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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of single nanoparticles

Jones, Steven 20 July 2016 (has links)
Optical trapping is a method which uses focused laser light to manipulate small objects. This optical manipulation can be scaled below the diffraction limit by using interactions between light and apertures in a metal film to localize electric fields. This method can trap objects as small as several nanometers. The ability to determine the properties of a trapped nanoparticle is among the most pressing issues to the utilization of this method to a broader range of research and industrial applications. Presented here are two methods which demonstrate the ability to determine the properties of a trapped nanoparticle. The first method incorporates Raman spectroscopy into a trapping setup to obtain single particle identification. Raman spectroscopy provides a way to uniquely identify an object based on the light it scatters. Because Raman scattering is an intrinsically weak process, it has been difficult to obtain single particle sensitivity. Using localized electric fields at the trapping aperture, the Raman integrated trapping setup greatly enhances the optical interaction with the trapped particle enabling the required sensitivity. In this work, the trapping and identification of 20 nm titania and polystyrene nanoparticles is demonstrated. The second method uses an aperture assisted optical trap to detect the response of a magnetite nanoparticle to a varying applied magnetic field. This information is then used to determine the magnetic susceptibility, remanence, refractive index, and size distribution of the trapped particle. / Graduate / 0544 / 0752 / stevenjones3.14@gmail.com

Remote Acoustic Characterization of Thin Sheets

Mfoumou, Etienne January 2006 (has links)
There is a need to monitor the existence and effects of damage in structural materials. Aircraft components provide a much publicized example, but the need exists in a variety of other structures, such as layered materials used in food packaging industries. While several techniques and models have been proposed for material characterization and condition monitoring of bulk materials, less attention has been devoted to thin sheets having no flexural rigidity. This study is therefore devoted to the development of a new method for acoustic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and material characterization of thin sheets used in food packaging materials or similar structures. A method for assessing the strength in the presence of crack of thin sheets used in food packaging is first presented using a modified Strip Yield Model (SYM). Resonance frequency measurement is then introduced and it is shown, at low frequency range (less than 2kHz), that a change in the physical properties such as a reduction in stiffness resulting from the onset of cracks or loosening of a connection causes detectable changes in the modal properties, specifically the resonance frequency. This observation leads to the implementation of a simple method for damage severity assessment on sheet materials, supported by a new theory illustrating the feasibility of the detection of inhomogeneity in form of added mass, as well as damage severity assessment, using a measurement of the frequency shift. A relationship is then established between the resonance frequency and the material’s elastic property, which yields a new modality for sheet materials remote characterization. The result of this study is the groundwork of a low-frequency vibration-based method with remote acoustic excitation and laser detection, for nondestructive testing and material characterization of sheet materials. The work also enhances the feasibility of the testing and condition monitoring of real structures in their operating environment, rather than laboratory tests of representative structures. The sensitivity of the new experimental approach used is liable to improvement while being high because the frequency measurement is one of the most accurate measurements in physics and metrology.

Ellipsometric and nanogravimetric porosimetry studies of nanostructured, mesoporous electrodes

May, Robert Alan 26 August 2010 (has links)
Nanostructured, porous materials offer great promise for application in areas such as energy storage, photovoltaics, and catalysis. These materials are often difficult to characterize because they are structurally and compositionally inhomogeneous, and disordered with features to small to be resolved by scanning probe techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). These shortcomings require that new techniques be developed that can be applied to real world systems to elucidate how the interplay of material composition and structure alters their performance. Towards this end, the development of a hybrid quartz crystal microbalance/ ellipsometric porosimetry (QCM/EP) technique is being pursued to facilitate the determination of a number of material parameters such as porosity, pore size distribution, and surface area. Additionally, the use of adsorbate probe molecules of varying polarity gives further information about adsorbate-surface interactions and surface chemistry characteristics. Simultaneous acquisition of both mass-based and refractive index based adsorption isotherms fosters mechanistic understanding about the behavior of adsorbates confined in mesopores while at the same time reducing the uncertainty in the analysis of the optical parameters acquired via ellipsometry. To highlight the power of this approach, studies of TiO₂ and TiC, electrode materials as model systems will be presented that have helped us validate measurement and modeling protocols for extracting physical properties. / text


Black, Jonathan T. 01 January 2006 (has links)
Stiff, ultra-lightweight thermal-formed polyimide panels considered in this dissertation are examples of next generation gossamer structures that resolve some of the technology barriers of previous, membrane-dominated gossamer designs while maintaining their low mass and low stowage volume characteristics. The research involved statically and dynamically characterizing and modeling several of these panels to develop validated computer models which can be used to determine the effects of changing manufacturing parameters and scalability. Static characterization showed substantial local nonlinear behavior that was replicated by new physics-based finite element models, and global linear bending behavior that was modeled using classical shell finite elements incorporating effective properties in place of bulk material properties to represent the unique stiffening structure of these panels. Dynamic characterization was performed on individual panels using standard impact hammer and accelerometer testing, enabling successful extraction of several structural natural frequencies and mode shapes. Additionally, the three dimensional time history of the surface of the panels was rendered from video data, and temporal filters were applied to the data to examine the frequency content. These data were also correlated to the shell element numerical models. Overall, the research contributes to the total knowledge base of gossamer technologies, advances stiff panel-based structures toward space qualification, and demonstrates their potential for use in apertures and other spacecraft.

Synthesis gas production using non-thermal plasma reactors

Taylan, Onur 19 September 2014 (has links)
Today we face the formidable challenge of meeting the fuel needs of a growing population while minimizing the adverse impacts on our environment. Thus, we search for technologies that can provide us with renewable fuels while mitigating the emission of global pollutants. To this end, use of non-thermal plasma processes can offer novel methods for efficiently and effectively converting carbon dioxide and water vapor into synthesis gas for the production of renewable fuels. Particularly, non-thermal plasma technologies offer distinct advantages over conventional methods including lower operating temperatures, reduced need for catalysts and potentially lower manufacturing and operation costs. The non-thermal plasma reactors have been studied for ozone generation, material synthesis, decontamination, thruster for microsatellites, and biomedical applications. This dissertation focuses on producing synthesis gas using a non-thermal, microhollow cathode discharge (MHCD) plasma reactor. The prototype MHCD reactor consisted of a mica plate as a dielectric layer that was in between two aluminum electrodes with a through hole. First, electrical characterization of the reactor was performed in the self-pulsing regime, and the reactor was modeled with an equivalent circuit which consisted of a constant capacitance and a variable, negative differential resistance. The values of the resistor and capacitors were recovered from experimental data, and the introduced circuit model was validated with independent experiments. Experimental data showed that increasing the applied voltage increased the current, self-pulsing frequency and average power consumption of the reactor, while it decreased the peak voltage. Subsequently, carbon dioxide and water vapor balanced with argon as the carrier gas were fed through the hole, and parametric experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of applied voltage (from 2.5 to 4.5 kV), flow rate (from 10 to 800 mL/min), CO₂ mole fraction in influent (from 9.95% to 99.5%), dielectric thickness (from 150 to 450 [mu]m) and discharge hole diameter (from 200 to 515 [mu]m) on the composition of the products, electrical-to-chemical energy conversion efficiency, and CO₂-to-CO conversion yield. Within the investigated parameter ranges, the maximum H2/CO ratio was about 0.14 when H2O and CO₂ were dissociated in different reactors. Additionally, at an applied voltage of 4.5 kV, the maximum yields were about 28.4% for H2 at a residence time of 128 [mu]s and 17.3% for CO at a residence time of 354 [mu]s. Increasing residence time increased the conversion yield, but decreased the energy conversion efficiency. The maximum energy conversion efficiency of about 18.5% was achieved for 99.5% pure CO₂ at a residence time of 6 [mu]s and an applied voltage of 4.5 kV. At the same applied voltage, the maximum efficiency was about 14.8% for saturated CO₂ at a residence time of 12.8 [mu]s. The future work should focus on optimizing the conversion yield and efficiency as well as analyzing the temporal and spatial changes in the gas composition in the plasma reactor. / text

Hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings for corrosion protection of steel

Ejenstam, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Since metals in general, and steels in particular, are vital construction materials in our modern society, the corrosion protection of said materials is of great importance, both to ensure safety and to reduce costs associated to corrosion. Previously, chromium (VI) and other harmful substances were effectively used to provide corrosion protection to steel, but since their use was heavily regulated around year 2000, no coating has yet been developed that, in a fully satisfactory manner, replaces their corrosion protective properties.In this thesis, the use of hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surface coatings as part of corrosion protective coating systems has been studied. Since the corrosion mechanism relies on the presence of water to take place, the use of a superhydrophobic coating to retard the penetration of water to an underlying metal surface is intuitive. The evaluation of corrosion protective properties of the hydrophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces was performed using mainly contact angle measurements and electrochemical measurements in severely corrosive 3 wt% NaCl water solution.First, the differences in corrosion protection achieved when employing different hydrophobic wetting states were investigated using a model alkyl ketene dimer wax system. It was found that superhydrophobicity in the Lotus state is superior to the other states, when considering fairly short immersion times of less than ten days. This is due to the continuous air film that can form between such a superhydrophobic surface and the electrolyte, which can retard the transport of electrolyte containing corrosive ions to the metal surface to the point where the electrical circuit is broken. Since corrosion cannot occur unless an electrical current is flowing, this is a very efficient way of suppressing corrosion.An air layer on an immersed superhydrophobic surface is, however, not stable over long time, and to investigate long-term corrosion protection using hydrophobic coatings a polydimethylsiloxane formulation containing hydrophobic silica nanoparticles was developed. This system showed enhancement in corrosion protective properties with increasing particles loads, up until the point where the particle load instead causes the coating to crack (at 40 wt%). The conclusion is that the hydrophobicity of the matrix and filler, in combination with the elongatedivdiffusion path supplied by the addition of particles, enhanced the corrosion protection of the underlying substrate.To further understand how hydrophobicity and particle addition affect the corrosion protective properties of a coating a three layer composite coating system was developed. Using this coating system, consisting of a polyester acrylate base coating, covered by TiO2 particles (with diameter &lt; 100 nm) and finally coated with a thin hexamethyl disiloxane coating, it was found that both hydrophobicity and particles are needed to reach a great enhancement in corrosion protective properties also for this system. / Eftersom metaller, och då särskilt stål, är viktigta konstruktionsmaterial i vårt moderna samhälle är korrosionsskydd av stor betydelse, både för att garantera säkerhet och för att minska kostnader som uppkommer i samband med korrosion. Tidigare har sexvärt krom och andra skadliga ämnen använts för att på ett effektivt sätt skydda stål från korrosion, men efter att deras användning kraftigt reglerades runt år 2000 har ännu ingen beläggning utvecklats som helt kan ersätta krombeläggningarna med avseende på funktion.I denna avhandling har hydrofoba och superhydrofoba ytbeläggningar och deras möjliga applikation som en del av ett korrosionsskyddande beläggningssystem studerats. Eftersom korrosionsmekanismen är beroende av närvaron av vatten, är användandet av en superhydrofob beläggning för att fördröja transporten av vatten till den underliggande metallytan intuitiv. De korrosionsskyddande egenskaperna hos superhydrofoba ytbeläggningar utvärderades här främst med hjälp av kontaktvinkelmätningar och elektrokemisk utvärdering i korrosiv lösning bestående av 3 vikts% NaCl i vatten.Först undersöktes skillnaden i korrosionsskydd som uppnås vid användandet av ytbeläggningar med olika hydrofoba vätningsregimer med hjälp av ett modellsystem bestående av ett alkylketendimer vax. Det konstaterades att superhydrofobicitet i Lotusregimen är överlägset bättre än de andra hydrofoba vätningsregimerna, i alla fall när man ser till relativt korta exponeringstider, typiskt mindre än tio dagar. Detta beror på att den kontinuerliga luftfilm som kan bildas på en sådan typ av superhydrofob yta kan minska transporten av elektrolyt (som innehåller korrosiva joner) till metallytan till den grad att den elektriska kretsen bryts. Eftersom korrosion inte kan ske utan en sluten elektrisk krets är detta ett mycket effektivt sätt att förhindra korrosion från att ske.Ett luftskikt på en superhydrofob yta nedsänkt i vatten är dock inte stabilt under lång tid. För att undersöka möjligheten till korrosionsskydd under längre tid med hjälp av hydrofoba beläggningar utvecklades en hydrofob ytbeläggning bestående av polydimetylsiloxan och hydrofoba nanopartiklar av kiseldioxid. Detta system visade en förbättring av korrosionsskyddet vid ökat partikelinnehåll upp till den koncentration (40 wt%) där i stället sprickbildning i ytbeläggningen observerades. Från detta system kunde slutsatsen dras att matrisens och partiklarnasvihydrofobicitet i kombination med den längre diffusionsvägen som partiklarna orsakade förbättrade korrosionsskyddet av den underliggande metallen.För att ytterligare förstå hur hydrofobicitet och partikeltillsatser påverkar en ytbeläggnings korrosionsskyddande egenskaper har dessutom ett treskikts kompositbeläggningssystem utvecklats. Genom att använda detta beläggningssystem, som består av en basbeläggning av polyesterakrylat, ett lager TiO2-partiklar (med en diameter på &lt;100 nm) slutligen belagt med ett tunt ytskikt bestående av hexametyldisiloxan så kunde slutsatsen dras att både en hydrofob matris och partiklar behövs för att nå en markant förbättring av ytbeläggningens korrosionsskyddande egenskaper. / <p>QC 20151015</p>

Understanding Arizona's Riparian Areas

Zaimes, George, Nichols, Mary, Green, Douglas, Crimmins, Michael 08 1900 (has links)
114 pp. / Riparian areas occupy less than 2% of the arid Western United States. Their importance is disproportionate to the small area they occupy because of their multiple use applications. Riparian areas provide recreational amenities, habitat and travel corridors for wildlife, livestock grazing areas and influence water quality and quantity. In Arizona, as in many other states, there is a need to provide science-based educational publications to inform the public on riparian areas. In this publications the information will focus on: 1) the definition, importance and characterization of riparian areas 2) hydrologic, geomorphic, climatic, and biological processes in riparian areas, and 3) human alterations to riparian areas. This information is essential for land-managers and the general public to manage properly or restore healthy riparian areas.


Li, Qian. January 2011 (has links)
The development of modern digital communication systems has been entered a new era with faster signal transmission and processing capability, called high-speed circuit systems. As their clock frequencies have increased and rise times of signals have decreased, the signal integrity of interconnects in the packaging and printed circuit boards plays a more and more important role. In high-speed circuit systems, the well-designed logic functions most likely will not work well if their interconnects are not taken into account.This dissertation addresses to profoundly understand the signal integrity knowledge, be proficient in calculation, simulation and measurements, and be capable of solving related signal integrity problems. The research mainly emphasizes on three aspects. First of all, the impact of on-wafer calibration methods on the measured results of coplanar waveguide circuits is comprehensively investigated, with their measurement repeatability and accuracy. Furthermore, a method is presented to characterize the physically-consistent broadband material properties for both rigid and flexible dielectric materials. Last but not least, a hybrid method for efficient modeling of three dimensional via structures is developed, in order to simplify the traditional 3D full-length via simulations and dramatically reduce the via build and simulation time and complexity.

Fundamentals of High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering

Böhlmark, Johan January 2006 (has links)
In plasma assisted thin film growth, control over the energy and direction of the incoming species is desired. If the growth species are ionized this can be achieved by the use of a substrate bias or a magnetic field. Ions may be accelerated by an applied potential, whereas neutral particles may not. Thin films grown by ionized physical vapor deposition (I-PVD) have lately shown promising results regarding film structure and adhesion. High power impulse magnetron sputtering (HIPIMS) is a relatively newly developed technique, which relies on the creation of a dense plasma in front of the sputtering target to produce a large fraction of ions of the sputtered material. In HIPIMS, high power pulses with a length of ~100 μs are applied to a conventional planar magnetron. The highly energetic nature of the discharge, which involves power densities of several kW/cm2, creates a dense plasma in front of the target, which allows for a large fraction of the sputtered material to be ionized. The work presented in this thesis involves plasma analysis using electrostatic probes, optical emission spectroscopy (OES), magnetic probes, energy resolved mass spectrometry, and other fundamental observation techniques. These techniques used together are powerful plasma analysis tools, and used together give a good overview of the plasma properties is achieved. from the erosion zone of the magnetron. The peak plasma density during the active cycle of the discharge exceeds 1019 electrons/m3. The expanding plasma is reflected by the chamber wall back into the center part of the chamber, resulting in a second density peak several hundreds of μs after the pulse is turned off. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) measurements of the plasma indicate that the degree of ionization of sputtered Ti is very high, over 90 % in the peak of the pulse. Even at relatively low applied target power (~200 W/cm2 peak power) the recorded spectrum is totally dominated by radiation from ions. The recorded HIPIMS spectra were compared to a spectrum taken from a DC magnetron discharge, showing a completely different appearance. Magnetic field measurements performed with a coil type probe show significant deformation in the magnetic field of the magnetrons during the pulse. Spatially resolved measurements show evidence of a dense azimuthally E×B drifting current. Circulating currents mainly flow within 2 away cm from the target surface in an early part of the pulse, to later diffuse axially into the chamber and decrease in intensity. We record peak current densities of the E×B drift to be of the order of 105 A/m2. A mass spectrometry (MS) study of the plasma reveals that the HIPIMS discharge contains a larger fraction of highly energetic ions as compared to the continuous DC discharge. Especially ions of the target material are more energetic. Time resolved studies show broad distributions of ion energies in the early stage of the discharge, which quickly narrows down after pulse switch-off. Ti ions with energies up to 100 eV are detected. The time average plasma contains mainly low energy Ar ions, but during the active phase of the discharge, the plasma is highly metallic. Shortly after pulse switch-on, the peak value of the Ti1+/Ar1+ ratio is over 2. The HIPIMS discharge also contains a significant amount of doubly charged ions.

A Mixed Biosensing Film Composed of Oligonucleotides and Poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) Brushes to Enhance Selectivity for Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

Wong, April Ka Yee 02 September 2010 (has links)
This work has explored the capability of a mixed film composed of oligonucleotides and oligomers to improve the selectivity for the detection of fully complementary oligonucleotide targets in comparison to partially complementary targets which have one and three base-pair mismatched sites. The intention was to introduce a “matrix isolation” effect on oligonucleotide probe molecules by surrounding the probes with oligomers, thereby reducing oligonucleotide-to-oligonucleotide and/or oligonucleotide-to-surface interactions. This resulted in a more homogeneous environment for probes, thereby minimizing the dispersity of energetics associated with formation of double-stranded hybrids. The mixed film was constructed by immobilizing pre-synthesized oligonucleotides onto a mixed aminosilane layer and then growing the oligomer portion by surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) of 2-hydroxy methacrylate (PHEMA). The performance of the mixed film was compared to films composed of only oligonucleotides in a series of hybridization and melt curve experiments. Surface characterization techniques were used to confirm the growth of the oligomer portion as well as the presence of both oligonucleotides and oligomer components. Polyatomic bismuth cluster ions as sources for time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry experiments could detect both components of the mixed film at a high sensitivity even though the oligomer portion was at least 200-fold in excess. At the various ionic strengths investigated, the mixed films were found to increase the selectivity for fully complementary targets over mismatched targets by increasing the sharpness of melt curves and melting temperature differences (delta Tm) by 2- to 3-fold, and by reducing non-specific adsorption. This resulted in improved resolution between the melt curves of fully and partially complementary targets. A fluorescence lifetime investigation of the Cy3 emission demonstrated that Cy3-labeled oligonucleotide probes experienced a more rigid microenvironment in the mixed films. These experiments demonstrated that a mixed film composed of oligonucleotides and PHEMA can be prepared on silica-based substrates, and that they can improve the selectivity for SNP discrimination compared to conventional oligonucleotide films.

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