771 |
Joshi, Rajni
12 1900
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Language programme for expressive language
772 |
Srivastava, Rajendra Prasad
11 1900
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Socio-cultural status and school achievement
773 |
Nanda, R T
11 1900
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Promoting human values
774 |
Faridi, Iffat
11 1900
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Implementation strategies and the academic achievements
775 |
Gaur, Poonam
08 1900
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Attitudinal change and behavioural modification
776 |
Dabas, Jai Karan
03 1900
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Perception of teachers attitude
777 |
Jacob, Jessy
01 1900
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Peer counselling for evolving
778 |
Kaul, Phool
12 1900
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Middle and secondary grade pupils
779 |
Bose, Kabita
05 1900
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Effectiveness of computer programs
780 |
Agarwal, Kanta Prasad
11 1900
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Schools and corresponding factors