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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


内山, 知実, UCHIYAMA, Tomomi, 北野, 佳伸, KITANO, Yoshinobu 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

An improved low-Reynolds-number k-E [ symbol -dissipation rate]

Chen, Suzhen, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
[Formulae and special characters can only be approximated here. Please see the pdf version of the Abstract for an accurate reproduction.] Since the damping functions employed by most of the low-Reynolds-number models are related to the non-dimensional distance y+[ special character ??? near-wall non-dimensional distance in y direction], which is based on local wall shear stress, these models become invalid for separated flows, because the wall shear stress is zero at the reattachment point. In addition, the pressure-velocity correlation term is neglected in most of these models, although this term is shown in this thesis to be important in the near-wall region for simple flows and large pressure gradient flows. In this thesis, two main efforts are made to improve the k ??? [special character - dissipation rate] model. First, based on Myong and Kasagi???s (1990) low-Reynolds-number model (hereafter referred to as MK model), a more general damping function [special character - turbulent viscosity damping function in LRN turbulent model] is postulated which only depends on the Reynolds numbers [formula ??? near-wall turbulence Reynolds number]. Second, a form for the pressure-velocity correlation term is postulated based on the Poisson equation for pressure fluctuations. This modified model predicts the turbulent flow over a flat plate very well. It is found that the inclusion of the pressure-velocity correlation term leads to significant improvement of the prediction of near-wall turbulence kinetic energy. When the model is applied to turbulent flow over a backward-facing step, it produces better predictions than the traditional k ??? [special character - dissipation rate] model, FLUENT???s two-layer model and the MK model. Again, the pressure-velocity correlation term improves the turbulence kinetic energy prediction in the separated region over that of other models investigated here. The studies of numerical methods concerning computational domain size and grid spacing reveal that a very large domain size is required for accurate flat plate flow computation. They also show that a fine grid distribution in the near-wall region upstream of the step is necessary for acceptable flow prediction accuracy in the downstream separated region.

Προσομοίωση της τυρβώδους ανωστικής φλέβας σε ήρεμο στρωματοποιημένο περιβάλλον με την ολοκληρωματική μέθοδο

Μάρκου, Μάρκος 27 December 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία αναφέρεται στην ανάπτυξη ενός ολοκληρωματικού μοντέλου 2ης τάξης για επίπεδες και κυκλικές, τυρβώδεις ανωστικές φλέβες σε περιβάλλοντα όπου επικρατεί στρωματοποίηση πυκνότητας και αποτελεί επέκταση μελέτης του Αναπληρωτή Καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών Παναγιώτη Γιαννόπουλου η οποία έχει δημοσιευτεί υπό τον τίτλο “ An improved integral model for plane and round turbulent buoyant jets” στο περιοδικό J. Fluid Mech. το 2006, όπου μελετάται και αναπτύσσεται ένα παρόμοιο μοντέλο σε μη στρωματοποιημένο περιβάλλον. Αρχικά οι μερικές διαφορικές εξισώσεις του όγκου, της ορμής και της διατήρησης του ιχνηθέτη ολοκληρώνονται στην διατομή της ανωστικής φλέβας, παίρνοντας δεδομένο πως ισχύει η αρχή της αυτό-ομοιότητας. Το κλείσιμο της τύρβης επιτυγχάνεται με την υπόθεση ενός σταθερού ρυθμού εξάπλωσης της ανωστικής φλέβας μέχρι το σημείο που αυτό παγιδεύεται εξαιτίας της στρωματοποίησης. Οι κανονικές διαφορικές εξισώσεις που προκύπτουν από αυτή την ολοκλήρωση σχηματίζουν ένα σύστημα εξισώσεων το οποίο λύνεται με την βοήθεια ενός αλγορίθμου Runge-Kutta 4ης τάξης που διαμορφώσαμε κατάλληλα. Έπειτα το μοντέλο επικυρώνεται με την σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων αυτής της αριθμητικής διαδικασίας με αποτελέσματα απο Yannopoulos (2006) και εξάγονται συμπεράσματα και παρατηρήσεις για την επίδραση της στρωματοποίησης στην διάδοση της φλέβας, επιπλέον επιχειρείται μια προσπάθεια ανάπτυξης ενός συμπληρωματικού μοντέλου ρευστομηχανικής ανάλυσης των φαινομένων που εξελίσσονται εντός της παγιδευμένης περιοχής. Σκοπός συνεπώς αυτής της εργασίας είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός αξιόπιστου ερευνητικού εργαλείου που θα μπορέσει να προβλέπει κατανομές ταχυτήτων, συγκεντρώσεων αλλά και γεωμετρικά και άλλα σημαντικά μεγέθη σε τυρβώδεις ανωστικές φλέβες που εμφανίζονται σε περιβάλλοντα όπου η στρωματοποίηση παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο. / The specific study refers to the development of a second order integral model for plane and round, turbulent, buoyant jets in stratified environments and is considered as an extension to the primary study of Pr. Yannopoulos, of the university of Patras, which was published under the title "An improved integral model for plane and round turbulent buoyant jets” in 2006 at J. Fluid Mech where a similar model is being studied in a uniform environment. Originally the partial differential equations of volume, momentum and conservation of tracer are integrated in the cross section of the buoyant jet with the help of the self similarity assumption. The closure of the turbulence is succeeded with the use of the spreading concept up to the point where the jet gets trapped. The ordinary differential equations that result from this procedure produce a set of equations which gets solved by a 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm which was configured properly. After that the model gets validated via the comparison of its results with the findings of Yannopoulos for the same phenomenon in a uniform environment so that we can make observations and reach to conclusions considering the effect of stratification for the spreading of the jet. Moreover the development of a complementary model is attempted in order to provide a fluid dynamic analysis for the phenomena that take place inside the trapped area. Therefore the purpose of the specific study is the development of a reliable research tool that can predict the distributions of velocity and concentration as well as geometric and some other important quantities that play a significant role in these kind of jets.

Fluid-particle interactions : from the simple pendulum to collective effects in turbulence / Interaction particule-fluide : du pendule simple aux effets collectifs en turbulence

Obligado, Martín 30 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est organisée en deux parties. Après une brève introduction théorique (chapitre 1) et une discussion présentant la soufflerie du LEGI et des techniques expérimentales utilisées (chapitre 2), une première partie étudie les effets individuels des particules dans les écoulements tantôt laminaires et turbulents. Dans une seconde partie je me suis intéressé aux effets collectifs d’une population dense d’inclusions en interaction avec un champ turbulent.Dans le chapitre 3, nous montrons que l’équilibre d’un disque pendulaire faisant face à un écoulement présentant une vitesse moyenne présente un comportement bi-stable et hystérétique. Nous donnons une interprétation simple de ce comportement en termes d’une description par deux puits de potentiel, nécessitant uniquement de connaître la dépendance angulaire du coefficient de trainée normale d’une plaque statique inclinée. Nous étudions l’influence de la turbulence sur l’équilibre du pendule en général et sur la bi-stabilité observée en particulier.La dynamique des objets tractés dans un environnement fluide est d’intérêt pour de nombreuses situations pratiques. Les chapitres 4,5 et 6 concernent l’étude expérimentale de l’équilibre et de la stabilité de la trajectoire d’une sphère tractée à vitesse constante. Dans le chapitre 4, nous avons vu que le sillage d'une sphère peut produire un mouvement hélicoïdal d'une sphère remorqué par un fil. Nous avons constaté qu'il existe un nombre de Reynolds (défini avec le diamètre de la particule et la vitesse moyenne de l’écoulement) particulier pour activer cette motion instable. Une trajectoire en trois dimensions est reconstruite avec un dispositif expérimental extrêmement simple, utilisé pour la caractérisation de la forme de la trajectoire des particules. Dans le chapitre 5, nous étudions expérimentalement l'équilibre et la stabilité de la trajectoire d'une sphère remorqué à une vitesse constante dans la avec un rapport longueur - diamètre sans précédent. En ce chapitre, nous étudions les instabilités développées dans le fil pour un écoulement laminaire. Diffèrent types d’instabilités ont été trouvés dans cette expérience. Dans le chapitre 6, le même système est étudié, mais l'écoulement environnant est turbulent. Nous nous concentrons sur la comparaison entre la dynamique turbulente de la sphère tractée et d’une sphère librement advectèe. Nos résultats sont en accord avec un scénario de filtrage résultant du temps de réponse visqueuse d'une particule d'inertie dont la dynamique est couplée au fluide environnant par la force de traînée. Une caractéristique frappante des écoulements turbulents chargés de particules inertielles est la concentration préférentielle qui conduit à de très fortes hétérogénéités du champ de concentration en particules à différentes échelles. Les diagrammes de Voronoi ont été utilisés pour caractériser quantifier ce phénomène.En ce qui concerne les effets collectifs, trois écoulements différents ont été étudiés : bulles d’air (particules moins denses que le fluide, avec une taille de l’ordre de l´échelle de Kolmogorov) dans un canal a eau (chapitre 7), des particules solides légèrement plus denses que le fluide et diamètre supérieur à l´échelle de Kolmogorov dans une écoulement de von Kármán (chapitre 8) et gouttelettes d’eau dans la soufflerie (chapitre 9) ; de particules beaucoup plus denses que le fluide et diamètre inférieur à l’échelle de Kolmogorov. Enfin, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de reconstruction des champs de concentration des particules dans les expériences par analogie avec le fonctionnement des caméras linéaire, et en exploitant l’hypothèse de Taylor dans la soufflerie. Cette nouvelle approche nous permet de reconstruire des champs de particules de plusieurs mètres de long. Ces champs permettent d’analyser la formation des superclusters. Nous montrons en effet que les clusters tendent eux-mêmes à s’organiser en superclusters (amas d’amas). / This PhD thesis covers many features of fluid-particle interactions, ranging from a simple pendulum inmersed in a flow to the presence of superclusters of water droplets in a wind tunnel.The simplest case studied was a pendulum with a pendulum-blob facing the wind in the wind-tunnel. As the pendulum-blob was a plate, the aerodynamic coefficients as a function of the angle between the plate and the streamwise velocity present a non-trivial behavior, resulting in an hysteresis cycle. We also investigate the influence of turbulence on the equilibrium of the pendulum in general and on the observed bi-stability in particular.Then, different instabilities of towed systems has been studied. In chapter 4 we have seen that the wake of a sphere can produce helicoidal motion of a sphere towed by a wire. We found that there exists a particle Reynolds number Rep threshold for activating this unstable motion. A three-dimensional trajectory was reconstructed with an extremely simple experimental setup, used for characterizing the shape of particle's trajectory. In chapter 5 we investigate experimentally the equilibrium and the stability of the trajectory of a sphere towed at constant velocity in the wind tunnel at the tip of a cable with unprecedented large length-to-diameter aspect ratio. In thist chapter we study the instabilities developped in the wire for a laminar flow.Flutter and divergence instabilities has been found in this experiment.In chapter 6 the same system is studied, but the surrounding flow is turbulent. In this chapter we focus on a comparison with this towed system with freely advected particles in turbulence. Our results are consistent with a filtering scenario resulting from the viscous response time of an inertial particle whose dynamics is coupled to the surrounding fluid via the dragforce.Therefore, depending on several parameters such as the Reynolds number of the particle, the wire or the fluctuations level of the flow, a whole family of instabilities can appear, with no trivial dependencies and important consequences considering different applications of such systems.Concerning the collective effects, three different flows have been studied: a water tunnel, a von Karman flow and a wind tunnel. A broad range of Reynolds numbers, dissipation scales and particles diameters and densities has been covered. Using Voronoi diagrams, we have quantified preferential concentration as a function of the Stokes number and the Reynolds number. In chapter 7 and 8 simultaneous PIV measurements complemented the inertial particles acquisitions. The goal was to analyze if the particles tend to stick into special regions of the flow.In the last chapter also DNS have been performed for comparing with experimental results. A sweep-stick mechanism, in which inertial particles tend to have the same statistics as zero-acceleration points has been proved to be consistent with our results.Finally, a promising new technique has been presented. Based on the standard measurements, a spatial field has been reconstructed allowing us to acquire a several meters long image of particles. The enormous amount of structures present in the image has evidenced that the clusters are grouped at the same time in bigger clusters (i.e. clusters form clusters, that we call superclusters). This new result is still being studied and presents a new and fascinating field for studying particle-flow interactions.

Estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em canal aerodinâmico sobre o Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento em cilindros / Experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in aerodynamic channel on strouhal number and on the bistability phenomenon of the flow in cylinders

Silveira, Rodrigo Santiago January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em um canal aerodinâmico no Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade. É estudado o escoamento turbulento sobre um cilindro e também sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, onde fez-se uso de cilindros de vários diâmetros a fim de variar a razão de bloqueio no canal. Dois tipos de espaçamento entre os tubos são estudados. A técnica experimental consiste na medição de flutuações de velocidades em um canal aerodinâmico utilizando a técnica de anemometria de fio quente. Os dados obtidos da medição no canal aerodinâmico são tratados com o uso de ferramentas estatísticas, espectrais e de ondaletas. Para um cilindro, os resultados confirmam o aumento do número de Strouhal com o aumento da razão de bloqueio, na faixa do número de Reynolds utilizada. Razões de bloqueio mais baixas podem acarretar diminuição do número de Strouhal, também em função do número de Reynolds. Os resultados confirmam a existência do fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, assim como a influência da razão de bloqueio sobre o fenômeno, sendo mais predominante em um dos espaçamentos estudados. Para razões de bloqueio altas, o fenômeno da biestabilidade pode não ocorrer ou pouco ocorre. Para razões de bloqueio mais baixas podemos ter também a não ocorrência do fenômeno em função das dimensões dos tubos serem mais reduzidas, fazendo com que a captação do fenômeno também seja reduzida. / This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in a aerodynamic channel on Strouhal number and the bistability phenomenon. It studied the turbulent flow around a single cylinder and also on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, where use has been made of cylinders of various diameters to vary the blockage ratio of the channel. Two types of pitch to diameter ratio are studied. The experimental technique consists of measuring velocity fluctuations in aerodynamic channel using the technique of hot-wire anemometry. The data obtained from measuring the aerodynamic channel are treated with the use of statistical tools, spectral and wavelet analysis. For a single cylinder, the results confirm the increase of the Strouhal number with increasing blockage ratio in the range of Reynolds number used. Lower blockage ratio can cause a decrease of the Strouhal number, also a function of Reynolds number. The results confirm the existence of the bistability phenomenon in the flow on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, as well as the influence of blockage ratio on the phenomenon, being more predominant in one of the row spacings. For higher blockage ratios, the bistability phenomenon may not occur or occurs shortly. For lower blockage ratio, due to the smaller dimensions of the tubes the phenomenon may not occur on the capture of the phenomenon is also reduced with the present experimental technique.


JOHANN HUMBERTO PENUELA MUNOZ 07 November 2018 (has links)
[pt] Uma câmera de alta velocidade foi utilizada para visualizar o processo de quebra de gota em um misturador rotor - estator e através de um orifício em um duto em condições de escoamento turbulento. Dois casos especiais foram considerados: quebra de emulsões diluídas e quebra de gotículas de óleo individuais. Dois óleos minerais de viscosidade moderada foram dispersos em duas fases continuas diferentes, água da torneira e uma fase contínua formada por uma mistura de água do mar padrão e o surfactante aniônico STEOL CS-330 (Stepan Company). No caso de quebra no misturador rotor - estator, dois mecanismos foram identificados. Uma fragmentação inicial é causada pela combinação do vórtice (gerado pelo movimento circular do rotor) e a região de jato emergente dos furos do estator. O segundo mecanismo é uma quebra mecânica causada pelas altas taxas de cisalhamento que as gotas sofrem na abertura entre o rotor e o estator. No caso de quebra através do orifício, foi mostrado que a ruptura das gotículas ocorre somente a jusante da restrição, após percorrida certa distancia a partir da borda do orifício. Nesse comprimento de quebra, o gradiente radial de velocidade axial no escoamento é suficientemente grande para superar as tensões resistivas (exercidas pelas gotículas) e produzir a ruptura da gota. Esses resultados estão em concordância com as observações previas feitas por Galinat et al. (2005) para o caso de quebra de gota através de uma placa de orificio. No entanto, a partir das observações feitas neste trabalho, foi possível concluir que o comprimento do orifício não influencia os mecanismos de quebra. Também, a visualização permitiu analisar a influencia relativa da tensão interfacial e da viscosidade da fase dispersa para os dois casos considerados. Dados experimentais do tamanho de gota máximo estável foram obtidos para o caso de quebra de gota de emulsões de óleo em água diluídas nos dois casos estudados. A análise dos dados revelou que os tamanhos de gota máximos estáveis encontravam-se dentro da sub-faixa inercial, caracterizada exclusivamente pela taxa de dissipação de energia por unidade de massa, Épsilon. Um modelo mecanístico linear para a sub-faixa inercial, baseado na teoria de turbulência isotrópica de Kolmogorov, foi desenvolvido para ajudar na interpretação dos dados e suprir uma base para correlação. O modelo foi ajustado aos dados experimentais utilizando uma ferramenta de otimização não linear baseada no código GRG2 (Generalized Reduced Gradient), e sua precisão calculada a partir da raiz quadrada media das diferenças entre os dados experimentais e os previstos. Boas previsões foram obtidas para o rompimento no misturador, no entanto, este não foi o caso da quebra através do orifício. A baixa precisão relativa do modelo utilizado para correlacionar a quebra através do orifício reside na falta de consideração da escala de tempo requerida para a ruptura. Além disso, uma regressão linear baseada em um modelo Power Law mostrou que os efeitos interfaciais dominam o processo de quebra de gota na restrição. / [en] A high-speed camera has been used to visualize the drop breakup process at turbulent conditions in a rotor - stator mixer and through an orifice in a pipe. Two special cases were considered: the breakup of diluted emulsions and the breakup of single oil droplets. Two mineral oils of moderate viscosity were dispersed in two different continuous phases, tap water and a continuous phase formed by a mixture of substitute ocean water and the anionic surfactant STEOL CS-330 (Stepan Company). For the case of breakup in the rotor - stator mixer, two mechanisms were identified. An initial fragmentation is caused by the combination of the vortex (generated by the circular motion of the rotor) and the jet zone emerging from the stator holes. The second mechanism is a mechanical breakup caused by the high shear stresses that droplets suffer in the rotor - stator gap. In the case of breakup through an orifice in a pipe, it was shown that breakage only occurs downstream of the restriction and takes place at a certain distance from the edge of the orifice. At this breakup length, the radial velocity gradient in the flow is large enough to overcome the resistance stresses (exerted by the droplet) and produce the rupture of the droplet. These results were in agreement with previous observations made Galinat et al. (2005) for the case of drop breakup through an orifice plate. However, from the observations made in this work, it was possible to conclude that the orifice length does not influence the breakup mechanisms. In addition, visualization has allowed to analyze the relative influence of interfacial tension and dispersed phase viscosity for both cases. Experimental values for the maximum stable drop diameter were obtained for the breakup of diluted oil-in-water emulsions in both studied cases. Analysis of the data revealed that maximum stable drop sizes were in the inertial sub range, characterized exclusively by the energy dissipation rate per unit mass, Epsilon. A linear mechanistic model for the inertial sub-range, based in Kolmogorov s theory of isotropic turbulence, was developed to aid in data interpretation and to provide a basis for correlation. The model was adjusted to experimental data using a nonlinear optimization tool based in the generalized reduced gradient code (GRG2), and its precision was calculated from the root mean squared difference between experimental and predicted data. Good predictions were obtained for the breakup in the mixer; however, this was not the case for the breakup through the orifice. The relative low precision of the model used to correlate the breakup through the restriction lied in the lack of consideration of the time scale required for the breakup. In addition, a linear curve fitting based in a power law model, showed that interfacial effects drive the breakup process in the restriction.

Estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em canal aerodinâmico sobre o Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento em cilindros / Experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in aerodynamic channel on strouhal number and on the bistability phenomenon of the flow in cylinders

Silveira, Rodrigo Santiago January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em um canal aerodinâmico no Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade. É estudado o escoamento turbulento sobre um cilindro e também sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, onde fez-se uso de cilindros de vários diâmetros a fim de variar a razão de bloqueio no canal. Dois tipos de espaçamento entre os tubos são estudados. A técnica experimental consiste na medição de flutuações de velocidades em um canal aerodinâmico utilizando a técnica de anemometria de fio quente. Os dados obtidos da medição no canal aerodinâmico são tratados com o uso de ferramentas estatísticas, espectrais e de ondaletas. Para um cilindro, os resultados confirmam o aumento do número de Strouhal com o aumento da razão de bloqueio, na faixa do número de Reynolds utilizada. Razões de bloqueio mais baixas podem acarretar diminuição do número de Strouhal, também em função do número de Reynolds. Os resultados confirmam a existência do fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, assim como a influência da razão de bloqueio sobre o fenômeno, sendo mais predominante em um dos espaçamentos estudados. Para razões de bloqueio altas, o fenômeno da biestabilidade pode não ocorrer ou pouco ocorre. Para razões de bloqueio mais baixas podemos ter também a não ocorrência do fenômeno em função das dimensões dos tubos serem mais reduzidas, fazendo com que a captação do fenômeno também seja reduzida. / This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in a aerodynamic channel on Strouhal number and the bistability phenomenon. It studied the turbulent flow around a single cylinder and also on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, where use has been made of cylinders of various diameters to vary the blockage ratio of the channel. Two types of pitch to diameter ratio are studied. The experimental technique consists of measuring velocity fluctuations in aerodynamic channel using the technique of hot-wire anemometry. The data obtained from measuring the aerodynamic channel are treated with the use of statistical tools, spectral and wavelet analysis. For a single cylinder, the results confirm the increase of the Strouhal number with increasing blockage ratio in the range of Reynolds number used. Lower blockage ratio can cause a decrease of the Strouhal number, also a function of Reynolds number. The results confirm the existence of the bistability phenomenon in the flow on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, as well as the influence of blockage ratio on the phenomenon, being more predominant in one of the row spacings. For higher blockage ratios, the bistability phenomenon may not occur or occurs shortly. For lower blockage ratio, due to the smaller dimensions of the tubes the phenomenon may not occur on the capture of the phenomenon is also reduced with the present experimental technique.

A theoretical study of the transference of heat and momentum across turbulent incompressible boundary layers

DIAZ DIEGUEZ, J.A. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:50:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:58:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 00621.pdf: 16649575 bytes, checksum: 34a61ca5ff67945244a79765b98ddb45 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IEA/T / University of London

Estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em canal aerodinâmico sobre o Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento em cilindros / Experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in aerodynamic channel on strouhal number and on the bistability phenomenon of the flow in cylinders

Silveira, Rodrigo Santiago January 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo experimental do efeito da razão de bloqueio em um canal aerodinâmico no Número de Strouhal e o fenômeno da biestabilidade. É estudado o escoamento turbulento sobre um cilindro e também sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, onde fez-se uso de cilindros de vários diâmetros a fim de variar a razão de bloqueio no canal. Dois tipos de espaçamento entre os tubos são estudados. A técnica experimental consiste na medição de flutuações de velocidades em um canal aerodinâmico utilizando a técnica de anemometria de fio quente. Os dados obtidos da medição no canal aerodinâmico são tratados com o uso de ferramentas estatísticas, espectrais e de ondaletas. Para um cilindro, os resultados confirmam o aumento do número de Strouhal com o aumento da razão de bloqueio, na faixa do número de Reynolds utilizada. Razões de bloqueio mais baixas podem acarretar diminuição do número de Strouhal, também em função do número de Reynolds. Os resultados confirmam a existência do fenômeno da biestabilidade no escoamento sobre dois cilindros dispostos lado a lado, assim como a influência da razão de bloqueio sobre o fenômeno, sendo mais predominante em um dos espaçamentos estudados. Para razões de bloqueio altas, o fenômeno da biestabilidade pode não ocorrer ou pouco ocorre. Para razões de bloqueio mais baixas podemos ter também a não ocorrência do fenômeno em função das dimensões dos tubos serem mais reduzidas, fazendo com que a captação do fenômeno também seja reduzida. / This paper presents an experimental study of the effect of blockage ratio in a aerodynamic channel on Strouhal number and the bistability phenomenon. It studied the turbulent flow around a single cylinder and also on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, where use has been made of cylinders of various diameters to vary the blockage ratio of the channel. Two types of pitch to diameter ratio are studied. The experimental technique consists of measuring velocity fluctuations in aerodynamic channel using the technique of hot-wire anemometry. The data obtained from measuring the aerodynamic channel are treated with the use of statistical tools, spectral and wavelet analysis. For a single cylinder, the results confirm the increase of the Strouhal number with increasing blockage ratio in the range of Reynolds number used. Lower blockage ratio can cause a decrease of the Strouhal number, also a function of Reynolds number. The results confirm the existence of the bistability phenomenon in the flow on two cylinders arranged side-by-side, as well as the influence of blockage ratio on the phenomenon, being more predominant in one of the row spacings. For higher blockage ratios, the bistability phenomenon may not occur or occurs shortly. For lower blockage ratio, due to the smaller dimensions of the tubes the phenomenon may not occur on the capture of the phenomenon is also reduced with the present experimental technique.

Modelagem e análise de selos de fluxo aplicados a máquinas rotativas / Modeling and analysis of flow seals applied to rotating machinery

Brol, Keila Belquiz 02 November 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Katia Lucchesi Cavalca / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T18:45:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Brol_KeilaBelquiz_M.pdf: 7087689 bytes, checksum: b81e96d33b1146da143fae0859da2363 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos que visam simular as características operacionais das máquinas rotativas é importante para representar uma variedade de fenômenos expressivos que se manifestam durante a operação, para tanto é necessário a modelagem dos componentes que caracterizam o comportamento dinâmico do sistema. Este trabalho tem por objetivo determinar os parâmetros físicos que integram os selos de fluxo de folga fixa e angular ao modelo global de sistemas rotativos. As rigidezes e os amortecimentos são obtidos através da solução de equações governantes para líquidos escoando em selos anulares pelo método clássico das perturbações de ordem máxima um e a solução da ordem zero permite demonstrar a variação da pressão e velocidade para as equações de ordem zero. Os resultados obtidos foram validados com os valores apresentados pela literatura. O resultado deste trabalho poderá ser aplicado na modelagem global de uma máquina rotativa, de modo a tornar a análise mais completa do conjunto girante / Abstract: The development of mathematical models designed to simulate operational characteristics is important to represent a wide variety of expressive phenomena that manifest during the operation, and therefore it is necessary the components modeling that characterize the system dynamic behavior. This study aims to determine the physical parameters that influence the flow seals to fixed angles and variables in the global rotating systems model. The stiffness and damping are obtained by solving the governing equations for fluid flowing in the annular seals using the classic perturbation method of maximal order one. The zero-order solution allows to demonstrate the pressure and speed variation to zero order. The results were validated with the similar tests reported in the literature. This work results are eligible to be applied to model a global rotating machine in order to make a more complete rotor analysis / Mestrado / Mecanica dos Sólidos e Projeto Mecanico / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

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