Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] DARK MATTER"" "subject:"[enn] DARK MATTER""
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Dark matter in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard ModelMitropoulos, Pantelis 10 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with Dark Matter (DM) properties, mainly in the context of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM). First, it is examined whether a neutralino in the NMSSM could explain a monochromatic photon excess possibly present in the Fermi-LAT data. It is shown that neutralino pair annihilation with a CP-odd Higgs exchanged in s-channel can, in principle, give rise to a sufficiently large cross section. Asymmetric dark matter models, aiming at the explanation of the coincidence of present-day DM and baryon abundances, are also discussed. Upper bounds on DM self-annihilation cross section, which can potentially destroy the DM asymmetry, are derived and applied to a variety of models. Finally, a supersymmetric model is proposed, providing sneutrinos as viable asymmetric DM and explaining the smallness of neutrino masses. Bounds on this model from particle physics, cosmology and DM searches are studied.
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Axion dark matter and two-neutrino double electron capture searches in the Large Underground Xenon experimentMarzioni, Maria Francesca January 2018 (has links)
The hunt for Dark Matter plays a truly critical role in contemporary physics. At both the largest and smallest scales, deep questions are being raised about the fundamental nature of the universe - questions that confirmation and then characterisation of particle dark matter will provide many answers to. This thesis presents some of the world's most sensitive searches to date for certain types of axion dark matter, axion-like particles, and two-neutrino double electron capture. These have been conducted using the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment. Evidence for dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics is described in Chapter 1, while Chapter 2 gives an overview of proposed candidates for particle dark matter. The various experimental approaches being used to detect particle dark matter are presented in Chapter 3. Direct detection with time projection chambers plays a major role in this thesis, with particular interest in the LUX detector, that is described in its components and operations. Chapter 4 presents LUX direct searches for weakly interacting massive particles. Although I have contributed to these analyses, they are included for completeness only, as they are not part of my central work. The LUX collaboration's searches for axion dark matter and axion-like particle have delivered world-leading results on the axion-electron coupling constant. These results, that I personally led and which have been published in Physics Review Letters, are presented in Chapter 5, along with sensitivity studies, also led by me, made for the future LUX-ZEPLIN experiment. Finally, a search for two-neutrino double electron capture of 124Xe, that I performed using LUX data to extract a limit on the half life of the process, is presented in Chapter 6. Although being allowed by the Standard Model, two-neutrino double electron capture shares the matrix element calculation framework with the neutrinoless channel of the same process, becoming of great interest in the scope of neutrino physics. Conclusions follow and close the thesis.
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Dynamical Imprint of Dark Matter Halo and Interstellar Gas on Spiral Structure in Disk GalaxiesGhosh, Soumavo January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The topic of this thesis deals with the spiral structure in disk galaxies with a specific aim of probing the influence of the dark matter halo and the interstellar gas on the origin and longevity of the spiral arms in late-type galaxies through theoretical modeling and numerical calculations. The basic theoretical model of the galactic disk used involves gravitationally-coupled two-component system (stars and gas) embedded in a rigid and non-responsive dark matter halo, i.e., the static potential of the dark matter is used in the calculations. However, at places, depending on the nature of the problem addressed, the disk is treated as consisting of only stellar component or only gas component followed by proper justifications for the assumptions. The disk is rotationally-supported in the plane and pressure-supported perpendicular to the plane of the disk. The first part of the thesis involves searching for the dynamical effect of dark matter halo on small-scale spiral structure in dwarf low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies and also some dwarf ir-regular galaxies which host an extended H I disk. In both cases, the rotation curves are found to be dominated by the contribution of the dark matter halo over a large radial distance, starting from the inner regions of the galaxies. The next part of the thesis deals with the investigation of the possible effect of the interstellar gas on the persistence is-sue and the pattern speeds of the spiral structure in the disk galaxies. The last part of the thesis involves in studying the dynamical effect of dark matter halo on large-scale spiral structure. Following is the layout of the thesis.
Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the topic of spiral structure of late-type disk galaxies, followed by a broad overview of the theoretical development of the topic and the present status of the topic. Then the thesis starts with studying the small-scale spiral features and evolves to studying the large-scale spiral features seen in disk galaxies in the following way: Chapters 2 & 3 deal with the effect of dark matter halo on small-
scale spiral structure. Chapters 4 & 5 focus on the dynamical effect of the interstellar gas on the spiral structure using the local dispersion relation. Chapters 6 & 7 discuss the possible effect of dark matter halo on large-scale spiral structure in disk galaxies. Chapter 8 contains the summary of results and future plans.
Effect of dark matter halo on small-scale spiral structure
The spiral arms in the disks of galaxies are often broken into several smaller parts or patches that create a messy visual impression when viewed from a ‘face-on’ configura-tion. They are generally termed as ‘small-scale’ or flocculent spiral arms. Several stud-ies showed that the small-scale spiral arms are basically material arm, i.e., they can be thought of as ‘tubes’ filled with stars and gas. Spiral arms are known to participate in the secular evolution of the disk galaxies. Since disk galaxies are believed to reside within a halo of dark matter, therefore a detailed understanding of possible effects of dark matter halo on the spiral arms is necessary.
In Chapter 2, we investigate the effect of dark matter halo on small-scale spiral fea-tures in the disks of LSB galaxies. Modeling the mass distribution within a galaxy from the rotation curve of a typical small LSB galaxy reveals the generic fact that for most of the radii, dark matter halo dominates over the stellar disk. This trend is found to be true from the very inner regions of an LSB disk which in turn makes the LSBs a suitable laboratory for probing the effect of dark matter halo on the dynamics of disk galaxies. Following a semi-analytic approach, and using the observationally measured input pa-rameters for a typical superthin LSB galaxy, UGC 7321, we showed that the dominant dark matter halo suppresses the small-scale spiral structure in the disk of UGC 7321. Since UGC 7321 possesses features typical of a LSB galaxy, we argued that this finding will also hold true for other typical LSBs. The result is at par with the observational evi-dences for the lack of prominent, strong small-scale spiral structure in LSB galaxies.
In Chapter 3, we employed the similar techniques for probing the effect of dark matter halo on small-scale spiral structure, except this time we took five dwarf irregular galaxies with an extended H I disk as the sample for our investigation. The main im-portant difference between these dwarf irregular galaxies with the earlier LSB galaxies is that for these dwarf irregular galaxies with extended H I disk, the largest baryonic con-tribution comes from the interstellar gas (mainly H I ), and not from the stars (as seen in LSBs). The extended H I disks of these galaxies allow one measure the rotation curve, and hence modeling the dark matter halo parameters for a large radial range from the galactic center. Here also the rotation curves are found to be dominated by dark matter
halo over most of the disk, thus providing yet another ‘laboratory’ for testing the dynam-ical effect of dark matter halo on the dynamics of the disks. Using the observed input parameters for five such dwarf irregular galaxies, we showed that the dense and com-pact dark matter halo is responsible for preventing strong small-scale spiral structure in these galaxies, which is in fair agreement with the observations.
Dynamical effect of interstellar gas on longevity of spiral arms
Any late-type disk galaxy contains a finite amount of interstellar gas along with the stel-lar component. The atomic hydrogen (H I ) constitutes the bulk of the interstellar gas along with the molecular hydrogen (H2), ionized hydrogen (H I I ), and a trace amount of heavy elements like helium. The mass fraction present in the interstellar gas in disk galaxies is found to vary with the Hubble sequence, with the amount of interstellar gas increasing from Sa type to Scd type of galaxies. Due to the lower value of velocity disper-sion as compared to that of stars, gas is known to have a larger destabilizing effect in the disk. Therefore, the natural question arises about what possible role the interstellar gas could play in the origin and the persistence issue of spiral arms.
In Chapter 4, we explored how the interstellar gas could influence the longevity of the spiral arms in late-type disk galaxies by treating the spiral structure as density waves in the disk. The disk is modeled as a gravitationally coupled stars plus gas (two-component) system, where the stars are modeled as a collisionless system and the gas treated as a fluid system. Using the appropriate local dispersion relation for the above mentioned model for the disk of galaxy, we calculated the group velocity of a wavepacket of density wave and then studied the variation of the group velocity with increasing amount of interstellar gas in the system. We showed that the group velocity of a wavepacket in a Milky Way-like disk galaxy decreases steadily with the inclusion of gas, implying that the spiral pattern will survive for a longer time-scale in a more gas-rich galaxy by a factor of few.
In Chapter 5, we investigated the role of interstellar gas in obtaining a stable den-sity wave corresponding to the observed pattern speed for the spiral arms. The under-lying local dispersion relation remains same as that is in Chapter 4. Using the observa-tionally measured pattern speed and the rotation curves for three late-type disk galaxies we showed that the presence of interstellar gas in necessary in order to maintain a stable density wave corresponding to the observed values for pattern speeds. Also we proposed a method to determine a range of pattern speed values at any particular radius, corre-
sponding to which the density wave can be stable. We applied this method to the same three late-type galaxies which we used in the earlier part of this chapter. We found that, for these three galaxies, the observed pattern speed values indeed fall in the predicted range.
Imprint of dark matter halo on large-scale spiral structure
Along with the small-scale spiral arms, there also exists another type of spiral arms – the large-scale spiral structure, like what we see M 51 or in NGC 2997, which occupy almost the entire outer optical disk in the galaxy. These spiral arms are termed as ‘grand-design’ spiral structure. One of the competing theories, namely, Density wave theory proposes that the large-scale structure is basically a density wave in the disk and the pattern ex-hibits a rigid-body rotation with a definite constant pattern speed. In the earlier part this thesis (Chapters 2 & 3), it was shown that the small-scale spiral structure gets damped by the dominant dark matter halo. Therefore, a natural question arises whether dominant dark matter plays any role on these large-scale spiral structure; and if yes, to what extent it affects the large-scale spiral structure.
In Chapters 6 & 7, we investigated how the large-scale structure in disk galaxies gets affected when the disk galaxy hosts a dark matter halo that dominates over most of the disk regions. We again chose the LSB galaxies as laboratory for this study. In Chapter 6, we modeled the stellar component as a fluid system and in Chapter 7, we treated the stellar system as more realistic collisionless system. In both cases, global spiral modes are identified from the appropriate dispersion relations via a novel quantization rule, and they are used as a ‘proxy’ for the large-scale spiral structure. Using the input pa-rameters for UGC 7321, in Chapter 6 we showed that the fluid representation of stellar system failed to make an impression in suppression of the global spiral modes. However, when stellar component is treated as a more realistic collisionless system, we found that the dark matter halo suppresses the large-scale spiral features as well in the disks of LSB galaxies, in fair agreement with the observations.
Finally, in Chapter 8, the thesis concludes with a summary of main results and a brief discussion of the scope for future work.
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Resonant Interactions of Dark Matter Particles Using Effective Field TheoryJohnson, Evan Wesley 06 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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From galaxy clustering to dark matter clusteringYoo, Jaiyul 23 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Probing the Beyond Standard Model Physics in Top Quark and Dark Matter SectorsMendiratta, Gaurav January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics provides the theoretical framework to describe the fundamental interactions among elementary constituents of matter. SM is supported by experiments to a high degree of accuracy, up to parts per-mil for the electroweak (EW) sector and parts-per-trillion for QED alone, but it still remains incomplete. Many observed phenomena lack explanation in the framework of the SM and its particles. They indicate the possibility of existence of particles and interactions beyond the SM (BSM). These phenomena include dark matter (DM), dark energy and baryonic asymmetry of the universe. In addition, a quantum description of gravity is still lacking.
The top quark has the largest mass among the SM particles. Due to it’s heavy mass, top quark is the only colored particle which does not hadronize and hence its properties are directly accessible by studying it’s decay particles. The order one Yukawa coupling of the top quark also imbibes it with an important role in the behavior of the SM couplings at higher energy scales where possible BSM physics may contribute. As a result, precision measurements of top quark properties may provide a glimpse into BSM physics and hence making these measurements is one of the core aims of the Large Hadron Collider.
In stark contrast with top quark physics is the elusive, dark matter (DM) of the universe. There exists a lot of observational evidence for it but, as of yet, with no clue with regards to its particle properties and interactions. Compelling evidence for the existence of DM comes from measurements based on cosmic microwave background radiation, astrophysical observations of distribution of visible matter in galaxy clusters, galactic cluster collisions (e.g. bullet cluster), gravitational lensing, galactic rotation curves, structure formation simulations, to name a few. It is interesting to investigate the possibility that there may be a connection between top quark and DM.
In this thesis, we extend the SM with simplified models to study BSM physics at colliders and also to explain the DM puzzle. Here, we use the Top quark as a laboratory for constructing generic probes of BSM and also of the dark sector physics. In Chapter 1, we introduce some relevant background and salient aspects of the SM framework on which the following BSM theories are built. In Chapter 2 we explore an s channel and a t-channel simplified model in the context of top quark pair production using asymmetries constructed with kinematic variables of the top decay products. In Chapter 3, we then propose a simplified model which includes a colored scalar as the mediator between DM and SM particles, termed gluphillic scalar dark matter (GSDM). Monojet process is one of the primary channels to probe DM at hadron colliders. In Chapter 3, the discussion of monojet process at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is limited to the effective field theory (EFT) framework. In Chapter 4 we discuss collider processes in GSDM model with complete loop calculations for the diagrams involving the mediating colored scalar. We also compare the loop calculation with the EFT results to find the range of applicability of the EFT.
The top quark study in Chapter 2 was initially inspired from an interesting observation made in 2008 which suggested a deviation from the SM in the forward-backward asymmetry (FBA) of a pair produced top quark. The value of FBA measured at the time was 18% ±12%. This value deviated by more than 1σ with respect to the SM leading order (LO) value of 5%. The deviation was observed by both the detectors at Tevatron, D0 and CDF, and it’s significance increased with additional data in 2012. Recent analyses of the data by D0 is now in better agreement with the latest effective-NNNLO calculations. However, the FBA measurements by CDF are still in tension with those by D0 and the value predicted by theoretical calculations. Inspired by this puzzle, which may be on its way to getting solved, we have been able to construct effective probes of BSM physics for the on-going and future searches of BSM in the top quark sector. In our analyses, we studied correlations among observables which can distinguish between different sources of BSM contributions in the top quark pair production. As a template, we use an s-channel and a t-channel mediator, both of which leave very different signatures in the kinematic asymmetry correlations. The simplified models considered by us also included parity breaking interactions which lead to polarized top quarks, providing another probe into the underlying production process. We find that all the kinematic distributions of the decay lepton get influenced by the polarization of the top quark.
We show that these correlations can distinguish well between the template models of axigluon and diquark. In general, all of these observables also provide a probe into the polarization of the top quark and therefore any chiral couplings with the mediator. However, the lepton polar angle asymmetry measured in the lab frame is special in that it can not only probe the longitudinal polarization as other observables but is also sensitive to the transverse polarization of the top quark. We also show the effectiveness of the proposed top quark kinematic observables, to distinguish between s and t-channel BSM physics models, in future searches for BSM particles at the run-II LHC.
In a large verity of dark matter (DM) models the simplest candidate is the model of a singlet scalar particle. The scalar may couple to the standard model in a number of ways via any of the SM particles. Such models with BSM Yukawa interactions or gauge sector extensions are strongly constrained from both the direct detection and collider precision measurements. The remaining models either predict a very heavy dark matter, completely out of reach of collider searches or introduce an unnaturally weak coupling with the SM particles giving no justifications for the small numbers. An interesting corner of the space of possible DM models which has been under-explored so far includes interactions of DM particles with gluons. Although DM particles cannot themselves be charged or colored, a colored scalar mediator can allow this interaction. One such model arises when we consider the scalar DM in presence of a colored scalar particle, for example the one from t-channel model above. Such colored scalars are generically present in a number of BSM theories including SUSY and GUT. How-ever, without the need for any additional gauge symmetries, the two scalars would interact with each other via the marginal operators.
In Chapter 3 we study a SM singlet scalar DM candidate which couples to SM via a colored scalar particle. In the GSDM model, DM and mediator interact via the quartic, marginal operator. DM annihilation cross-section of the order of weak interactions (∼ 0.1pb) is predicted to explain the observed dark matter relic density if arising from thermal production of a WIMP DM candidate of mass ∼ 100 GeV. On investigating the GSDM model, we find that it allows a large annihilation cross-section and is still compatible with direct detection bounds. This is so because the annihilation cross-section to a pair of colored scalars proceeds via a tree-level interaction, whereas the interaction with SM particles proceeds via loop diagrams involving the colored scalars.
Our work shows that this model is compatible with the observed relic density of DM when the mediating particle is lighter than DM for a large range of the couplings. For masses of the DM and the mediator less then ∼ 50 GeV, the DM can also be lighter than the mediator where the annihilation then proceeds via loop interactions. This region of parameter space is strongly constrained from the collider physics bounds on a colored scalar particle. These bounds become much weaker in the case where the colored scalar does not couple to quarks and hence cannot decay. The bounds coming from long-lived colored scalars become relevant in those cases and also constrain the light mass window.
A colored scalar interacting with quarks must do so without violating the strong flavor constraints. We consider the scalar in the framework of a class of models termed minimally flavor violating (MFV) and also assume that it couples only to the right handed up-sector quarks. Such a particle would couple to the top quark and would be observable at the LHC pair production of the top quark. We find constraints on a color triplet particle in such a case and show the coupling and mass regions allowed. Constraints from the decays to light quarks are interpreted from dijet process searches and limit the mass of a color-triplet scalar above 350 GeV. The primary process for direct search of stable particles produced at a collider is a single jet in association with missing transverse energy (MET). We find that in an effective field theory (EFT) framework, very weak bounds are obtained on the mediating scale.
In Chapter 4, we perform complete loop calculations for processes involving colored scalar particles and DM at LHC in order to explore the GSDM model at LHC and FCC (Future Circular Collider). The EFT is valid only for mediator masses much heavier than the momentum transfer or the MET cuts. We show the region of applicability of the EFT by comparing it with respect to the loop induced calculation. We analyze the monojet + missing transverse energy (MET) process to find the expected bounds from LHC 13 TeV run-II. We calculate the reach of the LHC in the high luminosity run in the future and also the reach of the FCC to explore the GSDM model. We perform all our calculations for a number of representations of the colored mediator from a triplet to dimension 15. As expected, collider constraints are only significant when the dark matter is light enough (mDM ∼ 10 GeV) to be copiously produced at the LHC. We find that in the high luminosity run, LHC can probe the scalar triplet particle up-to 50 GeV mass in the monojet process though a dimension 15 particle can be probed up to 150 GeV. With an order of magnitude higher beam energy, FCC can rule out much larger parameter space or provide observational evidence for TeV scale mediating particles. In conclusion, this thesis adds to the growing body of literature which points towards BSM discoveries around the corner at high luminosity LHC in the top physics and in dark sector physics. We have also proposed avenues for precision BSM studies at the next generation colliders.
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Search for new physics produced via Vector Boson Fusion in final states with large missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector / Recherche de nouvelle physique dans le mode de production VBF dans un état final avec une grande énergie transverse manquante avec le détecteur ATLASPerego, Marta Maria 10 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente des recherches sur la nouvelle physique produite par le processus de Fusion de Bosons Vecteur (VBF) dans les états finaux avec une grand impulsion transverse manquante (Etmiss) en utilisant 36.1 fb⁻¹ de données de collisions proton-proton avec une énergie dans le centre de masse de 13 TeV, recueillies par l'expérience ATLAS au Large Hadron Collider (LHC) au CERN en 2015 et 2016. En particulier, elle se concentre sur la recherche de la désintégration invisible du boson de Higgs produit via le mode VBF. Comme le modèle standard de la physique des particules (MS) prédit une désintégration invisible de Higgs uniquement à travers le mode H->ZZ*->4v avec un rapport d’embranchement BR ~ 0,1%, si une désintégration en particules invisibles du boson de Higgs était observée avec un BR supérieur, ce serait un signe de nouvelle physique. Plusieurs modèles au-delà du modèle standard (BSM) prédisent des désintégrations du boson de Higgs en particules de matière noire (DM, non détectées) ou en particules massives neutres à vie longue. Parmi les recherches H->particules invisibles, la plus sensible est celle où le Higgs est produit via le mode VBF. Son état final est caractérisé par deux jets énergétiques, avec les caractéristiques typiques du mode VBF (c'est-à-dire une grande séparation angulaire et une grande masse invariante des deux jets) et une grande impulsion transverse manquante (Etmiss>180 GeV). Pour sélectionner un échantillon d'événements candidats de signal, une région de signal (SR) est définie pour maximiser la fraction d'événements de signal attendus par rapport à la prédiction du MS (bruit de fond). Les processus MS qui peuvent peupler la SR proviennent principalement des processus Z->vv+jets et W->lv+jets, où le lepton est perdu ou non reconstruit. Leur contribution est estimée avec une approche semi-data driven : des régions dédiées enrichies en événements W->lv/Z->ll sont utilisées pour normaliser les données des estimations de Monte Carlo (MC) en utilisant une technique de fit simultané (méthode du facteur de transfert) et pour les extrapoler à la SR. L'estimation de fond prédit est comparée aux données SR observées. Comme aucun excès n'est trouvé, une limite supérieure sur le BR (H-> invisible) est calculée. L'analyse est ensuite réinterprétée dans le cadre de modèles inspirés du modèle Minimal Dark Matter. Le cas d'un nouveau triplet fermionique électrofaible, avec une hypercharge nulle et avec interactions respectant le nombre B-L, ajouté au MS fournit un bon candidat Dark Matter (WIMP pure). Si on considère l'abondance thermique, la masse du composant neutre est d’environ 3 TeV. Cependant des masses plus faibles sont également envisageables dans le cas de mécanismes de production non thermiques ou lorsque le triplet ne constitue qu'une fraction de l'abondance de DM. Il peut être produit à des collisionneurs proton-proton tels que le LHC et il peut être sondé de différentes manières. Une fois produites, les composantes chargées du triplet se désintègrent dans le composant neutre le plus léger, χ0 , avec en plus des pions très mous, en raison de la petite différence de masse entre les composants neutres et chargés. Ces pions de très faible impulsion ne peuvent pas être reconstruits et sont donc perdus. Le χ0 est reconstruit comme de l’Etmiss dans le détecteur. Par conséquent, lorsqu'il est produit via VBF, il donne lieu à une signature avec deux jets VBF et de l’Etmiss, le même état final que celui qui a été étudié pour l'analyse de VBF H->invisible. Des points de masse différentes (de 90 GeV à 200 GeV) ont été engendrés avec les programmes Monte Carlo Madgraph+Pythia, dans le cadre du logiciel officiel ATLAS, et les limites supérieures sont définies sur la section efficace fiducielle de production. Des extrapolations à des luminosités plus élevées (Run3 et HL-LHC) en utilisant une approche simplifiée sont également présentées. / This thesis presents searches for new physics produced via Vector Boson Fusion (VBF) in final states with large Missing Transverse Momentum (Etmiss) using 36.1 fb⁻¹ of data from proton-proton collisions at center-of-mass-energy of 13 TeV, collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN during 2015 and 2016. In particular, it focuses on the search for the invisible decay of the Higgs boson produced via the vector boson fusion (VBF) process. As the SM predicts an Higgs invisible decay only through H->ZZ*->4v with Branching Ratio BR~0.1%, if an invisibly decaying Higgs boson would be observed with a higher BR, this would be a sign of new physics. Several Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) models predict invisibly decaying Higgs boson where the Higgs can decay into dark matter particles or neutral long-lived massive particles. Among the H->invisible searches the most sensitive one is the one where the Higgs is produced via the VBF process. Its final state is characterized by two energetic jets, with the typical features of the VBF mode (i.e. large angular separation and large invariant mass) and large missing transverse momentum (Etmiss>180 GeV). To select a sample of signal candidate events, a Signal Region (SR) is designed to maximize the fraction of expected signal events with respect to the SM prediction (backgrounds). The SM processes which can populate the SR comes mainly from Z->vv+jets and W->lv+jets processes, where the lepton is lost or not reconstructed. Their contribution is estimated with a semi data driven approach: dedicated regions enriched in W->lv/Z->ll events are used to normalize to data the Monte Carlo (MC) estimates using a simultaneous fitting technique (transfer factor) and to extrapolate them to the SR. The predicted background estimate is compared to the observed SR data. Since no excess is found, an upper limit on the BR(H->inv) is set. The analysis is then reinterpreted in the context of models inspired by the Minimal Dark Matter model. The case of a new electroweak fermionic triplet, with null hypercharge and with interactions respecting the B-L number, added on top of the SM provides a good Dark Matter candidate. As such, it is an example of pure Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP), meaning that it is a DM particle with SU(2)_L SM interactions which is not mixing with other states (pure).If the thermal abundance is assumed, the mass of the neutral component is around 3 TeV, however smaller masses are also allowed in case of non-thermal production mechanisms or if the triplet constitutes only a fraction of the DM abundance. It can be produced at proton-proton colliders such as the LHC and it can be probed in different ways. Once produced, the charged components of the triplet decays into the lightest neutral component chi0 plus very soft charged pions. chi0 is reconstructed as Etmiss in the detector while the pions, because of the small mass splitting between the neutral and charged components, are so soft that are lost and are not reconstructed. Therefore, when produced via VBF, it gives rise to a signature with two VBF jets and Etmiss, the same final state that has been investigated for the VBF Higgs invisible analysis. Different mass point (from 90 GeV to 200 GeV) have been generated with the Madgraph+Pythia, Monte Carlo programs within the official ATLAS software, and upper limits are set on the fiducial cross section. Extrapolations to higher luminosities using a simplified approach are also presented.
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Astrophysical aspects of dark matter direct detection / Aspects astrophysiques de la détection directe de matière sombreMagni, Stefano 13 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des aspects astrophysiques de la détection directe (DD) de matière noire sous forme de WIMPs. On se concentre sur les contraintes observationnelles des quantités astrophysiques qui influent sur l'interprétation des résultats expérimentaux de DD.On revoit tout d'abord le formalisme de la DD et on résume les résultats expérimentaux les plus importants ainsi que les méthodes statistiques généralement utilisés pour interpréter les données. On reproduit ensuite les limites expérimentales sur la section efficace spin-indépendante. On résume l'ensemble des hypothèses astrophysiques couramment utilisées dans le modèle de halo standard et on décrit l'influence de ses paramètres sur les limites.Pour inscrire la DD dans un cadre plus général, on résume les concepts les plus importants de la dynamique Galactique. En particulier, on revoit comment modéliser la Galaxie avec des modèles de masse, tout en soulignant les relations entre les différentes quantités astrophysiques. On décrit des procédures qui permettent d'obtenir des distributions dans l'espace des phases de la matière noire qui soient consistantes avec un profil de matière noire et un potentiel Galactique donné. La plus simple procédure étant basée sur l'équation d'Eddington, on discute ses limites d'applicabilité. On revoit dans les détails la littérature récente concernant les déterminations et les incertitudes des quantités astrophysiques liées à la DD et des paramètres Galactiques fondamentaux.Dans la dernière partie de la thèse on s'intéresse aux estimations récentes de la vitesse d'échappement publiées par la collaboration RAVE. On étudie dans les détails les implications de ces résultats sur les expériences de DD. Pour cela on prends en compte les corrélations entre les quantités astrophysiques importantes pour la DD, et en assumant le modèles de masse de RAVE on calcule la distribution de matière noire dans l'espace des phases avec l'équation d'Eddington. Du fait des valeurs plus élevés de la densité locale de matière noire, cette procédure conduit à des limites plus contraignantes par rapport a celles standards. / This thesis deals with the astrophysical aspects of the direct detection of WIMP dark matter (DMDD). In particular, it focuses on the observational constraints on the astrophysical quantities relevant for DMDD, which impact on the interpretation of the experimental results.We review the formalism of DMDD and we summarize some of the main experimental results in this domain and the statistical methods usually employed to interpret the data, reproducing the associated constraints on the parameter space relevant for spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interaction. We summarize the set of astrophysical assumptions usually employed, the Standard Halo Model, and we point out the impact of variations in its parameters on such limits.We outline the main concepts of the dynamics of our galaxy that allow to put the astrophysics related to DMDD in a wider framework. In particular, we review the description of the Galaxy through Milky Way mass models (MWMM), pointing out how the astrophysical quantities are related. We describe some procedures to obtain dark matter phase-space distributions consistent with given dark matter profile and Galactic potential, the simplest being Eddington equation, of which we discuss the limits of applicability. We review in detail the recent literature on the main determinations and uncertainties of the astrophysical quantities relevant for DMDD and of the fundamental Galactic parameters.In the most original part of this thesis we focus on the recent estimates of the local Galactic escape speed published by the RAVE collaboration. We study in detail the implications of these results for the spin-independent interpretation of DMDD experiments. We take into account the correlations between the astrophysical quantities relevant for DMDD calculations, and from the assumed MWMM we compute the dark matter phase-space distribution using Eddington equation, which provides a self-consistent physical connection between the two. This procedure leads to more constraining exclusion curves with respect to the standard ones, due to higher values of the local dark matter density.
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Improvements to the Calculation of Indirect Signals of Diffuse Gamma-rays and Neutrinos from Dark Matter AnnihilationCampbell, Sheldon Scott 2012 August 1900 (has links)
A new formalism is presented for calculating the mean intensity spectrum and angular power spectrum of gamma-rays or neutrinos from extragalactic annihilating dark matter, taking into account the dependence of the relative motions of the annihilating particles on the annihilation cross section.
To model the large scale dark matter distribution of mass and relative velocities, the halo distribution model is comprehensively summarized, and extended to include a universal radial profile of the particles' velocity variance, based on results from N-body computer simulations of dark matter halos. A velocity variance profile, associated with the NFW density profile, is proposed by enforcing a power-law profile of the pseudo phase-space density. This allows the large-scale velocity distribution to be described by virialized, gravitationally bound dark matter halos, as opposed to thermal motions used to describe the velocity distribution in the early Universe. The recent particle motion history of the Universe is presented for the described model.
Sample extragalactic gamma-ray intensities from dark matter annihilation are shown for dark matter annihilating with p-wave, according to a relative-velocity-weighted annihilation cross section sigmav = a + bv^2, for constants a and b, with examples taken from supersymmetric models. For thermally produced dark matter, the p-wave suppresses the signal intensity. If b/a > 10^6, the p-wave hardens the intensity spectrum by an estimated factor of 1 + (6b/a)delta_I (E_gamma), and increases the angular power spectrum by a factor also depending on new coefficients (delta_Cl)^(1) (E_gamma ) and (delta_Cl)^(2) (E_gamma ). The energy-dependence of the new p-wave coefficients delta_I , (delta_Cl)^(1) (E_gamma ), and (delta_Cl)^(2) (E_gamma ) are shown for various annihilation spectra. Sample intensity spectra are also presented for Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation.
The intensity of neutrinos from dark matter annihilation is also considered. The variations between the dark matter annihilation signals for different particle phenomenologies suggest that particle physics constraints are possible from an observed indirect detection signal.
Calculations of the annihilation signal from the galactic halo are also shown. The extragalactic signal's intensity is found to be consistent in magnitude with the galactic intensity?within the uncertainty of the models of the dark matter distribution?when looking out from the galactic plane. This suggests that the total cosmic signal may have significant contributions from both components.
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Cosmological Dark Matter and the Isotropic Gamma-Ray Background : Measurements and Upper LimitsSellerholm, Alexander January 2010 (has links)
This thesis addresses the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray background, as measured by the Fermi gamma ray space telescope, and its implications for indirect detection of dark matter. We describe the measurement of the isotropic background, including also an alternative analysis method besides the one published by the Fermi-LAT collaboration. The measured isotropic diffuse background is compatible with a power law differential energy spectrum with a spectral index of -2.41 ± 0.05 and -2.39 ± 0.08, for the two analysis methods respectively. This is a softer spectrum than previously reported by the EGRET experiment. This rules out any dominant contribution with a significantly different shape, e.g. from dark matter, in the energy range 20 MeV to 102.4 GeV. Instead we present upper limits on a signal originating from annihilating dark matter of extragalactic origin. The uncertainty in the dark matter signal is primarily dependent on the cosmological evolution of the dark matter distribution. We use recent N-body simulations of structure formation, as well as a semi-analytical calculation, to assess this uncertainty. We investigate three main annihilation channels and find that in some, but not in all, of our scenarios we can start to probe, and sometimes rule out, interesting parameter spaces of particle physics models beyond the standard model.We also investigate the possibility to use the angular anisotropies of the annihilation signal to separate it from a background originating from conventional sources, e.g. from active galactic nuclei. By carefully modelling the performance of the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope and galactic foregrounds we find that this method could be as sensitive as using information from the energy spectrum only. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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