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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência dos parâmetros envolvidos no processo de união por interferência de tubos por cravamento eletromagnético

Geier, Martin January 2014 (has links)
A união por conformação eletromagnética de perfis tubulares de alta condutividade elétrica é um processo inovador e limpo que pode substituir com sucesso os processos convencionais de união baseados na fixação mecânica por parafusos, rebites, soldagem e adesivos estruturais. Esta tecnologia funciona a temperatura ambiente, permite a união de materiais diferentes e oferece potencial para promover novas aplicações na montagem de estruturas leves. Neste trabalho busca-se compreender a união por interferência de tubos por cravamento eletromagnético em termos de seus principais parâmetros com o objetivo de identificar a influência na resistência global das uniões e estabelecer a faixa útil de condições operacionais do processo. Inicialmente são apresentados os fundamentos teóricos do processo de conformação eletromagnética e suas principais variantes operacionais, seguido de um resumo do estado atual do conhecimento da aplicação desta tecnologia na união de perfis tubulares no qual é verificado que os parâmetros mecânicos são a tensão residual no mandril, a área e forma da zona de união e o coeficiente de atrito entre os componentes. Entretanto, tais parâmetros estão relacionados de forma complexa com o processo de cravamento eletromagnético, a começar pela energia e a distribuição do pulso de pressão magnética gerados pela máquina e ferramenta que “disparam” o processo de conformação, a folga inicial entre componentes, o material dos componentes e, a geometria, forma e rugosidade do mandril. O estudo experimental foca a união por interferência de tubos de alumínio (AA6082-O) com mandris de aço (AISI 1045) e alumínio (AA6082 nos estados O e T6) investigando de forma gradual a influência de parâmetros do processo na resistência mecânica (à tração) deste tipo de uniões. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a resistência mecânica da união e os modos de falha associados são diretamente relacionados com os parâmetros de processo e condições do mandril. Além disso, outras importantes contribuições são apresentadas em relação à instrumentação para medição de fluxo magnético e eficiência global do processo e para o desenvolvimento e aplicações industriais desta tecnologia. / Joining of tubular profiles with high electrical conductivity by electromagnetic forming (EMF) is an innovative and clean technology that can successfully replace conventional joining technologies based on mechanical fixing with fasteners, rivets, welding and structural adhesives. The technology works at room temperature, allows joining dissimilar materials and offers potential to foster new applications in the assembly of lightweight tubular frame structures. This work investigates the interference-fit joining of tubes by electromagnetic crimping in terms of its major parameters with the aim of identifying their influence on the overall strength of the joints and establishing the useful range of process operating conditions. Initially, the theoretical principles of EMF and its main operational process variants are presented, followed by a summary of the current state of the knowledge of its application in the joining of tubular profiles in which it is found that the mechanical parameters are the residual stress at the joint interface, the area and shape of the joint interface and the friction coefficient between the joining partners. However, these parameters are related in a very complex way with the electromagnetic crimping process parameters, starting with the charging energy and by the machine and tool which generates the distribution of the magnetic pressure pulse that “triggers” the forming process, the initial gap between joining partners, the mandrel properties such as material, geometry, shape and surface roughness. The experimental study focuses the interference-fit of aluminum tubes (AA6082-O) on mandrels made of different materials and metallurgical conditions (AISI 1045, AA6082-O and AA6082-T6) and, therefore, the process is analyzed by the gradual influence of other process parameters aiming to achieve high strength joints. Results show that the joint strength and the associated failure mechanisms are directly related to process parameters and mandrel conditions. In addition, other important contributions are presented regarding the instrumentation for measuring the magnetic flux and overall process efficiency and to the development and implementation of this technology in industrial processes.

Dynamic process modelling of the HPS2 solar thermal molten salt parabolic trough test facility

Temlett, Robert 10 May 2019 (has links)
In recent years power generation from renewable energy has grown substantially both in South Africa and around the world. This growth is set to continue as there is more pressure to reduce the burning of fossil fuels. However, renewable energy power generation suffers from unpredictability, which causes problems when it comes to managing power grids. Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants offer a practical solution to store power in the form of thermal energy storage (TES). Thus, the plant can run when there is no solar energy available, leading to a more stable power supply. Unfortunately, CSP plants cost more than other renewables such as photovoltaic and wind power. Thus, there is a need for research into how to bring down the cost of CSP plants. One of the most proven types of CSP is the parabolic trough plant. The most recent innovation is to try and use molten salt as the heat transfer fluid which would reduce the cost of the plant. However, this new technology has not been implemented on a full scale CSP plant and little testing has been done to prove the technology. The HPS2 is a test facility aimed at testing the use of molten salt as a heat transfer fluid (HTF). This test facility, located in Evora Portugal, is being developed by an international consortium led by the German DLR institute of Solar Research. It is one of the first test facilities of its kind where experiments will be conducted to demonstrate the validity of using molten salt as a HTF and a storage medium in a parabolic trough CSP plant. The HPS2 test facility is not yet operational and there is a need for a dynamic thermofluid process model to better understand and predict both its steady state and transient operational behaviour. This dissertation reports on the development of such a dynamic thermofluid process model and the results obtained from it. The process model developed primarily focuses on the steam cycle with the TES incorporated into the model. The physical geometry of each of the components are employed to construct discretized elements for which the conservation of mass, energy, and momentum are applied in a one-dimensional network approach. The economizer and evaporator combined has a helical coil geometry and uses molten salt as a heat transfer fluid, which is unique. Thus, correlations had to be adjusted for the flow characteristics found in the economizer/evaporator. Results from the steady state simulations of the steam cycle show that the molten salt mass flowrate through the steam generation system will have to be reduced from the initially expected value to meet operational requirements. Results of the dynamic simulations show that the test facility will be able to produce a constant power supply despite transient solar conditions and highlights key dynamic responses for operators to be aware of.

Bezdrátová nabíjecí stanice / Wireless charging station

Pokorný, Josef January 2018 (has links)
The paper deals with possibilities of wireless charging and transmission of electric energy using inductive coils. Basic models of air coils are described using CST simulation software. The product consists of a transducer for transmitting coil, two coils with ferromagnetic shield, synchronous rectifier and battery charging circuit. Communication is provided by an 8-bit microcontroller with wireless modules and an ethernet shield for online monitoring. The aim of the thesis is to design a wireless charging station with a power transfer of 40 W with the possibility of online monitoring of the charging state.

Diagnostika vinutí rázovou vlnou / Winding diagnostics using surge test

Vojtěch, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Master‘s Thesis deal with analysis given to diagnostic method plus her applicability to failure detection electrical machine plus apparatus in different phases their live. A further realization physical model with subtransient generátor PSG204A 4kV, for teach – in disorder on single – layer air coil plus stator winding induction motor inclusive evaluation results test.

Jednotka pro bezdrátový přenos elektrické energie / Unit for wireless transmission of electrical energy

Jelínek, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this work is to prove the practical applicability of the concept of contactless energy transfer using induction coils. The first part deals with the mathematical model and theoretical proof of the concept being able to work in practice and describes the process of detecting resonance of receiver circuit on transmitter side. Next chapter describes hardware solution of the experimental prototype. The last part contains measurement results of a coupling coefficient of coils and discusses performance and notable features of the prototype.

Planární obvodové prvky na technické keramice s nízkou teplotou výpalu / Planar Circuits Elements on Low Temperature Cofired Ceramics

Kosina, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present work deals with the design and manufacturing of 3D structures in LTCC (Low Temperatue Cofired Ceramics) technology. To use this technology LTCC workplaces have been designed and technological processes for high quality reproducible production were suggested. Technological possibilities of low temperature co-fired ceramics were demonstrated in the design and manufacturing of pressure sensors, electrode systems for ozone generators, planar circuit elements (coils and transformers) and in the design a special package for middle-power terahertz modulator. Design of selected parts of respective devices was proved by simulations in COMSOL Multiphysics. The work provides new insights into the structure of power integrated circuits sleeves and structure of electrode systems for different types of electrical discharges. Results of this work can contribute significantly in the application of planar circuit elements, in the development of different types of sensors, in the design of atypical types of packaging or in the design of electrode systems for capacitive coupled electrical discharges.

Detektor kovů pro průmyslové využití / Metal detector for industrial use

Stehno, Rostislav January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this project is explore and study the ways of metal detecting and create a metal detector for industrial use. When the device were inventing, a lot of methods were studied and the impulse detect method were chosen as the most perspective way of metal detecting, thanks to a huge electronics parts possibilities. After experiences with preceding device was necessary to redesign it. Main target of this thesis is to increase the computing power of detector. For this purpose will device need a new microcontroller. Device will communicate with PC trough a USB port. The device will have a battery which allows device to run for a few hours. Processing of measured data will be make even with DFT which will lead to better analyze of mass and type of conductor under device.

Planární struktury pro vysoké kmitočty / Planar Structures for High Frequency Band

Pulec, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
The present paper deals with the problematics of the design and technology of planar microelectronic structures for the hign frequency band. These structures were realised on the Department of Microelectronics and their properties were measured on the Department of Radioelectronics. The part of this work is also simulation of some microelectronic structures, where for these simulations the design and simulation tool Ansoft Designer and the FEM tool ANSYS was used. The attention is paid to the discrete devices (coils and capacitors) as well as to the more complex structures (frequency filters). The paper yields the new findings in the field of the design and technology of the discrete components as well as of the more complex systems, these findings can be used as the basis for another research of practical applications.

Optimalizace výrobního procesu ve firmě Zambelli-technik s.r.o / Production process optimization in Zambelli-technik s.r.o. company

Přibyl, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
This master’s thesis presents production process optimization in Zambelli – technik s.r.o. company acting on metal production and work metal in České Budějovice. The aim of optimization is to secure continuous input flow of material into production. It compares current material costs with material costs after the optimization, that consists in sheetmetal coil handling and cutting machine purchase.

Développement de réseaux d’antennes supraconductrices pour l’imagerie par résonance magnétique haute résolution à champ intermédiaire à champ intermédiaire / Development of superconducting coil array for the high resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging at intermediate field strength

Li, Zhoujian 11 March 2016 (has links)
En microscopie IRM, la sensibilité de détection est critique pour obtenir des images avec un rapport signal sur bruit suffisant car l’intensité du signal RMN devient extrêmement faible. Une stratégie alternative à l’utilisation de champs statiques élevés consiste à améliorer les performances des antennes radiofréquences qui détectent le signal d’IRM. Plus particulièrement, la stratégie dans laquelle s’inscrit ce travail de thèse vise à exploiter la haute sensibilité des antennes miniatures supraconductrices basées sur le principe des résonateurs monolithiques à ligne de transmission avec comme objectif à terme la mise en réseau de ce type d’antennes. Le développement d’un tel réseau représente un enjeu instrumental majeur car cela permet de profiter de la haute sensibilité intrinsèque des antennes miniatures supraconductrices tout en autorisant l’observation de zones étendues ou en profondeur. Cependant, les caractéristiques géométriques de ces antennes et la nature des matériaux utilisés posent des difficultés importantes pour réaliser les opérations d’accord, d’adaptation, ou découplage mutuel lors de leur utilisation en IRM. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons conduit des travaux abordant ces différentes problématiques et permettant la mise œuvre d’un réseau supraconducteur pour l’imagerie haute résolution à champ clinique.Nous avons développé en premier lieu un système permettant de réaliser automatiquement et sans contact l’accord et l’adaptation des antennes miniatures monolithiques. Ce système utilise des techniques, basées sur le couplage électrique et magnétique, que nous avons préalablement étudiées en utilisant différentes méthodes. Les performances de ce système ont été étudiées et la faisabilité de sa mise en œuvre dans une expérience d’IRM a été établie.Nous avons abordé en second lieu le problème de découplage mutuel des éléments constituant un réseau. Pour cela, des techniques de découplage potentiellement compatibles avec les antennes miniatures supraconductrices ont été étudiées. En particulier, la technique de découplage par anneau de blindage a été investie en profondeur, par simulation numérique et expérimentalement, et nous avons développé un modèle analytique d’optimisation du niveau de découplage accessible par cette technique. Nous avons mis en œuvre et validé cette technique avec des réseaux en cuivre de quatre antennes et des premiers essais ont été conduits avec un réseau constitué de deux antennes miniatures supraconductrices. / In MRI microscopy, the sensitivity of the detection is a critical issue for acquiring images with high signal to noise ratio because the amount of NMR signal is extremely low. An alternative to the use of high field strength is to improve the performances of the radiofrequency coil that detect the NRM signal. In particular, the strategy underlying the present work aims at exploiting the high sensitivity of miniature superconducting coils based on the monolithic design of transmission line resonators, with the long term objective of implementing an array of these coils. The development of such array represents an important instrumental stake since it allows for benefiting from the intrinsically high sensitivity of miniature superconducting coils while allowing the observation of extended region of interest. However, the highly compact structure, the small size of the coil and the nature of the material used make rise important difficulties for achieving the tuning, matching and mutual decoupling when using these coils in MRI. In the frame of this PhD project, with conducted works to address these problematics and allow for implementing a superconducting array for high resolution imaging at clinical filed strength.We have firstly developed a control system which allows for automatic and contactless tuning and matching of miniature monolithic coils. This system uses techniques based on electric and magnetic coupling, that we beforehand investigated using various methods. The performances of this system were studied and the feasibility of implementing it in an MRI experiment was established.The second part of this work addresses the issue of mutual decoupling between the elements of an array elements. To this end, decoupling techniques being potentially compatible with miniature superconducting coils have been studied. In particular the decoupling technique using shielding rings has been deeply investigated, by numerical simulation and experimentally, and we have developed an analytical model for optimizing the decoupling level achievable with this technic. We have implemented and validated this technic with a four-element copper coil array and first trials were performed with an array of two miniature.superconducting coils.

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