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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MARCO VINICIO GUAMAN ALARCON 14 April 2014 (has links)
[pt] A resistência a fadiga dos elementos estruturais pode ser limitada pela presença de trincas curtas, as quais podem passar despercebidas em inspeções não-destrutivas tradicionais. Para modelar o comportamento dessas trincas pode-se utilizar o tamanho característico das trincas curtas ao, proposto por El Haddad, Topper e Smith (ETS), que permite ajustar adequadamente os dados experimentais do diagrama de Kitagawa-Takahashi. Partindo do modelo ETS, neste trabalho se apresenta o modelo do Gradiente de Tensão (GT), desenvolvido para prever o efeito das trincas curtas que nascem em pontas de entalhes. Este modelo reconhece que trincas podem ser facilmente geradas por fadiga em entalhes afiados, que introduzem efeitos de concentração de tensão elevados nas suas pontas. Mas devido ao alto gradiente de tensão que atua em torno das pontas desses entalhes, as trincas curtas que deles emanam também podem parar de crescer por fadiga após terem se propagado por uma pequena distância, tornando-se assim trincas não-propagantes que podem ser toleradas em serviço. Corpos de prova tipo C(T) modificados foram projetados especificamente para estudar a geração e o crescimento inicial dessas trincas em ensaios de fadiga, e usados para verificar experimentalmente as previsões do modelo proposto. / [en] The fatigue strength of structural elements may be limited by the presence of short cracks, which can not be detected with traditional nondestructive inspections. The behavior of these cracks can be modeled using the characteristic size of short cracks a0, proposed by El Haddad, Topper and Smith (ETS), which allows one to properly adjust experimental data from the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram. Based on the ETS model, this work presents the Stress Gradient (SG) model, developed to predict the effect of short cracks that grow from the notch tips. This model considers that cracks are easily generated due to fatigue in sharp notches, which introduce high stress concentration effects at their tips. Because of the high stress gradient acting at these notch tips, the short cracks can also stop to grow by fatigue after having propagated through a small distance, thereby becoming non-propagating cracks that can be tolerated in service. C(T) modified specimens were specifically designed to study the generation and initial growth of these cracks in fatigue tests, and used to experimentally verify the predictions of the proposed model.

Fatigue crack growth assessment and fatigue resistance enhancement of aluminium alloys

Mohin, Ma January 2018 (has links)
Fatigue damage of aluminium alloys is one of the key concerns in transport industries, particularly in the aerospace industry. The purpose of the project is to develop new knowledge and techniques against fatigue failure for these industries through a systematic investigation of fatigue resistance and crack growth behaviours of aluminium alloys. Fatigue and fracture mechanics have been investigated analytically, numerically and experimentally in this project. Overload transient effect on fatigue crack growth has been examined by considering various parameters including crack closure, overload ratio (OLR), load ratio (R ratio), baseline stress intensity factor range, (∆K)_BL and geometry. It was found that crack closure can be correlated qualitatively and quantitatively to all other parameters associated with overload transient behaviour. It is proposed that the effect of crack tip plasticity on the non-linearity of the compliance curve can be separated to obtain reliable crack closure measurement. In this project, different methods are used to better understand the transient retardation process so that the damage tolerance design (DTD) of the components made of aluminium alloys can be enhanced. Another important parameter for fatigue and damage tolerance design (DTD) of engineering components is the threshold stress intensity factor range for fatigue crack growth, ∆K_th. A small variation in identification of ∆K_th can lead to a big change in overall estimation of fatigue life. In this project, an analytical model has been developed for aluminium alloys by fitting an analytical curve with raw crack growth data in order to identify the ∆K_th. This model has the capacity to identify ∆K_th for different aluminium alloys at various R ratios. There is a great demand for enhanced fatigue life of aluminium alloys in the transport industry. This project has carried out a detailed investigation of electromagnetic treatment (ET) in the form of electropulsing treatment to develop an efficient technique for fatigue resistance enhancement. ET parameters including the treatment intensity, treatment time and the number of applications have been optimised. It is suggested that the duration of ET treatment can be used as the main parameter among all these to control the fatigue resistance of the aluminium alloy. The improvement in fatigue resistance has been explained by the change in microhardness and conductivity of aluminium alloy due to ET. Additionally, the fracture morphology was analysed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The precipitates and dislocation characteristics were also studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The outcomes of this investigation will help improve structural integrity by enhancing fatigue resistance of aluminium alloys.


THIAGO ABREU PEREIRA PEIXOTO 08 April 2019 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a influência de heterogeneidades metalúrgicas sobre o limiar de propagação de trincas de fadiga e apresentar alternativas de materiais para a fabricação de eixos virabrequins de motores Diesel / gás natural de unidades geradoras de plantas termoelétricas, uma vez que tais componentes mecânicos fabricados com aço DIN 34CrNiMo6 vêm apresentando falhas por fadiga com baixo número de ciclos de carregamento. Corpos de prova foram usinados de aços SAE 4140, SAE 4340 e DIN 42CrMo4. Inicialmente, conduziram-se ensaios de tração para a determinação das propriedades mecânicas dos materiais. Ensaios de propagação de trincas de fadiga foram realizados em espécimes do tipo C(T) entalhados, submetidos a um carregamento cíclico. Pré-trincas de fadiga, com comprimentos variando entre 1,3 mm e 1,6 mm, foram induzidas nos corpos de prova de acordo com a norma ASTM E647. Em sequência, foram levantadas as curvas da/dN versus delta K dos materiais, com ênfase para a determinação da variação do fator de intensidade de tensão do limiar de propagação (delta Kth) de cada aço. Neste contexto, o aço SAE 4140 apresentou um valor de (delta Kth) superior aos demais, o que significa que suporta maiores tamanhos de trinca antes do início da propagação. Análises por técnicas de microscopia evidenciaram a presença de inclusões na região de propagação das trincas, dando origem a um caminho preferencial para o crescimento das mesmas. Os resultados destas análises indicaram a presença de uma menor quantidade de inclusões no aço SAE 4140, permitindo uma associação desta característica microestrutural com o valor do delta Kth do material. Desta maneira, no que se refere à iniciação de trincas de fadiga, o aço SAE 4140 apresenta-se como alternativa viável para substituição do aço 34CrNiMo6 na fabricação de eixos virabrequins para motores de usinas termoelétricas. / [en] The present study had as objectives to evaluate the influence of metallurgical heterogeneities on the fatigue cracking propagation threshold and to present alternative materials for the manufacture of crankshafts of diesel / natural gas engines of thermoelectric plants generating units, since such components mechanics manufactured with DIN 34CrNiMo6 steel has been presenting faults due to fatigue with a low number of loading cycles. Test specimens were machined from SAE 4140, SAE 4340 and DIN 42CrMo4 steels. Initially, tensile tests were conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the materials. Fatigue crack propagation tests were performed on C(T) specimens subjected to cyclic loading. Fatigue pre-cracks, with lengths ranging from 1.3 mm to 1.6 mm, were induced in the test specimens according to ASTM E647. In sequence, da/dN versus delta K curves of the materials were raised, with emphasis on the determination of the tensile strength factor of the propagation threshold (delta Kth) of each steel. In this context, the steel SAE 4140 presented a value of (delta Kth) superior to the others, which means to support larger crack sizes before the beginning of the propagation. Analysis by microscopy techniques evidenced the presence of inclusions in the region of crack propagation, giving rise to a preferential path for their growth. The results of these analyzes indicated the presence of a smaller number of inclusions in the steel SAE 4140, allowing an association of this microstructural characteristic with the value of the delta Kth of the material. In this way, with regard to the initiation of fatigue cracks, the SAE 4140 steel is presented as a viable alternative for the replacement of 34CrNiMo6 steel in the manufacture of crankshafts for motors of thermoelectric power plants.


GABRIELA CRISTINA PAIVA MARTINS 05 November 2020 (has links)
[pt] Para garantir que um componente estrutural resistirá ao longo de sua campanha operacional às trincas que podem não ter sido detectadas durante a última inspeção, é preciso estudar a tolerância aos defeitos nos componentes estruturais. As trincas longas podem ser modeladas por conceitos tradicionais da Mecânica da Fratura, mas as trincas curtas, em especial aquelas que partem de entalhes, não podem. O comportamento destas trincas curtas é modelado a partir do conceito do seu tamanho característico a0, proposto por El Haddad, Topper e Smith, que concilia o limite de iniciação de uma trinca por fadiga com o limiar de propagação das trincas longas. Para obtenção deste parâmetro, o limite de fadiga SL da liga de Al 6351-T6 é estimado por termografia e verificado extrapolando sua curva eN medida por procedimentos normalizados para uma vida útil muito longa. O limiar de propagação das trincas longas DeltaKth é medido através de ensaios padronizados. Por último, tamanhos de trincas em corpos de prova de geometrias diferentes são previstos por aproximações analíticas a partir dos campos de tensões à frente dos entalhes Sigma y(x)/Sigma n por Inglis e Creager e Paris. / [en] To guarantee the structural integrity of a component during its operational life, it is necessary to study the tolerances to defects. Long cracks may be modeled by traditional concepts of Fracture Mechanics, but short cracks, especially those that start from notches, cannot. The behavior of these short cracks is modeled on the concept of characteristic size a0, presented by El Haddad, Topper and Smith, which reconciles the initiation limit of a fatigue crack with the propagation threshold of the long crack. To obtain this parameter, the fatigue limit SL is estimated by thermography, and thereafter, the result of the Al 6351-T6 alloy, presented in this work, is verified by extrapolating its eN curve measured by standard procedures for a very long service life. The propagation threshold of long cracks Kth is measured by the standard test. Finally, crack sizes in specimens for different geometries are predicted by analytical approximations from the stress fields ahead of the notches by Inglis and Creager and Paris.

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