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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Antibody-conjugated Gold Nanoparticles integrated in a fluorescence based Biochip

Ljungblad, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Gold nanoparticles exhibit remarkable optical properties and could prove useful in sensitive biosensing applications. Upon illumination gold nanoparticles produce localized surface plasmons, which influence nearby fluorophores and an enhancement in their fluorescence intensity can be observed. This property makes gold nanoparticles attractive for enhancing optical signals.</p><p>In this project gold nanoparticles were functionalized with an antibody and immobilized to the surface of an existing biochip platform based on fluorescence. The aim was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an increased fluorescence signal from the gold nanoparticles. Two different conjugation procedures were investigated, direct physisorption and covalent attachment of the antibodies to the particles. Activity of bound antibodies was confirmed in both cases.</p><p>The on-chip fluorescence intensity produced by the different conjugates was monitored by use a specialized fluorescence reader designed for point-of-care use. AFM and SEM were used to determine the surface concentration of particles. A correlation between the produced fluorescence intensity and the surface concentration could be seen.</p>

Antibody-conjugated Gold Nanoparticles integrated in a fluorescence based Biochip

Ljungblad, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
Gold nanoparticles exhibit remarkable optical properties and could prove useful in sensitive biosensing applications. Upon illumination gold nanoparticles produce localized surface plasmons, which influence nearby fluorophores and an enhancement in their fluorescence intensity can be observed. This property makes gold nanoparticles attractive for enhancing optical signals. In this project gold nanoparticles were functionalized with an antibody and immobilized to the surface of an existing biochip platform based on fluorescence. The aim was to investigate the possibility of obtaining an increased fluorescence signal from the gold nanoparticles. Two different conjugation procedures were investigated, direct physisorption and covalent attachment of the antibodies to the particles. Activity of bound antibodies was confirmed in both cases. The on-chip fluorescence intensity produced by the different conjugates was monitored by use a specialized fluorescence reader designed for point-of-care use. AFM and SEM were used to determine the surface concentration of particles. A correlation between the produced fluorescence intensity and the surface concentration could be seen.

Enhancement of Raman signals : coherent Raman scattering and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Chou, He-Chun 06 July 2012 (has links)
Raman spectroscopy is a promising technique because it contains abundant vibrational chemical information. However, Raman spectroscopy is restricted by its small scattering cross section, and many techniques have been developed to amplify Raman scattering intensity. In this dissertation, I study two of these techniques, coherent Raman scattering and surface enhanced Raman scattering and discuss their properties. In the first part of my dissertation, I investigate two coherent Raman processes, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). In CARS project, I mainly focus on the molecular resonance effect on detection sensitivity, and I find the detection sensitivity can be pushed into 10 [micromolar] with the assistance of molecular resonance. Also, I am able to retrieve background-free Raman spectra from nonresonant signals. For SRS, we develop a new SRS system by applying spectral focusing mechanism technique. We examine the feasibility and sensitivity of our SRS system. The SRS spectra of standards obtained from our system is consistent with literature, and the sensitivity of our system can achieve 10 times above shot-noise limit. In second part of this dissertation, I study surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and related plasmonic effects. I synthesize different shapes of nanoparticles, including nanorod, nanodimer structure with gap and pyramids by template method, and study how electric field enhancement effects correlate to SERS by two photon luminescence (TPL). Also, I build an optical system to study optical image, spectra and particle morphology together. I find that SERS intensity distribution is inhomogeneous and closely related to nanoparticle shape and polarization direction. However, TPL and SERS are not completely correlated, and I believe different relaxation pathways of TPL and SERS and coupling of LSPR and local fields at different frequencies cause unclear correlation between them. / text


Para, Prashanthi 01 January 2009 (has links)
L‐glutamate is associated with several neurological disorders; thus, monitoring fast dynamics of L‐glutamate is of great importance in the field of neuroscience. Electrode miniaturization demanded by many applications leads to reduced surface area and decreased amounts of immobilized enzymes on coated electrodes. As a result, lower signal‐to‐noise ratios are observed for oxidase‐enzyme based sensors. To increase the signal‐to‐noise ratio we have developed a process to fabricate micro‐ and nano‐ structures on the microelectrode surface. Localized surface‐plasmon resonances (SPR) has been extensively used to design label‐free biosensors that can monitor receptor‐ligand interactions. A major challenge with localized SPR sensors is that they remain highly susceptible to interference because they respond to both solution refractive index changes and surface binding of the target analyte. The key concept introduced in the present work is the exploitation of transverse and longitudinal resonance modes of nanorod arrays to differentiate between bulk refractive index changes and surface interactions. The transverse bulk sensitivity of the localized SPR sensor (107 nm/RIU) remains competitive with typical single mode gold nanosphere SPR sensors. The figure of merit for the device’s cross‐sensitivity (1.99) is comparable to that of typical wavelength‐interrogated propagating SPR sensors with self referencing.

Optical Properties and Electrochemical Dealloying of Gold-Silver Alloy Nanoparticles Immobilized on Composite Thin-Film Electrodes

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: Gold-silver alloy nanoparticles (NPs) capped with adenosine 5'-triphosphate were synthesized by borohydride reduction of dilute aqueous metal precursors. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy showed the as-synthesized particles to be spherical with average diameters ~4 nm. Optical properties were measured by UV-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis), and the formation of alloy NPs was verified across all gold:silver ratios by a linear shift in the plasmon band maxima against alloy composition. The molar absorptivities of the NPs decreased non-linearly with increasing gold content from 2.0 x 108 M-1 cm-1 (fÉmax = 404 nm) for pure silver to 4.1 x 107 M-1 cm-1 (fÉmax = 511 nm) for pure gold. The NPs were immobilized onto transparent indium-tin oxide composite electrodes using layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition with poly(diallyldimethylammonium) acting as a cationic binder. The UV-Vis absorbance of the LbL film was used to calculate the surface coverage of alloy NPs on the electrode. Typical preparations had average NP surface coverages of 2.8 x 10-13 mol NPs/cm2 (~5% of cubic closest packing) with saturated films reaching ~20% of ccp for single-layer preparations (1.0 ~ 10-12 mol NPs/cm2). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy confirmed the presence of alloy NPs in the LbL film and showed silver enrichment of the NP surfaces by ~9%. Irreversible oxidative dissolution (dealloying) of the less noble silver atoms from the NPs on LbL electrodes was performed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) in sulfuric acid. Alloy NPs with higher gold content required larger overpotentials for silver dealloying. Dealloying of the more-noble gold atoms from the alloy NPs was also achieved by CV in sodium chloride. The silver was oxidized first to cohesive silver chloride, and then gold dealloyed to soluble HAuCl4- at higher potentials. Silver oxidation was inhibited during the first oxidative scan, but subsequent cycles showed typical, reversible silver-to-silver chloride voltammetry. The potentials for both silver oxidation and gold dealloying also shifted to more oxidizing potentials with increasing gold content, and both processes converged for alloy NPs with >60% gold content. Charge-mediated electrochemistry of silver NPs immobilized in LbL films, using Fc(meOH) as the charge carrier, showed that 67% of the NPs were electrochemically inactive. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Chemistry 2014

Využití porézní aluminy pro přípravu nanostrukturovaných vrstev a jejich fotoelektrochemické a optické aplikace / Utilization of porous anodic alumina for fabrication of nanostructured layers and their photoelectrochemical and optical applications

Lednický, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
Porézní anodická alumina (PAA) je oxidová vrstva vytvořená anodickou oxidací hliníku, která má široké průmyslné využití. Její popularita zaznamenala exponenciální nárůst zejména v oblasti nanotechnologií, k čemu přispělo objevení jejího samouspořádání do struktury o nanorozměrech připomínající včelí plástev. Její jednoduchá příprava a laditelné vlastnosti z ní tvoří levný způsob výroby nanostruktur. Ve stejném duchu se tato disertační práce zabývá metodami přípravy funkčních nanostruktur za využití PAA. První část je zaměřena na výrobu pole nanosloupců z oxidu titaničitého (TiO2) a jejich možné použití jako fotoanody pro štěpení vody. TiO2 nanostloupce jsou tvořeny anodizací hliníkové vrstvy na titanovém substrátu, také nazývanou PAA-asistovaná anodizace. Táto studie demonstruje elektrochemické vlastnosti a fotoelektrochemickou aktivitu nano sloupců vytvořených z dusíkem obohacených substrátů, které byly následně různě termálně modifikovány. Hlavním poznatkem studie je, že špatné vlastnosti jsou způsobeny dutou morfologií nanosloupců. Tento poznatek vedl k rozsáhle studii zabývající se dopadem anodizačných podmínek na morfologii ale i stabilitu vytvořených nanosloupců, jejímž výsledkem byla nová strategie anodizace. Druhá část prezentuje výrobní proces přípravy uspořádané vrstvy zlatých nanočástic na transparentním substrátu pro jejich použití jako optického senzoru využívající efekt rezonance lokalizovaných povrchových plasmonů. Základem této multidisciplinární metody je využití kombinace samouspořádání PAA k výrobě šablony a následného procesu řízeného smáčení v pevné fázi tenké vrstvy zlata. Táto práce detailně popisuje technologické aspekty přípravy; od samotné výroby šablon z hliníku, přes vytváření zlatých nanočástic, až po jejich přenos na transparentní substrát. Na závěr této práce jsou kompozity z nanočástic charakterizovány, přičemž je porovnána jejich citlivost na změnu indexu lomu okolí a jejich stálost. Ze závěrů vyplývá, že tato poměrně velkoplošná a levná metoda je konkurence schopná i v oblasti senzorické citlivosti.

Surface- and tip-enhanced resonant Raman scattering from CdSe nanocrystals

Sheremet, E., Milekhin, A. G., Rodriguez, R. D., Weiss, T., Nesterov, M., Rodyakina, E. E., Gordan, O. D., Sveshnikova, L. L., Duda, T. A., Gridchin, V. A., Dzhagan, V. M., Hietschold, M., Zahn, D. R. T. 27 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Surface- and tip-enhanced resonant Raman scattering (resonant SERS and TERS) by optical phonons in a monolayer of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) is demonstrated. The SERS enhancement was achieved by employing plasmonically active substrates consisting of gold arrays with varying nanocluster diameters prepared by electron-beam lithography. The magnitude of the SERS enhancement depends on the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) energy, which is determined by the structural parameters. The LSPR positions as a function of nanocluster diameter were experimentally determined from spectroscopic micro-ellipsometry, and compared to numerical simulations showing good qualitative agreement. The monolayer of CdSe QDs was deposited by the Langmuir–Blodgett-based technique on the SERS substrates. By tuning the excitation energy close to the band gap of the CdSe QDs and to the LSPR energy, resonant SERS by longitudinal optical (LO) phonons of CdSe QDs was realized. A SERS enhancement factor of 2 × 10<sup>3</sup> was achieved. This allowed the detection of higher order LO modes of CdSe QDs, evidencing the high crystalline quality of QDs. The dependence of LO phonon mode intensity on the size of Au nanoclusters reveals a resonant character, suggesting that the electromagnetic mechanism of the SERS enhancement is dominant. Finally, the resonant TERS spectrum from CdSe QDs was obtained using electrochemically etched gold tips providing an enhancement on the order of 10<sup>4</sup>. This is an important step towards the detection of the phonon spectrum from a single QD. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Design, characterisation and biosensing applications of nanoperiodic plasmonic metamaterials / Conception, caractérisation et applications de métamatériaux nanopériodiques plasmoniques pour biocapteurs

Danilov, Artem 11 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse considère de nouvelles architectures prometteuses des métamatériaux plasmoniques pour biosensing, comprenant: (I) des réseaux périodiques 2D de nanoparticules d'Au, qui peuvent supporter des résonances des réseaux de surface couplées de manière diffractive; (II) Reseaux 3D à base de cristaux plasmoniques du type d'assemblage de bois. Une étude systématique des conditions d'excitation plasmonique, des propriétés et de la sensibilité à l'environnement local dans ces géométries métamatérielles est présentée. On montre que de tels réseaux peuvent combiner une très haute sensibilité spectrale (400 nm / RIU et 2600 nm / RIU, ensemble respectivement) et une sensibilité de phase exceptionnellement élevée (> 105 deg./RIU) et peuvent être utilisés pour améliorer l'état actuel de la technologie de biosensing the-art. Enfin, on propose une méthode de sondage du champ électrique excité par des nanostructures plasmoniques (nanoparticules uniques, dimères). On suppose que cette méthode aidera à concevoir des structures pour SERS (La spectroscopie du type Raman à surface renforcée), qui peut être utilisée comme une chaîne d'information supplémentaire à un biocapteur de transduction optique. / This thesis consideres novel promissing architechtures of plasmonic metamaterial for biosensing, including: (I) 2D periodic arrays of Au nanoparticles, which can support diffractively coupled surface lattice resonances; (II) 3D periodic arrays based on woodpile-assembly plasmonic crystals, which can support novel delocalized plasmonic modes over 3D structure. A systematic study of conditions of plasmon excitation, properties and sensitivity to local environment is presented. It is shown that such arrays can combine very high spectral sensitivity (400nm/RIU and 2600 nm/RIU, respectively) and exceptionally high phase sensitivity (> 105 deg./RIU) and can be used for the improvement of current state-of-the-art biosensing technology. Finally, a method for probing electric field excited by plasmonic nanostructures (single nanoparticles, dimers) is proposed. It is implied that this method will help to design structures for SERS, which will later be used as an additional informational channel for biosensing.

Structure et propriétés optiques de nanoparticules couplées : application à la spectroscopie Raman exaltée de surface / Structure and optical properties of coupled nanoparticles : application to surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Yazidi, Senda 10 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail vise à utiliser des surfaces d'alumine nanostructurées pour guider la croissance et l'organisation de particules métalliques (Ag, Au et AgxAu1-x), et à les tester en tant que substrats SERS-actifs robustes et réutilisables. Nous avons utilisé la spectrophotométrie pour la caractérisation des propriétés optiques résultantes, l'ellipsométrie spectroscopique pour l'extraction des indices optiques et la microscopie électronique en transmission pour les caractérisations structurales. La diffusion Raman exaltée de surface (SERS) a été utilisée pour la détection de molécules de bipyridine adsorbées sur la surface des échantillons, en collaboration avec l’Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel de Nantes. Nous étudions d'abord des systèmes de nanoparticules monométalliques et bimétalliques afin de comprendre les modes de croissance de telles assemblées. Nous montrons que des arrangements différents de nanoparticules bimétalliques sont obtenus selon la séquence de dépôt utilisée et qu'un alliage est obtenu à l'issue de recuits ex situ sous vide. Les propriétés optiques en champ proche et lointain de nanoparticules d'alliage AgxAu1-x noyées dans une matrice d'Al2O3 sont comparées numériquement à celles des métaux purs, par la méthode de calcul des différences finies dans le domaine temporel. Les résultats indiquent que l’amplification du champ pour les nanoparticules de métal pur est plus élevée que pour les nanoparticules d’alliage. Enfin, les expériences SERS menées sur un système dichroïque de nanoparticules d’Ag plus ou moins couplées montrent que l'on peut obtenir un signal SERS intense avec des nanoparticules recouvertes. / The aim of this work is to use nanostructured alumina surfaces to guide the growth and to optimize the organization of metallic particles (Ag, Au and AgxAu1-x), and to test those systems as reusable SERS-active substrates. We used spectrophotometry to characterize the resulting optical properties, spectroscopic ellipsometry for the determination of the optical index and transmission electron microscopy for the structural characterizations. Surfaced-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) was used for the detection of adsorbed bipyridine molecules on the sample surface, in collaboration with the Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel at Nantes. We first study systems consisting of monometallic and bimetallic nanoparticles in order to understand the growth modes of such particle assemblies. A particular attention is paid to the influence of the sequential deposition of Au and Ag on the structural and optical properties. We show that different arrangements of bimetallic nanoparticles are obtained according to the deposition sequence used and that an alloy is obtained after ex situ annealing under vacuum. The near-field and far-field optical properties of AgxAu1-x nanoparticle alloys embedded in an alumina matrix are compared numerically by the finite difference time domain method, with those of pure metal nanoparticles. Our results indicate that pure metal nanoparticles exhibit a greater field enhancement than alloy nanoparticles. Finally, SERS experiments conducted with a dichroic system made of coupled Ag nanoparticles show that an intense SERS signal can be obtained with coated nanoparticles.

Spatial Modulation Spectroscopy Of Single Nano-Objects In A Liquid Environment For Biosensing Applications / Spectroscopie À Modulation Spatiale De Nano-Objets Uniques En Milieu Liquide Pour Des Applications En Biosensing

Rye, Jan-Michael 16 March 2017 (has links)
Le développement de méthodes rapides, précises et ultra-sensibles pour la détection d'analytes cibles en solution est crucial pour la recherche et les applications potentielles en médecine ou biologie moléculaire. Une approche très prometteuse consiste à développer des nano-capteurs à partir de nano-objets métalliques (NOM) qui présentent une résonance d'extinction dans leur réponse optique. Cette résonance nommée résonance de plasmon de surface localisée (RPSL) peut être ajustée spectralement en jouant sur la nature, la morphologie et l'environnement du NOM. Mesurer des modifications sur la RPSL de nano-objets individuels en présence d'analytes cibles doit permettre de s'affranchir des effets de moyennes dans les mesures d'ensemble. De plus, cela ouvre la voie vers le développement d'échantillons micrométriques pour des tests multicibles sans étiquette (« label-free »).Dans ce travail on a développé un nouveau dispositif expérimental basé sur la technique de spectroscopie à modulation spatiale (SMS) permettant de sonder la réponse optique de NOM individuels en milieu liquide. En parallèle des méthodes de synthèse ont été mises au point pour obtenir des échantillons sondes stables permettant des mesures sur NOM unique, en particulier sur des bipyramides d'or qui présentent de nombreuses qualités intrinsèques faisant d'elles de bonnes candidates pour le « bio-sensing ».Des mesures ont été réalisées dans des environnements d'indice variable et les changements détectés sont en bon accord avec les simulations théoriques. De plus, de nombreuses études ont été réalisées pour comprendre l'influence des nombreux paramètres agissant sur la réponse optique des systèmes étudiés / Advances in the development of rapid, accurate and highly sensitive methods for detecting target analytes in solution will provide crucial tools for research and applications in medicine and molecular biology. One of the currently most promising approaches is the development of nanosensors based on the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of noble metal nano-objects (MNOs), which is an optical response that depends on their size, shape, composition and local environment. The ability to measure the modification of the reponse of a single MNO in the presence of a target analyte would allow each object to act as an independent probe with increased sensitivity as the signal would be isolated from the averaging effects of ensemble measurements. Furthermore it would allow the development of micrometric, functionalized multiprobe samples for multitarget label-free assays.In this work, a novel experimental setup based on the spatial modulation spectroscopy (SMS) technique has been developed to measure the optical response of individual nano-objects in a liquid environment. In parallel, a new technique has also been developed to elaborate stable probes for measurements with the new setup, with a focus on gold bipyramids due to numerous qualities that make them excellent candidates for biosensing probes. The setup has been used to measure the response of individual objects in environments of different real refractive indices and the detected changes have been shown to be in good agreement with theoretical calculations. Numerical studies have also been performed to investigate the influence on the optical response of numerous factors encountered in the studied systems

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