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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Determinants of Internationalization Speed for International New Ventures (INVs)

Chang, Shuye, Mao, Menglin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Competitiveness of international new ventures in Uganda

Nabatanzi-Muyimba, Annet K. 23 February 2015 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, 2014. / International competitiveness is the ability of a firm to sustain its international performance relative to competitors over time and in the future. This research examined the firm level factors that contribute to competitiveness of international new ventures (INVs). Specifically, the study investigated whether entrepreneurial and branding resources and capabilities greatly contribute to competitiveness of INVs. The study followed a positivist and quantitative methodological approach to establish the causalities and social order of competitiveness of INVs in Uganda. The purpose of the study was actualized through adopting a cross-sectional survey design. The study focused on INVs which are firms that internationalized their operations within the first ten (10) years of their establishment. These firms were drawn from the three major business sectors in Uganda including agribusiness, manufacturing and service firms involved in international activities ranging from exports, input sourcing (imports), foreign subsidiaries, franchises to international subcontracting. The survey instrument was delivered to 405 firms and information required was provided by three different groups of respondents in each firm. Owners-managers and employees assessed their firm’s entrepreneurial and branding resources and capabilities and international competitiveness in the last five (5) years and for the next three (3) years whereas customers evaluated brand advantage of firms and their products or services. The data collection process achieved a 77 percent response rate to the study. The study was non-experimental and adopted structural equation modelling and Average Moments of Structures (AMOS) to establish the causal relationships between the study variables. The study results reveal that brand orientation greatly contributes to international competitiveness whereas the interaction between entrepreneurial and branding resources and capabilities significantly enhances brand advantage of INVs. In addition, the study indicates that in the short run, brand advantage constrains the contribution of entrepreneurial and branding capabilities to competitiveness of INVs. The findings of this research provide knowledge on building and sustaining international competitiveness with specific implications for improving marketing and/or branding capabilities and utilization of entrepreneurial resources. The findings further support the dynamic capabilities theory in explaining competitiveness of INVs in Uganda. Keywords: Competitiveness, Entrepreneurial Capital, Entrepreneurial orientation, Brand orientation, Brand Advantage, International New Ventures, Uganda

Thrown in a Spirit of Design: Internationalisation Influencing the Business Model

Antolín Andérez, Patricia, Das, Senjuti January 2016 (has links)
BACKGROUND. The relaxation of the global conditions, mainly but not reduced to the introduction of the Internet, and the demanding competitive pressures have triggered the expansionary phenomenon of startups that seek to compete internationally right after its birth. This urge for a mechanism to facilitate the internationalisation process, namely the business model. In this regard, there is a need to elaborate on the field of the business model in combination to the internationalization literature, which has tended to develop in isolation. PURPOSE. The purpose of this master thesis is to expand the knowledge about the process of designing the business model of a new international venture and how the drivers of internationalisation affect this process. METHODOLOGY. The research problem was identified by exploring two major streams of theory, the business model and the internationalisation, which were developed jointly in a visual representation. In the next step, from two Sweden-based international new ventures, named Againity AB and MIMSI Materials AB, empirical information was collected from diverse stakeholders. The technique was qualitative research method, which was scrutinized following a process model approach. Finally, a model proposition was constructed by analysing the realities of the practical and theoretical phenomenon to serve the purpose of enhancing knowledge. RESULT. The BMD process is composed by three stages, namely initiating, generating and refining, of iterative and interdependent nature. Each driver of internationalization, when scrutinized using the empirical realities of the INVs, tends to have different influential roles at different stages of the business model. This is integrated into a conceptual model of the key internationalization drivers and BMD stages, which reflects the strategic fit from which new ventures benefit.

Internationalization of Firms: Antecedents, Speed, and Performance Implications

Chahabadi, Dominik 02 February 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Absorptive Fähigkeiten im betrieblichen Internationalisierungsprozess - Eine Reformulierung von Prozesstheorien der Internationalisierung. Konzept und Anwendung

Gerlach, Lutz 17 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Die rapide voranschreitende Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft wird letztlich getragen von der zunehmenden Anzahl international aktiver Unternehmen. Diese Prozesse der verstärkten Involvierung von Unternehmen in internationale Aktivitäten, bzw. die Anpassung von Strategien, Strukturen und Ressourcen von Unternehmen an internationale Umgebungen werden als ‚betriebliche Internationalisierungsprozesse‘ definiert. Aus Sicht der Betriebswirtschaftslehre als einer gestaltungsorientierten Disziplin erwachsen aus betrieblichen Internationalisierungsprozessen neue Anforderungen an das Management von Unternehmen. Diese bestehen darin, Internationalisierungsprozesse aktiv zu gestalten und so das Überleben des Unternehmens in einer zunehmend globalisierten Wettbewerbsumwelt nachhaltig zu sichern. Ziel der Arbeit ist es erstens, einen Vorschlag für ein integratives Prozessverständnis von betrieblicher Internationalisierung auszuarbeiten, indem eine konzeptionelle Brücke zwischen Stufenmodellen, Netzwerkmodellen und International-New-Venture Modellen der Internationalisierung geschlagen wird. Zweitens wird dieses integrative Prozessverständnis dazu genutzt, wesentliche Gestaltungsfelder eines betrieblichen Internationalisierungsmanagement aufzuzeigen. Für die Entwicklung eines integrativen Prozessverständnisses und damit verbunden für ein Managementmodell der Internationalisierung erschließt die Arbeit das Konzept der Absorptionsfähigkeit von Unternehmen.

Three One Million Dollar Questions : An exploratory study on how the entrepreneurial process affects opportunity realization of Swedish INVs.

Johansson, Björn, Mohamed, Guled January 2015 (has links)
Background: With the high pace global market development we are experiencing that there is a need for entreprenurs to always be alert and seize opportunities when they appear, espcially in the SME- sector. Researchers have during the years worked with questions surrounding the area of International New Ventures, different opportunity aspects and entreprenurial processes. However there seems to be a gap in the research surrounding the correlation between these related areas and how it effects the opportunity realization process. This gap has lead the researchers to the purpose and the research question stated below. Research question: What is the role of the entrepreneurial process in opportunity realization of Swedish INVs? Purpose: To conduct an exploratory study to further the knowledge within the field of opportunity realization within Swedish INVs and to see the impact that the entrepreneurial process in the shape of Causation and Effectuation logics has in terms of the realization process. Methodology: The researchers worked through an abductive approch with an exploratory purpose where the empirical findings were gathered from four different case companies that operated in different business sectors. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to collect primary data, founded in the qualitative method background. Conclusion: The conclusion shows that a correct assessment of the capabilities of the entrepreneur is extremely important. Failing to provide a correct assessment may lead to a misinterpreted opportunity which may lead to a failure in terms of Opportunity realization. The authors concluded that the role of the entreprenerial process is very central in the Opportunity realization process, especially in the beginning of the venture.

”Innovation is not about creativity, it’s about discipline” : Uncovering the effects of shared leadership on disruptive innovation in international new ventures

Gammenthaler, Samuel, Lehmann, Michael January 2018 (has links)
In recent years, start-ups and small to medium sized enterprises that operate globally from their inception have become commonplace. These companies often use shared leadership structures and aim to disrupt an existing market with a innovative product. This thesis intends to explore and understand the influence of shared leadership on disruptive innovation inside these international new ventures using a qualitative research approach, by gathering relevant theories of shared leadership, such as disruptive innovation and international new ventures and contrasting them in an abductive manner with the results of six interviews conducted with representatives of chosen start-ups. In these interviews the participants were questioned about shared leadership and disruptive innovation separately and try to integrate the results of shared leadership that relate to disruptive innovation in a positive or negative manner. Our findings suggest that creativity, efficiency, intrinsic motivation as well as cross-field knowledge have an incubative effect, while shared leadership itself, when managed poorly, can hamper disruptive innovation.

From relational capital to venture capital:financing entrepreneurial international new ventures

Wang, F. (Fan) 13 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the role of relational capital in raising and utilizing venture capital by international new ventures (INVs). This study reviews literature on INVs, venture capital, and social capital theory and defines relational capital as the level of trust developed in the course of interactions between INVs and venture capital firms (VC firms) that leads to positive venture capital decisions and value creation. This empirical study of relational capital formation and utilization is accomplished by the case study method. The study is based on interviews with five case INVs regarding entrepreneurs’ and venture capitalists (VCs)’ experiences with forming and utilizing relational capital for the purpose of new venture internationalization. This study approaches the relationship between INV and VC firm from the relational capital perspective, exploring how INVs can raise venture capital for internationalization as well as how they can use relational capital to improve outcomes of new venture internationalization after venture capital is allocated. The analysis identifies the factors that affect formation of relational capital between INVs and VC firms, the outcomes that result from relational capital formed in the pre-investment stage, and the impact on performance of INVs during post-investment collaboration. This study develops a conceptual model proposing that the financing process for entrepreneurial INVs consists of forming and using relational capital to obtain venture capital investment. The particular characteristics of the INVs and VC firms, as well as behavior-related factors, have been found to be important to forming relational capital between INVs and VC firms. The relational capital formation process creates an atmosphere in which entrepreneurs and VCs provide both tangible and intangible resources to support INV internationalization. This study adds the relational capital viewpoint to the literature pertaining to venture capital and INVs by analyzing the role of relational capital in financing entrepreneurial INVs. Regarding managerial implications, the study shows how entrepreneurs can influence the venture capital investment process, where VC firms should pay attention to while working with INVs, and how policy makers could contribute by providing a positive environment for INV and VC firm collaboration. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kansainvälisiin uusiin yrityksiin tehtyjä pääomasijoitusprosesseja suhdepääoman muotoutumisen ja hyödyntämisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa aihetta lähestytään sekä yritysten että pääomasijoittajien kannalta ja työn teoreettinen viitekehys rakennetaan kansainvälisten uusien yritysten, pääomasijoitusprosessin, ja sosiaalisen pääoman tutkimusjulkaisujen kautta. Työssä suhdepääoma määritellään luottamukseksi, joka kehittyy vuorovaikutuksen kautta yrityksen ja pääomasijoittajan välille ja johtaa positiiviseen pääomasijoituspäätökseen ja arvonluontiin. Työn empiirisessä osassa suhdepääoman muotoutumista ja hyödyntämistä tutkitaan tapaustutkimusmenetelmällä. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla viiden kansainvälisen nuoren yrityksen yrittäjiä sekä pääomasijoittajia heidän kokemuksistaan yrityksen kansainvälisen kasvun rahoittamiseksi. Työssä yritysten ja pääomasijoittajien suhdetta lähestytään suhdepääoman kautta, erityisesti kun yritysten tavoitteena on saada pääomasijoitus kansainvälistä kasvua varten ja hyödyntää syntynyttä suhdepääomaa pääomasijoituksen jälkeen yrityksen kansainvälistymisprosessissa. Analyysissä tunnistetaan tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat suhdepääoman kehittymiseen, tulokset, jotka ovat seurausta ennen pääomasijoitusta syntyneestä suhdepääomasta, sekä vaikutukset, jotka yrityksen ja pääomasijoittajan välisellä suhdepääomalla on yrityksen menestymiseen pääomasijoituksen jälkeen. Tutkimuksessa yrityksen ja pääomasijoittajan erityisillä piirteillä, toimintamalleilla ja käyttäytymisellä havaittiin olevan merkitystä suhdepääoman muotoutumisessa ja hyödyntämisessä. Suhdepääoman muotoutumisprosessi luo ilmapiirin, jossa yrittäjät ja pääomasijoittajat voivat tuoda aineellisia ja aineettomia resursseja yrityksen kansainvälistymisen tueksi. Työn teoreettinen kontribuutio on erityisesti sen tuoma suhdenäkökulma pääomasijoitusprosessitutkimukseen. Työssä osoitetaan myös kuinka yrittäjät voivat käytännössä vaikuttaa pääomasijoituksen saamiseen ja päätöksentekoprosessiin ja mihin pääomasijoittajien tulisi kiinnittää huomiota yritysten kanssa työskennellessään.

Multi-layered factors influencing the firm's internationalisation strategy : institutions, micro environment, and firm-level capabilities

Kotosaka, Masahiro January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the factors influencing the internationalization of firms through a multi-layered analysis grounded in international business. It addresses the following questions. First, in what ways does the institutional environment facilitate or hinder the growth of start-ups? And in what ways does institutional diversity across countries affect internationalizing firms? Second, in light of the variety of internationalization patterns, what modifications are necessary to the theories of internationalization? Third, how do rapidly internationalizing firms explore and exploit capabilities? And in what ways does capability development differ between firms that realize early, rapid internationalization and those firms that do not? Answering the first set of questions involves recasting the comparative institutional analysis of national political economies. This thesis demonstrates that: 1) when national institutions are in transition, business entrepreneurs can bring about institutional change, or else act to avoid or adapt specific institutions for their own use; and 2) international institutional diversity seems to be less influential in determining the expansion pattern of rapidly internationalizing firms. Next, to address the second question, this thesis examines the factors influencing the speed of internationalization. The proposed models point to a larger role of entrepreneurs’ perception and the relevance of the resources factor, and better accommodate a wider variety of internationalization paths. In order to answer the third set of questions, this thesis investigates the early stage development of firm-level capabilities among internationalizing firms. The result points to: 1) the faster transformation of individual capabilities to firm-level routines; 2) a wider variety of routines for exploring external capabilities; and 3) a higher ability to exploit ordinary routines, among more rapidly internationalizing firms. Finally, this thesis discusses how each of the three levels of analysis relates to the other levels. The overall analysis demonstrates the value of multi-layered approach in investigating the firm’s internationalization.

Absorptive Fähigkeiten im betrieblichen Internationalisierungsprozess - Eine Reformulierung von Prozesstheorien der Internationalisierung. Konzept und Anwendung

Gerlach, Lutz 04 July 2008 (has links)
Die rapide voranschreitende Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft wird letztlich getragen von der zunehmenden Anzahl international aktiver Unternehmen. Diese Prozesse der verstärkten Involvierung von Unternehmen in internationale Aktivitäten, bzw. die Anpassung von Strategien, Strukturen und Ressourcen von Unternehmen an internationale Umgebungen werden als ‚betriebliche Internationalisierungsprozesse‘ definiert. Aus Sicht der Betriebswirtschaftslehre als einer gestaltungsorientierten Disziplin erwachsen aus betrieblichen Internationalisierungsprozessen neue Anforderungen an das Management von Unternehmen. Diese bestehen darin, Internationalisierungsprozesse aktiv zu gestalten und so das Überleben des Unternehmens in einer zunehmend globalisierten Wettbewerbsumwelt nachhaltig zu sichern. Ziel der Arbeit ist es erstens, einen Vorschlag für ein integratives Prozessverständnis von betrieblicher Internationalisierung auszuarbeiten, indem eine konzeptionelle Brücke zwischen Stufenmodellen, Netzwerkmodellen und International-New-Venture Modellen der Internationalisierung geschlagen wird. Zweitens wird dieses integrative Prozessverständnis dazu genutzt, wesentliche Gestaltungsfelder eines betrieblichen Internationalisierungsmanagement aufzuzeigen. Für die Entwicklung eines integrativen Prozessverständnisses und damit verbunden für ein Managementmodell der Internationalisierung erschließt die Arbeit das Konzept der Absorptionsfähigkeit von Unternehmen.

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