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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JEFFERSON DA SILVA BELARMINO 08 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Adotando como fonte principal de nossa investigação a Ética a Nicômaco, discorreremos, na presente dissertação, acerca dos dois tratados sobre o prazer existentes na obra em questão, a saber, nos capítulos 11, 12, 13 e 14 do livro VII e nos capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 do livro X. A primeira parte de nossa pesquisa consistirá em uma breve introdução aos escritos éticos do filósofo de Estagira, seguida de um minucioso mapeamento de nossa autoria dos capítulos há pouco mencionados, onde o tema do prazer é abordado por Aristóteles de maneira mais aprofundada. A segunda parte corresponderá ao exame do pensamento contido no livro VII; mais especificamente, concentrar-nos-emos no tradicional debate em torno da associação feita pelo Estagirita entre os conceitos de hedoné e enérgeia, isto é, entre as noções de prazer e atividade. Por fim, a terceira e última parte desta dissertação abordará a discussão a respeito do prazer localizada no livro X, a qual esclarecerá melhor os posicionamentos apresentados em VII; ademais, nesta última parte, investigaremos também as possíveis contribuições dos debates acerca da felicidade, presentes nos livros I e X, para as investigações acerca do prazer. / [en] Adopting the Nicomachean Ethics as the main source of our investigation, we will discuss, in this dissertation, about the two treatises on pleasure existent in the work in question, namely, in chapters 11, 12, 13 and 14 of book VII and in chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of book X. The first part of our research consists of a brief introduction to the ethical writings of the Stagirite, followed by a detailed mapping of the chapters just mentioned, where pleasure is approached by Aristotle in more depth. The second part corresponds to the examination of the thought contained in book VII; more specifically, we will focus on the traditional debate around the association made by Aristotle between the concepts of hedoné and enérgeia, that is, between the notions of pleasure and activity. Finally, the third and last part of this dissertation consists of the discussion about pleasure located in book X, which will better clarify the positions exposed on book VII; moreover, in this last part, we will also investigate the possible contributions of the debates about happiness, present in books I and X, to the investigations about pleasure.

Ο "έλεος" και ο "φόβος" στο έργο του Αριστοτέλη

Κωσταρά, Ευφροσύνη 23 October 2007 (has links)
Η ερμηνεία του ελέου και του φόβου έχει απασχολήσει ευρέως τους μελετητές στην προσπάθειά τους να κατανοήσουν τον ορισμό της τραγωδίας και να ερμηνεύσουν την έννοια της κάθαρσης. Οι απόψεις είναι πολλές και η έρευνα ανά τους αιώνες δεν έχει καταλήξει σε κάποια κοινώς αποδεκτή θέση. Η ευρύτερη μελέτη άλλων έργων του φιλοσόφου, στα οποία υπάρχουν αναφορές στις δύο έννοιες, αλλά και γενικότερα στις απόψεις του περί παθῶν, είναι άκρως ενδιαφέρουσα, καθώς αποκτούμε ευρύτερη εποπτεία των συλλογισμών και της φιλοσοφικής του σκέψης. Υπό το πρίσμα αυτό στην παρούσα εργασία διερευνώνται και εξετάζονται συγκριτικά διάφορα έργα του Αριστοτέλη, στα οποία υπάρχουν εκτεταμένες ή συντομότερες αναφορές στους δύο όρους, από τη μελέτη των οποίων αντλούνται αρκετά στοιχεία σχετικά με το πώς ο φιλόσοφος αντιλαμβανόταν τις δύο έννοιες σε βιολογικό, κοινωνικό, ψυχολογικό και ηθικό επίπεδο, και προκύπτουν συμπεράσματα ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμα για την ερμηνεία των δύο όρων στην Ποιητική. Αναλυτικότερα η δομή της εργασίας είναι η ακόλουθη: I. Εισαγωγή: Προβληματισμοί και επιμέρους ζητήματα II. Ο έλεος και ο φόβος πριν από τον Αριστοτέλη III. Η πλατωνική κριτική και η αριστοτελική θέση IV. Ο έλεος και ο φόβος στην αριστοτελική Ποιητική V. Απόψεις και ερμηνείες των μελετητών περί ελέου και φόβου στην Ποιητική VI. Ευρύτερη εξέταση του ελέου στο έργο του Αριστοτέλη VII. Ευρύτερη εξέταση του φόβου στο έργο του Αριστοτέλη VIII. Αἰδώς - αἰσχύνη, κατάπληξις - ἔκπληξις: Ανάλυση και συσχετισμός τους με τον έλεο και το φόβο IX. Προσδιορισμός της σχέσης ελέου και φόβου μέσα από τη μελέτη του έργου του Αριστοτέλη X. Σχέση ελέου – φόβου και οἰκείας ἡδονῆς XI. Συμπεράσματα: Η ερμηνεία του ελέου και φόβου στην Ποιητική και η συμβολή σ’ αυτή των άλλων έργων του Αριστοτέλη / The interpetation of pity and fear has widely been a subject of questioning for commentators and critics in their effort to comprehend the definition of tragedy and interpret the meaning of katharsis. The existing opinions are many and various and the research throughout the centuries has not reached to a common acceptable position. The indagation of Aristotle’s works, in which there are references to the two terms, and generaly the study of his opinion about pathê, is extremly interesting as we are able to comprehend Aristotle’s syllogism and philosophical thought. In the light of that meaning, various Aristotle’s works, comparatively inquired and eximined in the present study, contain extensive or shorter references to these two meanings. Their study will hopefully help us to collect enough evidence on the way the philosopher has conceived the two meanings in biological, sociological, psychological and moral level, and result in conclusions particularly useful for the interpretation of pity and fear in Poetics. Specifically, the structure of this study is the following: I. Introducion: Consideration and particular isssues II. Pity and fear before Aristotle III. Platonic criticism and Aristotelian position IV. Pity and fear in Aristotle’s Poetics V. Interpreters’ opinions and explanations about pity and fear in Poetics VI. Wider examination of fear in Aristotle’s work VII. Wider examination of pity in Aristotle’s work VIII. Aidôs – aischunê, kataplêxis – ekplêxis: analysis and correlation with pity and fear IX. The relation between pity and fear through the study of Aristotle’s works X. The relation between the two emotions and oikeia hêdonê XI. Conclusions: The contribution of the other Aristotle’s works to the interpretation of pity and fear in Poetics

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