Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[mpsychology]"" "subject:"[bpsychology]""
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Victim and observer characteristics as determinants of responsibility attributions to victims of rapeKrahé, Barbara January 1988 (has links)
Two field studies were conducted lo investigate the influence of observer and victim characteristics on attributions of victim and assailant responsibility in a rape case. In the first study, male and female subjects completed a measure of rape myth acceptance and were presented with a rape account after which they were asked to attribute responsibility to victim and assailant. In the second study, a new sample was asked to attribute responsibility to victim and assailant on the basis of one of two rape accounts in which victim's pre-rape behavior was manipulated. Results showed that both rape myth acceptance and victims' pre-rape behavior in influenced the degree of responsibility attributed to victims and assailants. No significant effects of subject gender were found. A more complex conceptualization is suggested of the link between observer and victim characteristics in social reactions to and evaluations of rape victims.
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Explaining perceived cross-situational consistency : intuitive psychometrics or semantic mediation?Krahé, Barbara, Semin, Gün R. January 1988 (has links)
Recent studies at the interface of social cognition and personality theory have stressed lay persons' ability to 'function as intuitive psychometricians' (Epstein and Teraspulsky, 1986). This research argues that lay persons not only show a substantial degree of accuracy in estimating cross-situational generality of behaviour, but also take into account principles of aggregation over time. In contrast, it is argued here that lay persons' perceptions of the degree of relatedness of different behaviours are mediated largely by the decontextualized semantic relationships between behavioural descriptions. This argument finds support in two experimental studies which demonstrate that the main source for subjects' judgments of 'cross-situational consistency' can be found in an abstracted knowledge base which is represented and mediated through language. The implications of the findings are drawn out for personality research. in particular with reference to domain and item selection in questionnaires for research.
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In search of explanations : a rejoinder to BorkenauKrahé, Barbara, Semin, Gün R. January 1989 (has links)
The main points raised by Borkenau against our challenge of the 'intuitive psychometrics' view of personality judgements are discussed, in particular his example of the link between school grades and intelligence. It is argued that the semantic similarity interpretation advanced in our paper is more adequate and more parsimonious than explanations in terms of psychometric reasoning.
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Predicting behavior in natural settings : four field studiesEckes, Thomas, Krahé, Barbara, Six, Bernd January 1989 (has links)
Basic Concepts and Applied Perspectives in Attitude-Behavior Research
Searching for Medium-Range Models of Behavior Prediction
Putting the Models to Test
General Discussion
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Social psychological issues in the study of rapeKrahé, Barbara January 1991 (has links)
The chapter presents a social psychological approach to the study of rape and sexual assault. Two issues are at the core of this approach: identifying the critical variables that affect attributions of responsibility to victims of rape. and exploring people's subjective definitions of rape, which may differ markedly from legal definitions. Following a review of the American evidence, a series of studies conductcd in two European countries is presented to address these issues.
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Police officers' definitions of rape : a prototype studyKrahé, Barbara January 1991 (has links)
The study investigates police officers' definitions of different rape situations. On the basis of the concept of 'cognitive prototypes' a methodology is developed which elicits consensual feature lists describing six rape situations: the typical, i.e. most common rape, the credible, dubious, and false rape complaints as weil as the rape experiences that are particularly hard vs. relatively easy for the victim to cope with. Qualitative analysis of the data allows the identification of the characteristic features defining the prototype of each rape situation, as weil as comparisons between the situations in terms of their common and distinctive features. It is shown that police officers, while sharing some of the widely held stereotypes about rape, generally perceive rape as a serious crime with long-term negative consequences for the victim. The quantitative analysis of prototype similarity between the six situations corroborates this conclusion by demonstrating a high similarity between the prototypes of the typical and the credible rape situation: In addition, subjects' general attitude towards rape victims is measured to compare the prototypes provided by respondents holding a positive vs. negative attitude towards rape victims. Findings for the two groups, however, reveal more similarities than differences in their descriptions of rape prototypes. The paper concludes with a discussion of the feasibility of the prototype approach presented in this study as a strategy for investigating implicit or common-sense theories of rape.
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Coping with rape : a social psychological perspectiveKrahé, Barbara January 1992 (has links)
Social stereotypes and responsibility attributions to victims of rape
Atributing responsibillty to rape victims: a German study
Rape myth acceptance and responsibility judgments: a British study
Police officers' definitions of rape
A study on cognitive prototypes of rape
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Personality and languageKrahé, Barbara January 1992 (has links)
Towards a framework for personality and language
Personality and language
Personal pronouns
Adjectives as disposilional markers
Cognitive properties of trait terms
Everyday language and personality
Speech end personality
Conclusions and directions
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Glaubwürdigkeitsbeurteilung bei Vergewaltigungsanzeigen : ein aussagenanalytisches FeldexperimentKrahé, Barbara, Kundrotas, Silvia January 1992 (has links)
Die Studie untersucht die Frage, ob sich anhand eines bereits bei kindlichen Zeugenaussagen bewährten Katalogs von Glaubhaftigkeitskriterien zwischen wahren und falschen Vergewaltigungsanzeigen unterscheiden läßt. Das Fallmaterial bestand aus dreißig authentischen Vernehmungsprotokollen, von denen je die Hälfte eingestandene Falschaussagen bzw. anhand von Tätergeständnissen oder Indizien als wahr klassifizierte Aussagen waren. Erfahrene Polizeibeamte aus dem Bereich Sexualstraftaten (N = 30) beurteilten diese Fälle anhand des Kriterienkatalogs von Steiler und Köhnken (1989) und gaben ein abschließendes Urteil über die Glaubwürdigkeit jedes Falles ab. Eine zweite Gruppe von Polizeibeamten (N=22) beurteilte die Fälle ohne Rückgriff auf Realkennzeichen als wahr bzw, falsch. Die diskriminanzanalytische Auswertung der Ergebnisse zeigt, daß der Kriterienkatalog insgesamt gut dazu geeignet ist, zwischen wahren und falschen Vergewaltigungsanzeigen zu differenzieren. Die Ergebnisse der schrittweisen Diskriminanzanalyse zeigen darüber hinaus, welche Glaubhaftigkeitskriterien im einzelnen einen signifikanten Beitrag zur Trennung zwischen Wahr- und Falschaussagen leisten. Der höhere Prozentsatz korrekter Klassifikationen in der Gruppe, die die Realkennzeichen verwendete, erreichte allerdings nur knapp statistische Signifikanz. Insgesamt stützt die vorliegende Studie die Grundannahme der Aussagenanalyse, daß die Analyse der sprachlichen Merkmale einer Aussage einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Beurteilung des Wahrheitsgehalts einer Anzeige leisten kann. / This study explores the issue of whether allegations of rape can be correctly identified as true or false on the basis of a set of content criteria used successfully in previous studies with respect to children's accounts of sexual abuse. A sample of 30 authentic protocols of police interrogations of women reporting rape were selected for the study. Fifteen cases were classified as false accounts because the complainants eventually confessed to having fabricated their allegations. The remaining cases were classified as true rapes on the basis of medical and other corroborating evidence. A group of experienced police officers (N = 30) judged these cases in terms of their credibility on the basis of the 19 content criteria suggested by Steller & Köhnken (1989) and gave an overall judgment of the true vs. false nature of each statement. A second group of police officers (N= 22) judged the credibility of the statements without reference to these criteria. The findings from a series of discriminant function analyses showed that the set of criteria as a whole is successful in distinguishing between true and false rape allegations. The results of the stepwise discriminant function analyses reveal which criteria in particular contribute to the correct identification of true and false cases. However, the higher percentage of correct classifications in the group using the content criteria was only marginally significant compared to the second group judging the cases without reference to the criteria. Altogerher, the findings of this study support the basic tenet of statement analysis that the linguistic features of a staternent contain essential clues for assessing its credibility.
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Implicit psychologists' estimates of attitude-behaviour consistenciesSix, Bernd, Krahé, Barbara January 1984 (has links)
To investigate the relationship between implicit psychological hypotheses and explicit empirical findings, summaries of twenty published studies on attitude-behaviour consistency were presented to a sample of forty-eight psychology undergraduates. Subjects were asked to estimate the percentage of agreement between attitudes and behaviour obtained by each study. Correlations between subjects' covariation judgements and empirically obtained attitude-behaviour consistencies were minimal and nonsignificant. Results are discussed in the light of more recent research on attitudebehaviour relationship.
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