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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


BRUNO ROCHA SILVA SETTA 09 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] Diante do acelerado crescimento populacional nas cidades, sobretudo de países subdesenvolvidos e emergentes, como o Brasil, a alternativa economicamente viável encontrada para a destinação final dos resíduos foi a construção de vazadouros a céu aberto, popularmente conhecidos como lixões. A despeito da criação de diversas leis ambientais nos últimos que visam assegurar a correta gestão de resíduos, como a Lei n 12.305/2010, conhecida como a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, muitos municípios ainda apresentam dificuldades para se adequar às novas determinações impostas, como o encerramento das operações dos lixões, previsto até o ano de 2014. A disposição inadequada de resíduos em lixões provoca impactos à saúde pública e ao meio ambiente, o que tem despertado a preocupação de órgãos ambientais e públicos competentes que, através da aplicação do Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC), tem buscado remediar os efeitos das atividades dos lixões no Brasil, como é o caso do Município de Volta Redonda, localizado no interior do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, área de estudo escolhida para esta pesquisa. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a efetividade da recuperação ambiental da área do vazadouro do Município de Volta Redonda. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas aos gestores do município, órgãos públicos ambientais e levantamento bibliográfico da área estudo. Verificou-se que o Município, assim como a maioria dos municípios brasileiros, possui dificuldades para atender as condicionantes para a recuperação ambiental, pois desde a sua criação em 1987 e até o momento, houve apenas parcial regularização da sua situação. / [en] Due to the accelerated population growth in cities, especially in emerging countries, such as Brazil, the economically viable alternative to the final disposal of waste was the construction of landfills, popularly known as dumpsites. However, this type of disposal is not considered environmentally appropriate because it can cause many impacts on public health and the environment, such as: production of leachate, highly toxic liquid, methane gas emission, animal attraction vectors of diseases, among others. Legal tools, such as TAC, have been applied by public agencies aiming to replace dumpsites, as a matter of priority, to sanitary landfill, in order to achieve the goals of the National Solid Waste Policy (Law n 12.305/2010), which establishes deadline for the end of brazilian s dumpsite operations. The new order of economic, social, ecological, political and economical in ascension presents significant changes of paradigms that need to be broken in the 21st century. Environment, waste treatment, sanitation, air pollution, among others, have ceased to be on clichés and began to receive holistic talks, which before were resolved in a timely and fragmented. As a direct result of all anthropogenic processes, we have been experiencing an increase in the production of solid waste, both in quantity and in diversity, especially in large urban centers. Besides the increase in quantity, the waste produced today passed to have in its composition synthetic elements and dangerous to ecosystems and human health. This fact let the waste treatment more expensive and, sometimes, the waste final disposal could be dumpsite.

Pour un projet sociétal libanais. L’environnement durable, une nouvelle citoyenneté ? / Sustainable development. A new Lebanese social project ?

Tarabay, Rima 03 October 2011 (has links)
Petit Etat du Proche-Orient, situé entre la Syrie et Israël, le Liban, 10 452 km2, s’étend sur 225 km de côtes méditerranéennes et s’élargit jusqu’à 50 kilomètres à l’intérieur des terres. Sa diversité religieuse et culturelle est forte de 17 ou 18 communautés qui cohabitent bon gré mal gré. Ancrée et exprimée dans un contexte géographique de contrastes et de morcellement, cette pluralité religieuse et culturelle a connu une histoire contemporaine particulièrement sanglante. Le système politique confessionnel mis en place à la naissance du pays a interdit la construction d’une identité libanaise au bénéfice tout relatif d’un communautarisme primaire. Alors que la plupart des messages politiques ont échoué à proposer un projet sociétal commun, nous posons l’hypothèse que l’environnement durable offrirait l’embryon d’un contrat social autour duquel pourraient se regrouper les communautés. Durant l’été 2006, à la suite des bombardements de la station d’électricité deJiyeh au Sud Liban, une marée noire toucha la plupart des régions, chrétiennes et musulmanes. La pollution et la dégradation de l’environnement, longtemps restées de l’ordre du virtuel, acquièrent dès lors une dimension concrète. D’autres dégradations, récurrentes dans la vie quotidienne des Libanais, sévissent depuis de nombreuses décennies :l’accumulation des déchets, la déforestation, la pollution de l’air et de l’eau n’épargnent aucune région, aucune communauté. Alors même que la mémoire de l’histoire et la politique divisent les Libanais, ces communautés qui ont échoué jusqu’à présent à édifier une nation seraient-elles capables de préserver un territoire en voie de détérioration ? La mémoire géographique collective pourrait être un moteur de construction d’un présent autour du développement durable. La jeune génération, au centre de la problématique de cette thèse du fait qu’elle participe à la recherche de ce tronc écologique commun, est enquêtée par un questionnaire, soumis à 1 434 élèves d’écoles publiques et privées, L’objectif est de mesurer son degré de sensibilisation aux questions de l’environnement et de la pollution de cet environnement, puis de proposer un programme d’éducation qui prenne en compte les indicateurs psychologiques, sources et référents essentiels pour tout programme éducatif dédié à la sensibilisation à l’environnement. Les résultats du traitement des données d’une part, le projet applicatif de village écologique type, entamé en parallèle de cette recherche d’autre part, ont validé notre hypothèse de départ et les conclusions de ce travail estompent l’utopie qui pouvait se rattacher à une telle hypothèse. Le territoire est un ! / Lebanon is a Small country situated between Syria and Israel, it’s surface of 10 452km2 with 225 km of Mediterranean coastline and an average of 50 km of width inland. It is acountry of cultural and religious diversity with 18 religious communities fated to coexisttogether in a geographical environment that is as diverse and full of contrast. Its contemporaryhistory has been particularly violent with a fifteen year civil war dominating the country’simage and reputation. The confessional political system based on power-sharing between thecommunities institutionalised the sectarian divisions and prevented the emergence of aLebanese national identity. While most party political programmes emphasise the separateidentities and fails to suggest a common social project, we propose that an issue likesustainable environment could be the basis of a social contract, which will federate and bringtogether the interests of the various communities. Environmental pollution and degradationbecame a concrete reality in the summer of 2006, after the Israeli bombardment of the powerplant at Jiyeh in south Lebanon. The Oil Spill resulting from that spread all over the regionand did not spare any community. While history memory and politics divide the Lebanesealong communal lines, will these communities who failed to build a nation be capable to savea deteriorated environment? This common Geographical collective memory and the instinct topreserve it could be the engine to build a future based on sustainable development. The newgeneration is at the centre of this research. Analysis of the results of the 1434 questionnairesdistributed to primary students in both public and private school is the tool to measure thesensitivity of the young generation towards the issues of environment and pollution. One ofthe objectives of this study is to develop and implement an awareness raising program ofenvironmental education in schools. The program would be elaborated taking intoconsideration key psychological indicators. The results of the survey and the ecologicalvillage project which was started in parallel with the thesis have validated the hypothesis andthe findings of this work. In spite of the Utopian charachter of the hypothesis it is clearlydemonstrated here that while the people are many, the territory is one!

Les voies détournées du commerce en Méditerranée : constantes portuaires et commerce interlope de la mer des Baléares à la mer Tyrrhénienne (XVe-XVIIIe siècles). : Nouveaux apports céramologiques / Diverted ways of the Mediterranean trade : harbour constant and smuggling from the Balearic sea to the Tyrrhenian sea (XVe - XVIIIe centuries) : A new contribution in ceramology

Dieulefet, Gaëlle 08 November 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale s'intéresse à la culture matérielle maritime et plus particulièrement à un mobilier de bord, à usage individuel et collectif, dont les modalités d’acquisition restent très généralement marginales. Pour cela, la céramique, produite entre le XVe et le XVIIIe siècle provenant de dépotoir portuaire et d'épave répartis majoritairement sur le littoral nord-méditerranéen français, constitue notre support d’analyse. Considérée comme un artéfact majeur des contextes archéologiques, la céramique permet d'appréhender les échanges maritimes, la composition du vaisselier et une part de l'instrumentum de bord. L'approche diachronique de cette recherche donne lieu à une cartographie exhaustive de la répartition des épaves et des dépotoirs portuaires nord-méditerranéens afin de caractériser les aires de diffusion des céramiques rencontrées. Ces dernières, une fois analysées d’après une méthodologie adaptée aux problématiques de la recherche et confrontée aux sources écrites, nous fournissent de précieuses informations sur les relations et les usages en Méditerranée occidentale, selon les séquences chronologiques considérées et permettent de porter un autre regard sur des instants du quotidien des gens de mer. / Our doctoral research deals with maritime material culture and especially in onboard furniture, used in a personal and collective way, whose modalities of acquisitions are usually marginal. Our analysis support is composed of ceramics produced between the XVth and the XVIIIth century coming from harbour dumpsite and shipwreck generally located on the north mediterranean French coast. Think as one major archaeological artéfact, ceramic may help to understand maritime exchanges, dishes and one part of the onboard instrumentum. The diachronic approach of this research leads to a repartition map of harbour dumpsite and shipwreck in north Mediterranean French coast. Our study shed light on the areas of ceramics distribution. We analyzed ceramics according to an adapted issue methodology and confronted with written sources. The results gives us valuable information on relations and uses in western Mediterranean, according to the sample chronology considered and allow us to better understand the everyday life seafarers.

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