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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O comportamento do indivíduo afeta a sua sensibilidade à choques financeiros?

Bavaresco, Camila Caletti January 2018 (has links)
Diante do cenário de crise econômica vivenciado no Brasil nos últimos anos, a preocupação em minimizar os seus efeitos na vida financeira da população tornou-se fundamental. Assim, evidenciar fatores que possam ter contribuído para um maior nível de impacto pelo choque é importante para que se formule campanhas de conscientização financeira, visando maior bem estar da população. Com base nisso, este trabalho testa, através de uma regressão logística ordinal, a influência do comportamento do indivíduo no nível de impacto por choques econômicos. Para isso foram utilizados 366 questionários aplicados na região da Grande Porto Alegre. Foram, assim, analisadas e comparadas as principais características de quatro categorias de impacto: não afetados pelo choque financeiro, afetados de forma fraca, moderada e forte. Os principais resultados apontaram diferenças de comportamento significativas entre as pessoas menos afetadas e aquelas mais impactadas no que se refere a lócus de controle e comportamento financeiro, confirmando que as variáveis testadas podem ajudar a explicar o nível de impacto. / Given the economic crisis scenario that Brazil has been facing in recent years, the concern to minimize its effects in the financial life of the population has increased greatly. Therefore, to evidence factors that might have contributed to a higher level of impact caused by its shock is important to create campaigns promoting financial awareness which aim to improve the population's well-being. Thus, the present work aims to analyze, through an ordinal logistic regression, the powerful influence of the behavior in the impact of economic shocks on people. To achieve this purpose, 366 questionnaires were applied in the region of great Porto Alegre. The main characteristics of four impact categories were analyzed and compared: those not affected by the financial shock, those who were weakly affected, those who were partially affected and those who were strongly affected by the financial shock. The main results showed significant differences in behavior among the least affected people and those most impacted regarding the control locus and financial behavior, confirming that the variables tested can help to explain the levels of impact.

Discurso publicitário como dispositivo disciplinar: os impactos da campanha "Real Universitário" na recepção do público jovem / Advertising discourse as disciplinary device: the impacts of the "Royal University" on receipt of the young audience

Vaz, Natália de Alcântara 15 April 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Odilio Hilario Moreira Júnior (odilio@espm.br) on 2016-11-28T17:42:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia A Vaz.pdf: 2214761 bytes, checksum: 1f1531658a024d4552079009f846d2d0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Odilio Hilario Moreira Júnior (odilio@espm.br) on 2016-11-28T17:42:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia A Vaz.pdf: 2214761 bytes, checksum: 1f1531658a024d4552079009f846d2d0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2016-11-28T17:44:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia A Vaz.pdf: 2214761 bytes, checksum: 1f1531658a024d4552079009f846d2d0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-28T17:45:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Natalia A Vaz.pdf: 2214761 bytes, checksum: 1f1531658a024d4552079009f846d2d0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-15 / This M.A. paper has as the main object the publicity campaign "Real Universitário", made in 2006 by Banco Real, and its impacts on the discourse of the receptors about their consumption practices of banking services and administration of their finances. The main objective is to analyze the publicity as a disciplinary tool, a discourse that supports and propagates ways of normalization of consumption and the financial behavior of young undergraduates who are the target of the campaign. The secondary objectives are how to identify the disciplinary aspects of banking publicity and analyze how the reception interacts with such aspects. We believe that, by being inserted in the universe of human sciences - more specifically, of communication - the publicity, as well as other modern knowledge, is a mechanism the society disposes itself to discipline and normalize. We have, as a methodology, firstly made a bibliographic research that permeates all the methodological stages of this study. The philosopher Michel Foucault is the main theoretic ground developed here. We have also made an exploratory documental research to the selection of corpus. For the analysis of this material, we combines the reflections arisen from transition of the first and second period of Foucault studies - the archeology and the genealogy respectively which served as support to the considerations over the publicity as a discourse of discipline -, with the precepts of Discourse Analysis of French line. For the empirical research we employed the focus group technique, as the nature of the necessary datas is qualitative and for the analysis of the results, the discipline was our guide. / Esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objeto a campanha publicitária "Real Universitário", de 2006, do Banco Real, e seus impactos no discurso dos receptores sobre suas práticas de consumo de serviços bancários e de administração de suas finanças. Tem como objetivo principal analisar a publicidade como uma ferramenta disciplinar, um discurso que apóia e divulga formas de normalização de consumo e de conduta financeira dos jovens universitários, que são o público-alvo da referida campanha. Os objetivos secundários são identificar os aspectos disciplinares na publicidade bancária e analisar como a recepção interage com tais aspectos. Acreditamos que, pelo fato de estar inserida no universo das ciências humanas - mais especificamente, da comunicação -, a publicidade, assim como os demais saberes modernos, é um mecanismo de disciplinarização e normalização da sociedade. Como metodologia, realizamos, primeiramente, uma pesquisa bibliográfica que permeia todas as etapas metodológicas deste estudo. O filósofo Michel Foucault é o principal embasamento teórico aqui desenvolvido. Realizamos também uma pesquisa documental exploratória, para a seleção do corpus. Para a análise desse material, combinamos as reflexões decorrentes da transição entre o primeiro e o segundo período dos estudos de Foucault - a arqueologia e a genealogia respectivamente, que serviram de apoio às considerações sobre a publicidade como um discurso da disciplina -, com os preceitos da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa. Na pesquisa empírica, empregamos a técnica de grupo focal, visto que a natureza dos dados necessários é qualitativa e, para a análise dos resultados, utilizamos a disciplina como guia.

退休規劃之理財行為分析-以銀行客戶為例 / Financial Behavior Analysis for Retirement Planning–Banking Clients As Sample Group

楊聰明, Yang, Tsung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
老化海嘯狂襲全球,據美國人口資料局(PRB)估計,2014年年中全球65歲以上人口約占8%,日本、摩納哥、德國、義大利老年人口均達20%以上,為全球老化程度較高國家。台灣則為12%,惟總生育率一直低於人口替換水準「2.1」,據內政部統計至2014年為1.16,國發會更推估在10年後將進入負成長;預估2060年65歲以上的人口比率由目前的12%將增加為41%;對台灣而言,老年人口占總人口的比率從10%上升到20%所需的時間僅19年,遠較日本21年、德國57年、美國58年、英國80年與瑞典85年的速度為快。2060年台灣將成為全球人口老化名列前茅的國家。面對光速老化的未來我們準備好了嗎?將來的退休金夠用嗎? 尤其針對人口老化所導致社福支出增加排擠經建支出的問題,甚至造成四大退休基金面臨破產危機的困境;根據勞工保險財務精算報告,勞保的隱藏負債已達7.3 兆元,預計在107 年首次出現保費收入不敷支出,預估116 年將面臨嚴峻挑戰。另外,科技與醫學不斷進步,據內政部公佈102年我國平均餘命為79.12 歲,其中男性75.96 歲,女性82.47 歲。10 年內增加約2 歲,未來人類壽命還可能愈來愈長。因此近年來退休後經濟相關的議題,引人關注及廣泛的討論,多年來的調查數據也顯示民眾在『退休理財』方面的規劃,及退休後財務的準備普遍不足。 然而一般民眾存款及放款是透過銀行等金融機構進行,因金流及營業場所普及的關係,銀行成了一般民眾投資理財最主要的通路,為瞭解銀行客戶在退休理財所做的規劃內容是否與理論正常有相當大的差異?亦即其理財行為是否有需改善或調整之處?因此本研究的主要目的是透過找出其理財行為差異的原因,並尋求改善之道,讓一般民眾能透過更好的退休理財規劃,進而享有安心且財務不虞匱乏的退休生活。

Studentų finansinio raštingumo lygio ir jo poveikio iracionaliai finansinei elgsenai vertinimas / Valuation of students' financial literacy and its impact on the irrational financial behavior

Jakovlevas, Dainius 04 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje iki šiol nėra atliktas į studentus orientuotas finansinio raštingumo vertinimas, o taip pat itin trūksta kompleksinių minėto raštingumo ir iracionalios finansinės elgsenos ryšio tyrimų. Todėl šio darbo tikslas yra parengti finansinio raštingumo lygio vertinimo metodiką, nustatyti studentų finansinio raštingumo lygį, išskirti pagrindinius jį lemiančius veiksnius ir ištirti finansinio raštingumo lygio ir iracionalios finansinės elgsenos ryšį. Pirmoje darbo dalyje atlikta šios tematikos mokslinių tyrimų analizė. Antroje dalyje sudaryta finansinio raštingumo lygio vertinimo metodika, išskirti pagrindiniai, galimai įtaką darantys, veiksniai ir iracionalios finansinės elgsenos elementai. Trečioje darbo dalyje, taikant sudarytą metodologiją, apskaičiuota, jog Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto studentų finansinio raštingumo lygis yra vidutinis. Atskleistos mažiausiai studentams žinomos sritys: kredito unijų veikla, finansinių instrumentų rizika, sudėtinių palūkanų principas, euro įvedimo pasekmės. Nustatyta, jog pinigų kaupimas pensijų fonde, studijavimas ekonomikos ir vadybos fakulteto studijų programose, kursas, vyriška lytis ir amžius teigiamai siejasi su finansinio raštingumo lygiu, o darbo ir skolinimosi kredito įstaigoje patirtys – reikšmingos įtakos neturi. Taip pat nustatyta, jog finansinio raštingumo lygio augimas nemažina iracionalios finansinės elgsenos pasireiškimo. / Currently in Lithuania there is no assessment which was aimed to evaluate students' financial literacy level, also there is a critical shortage of complex financial literacy and irrational behavior relation research. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to develop a financial literacy assessment methodology to determine students' level of financial literacy, to highlight its main determinants and to investigate the relation between financial literacy level and irrational financial behavior. Researches of this finance field are analyzed in the first part of this paper. Financial literacy assessment methodology is created, main financial literacy factors and irrational financial behavior elements are chosen in the second part of this work. Applied methodology results are shown in the third part of this work. It is estimated that students‟ financial literacy level is average at Vytautas Magnus University. The least known areas for students are revealed: activity of credit union, financial instruments risk, principle of compound interest, consequences of euro establishment. It was found that the accumulation of money in a pension fund, studying at Economics and Management Faculty, year of study, male gender and age are positively related to the level of financial literacy. Work and borrowing from credit institution experiences have no impact. It was also found that the growth of financial literacy level does not reduce the occurrence of irrational financial behavior.

O comportamento do indivíduo afeta a sua sensibilidade à choques financeiros?

Bavaresco, Camila Caletti January 2018 (has links)
Diante do cenário de crise econômica vivenciado no Brasil nos últimos anos, a preocupação em minimizar os seus efeitos na vida financeira da população tornou-se fundamental. Assim, evidenciar fatores que possam ter contribuído para um maior nível de impacto pelo choque é importante para que se formule campanhas de conscientização financeira, visando maior bem estar da população. Com base nisso, este trabalho testa, através de uma regressão logística ordinal, a influência do comportamento do indivíduo no nível de impacto por choques econômicos. Para isso foram utilizados 366 questionários aplicados na região da Grande Porto Alegre. Foram, assim, analisadas e comparadas as principais características de quatro categorias de impacto: não afetados pelo choque financeiro, afetados de forma fraca, moderada e forte. Os principais resultados apontaram diferenças de comportamento significativas entre as pessoas menos afetadas e aquelas mais impactadas no que se refere a lócus de controle e comportamento financeiro, confirmando que as variáveis testadas podem ajudar a explicar o nível de impacto. / Given the economic crisis scenario that Brazil has been facing in recent years, the concern to minimize its effects in the financial life of the population has increased greatly. Therefore, to evidence factors that might have contributed to a higher level of impact caused by its shock is important to create campaigns promoting financial awareness which aim to improve the population's well-being. Thus, the present work aims to analyze, through an ordinal logistic regression, the powerful influence of the behavior in the impact of economic shocks on people. To achieve this purpose, 366 questionnaires were applied in the region of great Porto Alegre. The main characteristics of four impact categories were analyzed and compared: those not affected by the financial shock, those who were weakly affected, those who were partially affected and those who were strongly affected by the financial shock. The main results showed significant differences in behavior among the least affected people and those most impacted regarding the control locus and financial behavior, confirming that the variables tested can help to explain the levels of impact.

The influence of financial socialization on young adults

Glenn, Christina Elaine January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / School of Family Studies and Human Services / Sonya L. Lutter / Stuart J. Heckman / College is a time when many young adults are beginning to make financial decisions on their own. The financial behaviors they engage in can have effects on their academic success, life satisfaction, relationship quality, physical and mental well-being, and financial well-being. This dissertation examined the direct and indirect relationships between financial socialization, financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, and financial behaviors in college students using data from the 2014 National Student Financial Wellness Study (NSFWS). The sample consisted of 12,598 college students from 52 college institutions. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted with the tested model guided by Gudmunson and Danes’ (2014) Family Financial Socialization (FFS) conceptual framework. Results revealed financial socialization has a direct influence on financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, and financial behaviors. An indirect association between financial socialization and financial behaviors through its association with financial self-efficacy was also found. Alternative models discovered neither parental financial socialization nor formal financial education alone impacted financial knowledge, but when combined, their influence became significant, suggesting a possible interaction effect between formal financial education and parental financial socialization. Objective financial knowledge was not found to influence financial self-efficacy or financial behaviors in college students. Results showed financial self-efficacy to be the strongest predictor of students engaging in positive financial behaviors. A one standard deviation increase in financial self-efficacy was associated with a 90% increase in the standard deviation of financial behavior. This study provides support and implications for the FFS conceptual framework. Financial counselors, advisors, and therapists can use these findings to educate their clients on the importance of financial socialization of their children. Furthermore, results reinforce the need for mandatory formal financial education and infer the importance of parents and educators working together to cultivate financial knowledge in children.

O comportamento do indivíduo afeta a sua sensibilidade à choques financeiros?

Bavaresco, Camila Caletti January 2018 (has links)
Diante do cenário de crise econômica vivenciado no Brasil nos últimos anos, a preocupação em minimizar os seus efeitos na vida financeira da população tornou-se fundamental. Assim, evidenciar fatores que possam ter contribuído para um maior nível de impacto pelo choque é importante para que se formule campanhas de conscientização financeira, visando maior bem estar da população. Com base nisso, este trabalho testa, através de uma regressão logística ordinal, a influência do comportamento do indivíduo no nível de impacto por choques econômicos. Para isso foram utilizados 366 questionários aplicados na região da Grande Porto Alegre. Foram, assim, analisadas e comparadas as principais características de quatro categorias de impacto: não afetados pelo choque financeiro, afetados de forma fraca, moderada e forte. Os principais resultados apontaram diferenças de comportamento significativas entre as pessoas menos afetadas e aquelas mais impactadas no que se refere a lócus de controle e comportamento financeiro, confirmando que as variáveis testadas podem ajudar a explicar o nível de impacto. / Given the economic crisis scenario that Brazil has been facing in recent years, the concern to minimize its effects in the financial life of the population has increased greatly. Therefore, to evidence factors that might have contributed to a higher level of impact caused by its shock is important to create campaigns promoting financial awareness which aim to improve the population's well-being. Thus, the present work aims to analyze, through an ordinal logistic regression, the powerful influence of the behavior in the impact of economic shocks on people. To achieve this purpose, 366 questionnaires were applied in the region of great Porto Alegre. The main characteristics of four impact categories were analyzed and compared: those not affected by the financial shock, those who were weakly affected, those who were partially affected and those who were strongly affected by the financial shock. The main results showed significant differences in behavior among the least affected people and those most impacted regarding the control locus and financial behavior, confirming that the variables tested can help to explain the levels of impact.

Finanční chování domácností v České republice / Financial behavior of households in the Czech Republic

Fričová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes financial behavior of the households in the Czech Republic in the years 2004 till 2012. Object of this work was to notice the economic style of available financial resources from several points of view. First part of work introduces theoretical determination of households and their disposable income with characteristics of the final consumption expenditures and savings. Following part of thesis deals with the published results of researches with topics of households' financial behavior, with factors of influences of these habits and with structure of their financial portfolio. Last chapter presents results of final changes in their behavior by three different indicators (marginal propensity to consume and to save, households' rate of indebtedness and the development of personal bankrupts) during the reported period of time.


ERNANI BARRETO SANTOS 26 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o comportamento financeiro de um determinado grupo de alunos, fazendo um diagnóstico do seu conhecimento acerca da Matemática Financeira e da Educação Financeira por meio de dois questionários juntamente com a proposta de três atividades contextualizadas do mesmo assunto, que vislumbram estimular o interesse dos discentes sobre o tema. Para a concretização do projeto foram abordadas durante as aulas ferramentas necessárias aos cálculos e exemplos mais próximos da realidade do aluno, os quais faziam uma reflexão sobre tipos de compras e investimentos. Após a introdução do primeiro questionário e a exibição evolutiva das aulas é pretendido, além de um aperfeiçoamento nos cálculos relacionados à Matemática Financeira, um despertar e uma maturidade para tomada de decisões financeiras em situações cotidianas. / [en] The objective of this work is to investigate the financial behavior of a certain group of students, making a diagnosis of their knowledge about Financial Mathematics and Financial Education through two questionnaires together with the proposal of three contextualized activities on the same subject, which they aim to stimulate the interest of students on the topic. During the course of the project, tools necessary for calculations and examples closer to the student s reality were approached during the classes, which made a reflection on types of purchases and investments. After the introduction of the first questionnaire and the evolutionary display of the classes, it is intended, in addition to an improvement in the calculations related to Financial Mathematics, an awakening and a maturity for making financial decisions in everyday situations.

The relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance in Sri Lanka

Mendis, Balapuwaduge Venuri Gayana, Surangani, Ilanda Warna Iresha January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance among finance students at the University of Jayewardenepura in Sri Lanka, a  developing country. The research focuses on understanding how financial literacy influences financial risk tolerance within this specific student population. The majority of students exhibit similar levels of financial literacy and financial risk tolerance, with notable variations in financial knowledge compared to other dimensions of financial literacy such as financial attitude and financial behaviour. Correlation analysis reveals a strong positive relationship between financial literacy and financial risk tolerance, with financial knowledge showing a particularly strong association. Financial attitude and financial behaviour show moderate correlations with risk tolerance. Regression analysis indicates that financial attitude is the most influencing factor affecting financial risk tolerance.Furthermore, controlling variables like age, gender, and year of study does not significantly impact financial literacy levels among the participants. When comparing with previous studies, it shows that financial literacy and financial risk tolerance are crucial regardless of a country's development status and both types of nations showing a positive link between them. While developed countries often focus on gender's role in finance, developing onestend to minimize its significance by highlighting the need for strategies to enhance financialliteracy in each country. Thus, this study provides valuable understanding about thedynamics of financial literacy and risk tolerance among university students in Sri Lanka bycontributing to the existing literature on financial education and decision-making behaviours.

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