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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocenění společnosti TBG Betonmix, a.s. / Valuation of the enterprise TBG Betonmix, a. s.

Jorová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This Master thesis deals witht he valuation of TBG Betonmix, a. s. to the date January 1, 2013. As a valuation method was used the earnings valuation method based on discounted free cash flow to the equity (FCFE). Important parts of Master thesis are analysis of external environment, analysis of building industry and financial analysis of the company. Process of valuation was implemented on the base of well-prepared financial plan and quantification of necessary input variables such as discount rate and rate of growth. Was used regression analysis as the basic method to predict the most signifiant value generator, sales. Results were then adjusted according to the predictions published in qualitative studies of the Czech building industry. The demand for enterprise production was reduced as a result of the economic crises, it enforced production reduction and led to decline in sales and profit from year 2009 and also deterioratingof rentability indicators or long-term assets turnover.

Ocenění inovativní organizace / Evaluation of the innovative organization

Klim, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of my thesis is to evaluate an innovative organization STOMATOLOGICKÉ CENTRUM MUDr. IVO MAREK s.r.o. and its innovative process. Evaluation method uses the discounted cash flows of APV variant. The innovation process value is estimated as a difference between the estimation of the organization value and a hypothetical estimation of the organization without the innovative process. The result shows that the innovative process has a significant effect on the overall value of the organization.

Ocenění firmy ELIT CZ, spol. s r.o. / Analysis and valuation of the company ELIT CZ, Ltd.

Nováková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with methods and options of valuation of companies, valuation process and everything that goes with it. An integral part of the strategic analysis is financial analysis and financial plan to years 2016 - 2020. For the financial analysis following methods have been used: vertical and horizontal analysis, a ratio indexes and the balancing rules. The financial plan has been drawn up by value generators. The aim is to valuate a specific company ELIT CZ, Ltd., which is engaged in the purchase and sale of spareparts for cars. I used to valuation by discounted cash flow method (DCF). The company is valuated to date 31. 12. 2015.

Ocenění společnosti Complete Internet Services, s.r.o. / Valuation of the company Complete Internet Services, s.r.o.

Grohová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Goal of the Master's Thesis is to determine Market Value of the company Complete Internet Services, s.r.o. on 1^st January 2013. Valuation will serve to current owners as the basis of information about market possibilities, that they have. Thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical one, where is a description of used methods, and Practical one. Practical part at first describes the company by using methods of strategical and financial analyses. Based on acquired information financial plan is created, as well as the future generated cash flows. Then, the value of the company is detemined by Discounted Cash Flow Model. In the end quantitative risk analysis Monte Carlo Simulation is used to quantified risks of the valuation.

Ocenění společnosti Bonera,s.r.o. / Evaluation of the company BONERA s.r.o.

Capková, Dagmar January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to perform an evaluation of the company BONERA s.r.o. and examine the future of the company on the date of evaluation of January 1st, 2012. An evaluation will be made to find a subjective value for the owner of the evaluated company. The theoretical part of the thesis describes, in a logical sequence, the process and methods which are necessary and needed to determine the value of the company. All theoretical parts are based on specialized literature written mainly by professionals who work for the University of Economics, Prague. The practical part of the thesis applies a theoretical basis for the evaluation of BONERA s.r.o. First it analyzes the current value, and then it forecasts the value, which is necessary for a company evaluation. The owner of the evaluated company provides all documentation for the evaluation.

Oceňování podniku / Business Valuation

Pospíšilová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The subject of the Master´s thesis is problem of the Estimation of Company Market Value. Theoretical part contains elementary knowledge from literature and possiblities for Estimation of the Company Value. Practical part includes estamation of real company market value by profit method of discounted cash flow.

Ocenění podniku ABC a.s. / Valuation of a company: ABC a.s.

Božková, Klára January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the valuation of the selected company by revenue valuation methods. In the first part of the thesis is defined valuation theory and these findings are then used in the analytical and practical work. In the analysis of the selected company characterized, there is a defined market in which it operates and the strategic and financial analysis. In the practical part is based on the results of analysis and business valuation using the discounted cash flow.

Solcellsinvesteringars påverkan på fastighetsvärde : En studie om hur investeringar i solceller påverkar det ekonomiska värdet på kommersiella fastigheter samt hur detta värde maximeras med avseende på dimensionering respektive finansiering / Impact on property values due to solar cell investments : A study of how investments in solar cells affect the economic value of commercial properties and how this value is maximized with respect to dimensioning and financing, respectively

Regner, Hampus, Stojanovic, Stefan January 2022 (has links)
Den globala utvecklingen som pågått sedan 1950-talet har resulterat i drastiska klimatförändringar vilket orsakat allvarliga miljöproblem. Dessa miljöproblem beror till stor del på en kraftig befolkningstillväxt. Befolkningstillväxten är starkt förknippad med ökade energibehov vilket ställer högre krav på hur energin produceras för att minska avtrycket på miljön. Ett tydligt steg i rätt riktning är tillämpningen av förnyelsebara energikällor. På den svenska marknaden är solkraft den energikälla som vuxit kraftigast de senaste åren. En av anledningarna till den kraftiga tillväxten är de statliga stimulanserna som givits. Sedan 2021 har de statliga stöden samtidigt dragits in vilket i synnerhet drabbar företag, däribland kommersiella fastighetsägare. Samtidigt kan det fortfarande finnas motiv för att investera i solceller, tack vare de positiva kostnadseffekter som en investering kan medföra. Det finns samtidigt oklarheter kring hur denna typ av investering påverkar värdet på fastigheter. Baserat på detta är studiens syfte att undersöka hur investeringar i solceller påverkar det ekonomiska värdet på kommersiella fastigheter samt hur detta värde maximeras med avseende på dimensionering respektive finansiering. Tidigare forskning inom området indikerar att det i huvudsak finns positiva samband mellan investeringar i solceller och värdet på fastigheter. Samtidigt berör dessa studier bostadsfastigheter på den internationella marknaden. Det finns således en begränsad forskning kring hur investeringar i solceller påverkar värdet på kommersiella fastigheter, inte minst på den svenska marknaden. För att uppfylla studiens syfte tillämpades, i första hand, en kvantitativ flerfallsstudie där 8 fastighetsobjekt undersöktes. Den kvantitativa data som samlades in om dessa objekt låg till grund för värderingen av dessa fastigheter. Värderingen, som baserades på “discounted cash flow method”, tillämpades för att tydliggöra hur värdet på fastigheterna förändrades i relation till ett ursprungsläge före en investering. Det kvantitativa metodvalet kombinerades med kvalitativa intervjuer vars syfte var att få en djupare förståelse om hur värdet på kommersiella fastigheter maximeras med avseende på dimensionering. Intervjuerna hade även för avsikt att verifiera de kvantitativa resultaten som genererades från fallstudien. Studiens resultat påvisar ett starkt samband mellan det ekonomiska värdet på kommersiella fastigheter och investeringar i solceller. Hur mycket fastighetsvärdet påverkas beror i stor utsträckning på hur investeringen finansieras samt hur lång analystid som beaktas. Bortsett från analystid tyder studiens resultat på att fastighetsvärdet i genomsnitt ökar 1,71% vid en direktfinansiering och 1,12% när investeringen görs i form av ett “power purchase agreement”. Samtidigt påvisar de kvalitativa resultaten att dimensioneringen av solcellsanläggningar bör göras utifrån den individuella fastighetens behov i termer av egenanvändning och total elanvändning. För att maximera egenanvändningen och därmed också fastighetsvärdet behöver dimensioneringen, ur et praktiskt perspektiv, ta hänsyn till den tillgängliga takytan, takets lutning samt takets väderstreck. / The global development, which has been going on since the 1950s, has resulted in drastic climate changes, which has caused serious environmental issues. These environmental issues are mainly caused by a strong population growth. The population growth is participially associated with increased energy needs, which sets higher requirements on how energy is produced, in order to reduce the impact on the environment. A step in the right direction is the application of renewable energy sources. In the Swedish market, solar power has been the fastest growing energy source in recent years. One of the reasons for this growth has been the stimulations offered by the government. Since 2021, the stimulations have been withdrawn which particularly affects companies, including commercial property owners. However, there may still be motives for investing in solar cells, thanks to the positive cost effects that an investment may bring. At the same time, there are uncertainties about how much this type of investment can affect the property value. Based on that, the purpose of this study is to investigate how investments in solar cells affect the economic value of commercial properties and how this value can be maximized with respect to dimensioning and financing, respectively. Previous research within this field indicates that there are positive relationships between investments in solar cells and the value of properties. At the same time, these studies concern residential properties on the international market. Based on this, there is limited research on how investments in solar cells affect the value of commercial properties, especially in the Swedish market. To fulfill the purpose of the study, a quantitative multiple-case study was applied, in which 8 real estate objects were examined. The quantitative data collected about these objects was the basis for the valuation of the properties. The valuation, which was based on a discounted cash flow method, was applied to clarify how the value of the properties changed in relation to a scenario before an investment was made. The quantitative method was combined with qualitative interviews whose purpose was to get a deeper understanding of how the value of commercial properties is maximized with respect to dimensioning. The interviews were also intended to verify the quantitative results generated from the case study. The results of the study indicate a strong relationship between the economic value of commercial properties and investments in solar cells. How much the property value is affected depends to a considerable extent on how the investment is financed and how long analysis time is considered. Apart from the analysis time, the results of the study indicate that the property value increases on average by 1.71% in case of direct financing and 1.12% when the investment is financed as a power purchase agreement. At the same time, the qualitative results indicate that the dimensioning of a solar cell system should be done based on the individual property needs, in terms of self-use and total electricity consumption. To maximize the self-usage, and thereby also the property value, the dimensioning needs to consider the available roof surface, the slope of the roof and the latitude of the roof.

Intrinsic Equity Valuation : An Emprical Assessment of Model Accuracy

Lehmann, Christopher, Alfredsson, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
The discounted cash flow model and relative valuation models are ever-increasingly prevalent in today’s investment-heavy environment. In other words, theoretically inferior models are used in practice. It is this paradox that has lead us to compare the discounted cash flow model (DCFM), discounted dividend model (DDM), residual income-based model (RIVM) and the abnormal earnings growth model (AEGM) and their relative accuracy to observed stockprices. Adding to previous research, we investigate their performance in relation to the OMX30 index. What is more, we test how the performance of each model is affected by an extension of the forecast horizon. The study finds that AEGM outperforms the other models, both before and after extending the horizon. Our analysis was conducted by looking at accuracy, spread and the inherent speculative nature of each model. Taking all this into account, RIVM outperforms the other models. In this sense, one can question the rationale behind investor’s decision to primarily use the discounted cash flow model in equity valuation.


LUCAS AUGUSTO DE MORAIS PILOTO 22 December 2008 (has links)
[pt] Diversos métodos são utilizados para o cálculo do valor justo de uma empresa. Dentre os métodos mais usados, estão o método do fluxo de caixa descontado, onde os fluxos de caixa estimados da empresa são trazidos a valor presente por uma taxa para se chegar a uma estimativa de valor da empresa. Esta taxa é uma média ponderada do custo de capital próprio e do custo de capital de terceiros, sendo conhecida pela sigla WACC. No Brasil, entretanto, existe uma peculiaridade na legislação que influencia o método de cálculo do WACC: os Juros sobre Capital Próprio (JCP). Criado em 1996, este fator permite que seja distribuí­do aos acionistas, parte do lucro apurado, como remuneração pela utilização do capital próprio. A legislação brasileira permite que este montante possa ser deduzido da base de cálculo do imposto de renda da pessoa jurí­dica, de forma equivalente aos juros pagos a terceiros. Tal particularidade da legislação brasileira impacta diretamente no valor do custo médio ponderado de capital e conseqüentemente no valor justo estimado das empresas que se utilizam do JCP. Tendo em vista que o método tradicional de avaliação de empresas não se adapta às empresas brasileiras que utilizam a distribuição de juros sobre capital próprio, surge a necessidade de adaptação da fórmula tradicional de cálculo do WACC para que este considere o benefí­cio fiscal do JCP. Deste modo, este estudo pretende adaptar a fórmula de cálculo do custo médio ponderado de capital para a realidade das empresas brasileiras, além de demonstrar o impacto desta alteração no cálculo do valor estimado de uma empresa atuante no país. O objetivo geral deste trabalho será testar um modelo de cálculo do custo médio ponderado de capital (WACC) ao arcabouço jurí­dico e contábil brasileiro, considerando para tal, o impacto da utilização dos Juros Sobre Capital Próprio. Como objetivos especí­ficos, temos a adequação da fórmula de cálculo do WACC, incluindo o JCP, o cálculo do valor de uma empresa com o WACC tradicional, o cálculo do valor da mesma empresa com o WACC adaptado e a comparação do valor da empresa apurado nos dois métodos. Para tal, foi utilizado o relatório de avaliação da Aracruz Celulose, realizado por um grande banco de investimento. Esta empresa foi escolhida por distribuir regularmente juros sobre capital próprio. A partir deste relatório, que utilizava a fórmula tradicional do WACC para cálculo do valor justo da empresa, recalculamos o valor justo da ação desta mesma companhia, utilizando a fórmula proposta. Foram comparados então, os valores encontrados pelos dois métodos, onde se verificou que o valor era maior pelo método proposto do que pelo método tradicional. Verificou-se então que a distribuição de juros sobre capital próprio será vantajosa somente nos casos onde a alí­quota de imposto de renda da pessoa jurí­dica for superior à  alíquota de imposto de renda do acionista. / [en] Many methods are used to calculate the fair value of a company. Among the methods most commonly used is the method of discounted cash flow, where the expected cash flows of the company are discounted by a rate to find an estimated value of the company. This rate, known by WACC, is a weighted average cost of equity and debt. In Brazil, however, there is a peculiarity in the legislation that affects the method of calculating the WACC: the Interest on Equity (IOE). Created in 1996, this factor allows the distribution of part of the profit discharged to shareholders as payment for the use of equity. The Brazilian law allows that this amount could be deducted from the base for calculating the income tax for the company, equivalent to interest paid to creditors. This peculiarity of Brazilian legislation impacts directly on the value of the weighted average cost of capital and therefore on the estimated fair value of the companies that make use of the IOE. Given that the traditional method of valuation of companies is not perfectly suited to Brazilian companies that use the distribution of interest on equity, it is necessary to adapt the traditional formula for calculating the WACC, considering the tax benefit of the IOE. Thus, this study aims to adapt the formula for calculating the weighted average cost of capital for the reality of Brazilian companies, in addition to demonstrate the impact of this change in calculating the estimated value of an active company in the country. The general objective of this work will test a model for calculating the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) in the Brazilian legal and accounting framework, considering the impact of the use of Interest on Equity. The specific objectives are the adequacy of the formula for calculating the WACC (including the IOE), the calculation of the value of a company with the traditional WACC, the calculation of the value of the same company with the adapted WACC and for last, the comparison of the value of the company found in both methods. To this end, we used the valuation report of Aracruz Celulose, held by a large investment bank. This company was chosen because it distributes interest on equity regularly. From this report, which used the traditional formula for calculating the WACC fair value of the company, we recalculate the fair value of the stock of that company, using the proposed formula. We then compared the values found by both methods, where was found that the value of the company was greater in the method proposed than in the traditional method. It was concluded that the distribution of interest on equity will be advantageous only in cases where the rate of income tax of the company exceeds the rate of income tax of the shareholders.

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