Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] JUTE FIBRE"" "subject:"[enn] JUTE FIBRE""
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[pt] A busca por materiais alternativos que possam substituir
as fibras de amianto,
compondo o fibro-cimento, tem-se tornado objeto de estudos
recorrentes. As fibras
vegetais surgem como opção econômica, salubre e
ecologicamente adequada. O
objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o comportamento da
adição da fibra de curauá em
compósitos cimentícios, visando substituir o amianto. Essa
fibra mineral é bastante
conhecida pelos danos que provoca à saúde humana, já tendo
sido banida em muitos
países industrializados. Desde 1979, o Grupo de Pesquisas
em Materiais não
Convencionais da PUC-Rio tem desenvolvido trabalhos sobre
a aplicação das fibras
vegetais, disponíveis em abundância no Brasil, na
fabricação de componentes para a
construção civil, visando, principalmente, a produção de
habitação popular. A fibra
de curauá é de uso popular, na região conhecida como Baixo-
Amazonas, oeste do
Estado do Pará, na manufatura de cordas, cestas e tapetes,
já existindo os primeiros
plantios em escala comercial. Pouco conhecida nas demais
regiões do país, a fibra de
curauá ainda carece de estudos específicos sobre suas
propriedades físicas, químicas e
mecânicas, que possibilitem sua aplicação segura em
compósitos para a construção
civil. Nesse trabalho, foram estudadas as propriedades
físicas, mecânicas e microestruturas
das fibras de curauá, bem como de compósitos cimentícios
que as tiveram
como reforço. Buscou-se comparar o desempenho das fibras
de curauá e de seus
compósitos, com as fibras e compósitos de amianto e de
outras fibras vegetais, tais
como sisal, coco e juta. Os dados das fibras de sisal e
coco, tomados para efeito de
comparação, foram oriundos de trabalhos anteriores do
mesmo grupo de pesquisas da
PUC-Rio. Para as fibras de juta e compósitos cimentícios
com reforço de juta e de
sisal, foram obtidos dados através de ensaios realizados
no escopo desse trabalho. Os
resultados mostraram que a fibra de curauá possui
características físicas e mecânicas
que as habilitam à aplicação como reforço de matrizes
cimentícias, principalmente quando for almejada uma maior
ductilidade e capacidade de resistência após a
fissuração da matriz. / [en] In recent years, there has been an intense search
worldwide for an alternative
material, which can substitute the asbestos fibre, a
component of the asbestos cement,
which has been found to be hazardous to human and animal
health and has been
banned already in many countries. Since 1979 the Non-
conventional Materials
Research Group of PUC-Rio has carried out works on the
application of vegetable
fibres, available in abundance in Brazil, for the
fabrication of construction
components, aiming mainly at the fabrication of popular
housing. The curaúa fibre
has been studied as it is already of popular use in the
manufacturing of ropes, baskets
and carpets in the region, known as Baixo Amazonas, in the
state of Para, where the
first plantations have been organized on a commercial
scale. In this work, the
physical, mechanical and micro-structural properties of
the curauá fibres, as well as
their application as a cimenticious matrix reinforcement,
have been studied. The
performance of curauá fibres and its composites was
compared with other vegetable
fibres, such as sisal, coconut and jute, as a substitute
for asbestos fibres and its
composites. The data on sisal and coconut fibres from
previous works by the same
research group at PUC-Rio was considered for comparison.
The behaviour of jute
fibres, as well as cimenticious composites, reinforced
with jute and sisal fibres, have
also been studied in this work. The results have shown
that the curauá fibre has good
physical and mechanical characteristics that make it
suitable to be used as
reinforcement of cimenticious matrices, with a high
ductility and post-cracking
resistance capacity.
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[pt] Este estudo teórico-experimental tem como objetivo a análise do comportamento
até a ruptura de vigas de madeira da espécie Pinus oocarpa reforçadas externamente à
flexão com compósitos de base epoxídica reforçados por fibras de vidro e juta. No
programa experimental foi investigado o desempenho mecânico do Pinus Oocarpa
quando submetido a temperaturas elevadas. Uma tendência à redução do módulo de
elasticidade e da resistência à compressão foi verificada com o aumento da temperatura,
fato que pode ser comprovado através de análises com difração de raios-x. Ensaios de
tração nos compósitos reforçados com fibras de vidro e juta foram realizados
demonstrando comportamento frágil, linear-elástico até ruptura. Além disso, vinte e duas
vigas, com seção transversal de 10x15cm e 300 cm de comprimento foram ensaiadas à
flexão. Essas vigas foram divididas em cinco séries, sendo cinco vigas de referência sem
reforço, cinco reforçadas com uma camada de fibra de vidro, seis com três camadas de
fibra de vidro, uma com uma camada de fibra de juta e, por fim, cinco com três camadas
de fibra de juta. No estudo teórico foi aplicado o modelo básico de seção composta para o
regime elástico e dois modelos bilineares elasto-plásticos. A partir dos resultados
numéricos e para as considerações adotadas, comparou-se com os valores encontrados
experimentalmente concluindo-se que o primeiro modelo é o melhor deles para o
dimensionamento. Verificou-se que todas as vigas reforçadas apresentaram um acréscimo
de força última variando de 16-26 por cento quando considerados os compósitos de juta e 54-81 por cento
para os de vidro em relação às vigas de referência. Verificou-se, também, que, com o
acréscimo das fibras ocorreu uma modificação no modo de ruptura, ou seja, as peças
continuaram rompendo nas fibras tracionadas, só que com uma pequena plastificação nas
fibras comprimidas. Observou-se, também, que os compósitos de fibra de juta alteram
consideravelmente a rigidez das peças fletidas mesmo com ganho inferior na resistência. / [en] The work in hand aims the theoretical-experimental investigation of the mechanical
behavior until rupture of Pinus oocarpa s wood beams reinforced externally for bending
with glass and jute epoxy-based composites. In the experimental program, the mechanical behavior under elevated temperatures of Pinus oocarpa was investigated. A tendency to reduce the elastic modulus and the compressive strength was verified with the increase of the temperature, which was traced back to the x-ray diffraction analysis. Tension tests on glass and jute fiber reinforced composites were performed showing a brittle and linear elastic behavior until rupture. Beside this, twenty two beams, with cross section of 10x15cm and 300 cm of length, was tested. The beams were divided into five groups: five non-reinforced beams, five reinforced beams with one fiberglass layer, six with three fiberglass layers, one with one layer of jute fiber and five with three layers of jute fiber. In the theoretical study, a basic model of the composite section for the elastic range was applied and two bilinear elasto-plastic models. From the comparison of the experimental and theoretical results, it was concluded that the first model is the best one to be applied in project. It was verified that all the reinforced beams presented an increase of the ultimate force varying from 16 to 26 per cent when considering the jute composites and from 54 to 81 per cent for the glass ones. It has been found that, with the addition of glass fibers, a change in the mode of rupture was observed. Without the reinforcement, the beams fractured with pure tension. When the composites were used as external reinforcement, some beams presented a small plastification on the compression zone. It was also observed that the jute fiber composites considerably modified the stiffness of the beams even with a lower gain in the load bearing resistance.
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Investigation on jute fibres and their composites based on polypropylene and epoxy matrices / Untersuchungen zu Jutefasern und ihren Verbunden mit Polypropylen-und Epoxidharz-MatrizesDoan, Thi Thu Loan 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
- Matrix modification of jute/polypropylene composites with MAHgPP - Fibre surface modification for epoxy/jute composites, including: NaOH treatment, silane coupling agents, epoxy dispersion and their combinations - Investigation the influence of modification on the performance of jute fibre and jute compostites. / Untersuchungen zum mechanischen und thermischen Verhalten sowie zur Benetzung von Jutefasern im Ausgangszustand, nach Entwachsen und nach Oberflächenmodifikation, mit dem Ziel einer Verwendung als Verstärkungsfasern in Verbundwerkstoffen. Untersuchungen zum mechanischen und thermischen Verhalten sowie zur hygrothermischen Alterung von Jute/Polypropylen (PP) Verbunden. Einfluss des PP-Typs, der Modifizierung der Matrix mit Maleinsäureanhydrid gepfropftem PP und des Faservolumengehalts.Untersuchung der Grenzschicht in Jute/Epoxidharz Verbunden in Hinblick auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften nach Alkalibehandlung und Oberflächenmodifikation der Jutefasern. Jutefasern haben gute spezifische mechanische Eigenschaften. Die Einzelfasereigenschaften unterliegen der bei Naturfasern üblichen Streuung der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Verstärkungsfasern (Glas, Carbon) nimmt wachstumsbedingt mit zunehmendem Faserquerschnitt die Festigkeit tendenziell zu. Faseroberflächenbehandlungen verbessern die Benetzbarkeit, erhöhen die thermische Stabilität und reduzieren die Feuchteaufnahme sowie den Diffusionskoeffizient. Jute/Polypropylen-Verbunde Chemische und physikalische Wechselwirkungen zwischen Faser und MAHgPP nach optimierter Kopplerauswahl verbessern in Abhängigkeit vom PP-Typ die Grenzflächenscherfestigkeit und die mechanischen Eigenschaften. Durch Einbeziehen der Grenzflächeneigenschaften können mit einer modifizierten Mischungsregel die Zugfestigkeiten der Verbunde beschrieben werden. Jute/Epoxidharz-Verbunde Faseroberflächenbehandlungen mit Natronlauge, Organosilanen, Epoxiddispersionen und deren Kombinationen führen zu verbesserter Benetzung, reduzierter Wasseraufnahme und verbesserter Haftung sowie verbesserten mechanischen Eigenschaften in Jute/Epoxidharz-Verbunden.
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Investigation on jute fibres and their composites based on polypropylene and epoxy matricesDoan, Thi Thu Loan 19 May 2006 (has links)
- Matrix modification of jute/polypropylene composites with MAHgPP - Fibre surface modification for epoxy/jute composites, including: NaOH treatment, silane coupling agents, epoxy dispersion and their combinations - Investigation the influence of modification on the performance of jute fibre and jute compostites. / Untersuchungen zum mechanischen und thermischen Verhalten sowie zur Benetzung von Jutefasern im Ausgangszustand, nach Entwachsen und nach Oberflächenmodifikation, mit dem Ziel einer Verwendung als Verstärkungsfasern in Verbundwerkstoffen. Untersuchungen zum mechanischen und thermischen Verhalten sowie zur hygrothermischen Alterung von Jute/Polypropylen (PP) Verbunden. Einfluss des PP-Typs, der Modifizierung der Matrix mit Maleinsäureanhydrid gepfropftem PP und des Faservolumengehalts.Untersuchung der Grenzschicht in Jute/Epoxidharz Verbunden in Hinblick auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften nach Alkalibehandlung und Oberflächenmodifikation der Jutefasern. Jutefasern haben gute spezifische mechanische Eigenschaften. Die Einzelfasereigenschaften unterliegen der bei Naturfasern üblichen Streuung der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Im Gegensatz zu konventionellen Verstärkungsfasern (Glas, Carbon) nimmt wachstumsbedingt mit zunehmendem Faserquerschnitt die Festigkeit tendenziell zu. Faseroberflächenbehandlungen verbessern die Benetzbarkeit, erhöhen die thermische Stabilität und reduzieren die Feuchteaufnahme sowie den Diffusionskoeffizient. Jute/Polypropylen-Verbunde Chemische und physikalische Wechselwirkungen zwischen Faser und MAHgPP nach optimierter Kopplerauswahl verbessern in Abhängigkeit vom PP-Typ die Grenzflächenscherfestigkeit und die mechanischen Eigenschaften. Durch Einbeziehen der Grenzflächeneigenschaften können mit einer modifizierten Mischungsregel die Zugfestigkeiten der Verbunde beschrieben werden. Jute/Epoxidharz-Verbunde Faseroberflächenbehandlungen mit Natronlauge, Organosilanen, Epoxiddispersionen und deren Kombinationen führen zu verbesserter Benetzung, reduzierter Wasseraufnahme und verbesserter Haftung sowie verbesserten mechanischen Eigenschaften in Jute/Epoxidharz-Verbunden.
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