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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of ubiquitous 360° learning environment and its effects on students’ satisfaction and histotechnological knowledge

Virtanen, M. (Mari) 24 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract The digitalization of the society, the changing structures of education and the tightening resources have hastened the development of open learning environments. The aim of this study was to develop a ubiquitous 360° learning environment (360° ULE) on histotechnology (HT) education and evaluate its effects on student satisfaction and on HT knowledge in the biomedical laboratory science degree. In addition, the purpose was to provide systematic and transparent information on the development process. The study proceeded in two phases, i.e. development and evaluation. In the development phase, the criteria for ubiquitous learning environments (ULE) and the use in higher education were defined by a scoping review. Based on the review the first version of ULE was produced in the histotechnology (HT) context. The ULE was piloted in a study where an experimental group (n = 29) studied via ULE and a control group (n = 28) via a conventional web-based learning environment (WLE). The data was collected at the end of the term by an electronic questionnaire, and it was analyzed statistically. In the evaluation phase, the effects on the student's HT knowledge of (n = 115) and on satisfaction (n = 112) were evaluated in a quasi-experimental study. The data was electronically collected in the beginning and at the end of the term and analyzed statistically. The results from scoping review showed that the ULEs were not widely used in higher education. The criteria for ULEs were defined as flexibility, context-awareness, personalization and interactivity. These criteria were emphasized in the production of the ULE, evaluated in both phases. Based on the pilot study the flexibility, context-awareness and personalized operations were perceived as positive, whereas interactivity was seen as needing further development. In the final study, the students were very satisfied with the used ULE with significant improvements in their HT knowledge. Based on the results the development process of 360° ULE was stated as effective and valid. The process was described systematically and transparently. Further development, optimization, and evaluation was recommended when implementing the 360° ULE as a part of HT curricula in the biomedical laboratory science degree. / Tiivistelmä Yhteiskunnan digitalisoituessa, koulutuksen rakenteiden muuttuessa ja resurssien tiukentuessa avointen oppimisympäristöjen kehittäminen korkeakouluopetuksen tarpeisiin on välttämätöntä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kehittää ubiikki oppimisympäristö (ULE) histoteknologian opetukseen ja arvioida sen vaikutuksia bioanalyytikko-opiskelijoiden tyytyväisyyteen ja tietoon histoteknologiasta. Tavoitteena oli tuottaa uutta tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä tulevaisuuden oppimisympäristöjä ja arvioitaessa 360o -tekniikan laajempaa hyödyntämistä koulutuksen eri osa-alueilla. Tutkimus eteni kahdessa vaiheessa: oppimisympäristön kehittäminen ja sen vaikuttavuuden arviointi. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa määritettiin ULE:n kriteerit kartoittavan kirjallisuuskatsauksen menetelmällä ja kuvattiin niiden käyttöä korkeakouluopetuksessa. Tämän perusteella kehitettiin ULE:n ensimmäinen versio, histoteknologian (HT) opetukseen, jota käytettiin pilottitutkimuksessa. Koeryhmä (n= 29) opiskeli ULE:ssa ja vertailuryhmä (n=28) perinteisessä verkko-oppimisympäristössä (WLE). Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselyllä opetuksen jälkeen ja analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa arvioitiin ULE:n vaikuttavuutta opiskelijoiden tietoon histoteknologiasta (n=115) sekä tyytyväisyyttä (n=112) oppimisympäristön käyttöön. Aineistot kerättiin kvasikokeellisella asetelmalla bioanalyytikko-opiskelijoilta ennen ja jälkeen opetuksen. Aineistot analysoitiin tilastollisesti. Kartoittava katsaus osoitti ULE:n vähäisen käytön korkeakouluopetuksessa. Tärkeimmiksi kriteereiksi osoittautuivat joustavuus, tilannesidonnaisuus, personoidut toiminnot ja interaktiivisuus. Näitä ominaisuuksia painotettiin kehitystyössä ja arvioitiin molemmissa vaiheissa. Pilottitutkimuksen tulosten perusteella joustavuus, tilannesidonnaisuus ja personoidut toiminnot nähtiin positiivisina, kehitettävää interaktiivisuudessa, jonka perusteella ULE:a optimoitiin varsinaista tutkimusta varten. Tulosten mukaan opiskelijat olivat erittäin tyytyväisiä ULE:n käyttöön ja heidän osaamisensa vahvistui merkittävästi. Tulosten perusteella kehitysprosessi todettiin tehokkaaksi ja luotettavaksi. Prosessi kuvattiin järjestelmällisesti ja läpinäkyvästi. Tulosten perusteella suositellaan kehittämistyön ja optimoinnin jatkamista, jonka jälkeen ULE voidaan liittää osaksi bioanalytiikan HT opintoja ja opetussuunnitelmaa.

Immunohistokemisk detektion av blastemala element i Wilms tumör

Wali, Amina January 2016 (has links)
Wilms tumör (WT) är en malign snabbväxande tumör och den vanligaste solida buktumören hos barn under sex år. En kombination av operation, cytostatika och strålbehandling har lett till att 90 % av barnen idag blir helt botade. Enligt ett enhetligt europeiskt morfologiskt klassifikationssystem och behandlingsprotokoll behandlas alla barnpatienter med WT med cytostatika pre-operativt innan nefrektomi. Den histologiska tumörtypen, klassad efter operation, är helt avgörande för vidarebehandling av WT. Tumören består av tre celltyper, stromala epiteliala och blastemala, där de blastemala har en stor likhet med mesenkymala celler i njuren hos embryot. Tumörer med mer än 2/3 blastem klassificeras som högrisktumörer som följs upp med ytterligare, extra intensiv kemoterapi. I dagsläget görs en histologisk bedömning av tumörens riskgrupp endast på hematoxylin-eosin färgning. Proteinet SIX1 har nyligen rapporterats fungera som lämplig biomarkör för blastem. Med hjälp av immunohistokemi undersöktes i detta arbete om SIX1-färgning på blastem kan tillämpas kliniskt för säkrare riskbedömning av WT. Efter omfattande utvecklingsarbete med testning av olika varianter av förbehandling och detektionsmetod kunde ett fullgott protokoll för kliniskt bruk utformas. Detta kommer nu att implementeras inom klinisk patologi i Skåne. / Wilms tumor (WT) is a malign fast growing tumor and the most common solid abdominal tumor amongst children under the age of 6. A combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy has led to a 90 % cured rate among children affected by WT. According to a uniform European morphological classification system and treatment protocol, all WTs receive pre-operative chemotherapy prior to nephrectomy. Histological tumor type, determined after surgery, is crucial for further treatment of WT. The tumor consists of three cell types: stromal elements, epithelial elements and blastema, of which the blastema has a great similarity to embryonic mesenchymal cells. Tumors that consist of more than 2/3 blastema are classified as high risk tumors, recieving additional intensive chemotherapy. Today, an assesment of WT histology is performed on hematoxylin-eosin stained specimens only. Recently, the SIX1 protein has been reported to function as a suitable biomarker for blastema. Using immunohistochemistry, it was investigated if SIX1 detection could be applied clinically for classification of WT. After several modifications of pre-treatment and primary antibody detection methodology, a clinically robust immunohistochemical staining protocol was finally developed. This will now be implemented in the clinic.


MYRIAM BRITTO DOS SANTOS 28 May 2008 (has links)
[pt] Em uma pesquisa descritiva e de estudo de campo, buscou-se avaliar quais indicadores de carga mental (CM) de trabalho são predominantes para a produção de acidentes em uma tarefa de microtomia. A carga mental depende das exigências da tarefa e do grau de mobilização do sujeito, da fração de sua capacidade de trabalho que ele investiu na tarefa, considerando-se que o grau de prazer e satisfação no trabalho pode variar em função da natureza da tarefa executada. Partiu-se da hipótese que os fatores de carga mental de trabalho associados ao risco de acidentes a que está exposto o operador no manuseio do micrótomo rotativo representam fonte de sofrimento psíquico. Os sinais de sofrimento psíquico podem ser vinculados à realização de tarefas consideradas perigosas e, muitas atividades de trabalho podem ocasionar desgastes e custos para o indivíduo de ordem física, mental, emocional e afetiva. Foi relevante examinar quais foram os fatores organizacionais referentes às condições ambientais e aos horários de trabalho, para uma ação preventiva, em conjunto aos fatores predominantes de carga mental. O suporte metodológico da pesquisa envolveu a elaboração de um questionário adaptado do método L.E.S.T. (Laboratório de Economia e Sociologia do Trabalho) que avalia a carga mental a partir de quatro indicadores, a saber, constrangimento de tempo; complexidade/rapidez; atenção, e minúcia. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a variável complexidade-rapidez, minúcia e atenção podem ser consideradas como efetores para carga mental. A variável denominada fatores psicossociais não mostrou eficácia durante este processo de análise. Um aspecto relatado está associado aos acidentes produzidos durante a operação do equipamento e sua manutenção. / [en] In a descriptive research and in a field study, we evaluated which indicators of mental workload are dominant factors in accident production in a microtomy task. The mental workload depends on the task demands and on the degree of mobilization of the worker, which is the fraction of his/her work capacity invested in the task considering itself that the degree of pleasure and satisfaction in work could vary as a function of the nature of executed task.From the hypothesis that the factors of mental workload associated to accident risks to which operators are exposed during handling of a rotative microtome represent a source of psychic suffering. The signals of psychic suffering could be related to the accomplishment of tasks considered as dangerous and many work activities could cause physical, mental, emotional and affective wearing and costs to individuals. Examining which organizational factors are related to environmental conditions and to working hours was relevant to a preventive action, as well as the dominant factors of mental workload. The research methodology involved the preparation of a questionnaire adapting the L.E.S.T. (Laboratoire d`Economie et Sociologie du Travail) method that evaluates the mental workload by four indicators, which are time constraint; complexity/ swiftness; attention; and detail. The results showed that complexity/swiftness, detail and attention indicators could be considered as effective indicators of mental workload. The indicator psychosocials factors did not presented efficacy in this analytical procedure. A reported feature is associated to accidents happening during the handling of equipment and its maintenance.

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