Hierdie ontwikkelings gee ‟n aanduiding dat die staat ná ‟n omvattende grondhervormingsprogram van agtien jaar nie die beoogde doelwitte bereik het nie en dat plaasbewoners steeds uitdagings in die gesig staar. Hierdie tesis bespreek die inherente uitdagings wat geassosioseer word met regsonsekere verblyfregte ten opsigte van kommersiële landbougrond, hoofsaaklik van wit grondeienaars, met spesifieke verwysing na die staat se plig om regsekerheid te versterk; die aard van plaasbewoners se regte; en die tekortkominge van die bestaande beleids- en wetgewende maatreëls. Die behoefte aan hervorming word beklemtoon met verwysing na ‟n historiese oorsig wat die uitwerking van die apartheid-grondbeheerstelsel verduidelik, terwyl ‟n analise van grondwetlike en internasionale reg die beginsels met betrekking tot die sekerheid van verblyfregte uiteensit. ‟n Analise van die toepaslike beleids- en wetgewende maatreëls dui op die oorsake van voortdurende onsekerheid van verblyfregte in landbougrond, wat die volgende insluit: tekortkominge in die primêre wetgewende maatreëls; versuim deur die wetgewer om beleid in wetgewing om te skakel; foutiewe uitleg of toepassing van wetgewing deur die howe; en ‟n gebrek aan die effektiewe uitvoering van wetgewing. Die tesis oorweeg die impak van die Konsep beleid op sekerheid van verblyfregte (Draft tenure security policy) en die Konsep Wetsontwerp in die lig van die uitdagings waarmee plaasbewoners steeds te kampe het, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat verblyfregte ten opsigte van landbougrond steeds regsonseker is en dat die staat steeds versuim om geskikte oplossings vir die uitdagings daar te stel.

Verification and validation of security protocol implementations

O'Shea, Nicholas January 2010 (has links)
Security protocols are important and widely used because they enable secure communication to take place over insecure networks. Over the years numerous formal methods have been developed to assist protocol designers by analysing models of these protocols to determine their security properties. Beyond the design stage however, developers rarely employ formal methods when implementing security protocols. This may result in implementation flaws often leading to security breaches. This dissertation contributes to the study of security protocol analysis by advancing the emerging field of implementation analysis. Two tools are presented which together translate between Java and the LySa process calculus. Elyjah translates Java implementations into formal models in LySa. In contrast, Hajyle generates Java implementations from LySa models. These tools and the accompanying LySa verification tool perform rapid static analysis and have been integrated into the Eclipse Development Environment. The speed of the static analysis allows these tools to be used at compile-time without disrupting a developer’s workflow. This allows us to position this work in the domain of practical software tools supporting working developers. As many of these developers may be unfamiliar with modelling security protocols a suite of tools for the LySa process calculus is also provided. These tools are designed to make LySa models easier to understand and manipulate. Additional tools are provided for performance modelling of security protocols. These allow both the designer and the implementor to predict and analyse the overall time taken for a protocol run to complete. Elyjah was among the very first tools to provide a method of translating between implementation and formal model, and the first to use either Java for the implementation language or LySa for the modelling language. To the best of our knowledge, the combination of Elyjah and Hajyle represents the first and so far only system which provides translation from both code to model and back again.

Modeling and analyzing intrusion attempts to a computer network operating in a defense-in-depth posture

Givens, Mark Allen 09 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / In order to ensure the confidentially, integrity, and availability of networked resources operating on the Global Information Grid, the Department of Defense has incorporated a "Defense-in-Depth" posture. This posture includes the use of network security mechanisms and does not rely on a single defense for protection. Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS's), Anti-Virus (AV) software, and routers are such tools used. In recent years, computer security discussion groups have included IDS's as one of their most relevant issues. These systems help identify intruders that exploit vulnerabilities associated with operating systems, application software, and computing hardware. When IDS's are utilized on a host computer or network, there are two primary approaches to detecting and / or preventing attacks. Traditional IDS's, like most AV software, rely on known "signatures" to detect attacks. This thesis will focus on the secondary approach: Anomaly or "behavioral based" IDS's look for abnormal patterns of activity on a network to identify suspicious behavior. / Major, United States Marine Corps

Web-based dissemination system for the Trusted Computing Exemlar [i.e. Exemplar] project

Kane, Douglas Robert. 06 1900 (has links)
Open dissemination of the Trusted Computing Exemplar (TCX) project is needed. This dissemination must include methods to provide secure web access to project material, integrity verification of data, and group-based access controls. Because previously developed dissemination systems do not meet these requirements, a hybrid web-based dissemination system is necessary. The development of the TCX Dissemination System requirements involved the analysis of assumptions, threats, policies, and security objectives for the system and its environment based on the Common Criteria methodology. The requirements yielded a design specification that included a dissemination application that uses XML capabilities for redaction and preparation of releasable materials. This led to the creation of an initial implementation to satisfy a subset of the TCX dissemination requirements. Future work was identified for a subsequent implementation that fulfills additional project requirements. The complete implementation of the dissemination environment described in this thesis will provide a seamless dissemination interface for the TCX project. The Dissemination System provides an example of how controlled information can be organized and made available on the web. When combined with TCX project results, it supports the assured information sharing objectives of the Department of Defense Global Information Grid vision. / US Navy (USN) author.

Evaluation of Embedded Firewall System

Rumelioglu, Sertac. 03 1900 (has links)
The performance aspect and security capabilities of the Embedded Firewall (EFW) system are studied in this thesis. EFW is a host-based, centrally controlled firewall system consisting of network interface cards and the "Policy Server" software. A network consisting of EFW clients and a Policy Server is set up in the Advanced Network Laboratory at the Naval Postgraduate School. The Smartbits packet generator is used to simulate realistic data transfer environment. The evaluation is performed centered on two main categories: performance analysis and security capability tests. TTCP program and a script written in TCL are used to perform throughput and packet loss tests respectively. The penetration and vulnerability tests are conducted in order to analyze the security capabilities of EFW. Symantec Personal Firewall is used as a representative application firewall for comparing test results. Our study shows that EFW has better performance especially in connections with high amounts of encrypted packets and more effective in preventing insider attacks. However, current implementation of EFW has some weaknesses such as not allowing sophisticated rules that application firewalls usually do. We recommend that EFW be used as one of the protection mechanisms in a system based on the defense-in-depth concept that consists of application firewalls, intrusion detection systems and gateway protocols.

Collaborative Network Security: Targeting Wide-area Routing and Edge-network Attacks

Hiran, Rahul Gokulchand January 2016 (has links)
To ensure that services can be delivered reliably and continuously over theInternet, it is important that both Internet routes and edge networks aresecured. However, the sophistication and distributed nature of many at-tacks that target wide-area routing and edge networks make it difficult foran individual network, user, or router to detect these attacks. Thereforecollaboration is important. Although the benefits of collaboration betweendifferent network entities have been demonstrated, many open questionsstill remain, including how to best design distributed scalable mechanismsto mitigate attacks on the network infrastructure. This thesis makes severalcontributions that aim to secure the network infrastructure against attackstargeting wide-area routing and edge networks. First, we present a characterization of a controversial large-scale routinganomaly, in which a large Telecom operator hijacked a very large numberof Internet routes belonging to other networks. We use publicly availabledata from the time of the incident to understand what can be learned aboutlarge-scale routing anomalies and what type of data should be collected inthe future to diagnose and detect such anomalies. Second, we present multiple distributed mechanisms that enable col-laboration and information sharing between different network entities thatare affected by such attacks. The proposed mechanisms are applied in thecontexts of collaborating Autonomous Systems (ASes), users, and servers,and are shown to help raise alerts for various attacks. Using a combina-tion of data-driven analysis and simulations, based on publicly availablereal network data (including traceroutes, BGP announcements, and net-work relationship data), we show that our solutions are scalable, incur lowcommunication and processing overhead, and provide attractive tradeoffsbetween attack detection and false alert rates. Finally, for a set of previously proposed routing security mechanisms,we consider the impact of regional deployment restrictions, the scale of thecollaboration, and the size of the participants deploying the solutions. Al-though regional deployment can be seen as a restriction and the participationof large networks is often desirable, we find interesting cases where regionaldeployment can yield better results compared to random global deployment,and where smaller networks can play an important role in achieving bettersecurity gains. This study offers new insights towards incremental deploy-ment of different classes of routing security mechanisms.

Application of energy-based power system features for dynamic security assessment

Geeganage, Janath Chaminda 10 November 2016 (has links)
To date, the potential of on-line Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) to monitor, alert, and enhance system security is constrained by the longer computational cycle time. Traditional techniques requiring extensive numerical computations make it challenging to complete the assessment within an acceptable time. Longer computational cycles produce obsolete security assessment results as the system operating point evolves continuously. This thesis presents a DSA algorithm, based on Transient Energy Function (TEF) method and machine learning, to enable frequent computational cycles in on-line DSA of power systems. The use of selected terms of the TEF as pre-processed input features for machine learning demonstrated the ability to successfully train a contingency-independent classifier that is capable of classifying stable and unstable operating points. The network is trained for current system topology and loading conditions. The classifier can be trained using a small dataset when the TEF terms are used as input features. The prediction accuracy of the proposed scheme was tested under the balanced and unbalanced faults with the presence of voltage sensitive and dynamic loads for different operating points. The test results demonstrate the potential of using the proposed technique for power system on-line DSA. Power system devices such as HVDC and FACTS can be included in the algorithm by incorporating the effective terms of a corresponding TEF. An on-line DSA system requires the integration of several functional components. The practicality of the proposed technique in terms of a) critical data communications aspects b) computational hardware requirements; and c) capabilities and limitations of the tools in use was tested using an implementation of an on-line DSA system. The test power system model was simulated using a real-time digital simulator. The other functional units were distributed over the Local Area Network (LAN). The implementation indicated that an acceptable computational cycle time can be achieved using the proposed method. In addition, the work carried out during this thesis has produced two tools that can be used for a) web-based automated data generation for power system studies; and b) testing of on-line DSA algorithms. / February 2017

Cenné papíry a zaknihované cenné papíry - změny po rekodifikaci / Securities and booked securities - changes in legislation

Manderla, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
Securities and booked securities - changes in legislation The purpose of my thesis is to analyse enactment of securities in the New Civil Code. Current legislation in Act on Securities is not considered as satisfactory in many ways. Recodification of civil law brings a great opportunity to clarify current interpretational issues and approximate Czech law of securities to developed countries of Western Europe. In this thesis I shall asses if the new piece of legislation will be successful in achieving such goal. The thesis is composed of nine chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of securities law. Chapter One is introductory and defines concept of a security and its historical development. Chapter Two deals with issues related to definition of a security in Czech law. It focuses on the absence of legal definition of a security in current Czech law and analyses definitions of jurisprudence. Chapter Two analyses the legal definition of a security in New Civil Code and addresses the issue of definition of a security in relation to booked securities. Chapter Three is concerned with a security as a subject of legal relations. The main issue addressed in Chapter Three is security as a tangible thing. Chapter Four concentrates on separation of securities represented by a certificate and...

Security and efficiency concerns with distributed collaborative networking environments

Felker, Keith A. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution unlimited / The progression of technology is continuous and the technology that drives interpersonal communication is not an exception. Recent technology advancements in the areas of multicast, firewalls, encryption techniques, and bandwidth availability have made the next level of interpersonal communication possible. This thesis answers why collaborative environments are important in today's online productivity. In doing so, it gives the reader a comprehensive background in distributed collaborative environments, answers how collaborative environments are employed in the Department of Defense and industry, details the effects network security has on multicast protocols, and compares collaborative solutions with a focus on security. The thesis ends by providing a recommendation for collaborative solutions to be utilized by NPS/DoD type networks. Efficient multicast collaboration, in the framework of security is a secondary focus of this research. As such, it takes security and firewall concerns into consideration while comparing and contrasting both multicast-based and non-multicast-based collaborative solutions.

The domestic, regional and global security stakes in Kazakhstan

Mukhamedov, Igor 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The evolution of Kazakhstan's security policies since independence, and particularly after September 11, 2001, indicates that the country has chosen to play an active role in regional and international security as a means to security its own national interests. It has opened to the West, and played an active role in the War on Terrorism. It has also worked to maintain Central Asia's regional security architecture. These policies have had some demonstrable affect on national, regional and international security, but as a young state in a troubled region Kazakhstan will require increased Western assistance if it is to become the force for stability that it seeks to be. Kazakhstan has a very important geopolitical location, and can play a role of a regional leader in Central Asia, but it is still a very young state and needs a strong support. "Perhaps nowhere was the granting of independence more bittersweet and the challenges of sustaining it more complex than in the case of Kazakhstan." (Mathews, Jessica T. Foreword in "Kazakhstan: Unfulfilled Promise" by Olcott, Martha Brill, Washington D.C. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2002) / Colonel, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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